Corrupted by an older [F]emale colleague – Part 7 – Lucy gets her Revenge

Following on from [Chapter 6]( Thank you to all of you who have enjoyed so far, it’s been alot of fun reliving all this. For those who haven’t and have got abit of time on their hands, the story starts [here](

*”Fuck Harry! Cum for me!” which i did obligingly, flooding her sweet, wet cunt with bollock milk. She collapsed on my chest and I lay there holding her tight. I should have felt a wave of guilt for Chloe at this point but all I could think about was getting another round in before I had to depart…*

We fucked a couple more times that evening and even managed to fit in a quick one the following morning before I left, only minutes before her sister returned. I had also insisted on keeping the pale pink panties she had stuffed in her mouth the previous night, after all – i had bought them! We chatted a fair amount over the next few days and it was clear that Nic was still keen for us to get back together and whilst i must say I did seriously consider it, I had complicated my life far too much during our 6 month hiatus for stuff to ever go back to normal. I came clean to her about this and whilst she was understandably disappointed, it was probably the first time in years we had been truly honest with each other and we decided to try and remain friends.

A main factor in my decision was also Chloe who, despite the sex issues, i was still very keen on and enjoyed spending time with. Looking back on it now, I think the reason is because on the whole she made my life very easy, would let me do my thing and didn’t question my every movement. My relationship with Nic had been quite the opposite so this felt like a breath of fresh air but as I have already proven, a free reign and me are not necessarily a good mix…

Now despite Lucy previously telling me she hated me, we actually patched up our differences fairly quickly. That’s not to say she didn’t call me a cunt a fair few times (I sometimes read back through the texts for a laugh) but i was sincerely sorry and did genuinely enjoy her company. It therefore wasn’t long before we were drinking buddies once again, the only difference being it was now purely platonic.

There had recently been a restructure at work that meant Lucy’s role, whilst still very closely linked to mine, now sat in a wider support team, which by pure chance was made up predominantly of girls between the ages of 23-40, a number of whom were very hot. As luck would have it, it was a number of the hot ones who were also keen to drink so we had soon established a robust group of 8 (3 guys, 5 girls) who were out 2/3 times a week. At the same time (as alluded to in a previous chapter), Lucy moved into a new flat in London with one of the girls Frankie.

Frankie was early 30s, with gorgeous olive skin, a petite frame and a cracking arse – you knew she had a cracking arse because she would usually wear a tight fitting pencil skirt and heels around the office. Frankie was a very driven girl and would often glide past you in the office as if she didn’t know you but was great fun on a night out and incredibly friendly. She had recently divorced from her childhood sweetheart so was keen to enjoy herself and she would often disappear from nights out to go meet some new fuck toy, many of whom were massively punching above their weight with a girl as attractive as her. It’s fair to say Frankie was absolutely smoking but it was one of the other girls who soon became the centre of my attention.


Before i go on to wax lyrical about this girl, it should be pointed out than when i first met her, i didn’t particularly like her. Looks aside, she came across a bit rude, arrogant and i wasn’t sure i trusted her so for the first few months of knowing her, i kept a wide berth. But as time went on, we kept on finding ourselves chatting to each other on nights out and we discovered that we lived very close to each other and had a lot in common. What became clear was the initial rudeness was due to her being guarded and once you got beneath that she was just the best. She was smart, funny, sweet (at times) and fiercely loyal and i ended up confiding certain things with her that i hadn’t told lifelong friends. She was also beautiful. If i could draw my perfect girl, it was her. She was c.5’6, light brown hair with blonde highlights, light blue eyes, slightly chubby cheeks and impeccable teeth. She didn’t often flaunt her body in the office but she was slim and curvy – a great arse, thickish thighs and DD tits. It’s fair to say I became infatuated with her and every moment i could get to speak to her i would, going out to grab coffee with her most days and constantly sending each other stuff that only we seemed to find funny, via text. We were very flirty with each other but i never pushed it too far out of fear of rejection and spoiling our friendship.

Our flirtiness was obviously clear to Lucy who despite nothing having happened between us for months was very tribal and warned me not to go there with Kate on many occasions. What made the situation weirder was that nobody in the group (bar Frankie) knew what had gone on between me and Lucy, so her behaviour came across quite odd, until one night Lucy flipped at Kate and blurted out what had happened and not to go near me. Mortified, Kate swiftly left and after a few choice words with Lucy, I chased after her. Unfortunately, despite then both confessing our feelings to each other, Kate’s fierce loyalty to her friend meant that nothing was ever going to happen between us. I was absolutely gutted.

Things were slightly odd for a week or two, but they soon returned to normal and one drunken Thursday night, we all ended up back at Lucy and Frankie’s. As usual, Kate and i had gravitated to each other and were messing around (not sexually) in such a way that she had wrestled me onto the sofa just at the very moment Lucy walked in. Needless to say Lucy interpreted this as something else and went absolutely bat shit crazy resulting in Kate fleeing to Frankie’s room and me (rather dramatically) storming out the flat to go home.

When making my rather diva-ish exit, i had failed to consider that it was now 2am so there were no trains running, and a 3x surge on Uber meant the best part of £200 to get home so I ended up making camp in the corridor a floor down, using my gym bag as a pillow. Adrenaline and anger were still flowing through my body at this point so i ended up laying there for half hour planning what i would say the next morning. Suddenly my phone started vibrating in my pocket and I looked to see Lucy trying to call me but as i was still angry at her i declined. This happened 3/4 times before eventually i answered.

“What?” i said abruptly.

“Where are you?” she asked. I could hear from her voice she had been crying.

“Why do you care?”

“Please come back here, you clearly can’t get back”

“I’ll be alright” i responded petulantly.

“Just come back H, everyone else has gone to bed so we can talk”.

After abit more back and forth I eventually agreed and made my way back upstairs, brushing past Lucy, who was now in her pjs (a strappy top and loose fitting trousers), and into her room where i sat on the floor up against the radiator. Despite her asking me to sit on the bed, i refused and began to launch into how fucked off i was with her. I understood her being angry with me for how things had gone down etc. but it was out of order to take it on Kate in front of everyone and as big a cunt as I had been, did she really think i’d crack on with Kate in her flat in front of her!?

Lucy, despite her stubbornness, made very little attempt to argue back and whilst apologising broke into tears. As fuming at her as i was, Lucy was still one of my closest friends and seeing her upset was horrible so i got up on to the bed and put my arms round her as she did likewise, burying her head into my chest. As i told her things were ok, i looked down and realised that my vantage point gave me a clear view down her top at her large cleavage. It had been a while since i had seen her incredible tits and instantly i felt my cock start to stiffen. Fuck. This couldn’t happen. The girl i was mad for was literally the other side of the wall but my eyes were fixated on Lucy’s tits, causing me to relive every memory of fucking her. I decided I had to get out so whispered that i needed to go to the bathroom but as Lucy released her embrace, her hand inadvertently brushed the large bulge in my trousers. We both stopped and looked at each other for what seemed like 10 seconds. What happened next was abit of a blur…

Before i had time to blink, I was on my back with Lucy on top of me. Her dressing gown was off in seconds, swiftly followed by her top and one of my buttons popped off in Lucy’s desperation to rip off my shirt. I was already unzipping my flies to free my throbbing cock which was oozing pre-cum and it wasn’t long before Lucy was running her tongue up the shaft.

“I’ve missed this cock” she said before she took the pulsating member into her whorish mouth.

“Fuck” I murmurred, “Show me how sorry you are” and i pulled her hair so that she would take more of my shaft down her throat. She nearly took the whole length down before she gagged slightly and came up for air.

“Fuck off” she said as she spat on my tip and continued to work my shaft. “You caused all this, you should be apologising” and with that she stood up, pulled off her pj bottoms and climbed up me, letting my erect cock rub against her labia for a few seconds before moving up and sitting her wet cunt over my mouth. “Eat my pussy like a good boy”. I happily obliged and she held on to the headboard which banged into the wall that divided the two bedrooms every time i sucked on her clit. It wasn’t long before i felt her body start to stiffen and i felt her pussy juice flood my face and I held onto her big arse to stop her from pulling away.

“Fuck!!” she moaned (definitely loud enough for Kate to hear in the neighbouring room) as she released her weight off me slightly before coming back down, this time so my tongue could probe her shitter. “You don’t deserve to fuck my arsehole tonight but you can eat it” she said, as she pulled my hands up and held them against her big mammaries. My tongue continued to dart away but I was desperate to fuck her now so i slipped out from underneath and quickly got behind her huge arse, pushing my throbbing cock straight into her hungry snatch.

“Uuuurgh” she moaned as i smashed the length of my shaft up her my balls slapped against her arse.

With one hand i grabbed her hair and with the other i grabbed her throat and whispered in her ear “Are you going to stop moaning now you’ve got my cock inside you?” all the while smashing my cock into her cunt.

“Uh huh” came the reply.

“Cum for me then”

Her eyes started to roll into the back of her head as she managed to uttter “I’m….cum….ing!” and i felt her pussy flood again. I felt her legs shudder slightly and she slumped slightly on the bed. I pulled out and was about to roll her over when she regained composure and once again pushed me flat on the bed. With one hand over my mouth and one guiding my slippery cock into her pussy, she mounted and began riding me.

“You’ll always come back to me” she said. “You might think about fucking other girls in the office but none of them will ever be me” and she pulled my head into her huge tits and i sucked on her erect nipples. “Now cum for me” at the same time grabbing my balls as if to milk me into her hungry cunt. I shot my load almost instantly and she pushed her hips down hard as she felt wave after wave of spunk hit her cervix. When i’d finished shooting, she got off, kissed me on the lips and whispered “I always get what i want” before going to the bathroom to clean up.

I lay there with my mind whirring but by the time she returned i was fast asleep.

To be continued….


1 comment

  1. Where do you work? I’m gonna have to send an application, and move to London

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