Anthem for a Doomed Yoof [MF]

When I was a kid I had the pleasure of being looked after by a wonderful young woman, let’s call her P. She was a Mum herself and was great with kids. She was kind.

Roll on several years and I am 18, horny and unsuccessfully trying to hide my current level of inebriation. It’s a gathering at a family friend’s house and I am chugging the red wine. I’m introduced to a beautiful older woman with dark hair, gorgeous smile. It’s P.

I hadn’t seen her in years and, more importantly, I hadn’t seen her *that way*. But now I was there and she stood in front of me, the metaphorical clouds parted and I saw her fully for the first time.

We hugged, I pecked her on the cheek and and I dove head first. I made it clear to P, with every ounce of my being, that she was the focal point of the room. We chatted, talked about where we were at in our lives, giggled and flirted, outrageously… or at least I did.

She never made me feel like an idiot for coming on strong and seemed to enjoy my attention. But this was a public place and she was too smart to let her guard down over a couple of glasses of wine.

I left that place to go to some crappy house party that evening. People my age. Girls my age. No interest. I was only thinking about P. In my teenage horniness I added her on social media and messaged her, embarrassed by my antics earlier.

She messaged back immediately.
“Where are you?”

No formal intro or sign off, just those words.

I told her which part of town I was in. About 15 minutes walk from where we had been earlier. Just a few streets and the local park between us.

“Meet me at the Church in 30”, she said.

Ok. I knew where she meant.

I made no excuses to my friends. I just left with half a bottle of poor quality gin.

I got to the rendezvous first. I sat on the church steps, on the edge of the park. It was dead except for the odd person heading into town to find a bar that might still serve them. I swigged on the booze half expecting to be stood up but soon enough there she was.

She smiled. I made to stand up but she stepped forward. I am a little unsteady on the gin. I sat back down and looked up at her.

I swear to God, on the steps of that Church, in full view of Him and anyone else who would walk by at that moment, she parted her long overcoat and revealed herself to me.

High heels that she must have changed into since earlier. Tights and suspenders guiding my gaze to her little black panties. The soft curves of her body drawing me to her ample tits caged in a neat black bra. Then her gorgeous face. And that smile.

I did not have to think. I brushed my hand up her calf, let it nestle just behind her knee and pulled it towards me. She was almost astride me know. My right hand moved her panties aside and my mouth enveloped her pussy. Sat there on those steps I worshipped her cunt. I sucked on her clit and drew long, wet tongue-fulls of her juice into my mouth. I drank it greedily. I tore the panties away from her body. They hung there around her waist, crotchless and useless save for this purpose.

I was hungry for each and every part of her but too greedy in the moment to give up any of her. So I pushed her juices upwards and backwards. I collected it and guided it. I lavished the fingers of my right hand with it. I found her puckered asshole and, still fucking her with my mouth, gently pressed a lone finger against and then through her tight ring. She gasped; almost her first true vocalisation beyond heavy breathing. She was so wet and so horny that her ass welcomed me. First one finger and then two. I pushed them through and curled them inside her asshole. I parted them, testing her ass, stretching it playfully as I sucked and lapped at her now pulsing cunt.

The first sign she was really close was the subtle shiver in her legs. Not tiredness or stress, but rivers of pleasure and the odd shot of pain firing up and down them. I secured her and consumed her. As she came closer, so did her body begin to fall into me, like she was collapsing into herself. I braced her with my arms and did not relent.

Her pussy was a stream by now and her asshole began to pulsate in rhythm with her hips as she ground herself on my face. She shuddered and let out a cry as she came. I felt short, sharp gushes on my chin, running down my chest. Her ass clamped shut on my fingers, then relented, and clamped shut once more with each wave.

When she was finished she rocked forwards, I leant backwards and I let her fall gently on top of me.
