The Farmer Friends – Part 2 [SFW] Chapter 2

[Part 1](

Chapter 2

A dog greeted me at the white picket fence barking with great enthusiasm and some menace, and the front porch light turned on.

“Quiet, beast!” I heard a woman’s voice call out. “Can I help you?”

“Hello! Sorry to bother you, my pickup is stuck in the mud just down the road. I was wondering if you have a phone I could use. My cell phone doesn’t work out here.”

“Yeah sure, let me grab Roxy before you open that gate.”

She jogged down the steps of her porch and took hold of her dog’s collar. “Go on inside and I will follow right behind you.”

I nodded, feeling bad that I was causing her trouble so late in the evening and upsetting her dog. I walked up the steps and across the porch, noticing some handmade wooden furniture with artfully cut flowers carved into the backs. I entered the door of the house, letting the wooden screen door shut behind me with a clack. I was standing in a kitchen. The room was lit with a warm yellow light. It smelled like a farm house should smell like, with lingering traces of fresh baked bran muffins and the light earthy smell of a very old building.

I stepped forward to let the woman in behind me, and a spark of recognition formed in the back of my head as she turned to face me.

She looked at me and squinted her eyes, “we have met before, haven’t we?” she asked.

I nodded with my lips pursed in thought. “You had a flat tire and we got it repaired, remember?”

“Yes!” Her voice was earnest and excited. “How could I forget? Well today the tables have turned, haven’t they?”

“Come and sit down, would you like something to drink? I’m sorry that I don’t have much. Would you like water, milk, or tea? I have Earl Grey, Chai, and English breakfast,” She offered.

“Oh, tea sounds good but I shouldn’t drink anything caffeinated so late. A cup of water would be nice thank you,” I replied,” I’m sorry, I’m bad with names. Is your name Becky?”

“Yes, you’re right… And your name is… Sam?”

“You got it.” I replied. “What an amazing coincidence. You were dressed so businesslike; I did not imagine that you lived on a farm.”

“Well, my sister and brother-in-law run this farm. They live in a house behind mine. When our parents passed away, we inherited the two houses on the farm. I grew up here and I love it. It’s a bit of a drive to the office, especially when the weather is bad, but city life really wears me down. I have a couple of horses, and I help my brother-in-law sometimes, especially when it’s busy in the harvest,” explained Becky.

“It sounds like you have a good situation then. I don’t have a lot of experience on farms, but I grew up with horses. Have not ridden a horse in about 5 years though.”

“Oh wonderful! I knew there was something about you that I liked. I recognize a cowboy from a thousand yards away. I can.”

I laughed at that label. “I would not call myself a cowboy. I have never owned a cow and I work with electricity every day, not riding fences. I am from Arizona though…”

“No kidding, I have been to Arizona. I was in a barrel riding competition in Globe once,” said Becky.

“Oh really! I am from Superior and probably could guess exactly where you competed,” I said.

“It really is a small world then. So what can I help you with? Where is your pickup?”

“I drove down the dirt road straight east of here. It’s about a hundred feet past the pavement,” I explained.

“Oh dear, you really are stuck then. Charles almost buried his tractor in the mud there a couple of weeks ago. He is my brother-in-law, by the way. A good hard working man. Say, tomorrow I can talk with him and he’ll pull your truck out with the big tractor. I’ll give you a ride home tonight, though I suppose you won’t have a way to get back here in the morning to pick up your truck. Hm. I’ll make a bed for you upstairs. This house had a family of seven children when my grandad ran this farm. Kind of funny now to just have a single woman living here, you know?”

I squinted my eyes and tried to read her face, was this a real offer or was she expecting me to decline?

“I would hate to bother you, I’d be happy to go sleep in my truck.” As the words came out of my mouth I knew that what I was saying was ridiculous. There is no other sensible option except to accept her offer.

She shot me an incredulous offended look, but it relaxed and then she smiled when I continued, “actually, yes it would be good to stay here. Thank you so much, you are repaying me 10 times over.”

“Oh hush,” she said, “it really is nothing. It’s nice to have company from time to time. Have you had anything to eat?”

I let her make me a ham sandwich. She stepped into her pantry, and when she came out with a new jar of mayonnaise I thought maybe her blouse had two more buttons undone. I could see a cleavage line now where once only floral print had been. She was wearing a long-sleeved ranch shirt with lace trim on the collar and the end of the her sleeves and buttons with pearl caps. She wore well-used blue jeans, and they sat on her hips nicely, showing off the ass of a farm girl. Well-shaped, firm from hard work, but appropriately plump from drinking whole milk and eating meat and potatoes every night. The pockets on each cheek had an embroidered paisley. She was barefoot with red polish on her toenails.

She told me about the farm, the corn they grew and the cattle they kept while I ate my supper. I watched her body language, she was enthusiastically telling me about the new foal that that was born a couple of weeks ago. She was pulling her hair over her shoulder and combing her fingers through it and turning it around her index finger. Then she would lace her fingers together and straighten her arms, acting fidgety and giddy. I thought to myself, “she is as flirty as a school girl.”

More than happy about where I saw that this was going, I responded in kind. I laughed heartily at her story of the colt’s antics and the owl that spooked her while she was checking on the chicken coop one night.

When I was finished eating, I stood up and walked over to lean against the counter in the kitchen facing her. I told her about the pony I had trained with my parents. “He would come up behind you and knock your hat to the ground.” I said as I pretended to knock a hat off of her head. I bent over, picked the imaginary hat up, and then pretended to put it back on her head. She laughed

She put a hand on my shoulder and said, “well tomorrow we should definitely go for a ride before you leave.”

“I would like that very much,” I said.

“Would you like to go sit down in the living room? she asked.

I agreed and we walked to the next room. One wall was brick with a large fireplace. The ceiling was stately with pressed tin ceiling tiles and crown molding. In front of the leather couch with heavy dark wood armrests was a card table and a large partially assembled puzzle.

“Oh how fun! I have not had time to work a puzzle in ages!” I exclaimed.

She chuckled and said “you’re welcome to work on it, knock yourself out.”

I sat in front of the puzzle, and she sat next to me.

We chatted merrily, often brushing shoulders as we leaned in to pick up puzzle pieces.

After about 45 minutes, Becky stood up and said, “would you like to watch something and have a beer? I have light beer and some stout. I’m having stout myself.”

“That sounds great, I’ll have a stout too. You have good taste.” I replied.

“I know. I have good taste in movies too. Fargo, Sharknado, or Men in Black?”

“Men in Black,” I replied.

“Good choice, Will Smith is a very sexy man.”

I laughed as I raised an eyebrow at her, “I would not disagree with that.”

I slid the card table out of the way as she fetched the beers.

[Part 3](
