More Action With My Wife’s Friend and Her Ex-Husband ([MF] and [MF] in Part 1)

Well, it has been three weeks since Tyler and Katy’s visit. The stories about me, my wife and Katy have gotten a lot of attention here, but we have pulled them all down over time. Why is part of the backstory I’ll tell to get everyone who didn’t get to t read them up to speed.

Katy and Tyler divored a while back. Over a year ago now? I lose track of the timing. They were separated for a while before that. Katy was friends with my wife, Chrissy, and they became closer after the divorce. Katy started to share how lonely she was getting. Typical divorcee stuff. I’ve never gotten the full story but I think some mimosas during a brunch got Katy to share that she was getting horny too.

Chrissy devised a plan for me to fuck her friend. She said she was loaning me out. Chrissy and I play and each have histories of doing so before we got together, so it wasn’t groundbreaking except for the way the plan was sprung on me. Katy was there when I was told about it. Katy knew what was going to happen and must have been as horny as my wife said. She was wild that night, came a lot, and had a lot of endurance. She needed it bad. My wife was happy to help me give it to her.

There were a couple of other times I got loaned out to Katy. That term had become a susbstitute for us all just wanting to play. Then, it sorta stopped. Then, Katy and Tyler started seeing each other again. The stories came down at Katy’s request. She felt that they might complicate things if discovered by Tyler (Katy knows he is active on Reddit). Odds were low and the names had been (and still are) changed and all that. But it also didn’t seem right to have them out there if she and Tyler were trying a very delayed reconcilation.

Katy eventually told Tyler what had happened. He wasn’t happy about it. Though they had been divorced a long time, separated before that, he had been nowhere to be found in our social circles since, and our only connection was through the ladies’ friendship, I could tell he considered it a sort of betrayal by me. Or something. He wasn’t happy. He started making it clear he had his eyes on becoming part of the playing, mostly because he wanted to revenge fuck Chrissy. He did mellow and eventually told me that he was going to let go of wanting payback since it would probably end up causing problems with Katy. He seems sincere about making it work with her and even passed up an opportunity to fuck Chrissy one night and just watched with me as Katy get her off on our couch instead.

Chrissy and I knew they’d both be pushing for some MFMF action. And MFM. And FFM. And FF. Sure enough, on the next visit it happened. This is that story that I finally got permission to write and post.

We knew it was going to be a crazy Friday night. We were supposed to just be playing cards. This doesn’t become a strip poker story, but we did play a couple of games of Hearts. It was unspoken that the cards were just an excuse to get together for other things. The other things always start with someone making a suggestive comment or a racy joke. I usually try to put conversations in these stories, but I was told by Katy and Chrissy that they made it too long (they also insisted I break the story into parts). So I’ll just leave it at those comment were made. They got more obvious as the night went on and the drinks were consumed. Eventually Chrissy says….

“Cards are boring. I think I know why you all are here anyway!”

Katy and Tyler look confused. Its an act. They know she’s right. We know they know she’s right. Since it was just the ladies that played in front of us last time, it was inevitable that a joke was made that the guys should put on a show this time. Quickly laughed off, the girls still insisted that they weren’t going to be the only ones naked this time.

I usually let things unfold and don’t try very hard to make things happen. I don’t know why. But I’m sort of passive in these situations. This time I changed things up and got very direct. A lot of it was alcohol. Some of it was just wanting to get rid of the feeling that Tyler would always have it in the back of his head that he hadn’t evened things up until he fucked Chrissy. “Let’s quit talking in circles. How are we gonna do this?”

There was a slight pause that led to a brief silence before Katy said, “Fuck it. I’ll start it.” She wasn’t even that drunk. Over time she had turned into the one who really pushed for things to happen. Katy’s shirt came off. “Boys?”

I pulled my hoodie off. After getting heckled for leaving the t-shirt I had underneath on, I took it off too. All eyes turned to Tyler. He shed his polo and t-shirt at the same time. Chrissy got the looks next and, still nothing being said, she lifted her sweater over her head and threw it in the corner of the dining room.

I told everyone that that room wasn’t a good one for groups to fuck in and suggested we go to the living room or our bedroomm. Chrissy chose the living room. Our sectional makes for good positions and viewing. It was also where this all got started. It was where I’d first pounded Katy’s little ass. For those interested, I’d say Katy is 5’2″ and probably about 110 pounds. She’s a small woman but her tits and ass are tight on that little frame. And she can fuck.

So can Chrissy. I was lucky to get them both to myself before. Chrissy is 5’6″ and is a little heavier than usual due to the pandemic keeping her out of the gym and eating junk food at the house all the time (she says those things, not me!). She’s still only about 135 pounds. Tits a little larger than Katy’s. Now solid C cups. She’s dyed her hair a reddish brown and she’s kept it cut at her shoulders recently. Contrasts with Katy’s hair, now also dyed solid black and that doesn’t quite get to her shoulders.

Katy made comment about remembering what happened in our living room. I hoped Tyler took that to mean what he saw happene with her and Chrissy, not what happened a while back with me and Katy.

As we entered the living room Chrissy slapped Katy’s ass and said, “Who’s first on this?” I volunteered. Tyler tried to hide his excitement that that meant he’d probably be messing around with Chrissy soon.

Katy said she’d like to watch them first. A few alarm bells went off in my head about that, but I went with it. Chrissy did too and as soon as we got to the couch, she pushed down onto a cushion and started undoing the belt on his jeans. She got it, then the button, then the zipper open. She looked back at me with her usual, “I’m making sure you’re OK with this” look. I gave her my, “Yes I am” expression. She turned back, pulled his underwear waistband down, put his already hard dick in her mouth and started bobbing her head.

Tyler, looking shocked to have this be happening, takes a deep breath and looks over at Katy. A small exchnage between them that everythign is OK and how good it feels and then Katy scoots over and sits on my lap.

She wiggles her but on my crotch and says through a playful smile, “I don’t feel anything happening down there yet..” I tell her she will and grin back. She said she wanted to let Tyler get started and watch her ex-husband fuck her friend for a minute before that happened.

Eventually, both Katy and I goad Tyler into making a move. “You going to finish in her mouth or are you going to fuck her?” Katy asked. Tyler takes this as a challenge and gently lifts Chrissy’s face out of his crotch and asks her to let him stand up. Once he does, he moves around to Chrissy’s backside, grabs her by the hip with one hand, puts his other hand on the back of her shoulder, signaling her to bend over the couch. Chrissy says he’s forgetting something and then undoes her jeans’ button and zipper, and then does a little shimmy as she pushes them, but not her panties, down to just above her knees. Tyler takes care of the panties, pushing them down to just above the top of her jeans.

Now that he’s standing, and just before he pulls down his own pants and underwear, you can see that this very average sized man had a slightly above average cock. He is a bit bigger than me. Not ridiculously so, but it is noticeable. Chrissy notices when he slid right into her with one try that took very little effort. “I knew it was big, but the feeling is still a surprise!”

Tyler wouldn’t be able to deny that he was eager to fuck Chrissy and that there was a lot of emotion behind it. Not feelings for Chrissy, but just some kind of need on his part to even up with me. He was fucking her for more than fun. You could tell. I actually started to think that maybe, if he finished up before Katy and I started, he might suddenly want to call it a night. I could understand that , even if it probably would mean we’d never play with him and Katy again.

But that ended up not being a problem. After Chrissy complimented Katy having such a good dick at home, or something like that, Chrissy asked Tyler if he was having fun and if it felt good. Of course he said yes. Anyone fucking Chrissy is going to say that! She said it was her turn to feel good, but that she’d keep watching.

Katy asked me to lay back on the couch. Since Chrissy and Tyler were on the other end of the sectional, there was plenty of room. Once I was on my back I looke up and saw Katy taking off her bra. I reminded Chrissy to do the same. Tyler unclasped it and she pulled each arm back and let it fall off underneath her on the couch. Katy had her pants off at this point and was completely naked. Tyler’s pants had been pushed down to his ankles and he’d even stepped out of one leg to get a wider stance to fuck Chrissy harder. I was the only one with any clothes on at this point.

Katy undid my zipper and button. I’d not been wearing a belt, which was unsual. Made it easier for her to pull my pants down once I lifted up my rear and helped her get them down. Off one leg, then the other. Katy and I were fully nude, Tyler left his pants around one ankle for some reason, and Chrissy’s jeans had finally to her ankles. They’d been helped going down bit by her wanting to lift her leg a little and put a knee on the edge of the couch. It made for a better angle for Tyler to fuck her.

Katy said, “Oh, there IS something going on down there now!” I’d gotten hard after she’d gotten naked. “Let me have that!” She put one knee between me and the back of the couch. She left one foot on the floor as she lowered her pussy onto my cock. “Oh shit. I remember this! Do you?” Hell yes I remembered fucking right there before!

She kept going. “I’m not even really drunk this time. I just like to fuck. You helped me figure that out you know that? That I like to fuck.” She was riding me slowly at this point.

“Glad I could help.” is all could muster through a smile. Her pussy is tight and feels so good.

“Thank you for helping me and showing me that.” She sped up a little. “I used to not cum very much. It was hard even when I was doing it myself. Now I can cum fast. And a lot. Thank you.” I wasn’t expecting that at all. If she’d told Chrissy that, Chrissy hadn’t told me. She tells me pretty much everything, so I figured Katy hadn’t shared these thoughts before.

Chrissy’s heavy breathing gets hard to ignore. It didn’t sound like she was about to cum, but she was clearly headed in the direction. Tyler was plowing into her hard. Yeah, he was a man on a mission. He’d been looking forward to this. You could here the slaps of his groin against Chrissy’s ass. He suddenly slowed down and asked what the rules were for cumming. Inside? On? Only with your own partner?

Katy said, “Don’t make a mess. We may have to stop if you do.” She didn’t miss a beat going up and down on my cock.

Chissy asked, “Are you close?” Tyler said he had to stop to ask because, yeah, he was at the edge. “Then hold on.” Chrissy pulled off Tyler’s dick and spun around to sit on the couch. She put a hand on each of his hips, opened her mouth wide, and pulled him to her. She took her right hand and started jacking him off at the base of his dick while here mouth took care of the other half.

Katy said, “I think she’ll keep you from making a mess!” Not a minute later, Tyler warns he’s going to cum. He does. You can tell by the change in his breathing but he doesn’t make much sound otherwise, so you can hear Chrissy’s little, “Mmmp” sounds every time he shoots in her mouth.

Chrissy swallows it all. Not a drop had come out from the seal she had around the head of Tyler’s dick. She stands up and says, “No mess.” She’s almost face-to-face with Tyler as he’s actually not much taller than her. She looks straight at him and says, “That was a lot. Were you looking forward to doing that?”

Tyler, still a little out of breath, says, “Yeah. Not gonna lie. A little bit.”

“Good. You probably need a few minutes. We can watch them and you can see exactly what happened before.”

This was starting to get a little to direct and obvious with the history but I wasn’t going to stop Katy. She’d pulled her other knee up on the very edge of the couch. She’d been here before and said it worked, but I know it had to be awkward with what little room there was. If it bothered her at all, she didn’t show it. She was able to go much faster now that one foot wasn’t on the floor. She sat straight up, slowed down a little, grabbed one tit with her left hand, and reached down and started playing with herself with her right. This wasn’t me, it was her knowing what she wanted and what felt good. Her neck almost immediately started straining and her mouth fell open a little bit. Se stopped going up and down and began grinding on me instead. She let go of her tit, leaned forward and used that now free hand to brace herself on the couch just above my head, kept her other between her legs, and really started working her clit with it. I could feel her hand moving faster and faster. It started to feel like a vibration at the top of my pubic bone. Her eyes closed for a moment. When they opened back up, her mouth fell further open. She barely got out the words between her irregular and sharp breathes, “I told you I like to cum. I told you.” Then…..”Uhhhhhhhh…..UHHHHHHHH…..OHHHH GOD! OH GOD! OHHHHHHHH. OHHHH GOD! OHHH FUCK! FUCK! OHHHH! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” A few pants. “Oh God.” A few slightly deeper breathes. “Oh my God.” A few moments later, “Ohhhhhh….oh shit. That….was….fuck….hold on…”

We held on. Katy and Tyler had gotten off. It was going to be me and Chrissy’s turn.


That’ll just have to be in part two. I have to get the seal of approval after Tyler, Chrissy, and Katy see this go up online. It’ll get posted almost no matter what but a good reaction to this part won’t slow things down and may even help convince them to put the older stories back up!



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