[Request] Seeking original erotica submissions to be read aloud by native Brit

Hi folks, long time lurker first time poster ?

I’m looking for likeminded individuals for a new segment I’m trying to kickstart on my member site, as well as here on reddit; Jack-off-anory! r/jackoffanory

It’s where I – a native Brit – read erotica aloud in minimal clothing. I am currently reading from a small volume I have at home but those stories aren’t going to last forever! Plus I would like to make it a more communal thing; with people submitting original content, upvoting their faves etc.

I want to be super open that this is predominantly for the purpose of sharing on my OF so will be content created with the aim to sell.

As a result I still need to work out a good means of compensation – whether it’s $$ or a copy of the video. This is probably best discussed with each person as to what they would prefer.

Worth noting that I am not a hugely popular or well known OF content creator. I am still fairly new, only started to post properly in November 2020.

My account is free to subscribe with unlockable content, I only have a small following that spends money with me. The first episode – which was a big experiment that I had no clue if it would pay off – I only charged $5 for and got maybe 10 sales, of which a 20% fee is deducted from each.

The second episode (posted yesterday) I am still not satisfied with the quality of and so am only charging $12 of which I see $9.40. So far I have 3 purchases, I would hope to get maybe 5-8 but no guarantees.

Ultimately I want to make it a monthly segment and charge $20-25 per episode, of which OF would take their 20%. I would hope to get maybe 4 sales at that price, with my current exposure.

Just wanted to be super transparent that while there is money in it, and I am happy to pay for their creative efforts, it’s not likely to be big bucks.

Now that I got the compensation bit out the way! Let’s get to the videos themselves.

First things first; I don’t masturbate while reading! That outside of my comfort levels and won’t be something I will be including.

Otherwise the format is still in the experimental stage while I get my shit together. I have only done 2 episodes so far, both clocking in at around 30mins long.

In both cases I wear very sheer lingerie and sit in an antique leather chair. I start by showing off the revealing outfit before getting stuck into the story, being sure to encourage viewers to play along and often adding little asides to the camera.

The first was a fairly straightforward read-through which took about a day to film/tidy up, export and upload… The second was a bit more elaborate, I spent a good portion of it topless and inserted additional footage to accompany the story (close ups of tugging at my nipples, grabbing my breasts, sucking my fingers etc) and took the best part of 4 days to get it live.

I really am in love with the idea I have here and think it can be something really awesome – but genuinely cannot do it on my own, so if anyone if interested please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. You can see some examples of my content on my reddit profile to get a feel for my vibe.

So yeah, I think that’s everything!

Thanks so much if you read all of this, have a wonderful week! ♥️


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lpvfvv/request_seeking_original_erotica_submissions_to

1 comment

  1. You are welcome to use any stories that I publicly post on this account under the following conditions:

    * Don’t worry about compensation until you get much larger. If you start making thousands off of a recording we can talk about it then.
    * You attribute me as the author, and if I declare in the work that it is a commission for a certain user you attribute them as having commissioned the original work.
    * If you need to modify it in order to record it make sure that you state it has been modified from its original content.
    * I get a copy of anything made using my work.

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