Adventurers assaulted by hot busty dark elves in an unforgettable adventure

Our story begins with a group of adventurers living in the medieval kingdom of Larion. The kingdom is filled with small villages and thatched cottages and has been relatively peaceful until now. The adventurers are on a quest to find the magical staff of Zalos. They walk through the forest and notice a band of mountain dwarves. The dwarves are friendly and offer them food and drink. Then one of the dwarves turns to them and tells them that evil dark elves are attacking his people in the forest. The adventurers agree to help in battle.

Bert head to the forest.

The adventurers run into the forest and see several mountain dwarves fighting a group of human-like creatures. Bert casts magic missiles at some of the dark elves.

chad unleashes his muscular and sexy body at the same time blinding the evil spirits.

The dark elves are defeated and the adventurers proceed to help the dwarves in any way they can.

Bert says “Where’s Zalos?”

One dwarf tells you that the king resides in one of the mountain’s many halls. You and the dwarves begin climbing the mountain and hope that the dark elves will not be too troublesome for you along the way.

chad comes up to the king and says “Where the fuck is your staff you old geezer?” The king looks at chad in disgust “You dare speak to me in that manner! You do not know the power of the staff, let alone who I am!”

Bert says “Who are you”

The dwarf looks at Bert “I am Flog, humble servant of the mountain.”

Bert asks him “Where is the staff?”

Flog tells him “It is in my quarters”.

Bert bert goes into Flog’s quarters.

The rest of the dwarves stand outside the king’s quarters. Bert examines the door and sees letters on it. They say

staff on the door to open it.

Inside Bert finds a chest on the floor. He opens it and finds a strange cube inside. The dwarves look on in awe.

Bert puts it into his bag and says

Bert says “Dis the real shit my G”

The dwarves cheer and pick you up to celebrate your good fortune. One of them says “The dark elves will fear us now”. You ask Bert “How do I get back home?” but he does not know.

chad says “Nigga, give me my fucking staff.”

You tell Bert to get chad his staff. Then you leave the dwarves and head back to the village.

Bert stops you “What are you going to do with that cube?”

chad says “Eat it”

By now, all the dwarves are following you. You think about it and then take a bite out of the cube. It tastes terrible and you spit it out immediately. Bert laughs and takes another bite.

Bert bert goes back to Zalos.

The next day you and Bert return to Zalos. You tell your story to the captain of the guard but he doesn’t seem very interested.

Bert bert grabs his penis, claiming he found Zalos’ staff.

Bert grabs his dick and starts showing it to the captain.

Chad laughs and says “I’ll bet he took a bite out of that”.

You reply “No, he didn’t”.

Bert then proceeds to take a bit out of his own dick, spitting blood everywhere including the captain’s face. The captain is grossed out “What the fuck are you doing? Get that dick off me!”. Bert replies “Oh, we just found the staff of Zalos” and runs off into the woods.

chad pulls out his dick and rotates it at an incredible speed of 200km/h turning into an atack helicopter.

Chad pulls out his dick and begins hovering it around the ceiling spinning it very fast. He then proceeds to fly it like a helicopter blade cutting the legs off some dark elves. They scream and fall off their horses.

Bert bert rushes in to help, jerking Chad off in order to create a stream of thick, slimy liquid to drown the dark elves.

Chad notices Bert ready to jerk. He grabs the dick and pulls himself to the ground. The rest of the dark elves notice this and begin to run away. They are cut down by arrows shot by your soldiers.

Soliders use arrow with poisonous tips full of the kings cum. The poison from the arrows enters the skin and causes a painful death in minutes.

The next day, Bert and Chad’s parents show up. You explain what happened and they take the two boys back to their village.

Bert bert rapes Chad when he’s trying to sleep.

Bert takes out his dick and gets on top of chad. He begins rubbing it on him. Chad wakes up and tells him to stop, but Bert doesn’t listen.

Then chad takes his monster cock and shoves it up his nose. Filling him with dark elve cum. Bert didnt know chad was a dark elve. Bert pulls out his knife from his pocket and stabs him, chad dying in the procces.

Bert buries him up to his neck in the ground and runs away. The villagers find him the next day with little remorse.

Finished Report.
