The Farmer Friends – Part 4 [SFW] Chapter 3

[Part 1](
[Part 2](
[Part 3](

Chapter Three

I woke up feeling the bed move has Becky was climbing out. The sky was light but the sun had not yet climbed above the horizon. Through the window’s embroidered curtains I could see the outline of another farmhouse behind Becky’s, and to the right of it was a large tool shed. Further back, a large red barn.

“You can sleep in if you want to. My goats and my horses will be upset if I don’t bring them food soon” she said. She was wearing a white silk nightgown and was pulling it over her head to remove it.

“No, I’ll come with you. I’d like to meet your horses,” I replied.

Wearing only light pink panties, I watched her hips sway as she walked to the place next to where I was lying and reached down to the floor to pick up the bra and the jeans that we had dropped there the night before. I watched in admiration the way her breasts hung loose as she bent over to pick them up. “Women look good in any situation, without even trying,” I thought to myself.

I brought my feet over the side of the bed to get out, and after we were both dressed, walked down the wooden stairs into the first floor and out the back door to the farm beyond.

We fed the goats, and then walked to the stable to let the horses out to the pasture. Becky let me scoop oats into the trough, and when we were finished with her morning chores, we lingered in the stable chatting.

“This is basically hobby farm for me and my sister. We don’t make enough money to be real farmers, so I work downtown in Sioux Falls for an advertising agency. My sister is a hairdresser and my brother-in-law sells seed through the co-op. But none of us would ever sell this land and we love the lifestyle.”

Outside the door there was the noise of a man’s voice. “Shit Roxy! Don’t be eating cat shit.”

A man walked through the stable doorway and said, “morning Becky.” He noticed my presence with a surprised look on his honest, friendly face, smiled and said, “we have a visitor. Welcome, my name is Charlie and I have the pleasure of being this woman’s brother-in-law.” He extended a strong hand with rough skin to me to shake mine.

I met his gaze with a friendly smile in return and replied, “pleasure to meet you, my name is Sam.”

“His truck is stuck in the mud out behind the west field on 199th. Came in late last night and I gave him a room. You think later you can pull him back to the pavement?” asked Becky. I watched an extra smile of amusement flash through his eyes at the mention of me spending the night.

“Oh sure, no problem. Let me take care of a few things this morning and then I’ll look after your truck,” he told me.

I thanked him heartily and then he walked back out the door, whistling to the border collie to follow.

Becky was glowing with pride and said, “I could not ask for a better brother-in-law. Basically works two full time jobs, the farm here and the job at the co-op. The man is tireless.”

I nodded an agreement.

“Well, how about some breakfast? I usually eat with my sister.”

“That sounds great. I feel like I’m getting to know the whole family,” I replied.

I thought to myself, “it feels so good to be with people I can relate to.” It did not occur to me how lonely I had been for the past few months until now, now that I was being let into someone’s life and friendship.

In Charlie and Ruth’s house I sat at their kitchen table as Becky and her sister Ruth chattered away, cooking pancakes and eggs. It was obvious that they welcomed my friendship too, and Ruth was delighted to feed me. She questioned me thoroughly about my life story, my current job, my parents, my brother and his wife and kids, until the food was piled high and steaming in the middle of the table. As if on cue, Charlie walked through the door, kicked off his work boots in the mud room, washed his hands in the kitchen sink and then sat down across from me. Becky and Ruth sat down and feeding commenced.

Ruth was about eight years younger than Becky. Her face was more round and she had long, dark brown hair done up in a French braid. She was a foot shorter than Becky and had a fairly petite frame. However, she had the same good humor and sparkle in her eyes.

When we finished our breakfast and coffee Becky offered, “Sam, would you like to go find a ride?”

“Of course, I would love to! It’s been a long time since I had a chance. And I’ve never ridden around here before. This should be interesting, I’m used to seeing cactus and mountains around me when I ride,” I told her.

“Well then, hun, you are in for a treat. We will ride across our property over to the state land. There are some nice trails in some good views over the river.”

As we walked through Charlie and Ruth’s backyard, Becky asked me, “so what do you think of them? Ruthie is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet and she found a good man to take care of her didn’t she? Hell, he takes good care of me too. I do my best to help them out with the work here, share the load, and she and I take turns cooking. Sometimes Charlie’s brother comes out to help when he is on leave from the Army. The two of them eat for as much as 10 men.”

“They do seem like good people,” I agreed. “Do you get along with them all the time? It seems to me like living so close to family to be a problem occasionally. Especially if you have to share a business together.”

“Oh no, no problems at all. We have our separate lives, but we have great fun together too. Charlie really is a good man..” She trailed off, and was quiet for a little while.

I hoped that she would go on, but she did not.

In the stable we checked on the new colt and mother. All was well, and I helped her saddle two horses. As we set out, I told her about my work, and the funny situations I had encountered with our clients. She related with her own awkward stories at the business she works for. We laughed and chatted, following the edge of a field up a hill with the forest on our right. The field was terraced with swooping dirt berms, and it dropped down to a lazy river lined with trees. Across the river the valley rose again, covered in fields. Another barn and a silo stood on the horizon.

[Part 5](
