Surgical precession [mf] [noncon][guro][cannibalism][part 1]

(Hi, f20, my name is rachel. This is my first gore story, hope you enjoy, its also a bit shorter than what I usually write, the next installment should be longer. Also i have no real medical knowledge so sorry if anything is too inaccurate. Hope you enjoy.)

I sat there looking at anne. Anne was my student at college. She said she’d do anything to change her grade to an A. I had agreed to that offer but I imagine what im about to do to her is worse than what she had meant by anything. I was a tall, strong man with short blond hair and a german accent.

I had taken her to my house, she was sitting on my bed in slutty clothing. I had a great view of her c cup tits and could almost see her nipples, they nicely complemented her small body. I pulled out some rope, “im going to tye you up. Let me see your wrist” “oh um, ok, I didn’t realize you were into that profesor.” She stuck out her wrist, i started tying each of her limbs to the bed. Once she was fully tied up i pulled out a pair of knives, “wait, wait, you are not cutting my clothes off, these are expensive” She said

I sighed, “i suppose i should tell you my true intentions now that you are helpless to stop it, i shall not only cut up your clothes but you as well, i shall pry fingers off your hand, pluck an eye from your head, i shall do any thing i want to. If you are lucky i may let you live” Her face instantly shifted to dread, its was a beautiful sight, “w- wai-wait no please, no, no. This is just like, a funny joke right, haha, you got me” she said with a tear falling from her eye as she tried to grasp what id said.

“No, no. I am quite serious.” I took the knife and danced the blade against her fragile skin, she was to scared to speak as i did this, the blade came to her thighs, it fell through them revealing annes gorgeous blood. Her scream filled the room, more tears dropped from her eyes. “Ahh my, the first incision, right on your meaty thigh.” I circled the blade inside her thigh, and cut out a cone like piece of meat about an inch across. I reached down and plunged my fingers into the hole. “S- stop, please” anne managed to say through her scream. I plucked the cone from her thigh, and with my other hand grabbed annes throat, mostly turning her screams into a confused heavy breathing. I held the chunk of meat in front of her. “I am going to place this in your mouth, and you will eat and swallow it, ok, open your mouth or i will open if for you.” She was staring at me, her eyes shaking. She closed them as her mouth slightly opened.

“Thank you for not making this harder” i felt her soft lips as i placed it in, I started rubbing my cock threw my pants as i heard the incredible sound of human teeth against human flesh. I nearly came from the sounds of her sobbing, and from hearing her swallow her thigh meat. “Thank you anne. That was a treat. Now I expect to use you for a long time so ill patch you up so that you dont bleed out ok” i said through the sobbing, i patted her on the head and got to work excited for our next adventure.
