Poetry & Blood Part 10 [FF] [BDSM] [Mind Control] [Vampire]

**Chapter 10: Betrayal**


Luckily, the straps broke before the bedposts. Emma was curled on the bed, her mouth still kissing the wound on Laura’s arm. Occasionally, she would give the cut a long lick and clean it again. The bleeding had slowed considerably, but Laura was weak and dizzy — be it from blood loss or the orgasm she wasn’t sure. Her chest heaved slowly, and her eyes drooped as she stared at Emma.

The silver haired vampire had lost a human element to her face. She normally looked vacant and adorable, but now she was focused, almost catlike, as she nuzzled and licked Laura. Laura noticed that Emma’s bright green eyes almost flickered to silver or purple, depending on how the light caught them.

Emma had tried to be gentle and slow at first. She restrained herself, hoping that would keep her from losing control, but in the end the straps and bedpost proved to be nothing to her. She hadn’t gone completely feral, but when Laura tried to tease her, Emma was not amused. She broke her straps quickly and pinned Laura to the bed. For a moment, the briefest moment, Laura thought Emma might end her. But of course she didn’t. Emma was too weak for it. It appeared every vampire in this house was too weak.

Laura used her free hand to stroke Emma’s silver hair while she licked. The thin girl almost began to purr from the attention. She stopped licking and made eye contact with Laura. They both smiled at each other.

“Will this happen again?” whispered Laura.

“It’s dangerous to do so, but dangerous to imagine tomorrow without it.” Emma closed her eyes and kissed Laura’s wound gently. She trailed kisses all the way up Laura’s arm and to Laura’s lips. Laura kissed her back.

“I want you in my room each night,” said Laura. Her confidence flared with her hunger. “Is that understood.”

“Even when it’s night in my heart?” asked Emma between kisses.


“What about the watchers?”

“Lancaster and Angela?”

Emma nodded.

“No one can know. No one can see.”

“I’ll have to move like a secret,” said Emma seriously.

“Absolutely. I don’t know what Marcilla will do if she catches you.”

“You know Auntie’s whisper name?” asked Emma, sitting up.

“Auntie?” asked Laura, following her. The room spun around her. Her head lolled to one side, and Emma reached out to steady her.

“You need sleep. You lost all your butterflies.”

“Wait,” said Laura. “This is important.”

“Go to your cocoon little one.” Emma lowered herself until her eyes met Laura’s. “Dream of stars and honey.” Her green eyes almost flickered, becoming a sickly yellow. Laura felt a wave of nausea wash over her body. She remembered how tired she was, unbelievably tired. She lost so much blood. It was dangerous to push this. She needed sleep. Sleep and food. Talking was neither. She wanted stars and honey.

When she closed her eyes, the lights of the room seemed to twinkle, forming constellations. She licked her lips and watched them dance until she fell asleep.


Over the next week, the monotony of working for Marcilla was broken up by the excitement of playing with Emma. Each night, Emma would appear in Laura’s bed. Most nights, she would wake Laura up with kisses, and Laura would roll over to embrace her new lover.

Emma seemed to never want to talk or orgasm. She would feed on Laura, Laura would cum, and then Laura would sleep. At first, they gave up restraining Emma. She seemed to have some semblance of control over herself. Until one night Laura blacked out before the orgasm. Apparently, Emma had found an artery, and instead of panicking, she delighted to drink her fill. It was worse than their first night, and Emma told Laura later that she thought she had killed her. If she knew where a hospital was, she would have taken Laura there, but she didn’t want to risk exposure to Marcilla by wandering the manor with a body.

That incident sparked their secret excursion to the specialty BDSM store. Luckily, it was open late. Vampire late. The straps Emma brought with her originally were too weak. They needed a way to restrain Emma, to weaken her. Laura had to be able to pull away if things got too intense. Emma showed Laura a secret way out of the house, and Laura took her new vampire lover shopping for sex toys.

Laura would have been surprised that Emma had never been to a sex shop or done anything with BDSM. She had learned that Emma was a little over 100 years old. But Emma’s ignorance on anything had ceased to surprise Laura. Emma didn’t know about cell phones or the internet. She was like a child in an adult’s body until you asked her about poetry or death or anatomy or literature. Then, she was an expert, even though she spoke mostly in vague riddles and half sentences.

So it was with great delight that Laura got to teach Emma about the ancient human art of tying someone up before fucking them. Not that she had any more experience herself, but she seemed to understand sexuality in a way that baffled Emma. Emma had never cum before, even in all her time with Laura.

Emma had a thousand questions inside the shop, but most of them were versions of “why?” Why would someone want to be dressed as a horse? Why would someone want a cage around their penis? Why would someone want to be whipped? Why would someone want panties with a hole in them? Why would someone want to eat underwear? Of course, as silly as these may seem to Emma, there was a deeper question behind their visit to the shop: why would someone want a vampire to bite them? Why would someone want to be devoured?

Luckily, they bought several types of restraints. Unfortunately, they severely damaged the bedframe testing each one out. However, it was with much delight that both women discovered a set of chains wrapping under the bed that could hold Emma. The chains were attached to each side, so it was one chain connecting her right hand to her left hand under the bed. She had to split the bed or herself in two or snap the chain in order to reach Laura without Laura’s permission.

It was with this high of accomplishment, that Laura decided to give Emma her first orgasm. At first, Emma tried to resist. She tried squirming away. She tried crushing Laura’s head between her thighs. But once she felt Laura’s tongue reach her clit, once her pussy was nice and wet, she let go of any resistance. Laura took her time, wanting to make sure Emma was as comfortable and relaxed as possible. She had learned to go slow with Camille. Emma was bound, she wasn’t going anywhere. She had all the time in the world.

There was a moment, during Emma’s orgasm, that Laura was afraid she would break the bed. She pulled on the chains with everything she had, her body one tight string about to break. The lines of chains dug into her skin, leaving red marks, and even starting to bleed in some places. And yet, Emma was not trying to escape her pleasure, she was trying to press into it, to take every drop of it.

Laura licked her lips, taking one last taste of Emma, and sat up as Emma’s chest heaved. She was smiling, her face blank, though that was no different than traditional Emma.

“Did you like?” asked Laura, standing up. Emma looked delightful strapped to a bed. Laura had discovered that there was something even better than taking down prey like Claire: taking down powerful prey, a monster in fact. Emma could snap Laura in two, and yet here she was at Laura’s mercy.

“You are a song in my skin,” sighed Emma.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’”

“A beautiful melody of skin and hunger are you.”

“Do you like being tied up?” asked Laura.

“You do. Your volcano overflows. I like the heat.”

“I do. I very much do.” Laura paced around Emma, examining her body. Emma looked older when naked. She was still thin, like a specter, almost too thin. That was one of the reasons her strength was so surprising. The other reason was her face. Emma’s eyes were large, making her look doll-like or simple. You would never think she wanted to eat you. You would never be afraid of her if you stumbled upon her in the dark.

“But,” added Laura, tapping her chin, “if you don’t like it, it’s no fun for me.”

“Liar,” giggled Emma. “Your magma runneth over.”

“BDSM needs consent. Do you consent to this?”

“I consent to melting under you.”

Laura nodded. That would be the closest she’d get to a ‘yes.’ Despite Emma’s thinness, she wasn’t pure muscle. Her tummy wasn’t right, and her arms weren’t corded. It was as though her whole body was a whisper, an echo. Laura felt she could break her if she wanted to. Hell, she could break her on accident, and that effect was only amplified while Emma was bound. Laura could do anything she wanted with Emma like this. She could take whatever she wanted, and Emma would have to let her.

The thought made Laura’s knees weak.

“Emma,” she said as she paced around. She went to the nightstand and took out the knife they now kept there as a sex toy.


“Who is Auntie?”

Emma’s relaxed posture disappeared. “Who?” she asked.

“Auntie. You said it the other day, but when I asked, you didn’t answer.”

“Some shadows are too long for what casts them.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t you?” Laura stepped closer to Emma. She didn’t want to stand over her. She was afraid any contact with Emma would give the girl an edge. She also made sure to look at Emma’s chest as she spoke. Looking into Emma’s eyes would be the end of this conversation.

“You won’t look at me while you climb inside?”

“I won’t be put to sleep again, no. You have a secret, and while I have you here, helpless, I want to know it.”

“Talk is the traitor’s way. A loyal man speaks with the body,” said Emma. There was panic in her voice behind the faux confidence.

“I can’t make you talk by force. Perhaps I can offer you a trade.” Laura leaned over Emma’s body, took the knife, and made a tiny slice into her palm. She closed her hand and let the blood slowly drip down to the edge of her hand. She made sure not to look at Emma as the tiny droplets gathered and her hand hovered over Emma’s face.

“Please don’t trade in lies,” whispered Emma. Laura heard her strain against the chains. “This is a burnt offering.”

But Laura knew what Emma’s desperation sounded like. She hadn’t been fed, not yet. She was hungry. Normally, if she could, she would pin Laura down and take what she wanted while Laura came, but Laura had the power now. She let a few drops of blood trickle down onto Emma’s face, doing her best to miss Emma’s lips while not looking into the vampire’s eyes.

“Please,” begged Emma. Her tongue strained to lick the drops, but they couldn’t reach much, and what little they did reach only whet her appetite.

“Please what?” teased Laura. “Please stop? Please feed you?”


“Who is Auntie?”

“Don’t make me kill my mother.”

“Who is your mother?” asked Laura, her heart beating faster.

“A ghost,” whispered Emma, as though each breath was agony for her.

“Who is Auntie?”

“You know the rumor of her, the story, wind passing through your hair. You know the shadow and call it the form. You know the absence and call it the light.” Emma’s voice was sharp, almost angry. There was a ragged nature to it. Emma’s body went tight and the sound of chain digging into wood filled the room. Emma pulled — Laura hoped as strong as she could — but the chains didn’t budge. They dug into her skin, bringing up tiny circles of red, but they didn’t break.

Laura squeezed her palm, letting more drops fall onto Emma’s mouth. It seemed to pacify her. Emma licked her lips wildly and stopped struggling, but she didn’t answer Laura’s question. Laura pulled her hand away, and Emma quietly whimpered for more.

“I can give you more when you answer the question. You don’t need to tell me about your mother, but tell me about Auntie.” Laura had to be careful now. Perhaps with the bloodlust and the desperation to keep her secret she could break the bed now. Laura was continually surprised by Emma’s strength. If she underestimated the vampire now, she could be dead in minutes.

“Why ask and set the knife to your own throat?” asked Emma.

“Is that a threat?”

“It is Auntie’s promise, her nature.”

“Who is she? I can’t be safe from her if I don’t know who she is.”

“Ignorance is your shield,” said Emma. Laura risked a look at Emma’s eyes. There were wide and wild. Immediately, she felt a tug towards Emma, a warmth spreading over her body like a blanket, wrapped around her back and luring her closer to the vampire. She pulled her eyes away and stepped away from the bed. Her heart was thudding so hard she could hear it between her ears, as though it was shaking her mind with its desperation.

“You want sunlight and so impale yourself on Apollo’s arrow.”

“Who is she?!” yelled Laura. Immediately, she regretted it. The house was too quiet for this. Anyone could hear her, could come to Laura’s room, and discover Emma tied to her bed. But as she spoke, she felt the cool mist of her breath wash over Emma. It was like Claire in the club all over again.

As the breath hit her, Emma whimpered but seemed to relax. She stopped pulling against the chains and her breathing became slower, calmer.

“Marcilla is my Auntie,” she whispered.

Laura’s mind whirred with a dozen questions. How is that possible? Why didn’t Marcilla tell her? Why did Emma answer? Did she have power over Emma now? She did her best to focus. Emma couldn’t answer all those. She had to get what answers she could.

“How did you meet Marcilla?”

“I ran away from my mother. I found letters between my mother and Marcilla. They knew each other. I went to Marcilla seeking guidance.”

Emma’s words were clear and sharp. She sounded lucid. There was no breathiness or strange melody to it. Her entire mind attended to her words.

“Why are you afraid of Marcilla?” asked Laura.

“She destroyed my mother.”

“Who is your mother?”


“Who is your mother?” pressed Laura.

The sound of chains on wood filled the room. Emma’s breathing went ragged again; her body pulled on the chains. “Please,” she begged. “Please, no more.”

Laura wanted more. She wanted all of it. She thought about leaving Emma here and going to get more chains, stronger chains. She could leave Emma here all night, getting the answers she wanted. This was her chance, her one chance. Emma may never consent to this again, and Laura certainly couldn’t force her to chain herself up.

Her only hope was to keep Emma’s trust for now.

Laura bent over and squeezed her hand. Large droplets of blood fell into Emma’s face. Laura risked lowering herself closer to Emma, making sure she was feeding her directly.

“There, there,” cooed Laura. Emma relaxed as she drank, though Laura could tell she wanted more. “There, there. I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you or make you say more than you’re comfortable with.”

Emma said nothing. She purred as she drank, and her tongue would wildly swing out, hoping to reach Laura’s hand.

“Are you hungry?” asked Laura.

Emma nodded.

“I can give you some, but don’t bite, okay?”

Emma nodded.

Laura sat on the bed and put her palm against Emma’s lips. Immediately, the vampire began to suck. Laura felt Emma’s fangs against her palm, but Emma never bit her. She obeyed.

While she sat there feeding her, Laura’s mind roamed everywhere. Here was a treasure trove of information. This was a vampire, over a hundred years old, that knew Marcilla. She may not know her intimately, but she could help Laura. More than that, Marcilla destroyed her mother. She could be an ally for Laura. If she knew that Laura wanted Marcilla exposed, the mask of Camille destroyed forever, perhaps she would help her.

How long had she been in this mansion? How much did she know about its secrets? There was still so much Laura didn’t know. She was guessing at hundreds of years of history, coming into the story more than halfway through. Her ignorance was her weakness, but here, licking her hand, was the cure to that.

She needed to be careful; Emma was fragile. Though Laura had some power over the girl. She had her blood, but she had something else, something new, something she didn’t understand. There was hope of bringing Emma completely under her control, but she had to start with small steps.

“Tell me, pet,” said Laura while Emma fed, “do you know my friend Nikki?”

Emma nodded casually while she drank, and Laura felt chills run over her body. She had suspected as much, but it was a stab in the dark.

“She was trying to find you, trying to figure out who you were, and then she disappeared,” said Laura. “Did she find you?”

Emma nodded.

“Do you know what happened to her?”

Emma nodded.

“Can you tell me?”

Emma pulled her lips away from Laura’s hand. “I can show you the wondering one,” she said. “Would you like that?”

“Very much,” said Laura. “Very very much.”


Emma couldn’t show her that night. It was getting early, and Laura was worried about her shout waking other people up. When she found Nikki, she wanted the house to be safe, to be quiet, and to give her time. Emma insisted that Nikki was alive, but she couldn’t say if Nikki was safe. When Laura pressed, Emma evaded.

In the meantime, Laura’s imagination was hell. She couldn’t work. She couldn’t feed Emma, though Emma begged. She could only imagine how Nikki was still in the house and yet a secret from her. Where were they keeping her? Was she a prisoner? A sex slave? What was happening to her?

Two nights later, the Muse Session happened early. Everyone but Camille was asleep, and Emma said that this was the safest time to wander the halls. That was when she used to sneak around. Camille was absorbed in her writing, and she didn’t see to disturbances personally unless they were distressing.

Laura was nervous. She dressed in all black: long sleeve shirt, yoga pants, black socks, and even a black hat with hair tucked in. Emma was dressed in her simple cotton dress as though this were any other day of her life. Her silver hair that caught the moonlight was uncovered. As Laura crept and walked on her tiptoes, Emma walked casually. Her stealth was effortless, and Laura felt like a fool to follow her.

Laura was so focused on making no sound and Emma’s ease at silence, that she was surprised when she found herself near the kitchen of the mansion. They went back through the pantry and the walk-in refrigerator and found themselves in front of a door that looked like a closet. Emma opened it casually and led Laura down a flight of stairs. At the landing, there were three doors, one in each direction, and nothing else. Emma sniffed the air, and then opened the door to the right.

The room was tiny. There was a lantern hanging in one corner, mostly illuminating the ceiling. The walls were bare concrete. Laura felt like she had been transported out of a Victorian manor and into a castle dungeon. Laura spotted two hooks in the far corner and attached to them were a chain. She followed the chain out of the lantern light and into the gloom of the lower half of the room. There, tied to the wall and gagged, was Nikki.

She looked worse than terrible. She was much thinner than Laura remembered her. She was sitting on her knees, and Laura spotted manacles around her ankles attached to chains in the bottom corner of the wall. Her arms were forced up and spread wide by the chains attached there. Her red hair was thin and wet with grease and bodily oils. Her body was covered in freckles but also thin cuts. Her mouth was gagged, and they had left her in only a filthy bra and panties. Her eyes were closed, and her head was tilted to one side.

“What happened to her?” asked Laura.

“What happens to naughty sheep?”

“She’s food?!” squeaked Laura.

Quickly, Emma stepped forward and clamped her hand around Laura’s mouth. “Best not to wake Auntie,” she said. Laura nodded, and Emma guided Laura closer to Nikki, keeping her hand around Laura’s mouth. She bent down next to Laura’s former lover and pointed to some instruments around the floor. There was a thin funnel and some tubes. It looked like discarded hospital equipment. They were using it to drain the blood from Nikki. They fed off of her, but they kept her alive.

“She makes a feast if they are careful,” said Emma, pulling her hand from Laura’s mouth.

“Oh my God,” whispered Laura. She fell to her knees. She moved to touch Nikki, but hesitated.

“I have a mean Auntie,” said Emma.

“Why? Why not just fire her or kill her?”

Emma didn’t answer, but Laura could figure it out. If they let Nikki go, she could reveal the secrets she knew. If they killed Nikki, that could raise questions. Besides, Nikki could feed vampires indefinitely if they were strategic about it. Looking around the room, Laura saw that they were definitely strategic about it.

“She’s a monster,” said Laura.

“She has no heart,” said Emma. “Do not be fooled by her twisted truths.”

As Laura examined Nikki’s body, she could see where they cut her to bleed her. She could see the stains where some had spilled. She could see the lines in her skin from her manacles. She could see the quality of Nikki’s life. Nikki was in hell. Was this the hell Laura had been praying for from Marcilla? Was this her fate if she was caught with Emma, if she betrayed or upset Marcilla? Death would be merciful compared to this. If Marcilla wanted to truly destroy Laura, she would lock her up in the room next-door.

Camille was not entirely a neutered huntress. She may not be the predator, Marcilla, that Laura imagined her to be, but she was still a monster. She would have her way and destroy those that obstructed her.

Laura reached out to touch her friend. Nikki woke up slowly, but when she saw Laura and Emma, her eyes were wide with panic. She pulled and thrashed on her manacles and tried to talk through her gag. Laura moved to take off the gag, but Emma stopped her.

“Wait,” said Emma.

She moved closer to Nikki, moving Laura out of the way, and made sure her eyes were level with Nikki’s. She began to softly sing a strange song that Laura had never heard before. As she sang, Laura recognized the tone in her voice. She was calming Nikki’s mind, moving her to stillness, and Nikki obeyed. When Nikki nodded that she understood, Emma moved out of the way and stepped back.

“Let loose,” she said.

Laura moved closer and looked right into her friend’s eyes. They were a little glazed over. Nikki almost looked high under Emma’s influence, and it reminded Laura of Claire’s eyes at the club.

Laura reached up and wrapped her hands around Nikki’s head. She untied the gag and slowly pulled it away. She reached up to touch Nikki’s face, but before she could, Nikki’s lips crashed into hers. The chains keeping her to the wall rattled, but Laura responded back, kissing Nikki with all her might. She had forgotten what it was like to have Nikki, the sense of comfort, the feeling of having a confidant, a true friend in this whole house. Emma was not nearly the same as having Nikki wrapped around her, joking with her, being sarcastic and bold. Laura never realized how alone she was once Nikki disappeared, but as she kissed Nikki with everything she had, she keenly felt that loneliness. This was her friend, her one true friend.

Nikki broke the kiss and smiled as she pulled back. “You’re a sight for finished clichés,” she said. Her voice was hoarse and ragged. She needed water.

“Holy shit,” sighed Laura. “What have they done to you?”

“Made me a buffet,” said Nikki. “And a prisoner.”

“We have to get you out of here,” said Laura. She stood, grabbing the manacles, and following the chains to the wall. There was a place for key on her wrists but nowhere else. “Do you know where the key is?” she asked.

“With Angelica,” said Nikki. “She drains me each day.”

“Bitch,” hissed Laura. She turned to Emma. “Can you break these? Can you pull them off the wall?”

Emma shook her head.

Laura snarled and tugged on the chains with all her might. She knew it wouldn’t do anything, but she needed something to take her frustration out on. She pulled and rattled the chains, huffing and grunting as she did it. Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Emma. Her face was placid and comforting.

“We need to go before they steal us,” she said.

“But what about her?”

“We have no place to put her, and her lack will be seen.”

“What?” asked Nikki. Laura looked at her. She was confused and panicked. “What the hell is wrong with her?”

“She means that we don’t have a place to put you.”

“The hospital?” suggested Nikki sarcastically.

“They will know you are missing,” said Laura.

“I hope so.”

“They will figure out that we did it,” sighed Laura as she realized it. “We can’t take you out. We don’t have a plan.”

“We can all get away from here. Let’s all go. Let’s get across the country.”

“Camille will find us. She has plenty of resources.” Laura walked through the plan in her mind. There was nothing for them to do. They needed something better than this. She didn’t know how bad it was, but if Camille suddenly lost her food supply, a food supply that knew about Emma, she wouldn’t ignore that.

“We have to be smart,” said Laura. “We will get you out of here. I promise.”

“Please. You don’t know what’s like. You don’t understand.” Her voice cracked and raised as she became increasingly desperate. Her eyes darted from Emma to Laura, looking for any comfort and getting nothing.

“I promise you. I’ll get you out. I’ll figure it out.”

“Please. Don’t leave me. I’ll scream. I swear to God, I’ll scream.”

“Do that, and we’re all dead,” snapped Laura.

“Then take me with you. Give me a chance.”

Laura tried to smile, tried to make her face a small comfort to Nikki, but she knew it was hollow. “I’m sorry,” she said. “We need to go.”

Nikki screamed at the top of her lungs, and immediately, Laura moved closer and clamped her hands over Nikki’s mouth. It muted most of it, and Nikki stopped once she realized it wouldn’t work. Laura’s anger flared. Nikki was willing to throw her away for the small chance of saving herself. Perhaps Laura would have done the same thing in her shoes, but Laura was done being patient with Nikki now.

“Calm down,” said Laura, her breath washing over Nikki. Immediately, Nikki stopped struggling against the bonds. Her eyes glazed over, and her breathing slowed.

“Good,” said Laura. She looked over at Emma uncomfortably. Emma was giving her a bizarre look, trying to figure out what Laura had done or what Laura was. Laura shrugged. “At least she stopped screaming,” she said to the vampire. She couldn’t explain it anyways. They needed to get back out and hope Camille hadn’t heard Nikki’s scream.

“Now,” said Laura, turning back to Nikki. “I’m going to gag you again. We’re going to leave, and as soon as we figure out a way to save you, we will. Okay?”

The calm drained out of Nikki’s face. Her eyes widened as she understood what Laura said. She was ready to scream again. Laura needed to gag her. Quick.

When Laura moved to wrap the gag back around Nikki’s face, Nikki’s eyes darted back and forth between Laura and Emma. Then a surge of confidence overtook her, and she bit down on her lip as hard as she could. Blood welled up and surged down her chin. Laura tried to process what Nikki had down when she heard a low growl come from Emma next to her.

Slowly, she turned to look at the vampire she brought into the small cell with Nikki. Emma hadn’t eaten in days. She wanted fresh blood, Laura’s blood, but Laura hadn’t been in the mood while worrying about Nikki. Here, Emma had her wish. Hot blood dribbled down Nikki’s chin, and Emma’s bloodlust surged through her, blocking out all fear, all reason. Laura froze, not wanting to startle Nikki to scream, not wanting to provoke Emma as her lips curled back and she showed her long fangs.

“Emma,” said Laura cautiously. “We need to go.”

Emma’s eyes darted to Laura. Her pupils were thin slits. This wasn’t Emma. This was a monster, a huntress. She had found her prey, and nothing would keep her from it. Emma darted forward, at first looking as though she would bite Nikki’s face, but instead kissed Nikki. It was not a seduction. It was not sensual. It was forced. It was taking. It was aggressive and pressed. It was hungry and needy. Emma didn’t care if Nikki kissed her back. She wanted blood. All she wanted was blood.

But Nikki did respond. She whimpered and melted into Emma’s kiss, offering her bottom lip for Emma to suck on. It was a tiny amount of blood, but it gave Emma life. As Emma animated, so did Nikki. Both women started to growl and whimper, to give into each other, to admit their dependence on the other.

As Laura watched, she didn’t think about running. She didn’t think about Camille and the certain doom waiting for them. She didn’t think about Nikki’s pain or Emma’s hunger. As she watched, she only thought about herself. She thought about the pleasure she was missing out on. As her two lovers kissed, she felt the sting of jealousy, the neediness of lust. She wanted what they had: the blood and the lips, the hunt and the death.

Her eyes looked over Nikki’s body in a new light. Yes, she had lost weight. Her body had been damaged and bled. She was underfed and abused, but she was still beautiful. Her hips were still thick and wide. Her breasts were plump and distracting. Her hair was rich and red. Her freckles were adorable and everywhere. She was still beautiful, and there was still so much of her.

She watched as Emma used Nikki as a piece of meat. She slid her hands around Nikki’s face to bring it closer, to hold it in place. She sucked on Nikki’s lips for sustenance, not for pleasure. Sustenance was its own pleasure. There was the thrill of living, of life passing through your lips and life fleeing from your prey. There was the primal hunt of give and take. Emma took, and Nikki gave. But Laura wanted it. She wanted to take. She wanted to sink her teeth into Nikki’s shoulder, into her thigh, into her wrist, into her palm, into her breasts, and yes, into her lips. She wanted to know what every piece of Nikki tasted like. Not just with her tongue, but with her teeth.

Laura stood as her mind hazed with lust. She was back with Claire. She was with Nikki for the first time. She was with Emma that first night. She was wild and trapped. She was starving and prime rib was dangling in front of her. She couldn’t be blamed for what happened next. Her instincts took over, powerful as they were.

“I promise I will let you out,” said Laura. “I promise I will.” She moved next to Nikki’s hand chained to the wall. Nikki looked at Laura out of the corner of her eye, but Emma was not to be distracted. She did not release Nikki’s head to turn and face Laura.

Laura peeled down her yoga pants and panties to her knees in one swift motion. She had been horrified moments ago, but her hunger had taken over. She was soaked and needy now. She needed release. She was too hungry to think or care anymore.

“All you need to do is feed Emma and make me cum. Then I will release you.” Laura stepped closer and straddled Nikki’s hand until her fingers were pressed up against Laura’s wet pussy.

Nikki nodded. The power of Laura earlier, the power of Emma now, did not allow her to panic or shut down. She knew her job. Her job was to serve. Her job was to offer her body, and if that granted her freedom, of course she would do it eagerly.

Nikki brought her attention back to Emma. She bit hard on her upper lip, releasing more blood. Immediately, Emma began to kiss both lips, allowing her tongue to roam over Nikki’s lips, sliding it into Nikki’s mouth, sucking on the top lip and drinking.

Meanwhile, Nikki’s fingers began to flutter against Laura’s pussy. She waved them back and forth the long way along Laura’s lips. Laura sighed and pressed herself into Nikki’s hand. She felt the cold metal of the chain against her leg, but rather than scare her or intimidate her, it drew her deeper into lust. She loved that Nikki was trapped, chained to a wall, forced to be hers. She obeyed Laura. She trusted Laura. She belonged to Laura. Laura had control over her, like she had control over Claire, like she sometimes could control Emma. Something was changing in her, and that new thing found Nikki’s situation erotic. It wasn’t scared anymore; it was hungry. There was so much to have: first, obedience, then, her body, and finally, her blood.

Laura wondered what Emma tasted. She had tasted that final metallic surge from Claire’s neck. Was that the flavor for vampires? Or was it like a fine steak? Was it savory and warm? Was it heaven? Should she go down and replace Emma? Kissing Nikki and tasting her blood as well as her will? Or perhaps she could replace Camille? Keep Nikki locked up, feeding her with her fingers, her tongue, her body, her flesh, and more. There is so much more to take from a life, and Laura knew now that she wanted it all. She wanted to own Nikki, not just fuck her.

Nikki could not pump her hand, and instead she settled for pressing her fingers against Laura’s clit and drawing small circles over and over while Laura ground and slid against them. She closed her eyes. There, she could imagine more than Emma could do to her friend. She could see Emma taking tiny nibbles from Nikki’s flesh. She could imagine the smell of blood and lust filling the room. She could imagine Emma taking larger bites, sinking her teeth in here and there across the body, leaving tiny piercings, perfect little holes, all over Nikki’s body. Each spot sends a red line down Nikki’s body. She wished she could follow behind Emma and lick them up. Together they would devour her. They would taste her. They would have her.

And now, with this new power, Nikki would give it willingly. Laura pressed harder against Nikki’s fingers at the thought. With the simple power of her words, Nikki would give up her life and her body. This was power. This was true power. This is what Camille refused to use. This was why she was weak.

But Laura wasn’t weak. Not anymore.

Orgasm overtook her. She shook as it rolled over her body again and again. Nikki didn’t stop. She didn’t slow down. She knew her purpose. She knew her command. While Laura came, she continued to feed Emma. She would be free when both women were satisfied. That was the deal.

Laura shook, her thighs still quivering, as she moved away from Laura’s hand. She pulled up her panties and yoga pants and had to put her hand against the wall, bracing herself as she caught her breath. She watched Emma, the vampire pushing herself, as Nikki offered herself. She had already bitten Nikki’s ear, though not much blood came from that. She was moving lower down Nikki’s body when Laura moved in to stop her.

“Stop,” hissed Laura. She felt her power, her breath, wash over Emma. The vampire stopped momentarily, but her hunger and focus were still on Nikki. Laura carefully approached Emma and put her hands on her shoulders, pulling her away.

“If you mark her too much,” said Laura, “then they’ll know we were here.” That seemed to help, and Emma stepped away, wiping her mouth with her arm. “I promise I’ll feed you when we get back to my room.”

Emma nodded, understanding. Laura turned to face Nikki. She looked so hopeful, so energetic about the prospect of her freedom. But Laura was thinking clearly now. It was stupid for them to stay, but it was stupid for Nikki to bite herself. This was the right thing to do. She needed to be patient. She could free them all, but only if she were careful, if she were calculating.

Laura bent down and picked up the gag. Without warning, she wrapped it around Nikki’s head and tied it. Nikki’s peaceful face turned to one of confusion and then to one of horror as she realized what Laura planned to do. She began to scream, but it was muffled by the gag. Laura turned, and Emma led her out of the dungeon, back to the stairs leading to the kitchen.

As the door closed behind them, all Laura could hear was the rattle of chains.

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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lqth2b/poetry_blood_part_10_ff_bdsm_mind_control_vampire