Life Is What You Make It [F] [Transformation: Multiple Parts, Inanimate, Race Change] [Reality Shifts, Multiverse]

The post below is an intro I’ve used when starting a roleplay, or shared story writing. All of my posts (in my history) are really just the intro to a much longer story I could, and may, write. I’m posting here because: 1) hopefully it brightens someone’s day and 2) for feedback, thoughts, comments or whatever else in the off chance I decide to take a deeper plunge in writing (and publishing).



“Well Kim, it happened again. Another promising relationship down the drain by moving too fast”. A loud deep sigh escaped the long red haired woman currently laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. The room had been furnished for several years, and there were many eventful memories being there, but it was actually all brand new to the occupant. Long slender fingers pulled the red hair lying beside her up to a pair of deep green eyes. “I guess I’m half Irish now. Although a better use of time may be figuring out where am I, and who am I. Better yet, when am I?”


Kim’s left hand felt around the bed for the tablet she had left there. As per her usual routine, short-hand journal entries could be found on it, which she had spent the past few minutes skimming through. With another deep breath, the palm of the left hand rested on the tablet. Once the skin connected, the tablet slowly lost its shape and absorbed into the 32 year old woman.


Sitting up, the green eyes looked around the small bedroom and condo. It was apparently on the first floor of a townhouse complex on the outskirts of town. Why she was there, or what her occupation is was for another time. Her memories could easily tell her the answer, but there were other priorities in getting acquainted with whatever new life her shift had given her.


“There must be a place to get a drink around here.” Thin red lips spoke to no one as the 5’0″ body slowly sat up on the white and pink sheets. “After all, I must like pink now. Can’t imagine how things shifted for that to happen. I remember hating it… or maybe that was just the prior iteration. Either way, it’s a good reason to get a drink or five.”


Moving her legs to the side of the bed, Kim placed them on the floor and stared back at a tall floor mirror just opposite of her. Her Korean features now appeared to her for the first time, at least in this new life. A small nose and narrow eyes stared back, along with a relatively small chest. “Kim O’Kelly-Kim. Seriously? What’s worse is if I travel, in some countries I’d be addresses as O’Kelly-Kim Kim. Well, I suppose it’s far better than some prior names. Fuk-Mi Nao was awful.” The ID laying on the nightstand gave her further clues to what the shift had settled on for her. Looking down, Kim spread her legs and placed her hands on her crotch. She still had two side-by-side pussies, and her nipples were bright pink, stiff and an inch long. Moving her hands around to her ass, she felt three ass cheeks and of course two holes. All were leftovers from her previous body. At least she could double or even quadruple pleasure herself, although clothes may still be a bit of a pain.


“How many iterations Kim? Oh I don’t know, at least 2,000. That’s wonderful Kim, looking forward to the next 2,000.” There was a subtle tone of anger and resignation within the wonder of being able to experience so much. Having life, memories, friends and everything else altered on a semi-routine basis was a draining and somewhat lonely experience. Over time, the only person that Kim knew could understand her was herself, which meant talking to herself to calm down. She knew it sounded insane, but it helped. There were a grand total of two other people that also could understand her, but those partners were no longer around.


“OK Kim, let’s quickly piece some basics together. You had a relationship with a great guy for 6 months. Your love thought to have further fun with your abilities and requested to merge features with an Irish girl he thought cute. You, being as kinky as he, obliged and now you’re here. Clearly he wasn’t your love, or in love with you. No matter how many warnings you gave he didn’t listen that his life could be altered as well. Wonder where he went.” Deep down Kim loved the idea of altering her body, and others around her. Never (too) malicious, unless deserved, but it seemed to run on a principle of needing two people to fully control the alterations and historical changes. Small changes usually didn’t seem to do much, but larger changes had a mind of their own, unless of course she was deeply in love, and so was her partner.


Most relationships fizzled quickly, primarily due to her partner wanting to be with her abilities more than Kim herself. *Some even get what they deserve anyway.* Kim thought to herself. Aside from her own life being altered, if they truly weren’t in love, or at least on the path there, then they usually found themselves in a new body, mind, location and anything else the cosmos deemed appropriate. “You really have a sense of humor huh? Turning my most recent girlfriend into a high quality sex doll because she wanted to try being encased in latex and used for a single night.” Kim spoke up towards the ceiling as if arguing with the universe itself. “Although I suppose she deserved it. She only requested it because her boyfriend that she was cheating on me with was pushing her for it. Maybe you’re not that bad. I even visited her afterwards while she was boxed up. And turning my own latex skin back to normal didn’t shift around reality, or anything for that matter. So that was nice.” After a wink towards the ceiling, Kim closed her eyes and thought about the craziness she had been through.


“It’s been so long since one of my first eye-opening alterations.” Kim spoke out loud to herself reminiscing. “Never would have figured giving myself a billion dollars would cause so many issues.” One million changed almost nothing. A few banks lost some money to Kim’s accounts, but that was a rounding error for them. “The billion oddly made me leader of a country where everything was embezzled and protests raged. Never good. Also aging several decades and being crotchety and old was horrible.” Even more stranger was upping it to a trillion made Kim CEO of one of the world’s largest companies and all was fine again. No one batted an eye. “ I think it was called. At least there I was relatively younger and not as grumpy. Way too cutthroat though.” The company started off as an online book store and it was a pun on maze, as if getting lost in a good book, and amazing. “The stress of constant legal issues, personal security and endless dull meetings made me switch back to my previous life, or at least as close as the universe would allow I suppose.” After appearing and disappearing in reality many times over, Kim couldn’t recall seeing the company around for at least the past few hundred iterations. No one would believe an online book store could be so powerful and ultimately own most of the world. “Just another reason people sometimes run away when they get to know me more, and for good reason. I don’t blame them.”


Kim looked back to the mirror and then around the room. The bedroom had basic decorations, although pink seemed to be a key color. It oddly created a sense of happiness looking at it, something that had definitely changed in her mind from her prior life, which she just jumped from. Walking out of the room, the rest of the small one floor setup was similarly sparse and basic. A few chairs and a table in the kitchen area, a small TV and dull brown couch, bookcases of journals and tablets cataloging her “travels”, as she called it.


“I really must digitize everything and get more space on those old tablets.” The start of her journey all those years ago was bumpy and confusing. It wasn’t until she was able to note things down that her mind wasn’t complete mush every time she appeared in a new slightly altered life. Eventually Kim was able to get a tablet which could absorb into her for safekeeping with infinite memory, using advanced technology that hasn’t existed in over a thousand shifts. It especially helped that when reality re-wrote itself, she found a way to always have a tablet nearby which summed up what her new life was.


“Probably best not to simply teleport myself to the dive bar. Reality will change and the past 20 minutes or so would be completely lost. I’d be in the bar, yes, but I’d have to redo everything of the past few minutes. After all, if I was there for the past however long, then I wasn’t here piecing things together and all that knowledge would have to be relearned.” There was no magic in getting around the consequences of altering where she was at any given time. The only thing that could dampen it is if she had someone with her that could help funnel and control things. Then she, or they, would be able to dictate. “That level of control, partnership, and love was attained twice. So fucking rare and hard to find huh?” Again, Kim briefly looked up as if challenging the universe.


Moving back into the bedroom, Kim found as basic an outfit as possible. A black bra, simple black long sleeved top, and blue jeans without pockets. “Of course there are no pockets. The few times I tried to alter things to have it and all of a sudden all clothes everywhere had no pockets. Every damn time.” Aside from finding a true partner, creating a world where women’s jeans and women’s clothing in general, had usable pockets was a secondary goal. Statistically, it’s been harder than finding a partner. “Zero versus two. Maybe I should concentrate more on that.” Apparently panties didn’t exist, or at least wasn’t available for her body shape. The jeans were far too tight and she couldn’t figure out why she, before she arrived, would ever buy them. “Let’s solve that another time.” After quickly grabbing a small blue purse, putting on pink running shoes, and tying her long red hair in a ponytail, Kim left her condo.


Walking at midnight, in an unfamiliar part of town, on a warm night never phased Kim. Her new implanted memories gave her some idea of where she was, and the quiet allowed her to further calm. A few people passed here and there, and as Kim got closer to town, more stores were open.


“Huh?” Stopping, Kim turned around to find someone clearly stalking her. The knife in the right hand was just one give away. “Really? Don’t you have something better to do?” *Note to self, try to tone down the red hair and not wear such bright shoes.* A glance down to the pink shoes followed, just before an annoyed glance upwards to the sky.


“Fire hydrant.” The man stopped in his tracks as Kim’s eyes started glowing. The green hue changed to a dark blue, and quickly became brighter, resembling a light cyan. An invisible force began pushing the man towards the edge of the sidewalk where his body began freezing up. A red color washed over his skin as his clothes melted away, leaving him momentarily naked. Any scream or cry for help was aborted as his mouth sealed almost immediately.


“Do you know how many hydrants I’ve created? No? Well neither do I, I’ve lost count. Sometimes I undo things, but I don’t always remember where I’ve left people like you. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to remember you, and after I drink myself into a stupor tonight, I’ll likely not remember. Lucky us.” The man’s arms pulled into his body as the knife fell and disappeared from the scene and ultimately reappeared in someone’s home. The someone had bought the knife instead of the man who likely stole it sometime prior. *Hopefully it was the last one in stock, otherwise knives would be jumping around people’s homes as life reset history of the transactions.*


As the man’s hands pulled into his shoulders, his cock and balls followed suit. With a hardening body, four openings started appearing. All were valves for the fire department to open for the water, now connecting from a pipe in the ground and into what was the man’s anus. One valve by the groin, one on each shoulder and the last where the mouth had been.


Kim smiled and turned away as the man’s transformation progressed and completed. A happy hum began emanating as her eyes turned back to their usual bright green color and she spotted her destination in the distance; a dive bar where she could spend the next few hours acclimating herself. It was both extremely familiar and brand new.


“Oh fuck, no. What the hell? How did that… affect me…?” Stopping immediately, Kim bent over and grabbed her stomach. The air around her rippled as the new hydrant impacted her new life’s history. Kim’s body began to lengthen, and her clothes followed. Dropping to one knee, she placed her palm on the ground and waited for her own transformation to complete. A few seconds later the rippling ended, as did any pain or discomfort. Standing up, Kim looked herself up and down and noticed nothing immediately different. Closing her eyes to concentrate, the answer came quickly.


“Six foot even now? Wow. Glasses too? I guess I’m fine with that.” The now tall Korean-Irish woman, with large round lenses, took a deep breath of relief that little had changed, and what had seemed to be for the better. Her eyesight may no longer be perfect, and it in fact turned out to be atrocious, but the change in height far outweighed it. The few people walking nearby only knew of the new situation. While the new and improved fire hydrant had apparently been installed recently, it now meant there was always one at that location when the town was planned out. Thirty-three years prior it helped save a nearby house, which meant traffic didn’t backup as much that day, and she was conceived earlier and with slightly different genetics.


Aside from her height, there was one other change Kim took a few moments to notice. “Crap. Not only do I still like pink, but even more so now. Dare I say love it? Fuck!” Looking down, her black top, black bra and blue purse were now bright pink. The clothes previously worn were now in someone else’s wardrobe with receipts for the pink clothes shoved in a draw of hers somewhere. With a chuckle, Kim looked up at the stars. “As if pink shoes alone wasn’t bright enough and didn’t attract enough attention. Thanks for giving me all the more reason to drink tonight.”


Ultimately, what Kim really needed was someone that wanted her for her, with whatever craziness went along. For more than just her transitory looks or abilities. Not only would that create a sense of calm and peace, but it would stabilize her own powers for their personal fun and pleasure. A win all around.


“Is that too much to ask?” Kim lowered her head from the stars once more, looked ahead of her, and started moving again towards her destination.
