My first threesome! [FMF]

I was 21 and starting to have a lot of (safe) casual sex. It took me a long time to learn that my plus sized body had worth. I was just beginning to realize that my big tummy and jiggly thighs were things that someone could actually enjoy about me. Just beginning to realize that these things about me, that I had always seen as faults, could be seen by someone else as assets. This new change in how I viewed myself lead to me being more outgoing and eager to share my confidence with others.

So, to the actual story. Well, a preface to the story.

It was the middle of summer. I met Adam on Tinder a month prior. He was 29 years old, was bigger but in a teddy bear type of way, and was growing a sexy scruffy beard. He had claimed to be a musician but in reality just played a lot of video games while a guitar stood in the corner of the room. I didn’t care. We got along great.

I would go over to his apartment almost every night. We got stoned off edibles he had brought back from a trip to Colorado. We had incredible conversations. He knew how to talk to me. He knew how to work my mind. Oh, and my body.

I have a thing for hands. I like to feel them, hold them, look at them. Strong hands are just so sexy. His sturdy, guitar-playing fingers were just what my body craved. They ran along my body while we kissed on his couch. They’d part my legs and sneak their way under my dress. They’d caress me from outside my underwear. They’d finger me at a perfect rhythm while I rubbed my clit until I orgasmed.

He would kiss me as he felt my vagina spasming around his fingers. He would kiss me until all of the lightning was done shooting through my body. Then I would push him back and lower my face towards his waist. It was time for my own hands – and mouth – to shine. I’d look up once in a while, as I stroked and sucked his cock, to see him with his eyes closed, mouth open, sighing over and over again.

We played this routine for a few weeks before he actually fucked me. We fucked on his sofa, on his ottoman, and on his bed. We’d take smoke breaks on the balcony. He’d stand behind me, hands on my hips, and I’d point out which stars and constellations we could see. He lived just far enough outside of the city that the night sky was clear, uninterrupted, beautiful. He pretended to make an attempt at remembering the constellations I showed him. It was cute.

One day I was at home relaxing in my bedroom when he texted me.

“What are you up to tonight?”

“Not much, just hanging out at home,” I replied.

“Come to my friend’s house. We’re drinking and playing games.”

“I don’t want to hang out with two drunk dudes all night…”

“It’s not a dude. Her name is Holly. I think the three of us could really have some fun.” He included some sort of provocative emoji. Probably the peach, or maybe the smirk. Who knows. It was something naughty-looking. Moving on.

So it would be Adam, the guy I had only known for a month, this girl whom I did not know at all, and myself? With dirty emoji things involved? My stomach felt weird at the thought of a threesome. I hadn’t really given it much consideration in the past. The idea of being pleasured by two people at once really excited me. It also made me incredibly nervous. I mean, on top of never having been with two people at once, I had never been with another girl! But I’m known for trying anything once. A *Yes Woman**TM*, if you will, (if you’ve indulged in any of my other stories, you will surely concur,) so I agreed to meet them at Holly’s house later that night.

I hopped into an Uber at 8 o’clock. I was wearing my go-to summer dress, sans underwear. I made nervous conversation with the driver as we drove across the city until we finally pulled up in front of Holly’s house. I slowly walked up to the front door and knocked three times. I could hear commotion inside and then the door opened. Holly was short, curvy, and had brown hair and glasses. It seemed Adam had a type. She welcomed me inside and I saw Adam standing in the next room.

“Hey!” he shouted, smiling, and waved me over. I turned to Holly and told her it was great to meet her, shook her hand, and asked for a drink. I needed alcohol in my system. She handed me a cold cider from the fridge and we joined Adam in the living room. It was weird, everyone knowing what was going to happen that night, but not talking about it yet. We played a few drinking games over the next two hours. I guess we also took a fair number of bong hits. Next thing I knew, Holly and I both had our tits out. We were giggling uncontrollably. Whatever game we were playing was the kind in which the losing players have to do something to the winner’s desire. The results: Adam had to take off his shirt. Holly had to finish her drink. I had to kiss Holly.

After a while of innocent fun we found ourselves in Holly’s bed, the three of us lying naked, side by side, with Adam in the middle. Nothing had *happened* yet. We must have been watching Netflix or something. I’m not quite sure. Either way, I do remember feeling Adam’s hand on my calf, slowly moving its way to my knee, then my thigh. I could feel his hand doing this, but his face was turned away from me. That’s when I realized he was making out with Holly. They kissed and kissed while his hand ventured its way up my leg, over my hips, and up to my breasts. The room was too dark to see much of anything, but I could hear the sounds of their mouths together. It turned me on. And Adam knew it, because he could feel my nipples get hard as rocks in that very moment. He squeezed my tits with his hand as the three of us spooned each other, me grinding into Adam, and Adam grinding into Holly. Then the kissing noises stopped.

I overheard Adam tell Holly to play with my tits. Then I heard some shuffling, then I shuffled myself, and I was suddenly in between the two of them. On my left was Adam and on my right was Holly. I was naked as hell, drunk, high, and super fucking horny, lying in between two other people, who were *also* naked as hell, drunk, high, and almost certainly super fucking horny.

Adam’s body got closer to mine and he kissed me. I could taste the beer from earlier, as well as a flavor I had never tasted in his mouth before. Holly. I could taste Holly as I kissed him. And while thinking this, I could feel Holly’s hands on my breasts. Her fingers gently squeezed my nipples from time to time; her long nails occasionally tickled me. Still under the weight of Adam’s kiss, I could feel him reach over and slowly move one of Holly’s hands off of my tits and down to my waist. He left her hand there, confident that she got the hint. She did indeed. Continuing the motion, she reached her hand further down, resting it on my inner thigh, then pushing my leg to the side.

Adam broke his lips off of mine. ”Do you want Holly to finger you?”

In response I made a noise – a combination of a mumbled “yes” and a moan. Adam spoke again, “Did you hear that, Holly?” He returned to kissing me and I wrapped my hands around his neck. I could feel Holly’s nails tracing over my inner thighs, then her hand was over my pussy, her palm nice and warm. She moved one finger up and down between my labia, slowly parting them. Then she rubbed my clit, ever so softly, not trying to make me orgasm already, but just massaging it tenderly, knowing it was making me wetter and wetter. It was lovely being fingered by a woman. She held the knowledge that only a few (God-like) men do: that a pussy deserves to be massaged, caressed, and taken time with. I tried to concentrate on kissing Adam but I couldn’t control the fact that my hips had just started grinding against Holly’s hand. I heard her giggle from underneath the sheets. I had no doubt she could feel how soaked I was. My entire lower half was just aching for something to be inside. She could read my body, and her fingers moved from my clit downwards before I felt them enter me. All of a sudden I was experiencing so many things at once. One of Holly’s hands on my breasts, Adam’s tongue in my mouth, and Holly’s other hand in my pussy. I don’t even know what emojis would be utilized to best describe it. Feel free to suggest some in a comment.

She fingered me for some time before she and Adam both decided they needed water. They got up and left the room, leaving me alone in the bed, naked and wanting more. Those two minutes were so lonely, as my body was not ready to rest. Once they returned, Holly climbed back onto the bed, and Adam climbed on top of her. He kissed her and then looked at me. “Do you want to watch me fuck Holly? And then fuck you?” I nodded in return. I instantly regretted agreeing to this plan, however, because as soon as he slid his cock into her pussy, I was jealous. My own pussy was throbbing from the entire situation. I knew I had to do something if I didn’t want to sit and stare at them making love. So I leaned over and started massaging Holly’s tits. She seemed to like it, judging by her moans, and the fact that she put her hands on top of mine, only making me grip her tits even harder. Without thinking I leaned even further over and started to kiss her. It was difficult for our lips to maintain contact due to the bed rocking back and forth, but it just motivated us to kiss each other with even greater force.

Adam stopped fucking Holly and instructed me to get on my back. Holly took this opportunity to take a break and she left the room. I obeyed him and laid back, still not able to see much in the darkness. Then I felt his beard between my thighs. Oh yes, I liked where this was going. He gripped my hips and ate my pussy. Soon my clit was so swollen and my pussy so wet. He raised his head up to mind and kissed me, giving me a taste. Then he repositioned himself before thrusting his cock into me. Oh fuck, he was so warm, and hard. So damn hard. He thrust into me fast and rough, over and over again. My head kept hitting the wall but I didn’t care, let alone notice.

Just when I needed to catch my breath he pulled out of me and looked around the room. As if on cue, Holly opened the door and waltzed in. With the light from the hallway hitting her face, I could see she looked rehydrated and ready for more action. “Get up here,” Adam said to her. She smirked and joined us on the bed. He grabbed her ankles and spun her body around so her ass was in front of him. She was on her hands and knees and before you could even blink he was fucking her once again. Sweat was rolling down his face by now. I wondered if she could feel the same warmth and hardness of his cock that I had felt less than a minute before. She supported herself with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other. It was so interesting to hear another woman’s moans. Is that weird of me? It was something that had never crossed my mind. Her moans were higher pitched than mine. Soon, Adam started to let out the slow, deep grunts that I’m sure Holly was also familiar with, before slowing down, pausing after each thrust. He sat back, away from Holly’s body, and she flipped over so she could face the room. Her face was flushed, and her pussy was engorged and overflowing with Adam’s cum. I looked down and realized I had been fingering myself.

We each took a few minutes to return to reality. There were still shockwaves running through my legs every fifteen seconds – my body’s version of applause after a good fuck. After a while I stood up to get dressed. Adam was spending the night at Holly’s but I needed to get back home. It was already 1 AM. I gathered my things, chugged a glass of water, and thanked them for inviting me over. The twenty-five minute Uber ride was silent. I was afraid to even make small-talk, as if through my voice the driver would somehow know that I had been extra naughty that night. So for the entire drive I just stared up at the moon and stars through the window, noting the constellations I could recognize, thinking about my first threesome, and hoping the driver couldn’t see me blush.



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