Step Sister Corruption Part 77 – Day 36 Volley (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I feel a little weird sitting in the bleachers watching girl’s play volleyball but I’m here to support Kel.

I was checking my phone hoping Dr. Braxter would email me back on my rough draft for my first project using those supplements making sure that I hit all the highlights that Dr. Braxter wanted me to hit in my outline. Though I was submitting it a week early I still wanted to get a head start to make sure I was doing it correctly.

I glanced around to notice that the bleachers weren’t as packed as I expected it to be.

True there was some parent’s here to support their kids and some other people obviously sorting their team or girlfriend who was playing. I still felt weird sitting watching girl’s in super tight outfits play a game I had no interest in following.

Kind of made me feel like a perv sitting here.

And what was there to not perv on girl’s in tight class uniforms that looked like it was painted on.

I mean how can a girl play a sport where the fabric they were wearing that looked like they had a permanent wedgie was beyond me. Though it did wonders to their butt.

Volleyball shorts were my second favorite piece of clothing that did wonders to a girl’s rear only followed by yoga pants.

And not to be cynical or playing favorites or anything like that but seeing Kel’s rear in volleyball shorts gave me dirty thoughts.


Was I actually appreciating Kelly’s ass as a lover?

No that can’t be it.

I wonder who would look better in volley ball shorts Kelly or Summer?

I looked at the other girl’s in their uniforms and wondered if they appreciated the attention.

They had to know or they wouldn’t have their uniforms so tight on their bodies.

I sat there waiting for Kelly’s team to start.

Currently I was watching two other teams playing.

It was easy to tell who was playing what position.

The tall ones were in front being the wall for the team while the short ones were in the back diving for the ball keeping it from touching the ground.

Looking at all the girl’s sort of reminded me an anime I watched.

I kind of zoned out remembering the lay out of the anime and how it went when my phone chimed making me jump in my seat.

I jumped so hard I nearly threw my phone in the air and yelped like a girl.

I looked around and a couple of people caught my startled expression as if they were getting a small show hoping my phone would go airborne and see if the warranty would be voided due to clumsiness. But I was able to contain my composure……barely.

I opened my phone to see Jessica text me.


Jessica is actually texting me after how long?

Still I opened it.

Jessica: I see you.

I looked up and looked around quickly spotting Jessica. There sat Jessica on the other side of the bleachers with a large group of girls all wearing the same shirt….some Greek letters.

Looks like Jessica joined a sorority.

At least that explained why she had been so distant.

She waved at me once she saw that I noticed her. Then she spoke to her sorority sisters before getting up and walking over towards me.

Kel who was sitting with her team immediately saw Jessica giving her a glare then looked at me with an obvious scorn.

Jessica walked passed Kel and over towards me.

She eventually got to me and stood in front of me, “Is this seat taken?”

I shrugged and said, “It’s not until my family shows up.”

She looked around, “Oh where are they?”

I shrugged, “Dad’s with some business partners whatever that means. Mom’s running late with the kiddos. And Summer is still at work.”

Jessica frowned and looked down, “Oh.”

She shifted her weight and said, “Listen I wanted to apologize how everything went.”

I looked up at her, “I thought when we got back you’d be living in your own? Not going back to your parent’s.”

She sighed, “They are my parents Gabe.”

I looked up at her a little hurt that she went back to her parent’s but decided to take the high road, “And I see you joined a sorority.”

She half smiled, “Yeah my mom is an alum so I’m a legacy.”

I nodded without giving her a smile, “Looks good on you.”

She fixed her hair, “So we ok?”

I looked up at her and said the only thing I could think of, “Enjoy your life Jessica.”

She instantly teared up like I slapped her in the face.

I got up and said, “If you’ll excuse me I’m here to support my sister.”

And I walked off leaving Jessica standing there moving to higher position.

I sat down where there wasn’t a big crowd and more space to myself. I looked down and saw Jessica just standing there before she wiped a tear from her face and walked back to her sisters.

Kel watched the entire thing and mouth to me after Jessica walked past her ‘You ok?’

I nodded and mouthed ‘Focus on your game’.

Kel nodded and went back to watching the game.

I sat there waiting when my phone did a double chime.

I opened my phone to find I had a text and an email.

I opened my email first hoping the e-mail wasn’t your typical spam but I knew with all the filters I had setup both in my phone and e-mail app most spam and junk email was simply ignored. I had it set to notify me if the e-mails were valid and were essentially important to me.

And this e-mail was definitely important to me.

It was from Dr. Riley Braxter.

*Mr. Gabriel Jennings,*

*I’ve read your outline for your first project and see you’ve hit all the high notes that I’ve asked you to highlight in your project. Would you like to submit this as your final draft?*

*Also, I’d like to speak to your office about a possible opportunity. *

*I look forward to your reply. *

*Dr. Riley Braxter*

I quickly replied asking her if my rough draft will receive a high grade and I’ll be available after Kel’s match for the opportunity.

Then I switched over to my text. It was from Summer.

Summer: has Kelly’s match started?

I quickly typed back.

Me: nope we’re waiting for the current match to end

Summer: ok I’m almost off work so I should be there shortly

I smiled knowing I’ll have company soon and put my phone back in my pocket.

I sat there watching the girl’s currently playing and admitted watching girl’s jump up and down hitting a ball around did make certain sections of their bodies bounce even in their tight uniforms.

I lightly groped myself trying to keep my hard on in check slightly shifting it this way and that so I don’t pop a boner tent.

I sat there watching the game unfold amazed at how fast these girl’s can make a ball move so fucking fast.

Eventually the match was over, and it was time for Kel’s team to play.

And just in the time, in walked Mom, the kiddos, and Summer. They quickly found me and sat next to me.

Mom sat down next to me and squeezed my leg, “How she doing?”

I spoke, “Well the previous team took longer than expected. They just finished before you walked in.”

Summer growled, “What is that bitch doing here?”

I looked at Summer who was transformed to the other side where the fraternities and sororities were sitting glued on the one person…. Jessica.

Summer knows me and Jessica were kind of splits-ville and didn’t appreciate hearing that her parent’s hated my ass and Jessica didn’t do shit to protect me.

Naturally I agreed with her especially seeing how she went back to her parent’s after the little blow up right before we took our trip.

This time it was my turn to squeeze a leg.

Summer looked down at her leg and I said, “It’s ok. It’s over with her.”

Summer seemed to calm down once I told her it was over between me and Jessica. Which was true. The whole coming back and her getting back in the vehicle with her parent’s kind of pissed me off. Then the whole dodging my texts pissed me off.

I was officially done with her.

And I didn’t need the reminder.

I decided to change topics or at least I tried to change topics but the only thing that came out of my mouth was “Holy FUCK!!!!”

Normally local player’s, like my sister’s team sit on the sidelines waiting for their match to start. The opposing side waits elsewhere.

Or at least that’s how it was here.

So Kelly’s team sat on the sidelines waiting for their match to start and cheer on the older team because they were the freshmen team.

The opposing side waited in the locker room or was running late….I’m not too sure.

But when my sister’s team was announced and their competitor was announced out walked fucking women who should be hiding on fucking themyscira. Each girl was tall, lean, and muscular dwarfing my sister’s team.

All the girl’s looked like they stood 6’ or higher compared to my sister’s team who was 6’ or shorter.

Immediately Summer said, “Looks like Kelly’s team is fucked?”

My mom hushed us and said, “We just need to cheer them on.”

I looked at mom thinking she was crazy because she wasn’t obviously seeing what we were seeing she had the one thing we didn’t have at the moment….faith.

And it was hard to have faith that Kel’s team had a fat chance in hell.

We sat there and watched the beginning of a fucking massacre.

Kel’s team started off the game by hitting the ball over to the Amazonian women on the other side of the net and the girl’s began chanting.

As soon as the ball entered into their realm they quickly spiked the ball into an easy opening.

Ot at least it was an easy opening but somehow Kel dove and was able to bring the ball into the air….at the cost of diving and hitting her overly large chest against the ground.

Even from here we heard Kel groan as she sacrificed her perfect orbs to the ground and gravity gods all in the name of a volleyball game.

Summer winced holding her own chest as if her tits were being sacrificed.

Somehow the ball was lobbed up for their spiker to return the volley towards the Amazonian girls.

Only to be easily blocked by their tallest girl’s representing their physical wall.

Then came their return trying to find another opening only the be somehow blocked by a different girl…..she used her very fast reflexes by using her face to keep the ball from touching the ground.

Unfortunately the girl decided to do a gravity check as her mind checked out from the nearly lethal blow.

Mom immediately stood up and yelled, “What the fuck was that? Come on ref they did that on purpose!”

The girl laying on the ground was beginning to let her blood trickle out of her nose which I assume was more than likely broken onto the ground.

The ref immediately blew his whistle stopping the game and one of the girl’s caught the ball that was sent airborne.

The coach and whoever immediately rushed to the girl and did something to make the confused girl wake up and was taken to the sideline’s and eventually walked off to the back and her replacement stood up from her chair.

The ref blew his whistle and the game was restarted.

Throughout the game even I was leaning forward paying extremely careful transfixed to the game.

The giant women were able to take out one more person from Kel’s side.

Kel in turn had her own injuries. She sacrificed her tits to the ground, got a few hits to her body unable to keep the ball in play and received a few blows to the face but somehow remained conscious.

How I have no idea.

But eventually the score was 13-7 the giants.

Like I said massacre.

When the game was over blood was leaking out of Kel’s nose. Her eye looked like she decided to take up boxing and forgot to keep her guard up. She had a fat lip that was open and blood was coming out. Her knees looked bruised even through the pads. And she was holding what was left of her smashed fun bags lightly wheezing.

When the game was over she pretty much crumpled to the ground from the pain that was obviously too much for her. And she wasn’t the only fainting girl. Most of them pretty much dropped after the fucking they got served.

Needless to say OUR side was yelling at the bean stock giants that literally beat each of players like they owed them money using the ball as a blunt object to rain out damage.

This team obviously wasn’t afraid to play dirty.

And it was obvious that the ‘ref’ must had been in on the take as he did jack shit to stop or penalize the opposing team.

The crowd was ready to lynch the striped figure and he sure as fuck wasn’t going to stick around to find out if he would make a good strange fruit or not as a cloud formed of where he was and all we saw out of him was ass and elbow. Closely followed by some discerning parents.

The remaining parents were yelling at the girl’s as they calmly strode off protecting by the actual security at the school.

At least the guards were doing their job.

I in the mean time instead of joining the mob to hunt down either the ref who must be half way to the next town and joining the witness protection program or chasing down the terrifying giants that beat the shit out of my step sister using a hard inflated leather ball I rushed to Kel and went to check on her.

The coach and the team physician was checking on each girl.

I heard faint murmurs from the physician ‘she’s fine’ or ‘she passed out from exhaustion’. By the time he reached Kel he grimaced and started checking Kel.

He waved a light and forced her eye lids open.

After he sighed he looked at me and said, “Family?”

I looked at him with tears in my eyes and nodded.

He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled, “She’ll be fine but she might need to see a doctor her nose looks broken.”

I blinked confused why he wasn’t doing anything and walked up to the coach and whispered into his ear.

The coach listened intently before looking at two of the girl’s and blinked before looking at each girl and bowing his head.

The coach walked up to each parent standing over their child and handing them a card.

He walked up to me and handed me a card, “Have your sister taken to the hospital for a full check up. Have the hospital contact me about the bill I’ll make sure it’s taken care of. Keep me informed on her progress.”

I grabbed the card and was about to tell this ‘coach’ off but Kel whispered “Gabe is that you?”

I looked down at Kel with tears in my eyes and whispered, “ Yeah it’s me Kel.”

She faintly smiled but couldn’t pull it off with her fat lip before she passed out again.

I didn’t have time for this shit. I picked Kel up and walked out.

I looked over at Summer who nodded and she helped my now frantic mother and chitlings out.

Three hours later as every parent and loved one sat in the emergency waiting room waiting for news on each person that was affected by the recent slaughter. Even the coach was sitting in the room waiting to hear on his players.

One by one the doctor would come out and bring news to the loved ones.

The first girl has a broken nose and a concussion.

The second girl bruised ribs.

Then the doctor came out for us. Kel apparently has a broken nose. Bruised ribs. Bruised eye and swollen. And a swollen cut up lip.

Everything we saw.

The doctor said there wasn’t a concussion and would release Kel shortly but said he was going to give her some pain meds, needed lots of rest, and needed to take it easy.

The last thing the doctor remarked on was he couldn’t believe all this damage was done by volleyball before he walked back into emergency.

The coach was relieved to hear each of his players didn’t get too seriously hurt.

An hour later we got Kel back and see was definitely drugged and giggly. She had a wrap around her ribs, she had s mask on to protect her nose, a bandage over her eye, and had stitches in her fat swollen lip. Even in the wheel chair they wheeled her out in I could see more bruising on Kel. She has a nice bruise on her hip probably one of the many diving caused that. Plus there was a nice volleyball sized welt on the side of her stomach. And lastly there was a nice bruise forming on her right breast.

If I didn’t know any better I swear she looked like she just got done with a botched plastic surgery or was secretly a boxer and took a beating.

I’m just happy we took separate cars or Kel would have accidentally spilled the beans in front of our two little sister’s.

I got Kel in the car and she instantly giggled as soon as I got in the driver seat as she leaned over, “There’s my favorite lover,” as she ran her finger down my cheek and ran it down to my groin.

I smiled and looked at her, “Alright druggie lets get you home to rest.”

Kel pouted and instantly winced completely forgetting her lip is fat and has stitches keeping it closed. The last thing she spoke before the drugs made her fall back asleep was, “Do I still look gorgeous?”




  1. At this point I’ll read anything you write dude definitely loving the series. But com’on you’re killing us ?

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