Stripper had to take it for a ride [MF]

A recent post by /u/Adam_Ant_69 in /r/truebigdickstories reminded me of a similar, albeit a little more tragicomic, experience at a strip club in Vegas from several years ago.

Important caveats: This story seems far fetched and I totally agree! If someone told me this happened I would be very skeptical, it’s saving grace is how weird it went going down. But trust me, dear reader, this is 100% god’s honest truth, as someone who lived it and was sober through the whole experience. Also worth pointing out that 99.999% of the strippers you encounter in the wild are doing their job and do not want to have sex with me, you, or anyone. Always ask permission, even if you’re pretty sure the thing you’re doing is allowed.

So with that out of the way – I was in Vegas and at this club for a friend’s bachelor party and was recently single and had received a promotion and had some extra money to burn – so was looking to have a good time and able to afford it.

The groom had never been to a strip club so we all had a lot of fun buying him dances and drinks and listening to him talk about much he loves his bride-to-be to all the strippers. It was pretty cute.

While we all were sitting having a good time a stripper came up to me and asked if I wanted a dance, let’s call her Candi. Candi was a latina lady of medium height and pale brown skin, with smallish natural tits but with incredible legs and a gorgeous, firm ass. I remember being won over by her flirty banter and charm but also distinctly recall thinking that this wasn’t going to be my ‘gal’ for the night that I was going to blow most of my cash on. Silly silly me.

The particular club we were at, I think Treasure Island, has a few floors and stages and my group was up on the second floor at one of the smaller stages. At first Candi and I just scooted away from my group so she could give me a little private attention. She was wearing booty-shorts that she immediately planted right in my lab, grinding her ass right into me. We had gone out earlier that night to a nicer dinner to celebrate – so I was wearing slacks and immediately and obviously started to get hard at the attention.

“What do we have here” I remember her purring in my ear as she wiggled against me. I chuckled and asked if she liked what she felt. “Hmmm you’ve got a something to be proud of down there don’t you?” She said grinding up against me – and I guess this is as good of time as any to introduce me: I’m about 8” x, 6” around, uncut, with a big juicy head. And she was definitely feeling in my slacks it all moving up and down. For the rest of the song she proceeded to grind up and down and grope at it, all while talking about how big and thick and how she hasn’t had one like this before.

Now as anyone who’s ever interacted with a stripper at a strip club knows, you are rarely not being upsold, and this is doubly true right after you “buy”. Get a dance – hear about the back room. Get to the back room – hear about the VIP room. Get to the VIP room – hear about the hotel after her shift’s done. Usually I’m better about these type of things but Candi was giving me the hard sell, grinding her ass and then pussy back into me and whispering sweet nothings in my ear about how badly she wanted my cock. Finally I relented, yes let’s go to the back and get that VIP dance and talk more about cock.

So we got up and I meekly waved farewell to my friends and followed her towards the back. At this point most of my strip club experience was in Portland, which tend to be lot smaller than the place I was at in Vegas. Usually in Portland when you get a dance you agree to the rate, find a private “room”, do your thing, and then pay up. You don’t really interact with the house at all.

Vegas was a different deal – she lead me back to a separate room with a big bouncer standing at the door. He went through the rates, took my card, and then had me sign and fingerprint a hold on my card, and lead us through a pretty dark room to a little booth where we got comfy again.

Candi strips down into a little thong and almost immediately her hands were on my fly – “wait wait wait won’t they see us?” I protest a little, we are still in a room with other coupled up dancers and that very intimidating bouncer who had just fingerprinted me. “Hmmm I’ll just sit on you and we can put your suit coat on your lap – we’ll be fine” she winks and then pulls me out and quickly slides her panties to the side and impales herself as she lowers herself down as if giving me a lap dance.

“Mmmm” she moans and wiggles around “you were right, you’ve got an excellent cock papi” – her pussy was already soaked and tight and I had to bite my lip from making a noise. She can’t really fuck me fully without being too obvious but she can gyrate herself back and forth on my lap and rub her clit into the base of my cock.

Suddenly I’m tapped on the shoulder and I feel a larger presence loom over me “Your card was declined”. Oh god what have I done.

Now I didn’t really ever get the chance to debrief with Candi after all this went down, but I would really would have loved to hear her perspective on how I reacted, _inside of her_, as the bouncer and I worked out the details: my card was declined, could you try this other card, ok the other card does work, can you please sign your name, and and your fingerprint. I know I had an erection before and afterwards – but what about the middle bits? As I experience the erection-killing fear of thinking I was about to be roughly thrown out of this club (and Candi) – did it actually kill my erection or did her pussy keep things at full attention?

I’m also not exactly sure if the bouncer knew what was up and was cool or if our ruse actually worked – he must encounter banks rejecting cards all the time but does the stripper usually stay on the lap throughout?

As scholar and poet Kanye West put it “I guess we’ll never know” and so both remain a mystery – eventually the matter with the credit card was resolved and Candi went back to grinding on me, eventually getting herself off (or I think she did based on the pussy squeezing and lip biting). “What about you?” She said seductively, grinding herself up and down a bit more to try and get me off. “Ohhh no, I think I’m good” – flashing through 18 years of child support, introducing my child-from-a-stripper to it’s grandparents, etc and she discretely scooted off of me and I put my very wet cock back away into my slacks.

At that point I paid my tab and tipped her well for the experience – we exchanged numbers but mentioned she had a morning Zoomba class that precluded any further meetups that night. And I found my friends and we cabbed back to our hotel where I, and I am not kidding, locked myself in a bathroom and washed my cock with every cleaning chemical I could find (including mouthwash) and of course beating off senselessly.

And so ends my sordid tale of raw dogging a stripper in Vegas – I escaped child (as far as I know) and STD free and Candi got to get stretched and get her rocks off while at work. Guess everybody wins!


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