[MF] Cultural exchange in Russia

During my student time I was a member of a European student association that’s spread through Europe (an a bit more). It is great! You meet new people all the time, people dare to be themselves and do things they normally wouldn’t, as you can often explain it as “from a different country” and not “cooked in the head”. Finally it’s just nice to be together and let things go out of hand. You’ll get either friends forever, or they’ll be far away in a different country so you’ll not reminded of your folly.
One of the things that was often organised was exchanges. Organised by local members for the knowledge of where to go and assistance while the visiting people were just experiencing. You get great parties and events if you mix so many people.

For my first one I went to Russia. Two weeks of summer there with a fully cultural program starting with Russian ballet, slowly going down in culture until we could fish our own breakfast. I was a day earlier than arrival time, but they had arranged that I could already sleep there. It was late in the midday when I arrived at the airport.

The woman holding up the sign with my name was beautiful. Although I never considered the legs of much sexy value, hers made me rethink that. Many more legs begged me to reconsider during my trip, but these were the first. I smiled at her and walked over.

An overly enthusiastic guy next to her grabbed by hand and shook it vigorously. Apparently the welcome wagon wasn’t alone. We talked a bit and I got my first Rubles before entering a car. They showed me the place to gather the next morning and we chilled a while with dinner together. The name of the woman was Natalie, short for Natasha. All easy smiles and short tops. It was hard not to gawk and I’m sure she knew.

“It’s time to go to the place where you’ll sleep”, she told me. “come with me.” My heart raced a bit more. This time we weren’t sleeping in a gym or anything, we were sleeping at people’s places. Always a luxury. Better yet, I was sleeping at her place. We took the metro two stops as we talked. I was sure she was into me. “You’re in luck”, she told me when we arrived. The other two girls are away for the summer. One is always such a prude and is against any men in the apartment. Always feels superior too by already studying for her PHD. She’s on vacation. The other is gone to her fiancee for now. So you can sleep cosy in my bed.”

My young heart skipped a beat of how casually she talked about taking me to bed. Little did I know it would skip another.

“I’ll show you quickly around the apartment so you can find everything and then I’ll go to my own fiancee. I’ll be sleeping there.”

Although my heart sank, the humor wasn’t lost on me. “You really shouldn’t get a man’s hope up and then crush them so easily!” I told her smiling. She looked quizzically and I explained how it looked from my point of view.
Laughing she said “sorry! I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t you worry though. A cute foreign guy like you shouldn’t have a problem.” She patted me on the cheek encouragingly. “But if you have any choice, don’t take them here. It’s bad enough you’ll sleep naked in my bed.”
“Why do you think I’ll sleep naked?” I asked her curiously.
“Do you sleep in a pajama?”, she asked me.
“Not normally, but I brought one in case people didn’t want to see me frolicking naked through their apartment. Just the bottom though.”
“Then you’re more considerate than most. Don’t put in on though. I’ll enjoy my evening with my fiancee better knowing a naked man is in my bed.” She unexpectedly confessed. It caught me off guard again, but I started to feel comfortable with her at the same time.

She showed me around the apartment real quick with a slightly flirtatious banter. A sizable living room. A small kitchen with eating table. Three doors in a small hallway from the living room towards the private rooms. She opened hers. It was a small room crammed with stuff and only a meter or so moving space in the middle.

“I have to ask. Why are there carpets everywhere? Even on the walls?” I asked.
“Our homes aren’t well insulated. Covering them helps a great deal with keeping in the heat in winter. As well as noise reduction…. If someone’s fucking, you don’t want your neighbors to hear”, she winked at me. “Despite the shagginess of the rugs there’s only two you can really shag on.”
“Can you show me which?”
“Maybe later in the week”, she retorted with a crooked smile. What had I stepped into?
The tour concluded and we said our goodbyes. When she walked into the landing outside the apartment, I was sure she was moving her hips a bit extra for my benefit. As they stood on long legs, it looked like it could move the Earth.
It was exciting and thought provoking. But I didn’t think I could ever do it with someone in a relationship. Someone getting married no less! But thinking about her curves was still enticing. But I was also tired from the day. I decided to prepare for bed and turn in.
I got settled and noticed how the carpets worked. You could still hear things in direct contact with the walls and floors, but otherwise the carpets soaked up the sound. Some doors and footsteps could be heard from elsewhere in the flat, but only muffled.

After brushing my teeth I unpacked some essentials and then stripped, thinking about her. Parts of my body liked that, hanging larger when I removed my pants and underwear at the same time.


I started for the light button, but was startled to see the door open. Adrenaline rushed my body as I was in an unfamiliar room, apartment, flat and country and something unexpected happened. I hadn’t recognized the front door from any other sounds I sometimes could hear.
There in the doorway was a small, sexy, unfamiliar woman. Probably my age. Her curves were definitely feminine. Woman can be sexy in many ways and express it. Beautiful dresses, bikinis, lingerie. Things to show some and hide parts of her body to set your mind ablaze. She had none of that. She was completely naked.

She looked at me with intelligent eyes, and then at my naked body. “Hello?” I asked her. “You’re one of the other roommates?”
She nodded, but I had the feeling she only understood my body language and not my English. She walked in without a care in the world, still naked and strangely sexual. My initial surge of adrenaline was put to use differently than I expected, my member feeling tight in its flesh and rising. “Do you understand English?” A shake from her head and she held up her hand with her fingers only just apart. Only a tiny amount.

She squatted next to my bag, a pleasure in itself, and started rummaging inside. I was at too much off balance to be offended she was going through my bag. “Can you find what you need?”, was the best my brain came up with. She held up a finger, commanding me into silence.

She stood up with one of my condoms in her hand. She pointed at the bed sternly.

I’m a guy who, despite my libido pressuring to have sex all the time, decide myself when and where I have sex. Normally I would say no to someone springing this on me without further preamble, but all my brain was thinking was that this would be a story that I would carry for the rest of my life in private.

I walked over to the bed and lay down. She moved onto the bed as well, swinging her leg over me and showing her beautiful small body in all its glory. Despite the overt sexuality, she looked as if we would just have a normal conversation of two strangers talking about tigers or something. A strange thing as her naked pussy nearly touched my stiffness. Her fingers had some trouble with the packaging, but as I reached for it to help she brought it to her mouth and tore it open. The condom flew out unharmed (I think), but she caught it lightning quick. Then her warm hands touched my cock. I reveled in the feeling as my cock stood up fully while she was donning the condom. The tightness of my member was augmented by the tightness of the condom, the rubber warming up from her hands and my cock.

There wasn’t further ceremony. Her body lifted in a single sexual move and positioned herself above my hardness. Her hand guided me nearly flawless to the entrance, after which she lowered herself slowly.

I was distracted by how wonderful the warmth and wetness sliding over the condom was, staring at me sliding into her. Yet I quickly saw it was very intense for her. Her eyes were on infinite while her mouth twitched from the intensity. Still she persevered, lowering herself all the way onto my belly. I felt her lips touching my unprotected base of my cock, feeling wonderful.

After a brief acclimatization she started a slow rhythm. Her juices quickly spread, but it also wiped the intensity off her face. She looked like she was casually listening to a conversation while slowly moving up and down my rubber protected shaft. Her mouth was just a tiny bit above neutral, the faintest hint of a smile.

Her hands adjusted her hair. It gave a sound on the edge of hearing, while the wetness pressed between the condom and her lips underlined the barely heard sounds. My hands carefully touched her thighs. It seemed ok to her. They caressed up towards her hips, so I could feel the muscles working up and down. I could only just reach.

To my benefit she lowered her body, resting her hands on my chest to stay up. My hands took the opportunity to caress her belly, quickly moving to her breasts. She adopted a different rhythm, moving more largely with more back and forwards movement, letting the angles give an extra dimension to the pleasure of her insides. It seemed in one way like she read the instructions off a book. Mechanically moving in a precise way that I suspected you could set clocks to her rhythm. Against all odds it was incredibly sexy. After a minute or so the deep breathing moved all her lush curves in ways that I could almost be distracted from being fucked.

After a long time just enjoying the rhythm she suddenly started to speed up. She went fast, letting my cock nearly out before plunging most of it back inside. It went ok until my countermove was a bit too much, so I slid out. She stayed still a moment, catching her breath. Then she got off me and put her hands on the wall. If that wasn’t enough, the way her back arched and her butt stood out could only mean one thing.

I rushed to get behind her. I’m glad she was so flexible, as her small stature made it difficult enough to sit correctly. I placed a hand almost reverently on her hip as I guided myself inside. The angle was difficult, but once inside it was manageable.

Counter to her I just let myself go. I grabbed her hips tightly and started a wild rhythm, pushing her hard on top of me. Before I fully realized it might’ve been too intense for her to go so deep in my first few thrusts she was already enjoying it and helping me get as deep as possible with a gentle sway.

Now, finally, I heard some soft moans from her. It encouraged me, but unfortunately I couldn’t go much faster. I’m not the best at from behind and with her small stature it was just too difficult. I played with her hair instead, which often helps a lot for the women I found. A hand gently went on my thigh, which I actually loved.

After a time she stopped moving, so only my eager thrusts kept us engaged. She slowly rose her body up, letting go of the wall and forcing me to slow down. The different angle became very intense, with me wondering how long I could last. I hugged her closer to be, enclosing her breasts and belly to feel her deep quick breaths with a tremble from how now loud moans emanating from her throat. If I would come, I could hold on to her for dear life. My thrusts were sharp and fast, going out just a bit more controlled.
Her head tilted, so I could see the red glow on her face. Her lips were tantalizingly close, so I tried to kiss them. She turned away though, so I buried my lips in her neck.

She didn’t respond as I thought she would. Muttering something in Russian, she pushed her hand against my lips, pushing me away. She escaped my grasp as I was a bit befuddled. She didn’t seem angry and looked wonderful with her body looking ravished by sex and still moving from the deep breaths. She shook her head again, seemingly more out of astonishment. Then she lay down on her belly, with her ass close to me. I looked at her a bit longer, partly unsure what to do partly to see what her beautiful body would do. She looked over to me, patting her leg just under the round curve of her butt.

Not letting the invitation wait I quickly got on top of her. She opened her legs just a bit. It was hard not to notice how far the wetness had spread on her thighs. Or how her pussy beckoned for my stiff cock.

Sliding in was easy. Her butt however was complicated. It was radiating a heat and somehow I could still feel the soft skin pressed against me while I wasn’t touching it just before a thrust.
I had been watching myself slide into her again and again for a while before I remembered myself. Her moans were still telling of pleasure, but soft. To hell with that. I was going to fuck her brains out.

I positioned my arms along her body, some fingers playfully in range of her side breast. Then I started a powerful quick rhythm of thrusts that told her it was time to stop the gentle enjoyment. One of us, if not both, was going to come. A surprised intake of breath, followed by an intense moan was all she needed to tell me. Again, a hand came to my thigh as I ploughed her hard.
The intensity rose quickly for me. After a minute I started to transpire. The reality also set in. I feel the curves of a beautiful butt bounce against me as I’m thrusting, feeling my cock so stiff inside an unfamiliar pussy. All warm and wet and wild.

It’s too good. Suddenly I’m not sure if the condom is still on. The thought brings me closer to coming and I realize I might not stop. The feeling of all that pussy is just too intoxicating. I can’t discern it from my few extra thrusts.
In between a few thrusts I check with my fingers. It’s still on. I’m relieved… I think. Still, I’m that much closer. I start the thrusting to finish myself off.

She seems to notice. A slight movement from her legs and she prevents me from continuing. She turns around slowly, a bit unfocused but sexy. Her face is again very neutral with only a hint of a smile.
Her legs slide alongside mine and she smiles at seeing me panting and transpiring. My cock held high above her pussy as if proud. She raises her hips and I obediently position myself at her lips. Her hand goes on my ass, letting me know to enter. Her face is neutral again as I quickly feel she wants control. I follow the instructions of her hand, thrusting just the right amount as she raises and lower her hips in sync.

It’s really good. She moans her encouragement, of which I’m pretty sure at least half of it is pleasure. I keep checking if the condom is still on as it often feels like I’m without, but at least now it’s easily visible. I catch her watching me looking at her pussy and she smiles. Then she looks at the spectacle as well, encouraging me to do the same.

I moan softly and start to tremble more and more. One look at her and I see she knows what is coming. Her eyes signal I should watch elsewhere than her face again. As I do so it sends me over the edge. I feel one tension pipe down as another ramps up, as if all the cum is gathering in my cock. I’m glad her hands give the metronome rhythm to follow. My legs tremble madly.

As I slide into her again I feel the cum hot in my cock, flying out. Her hands immediately grip my ass tight, holding me deep inside her as I come. It doesn’t take long, but it’s a nice finish for me.

When she’s sure I’m done she let’s go, slipping me out. She rolls onto her side, her leg carefully and beautifully maneuvered before me. I lay down behind her and hug her close.
She grabs my hand on her belly and guides it down. Obediently I follow, guessing that there is somewhere specific she wants caressed.

Between her legs the mess of slight wetness is much bigger than before, but I don’t get lost. I find her clit easily and her hand confirms my guess as it holds mine firmly in place.
My finger makes careful movements. It feels like her button is easily exposed, so not much is needed. With my hands I can be as precise and rhythmic as she was, so I mimic what she did with her whole body with my finger.

Her body knows the rhythm well. It moves sexily in my arms, pressing her lips against my hand and then her ass against my hips and still half hard cock. Her moans are clearly different. I suspect I could not move my fingers and she would rub herself on my fingers to an orgasm anyway.

Sadly I can’t describe her pleasure. She was clearly having a different kind of pleasure now. It took a while, but her moans got louder with a more and more desperate edge. I absolutely loved how she was moving in my arms, full of bliss. Then something strange happened. Her precision seemed to slip. A tremble in her leg suggested she was getting close. Yet that she was getting out of sync with my finger was more of an indication.

She gripped the sheets tighter. Her hips had given up moving in sync, moving more erratically with an energy I could only glimpse in the movement of her skin. Her ragged moans were going higher, then suddenly stopped. It was just quick breaths and sometimes even holding it.
Suddenly her whole body went still, as if all was focused on the soft circling of my finger. Her body began to tremble, from zero to insane in a few seconds. Then she came. She pushed herself hard against my hand. Trembling with short breaths. I wasn’t sure if she was too sensitive or I should continue. Her hand gripped mine tightly, holding it in place before I could remove it. Maybe she wanted to pull me away, but she didn’t have the control for it. I just kept teasing her clit as gently as I could with the pressure of her hips.

I’m jealous how long she kept trembling, but she kept me there a long while. I stopped caressing just in case. After half a minute or so she finally started breathing normally again. Deep regular breaths.
We stayed like that a while. She went away to do some things when I fell asleep for a few minutes, but we had sex later as well.

In the seven days I stayed there we had three more sex sessions, as often I was too late home for her to walk in. Efforts to try to talk were fruitless. I only saw her in clothes once strangely enough. I never told Natasha and judging from her normal flirty behavior she didn’t know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lr9deb/mf_cultural_exchange_in_russia


  1. There’s some coldness about Russian girls which turns me on like crazy. I found their attitude towards sex to be very casual. Like a handshake. I wish more women adopt to that.

  2. Nice story

    Am guessing the lady was the prude phd or you never found out which other roommate ot was?

  3. Beautiful story! I have to ask, did anything happen with Natasha? Or did she just kept it flirty from a distance?

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