One Rainy Night Pt. 3 [MF] [Fiction]

She stands between me and the fire. I can feel the outline of her upon my body as it blocks the heat from hitting my core, but it warms at my edges. The flames play at her figure. They dance upon her pale skin and cast shadows around the room. Her intentions are clear as her hand has not yet let me go. Instead, it moves slowly over the length of my cock as she holds it tight. Each stroke causing me to hold my breathe. Her other hand she placed on my shoulder as her eyes tell me a thousand things. Her head tilts slightly to the side as she looks up begging me to give in to her seduction.

Her plump lips are no longer blue but burning red, the color of temptation. Her tongue just breaks through her lips to wet them, begging me for a kiss. My body is putty in her hands and my senses want to give in to this all out assault upon my restraints. Every fiber of my being revolts against my resolve. A need to throw my arms around her and kiss those moistened lips boils up in me.

Some thread of common sense must have taken ahold of me as I take a hold of her wrists and pull her hands to her side. My grasp is firm but gentle upon her soft skin as I hold her hands away from me. She looks at me questioning my response as though she can’t believe I just resisted her temptation, as though she has never failed to seduce a man before.

Her eyes fill with tears and she turns her back to hide them from me. My heart hurts knowing the feelings that must be burning in side of her. She knows how many years I have wanted her. She knows how dedicated I was to her every need. I walked on water for her, moved mountains for her. I provided everything she could possibly need in the hopes that she could feel about me the way I felt about her. I was mad in love with her and she knew it. But I knew I couldn’t have her. I knew I couldn’t touch her. I knew she wasn’t mine to love.

She gave her heart to so many men, and each time they broke it. I was the one there to pick up the pieces again. I never asked anything of her. I never told her my needs or my desires. I never expressed how it broke my heart when she flirted with my friends in front of me, took them home instead of me. I never expressed the thousands of times she broke my heart by calling me just her friend when I wanted to be so much more. I pushed aside years of my life waiting for one chance at winning her over. So why now?

My hands go to her face and try to wipe away at the tears that fall. I step closer and wrap my arms around her waist. my naked arms against her naked stomach. A million times I had dreamt what it would be like for our bodies to be this close, to have such little separation. But why did it have to be with tears? I lean my head close to hers and whisper in her ear. “Please don’t cry. You know I can’t stand it when you cry.”

I feel her chests expand as she takes a few breathes to compose herself. She dries her eyes but they just fill up again and it’s apparent as she turns in my arms. Her arms are tight against her body as though she finally feels exposed. I place a hand on the back of her head and she rests it upon my shoulder. “Why are you pushing me away?” She asks in a broken voice.

I hold her in silence as the words are like a knife plunged into my chest. Pushed you away? I think about the thousands of opportunities I afforded her but not one advance did she pick up upon. Now she wants to know why I pushed her away.

Her arms free up from covering her nakedness and she wraps them around my waist. I’m so conflicted inside. A thousand times I have dreamt of the moment where she would fall into my arms and let me whisk her away to bed. But here I am naked, holding her tight against me and I am fighting the urge to love her like I have always desired. God what’s wrong with me.
