A Mouth Still Full Of My Valentine’s Part 1

Once upon a time there was a local peasant boy that had a once in lifetime experience, a date with the royal left foot. But how did that come to be? Well it all began a week prior..

The personal peasant slave weenie extraordinaire of castle Gorgeous was assisting the mistress of the manor. Queen Princess Gorgeous was preparing the Valentine’s Day glamour for the ugly subpar women whom the peasant inhabitants have to settle for. In order for each glamour to transform the slugs into slugs with glitter splashed all over their faces, she had to give each vial some breath of life. Then they would be distributed to the town shops.

The Princess Queen Gorgeous decided to give the most potent extra concentrated breaths that she can give. And so she had her personal little weenie peasant helper hold each finished vial, pressing firmly to royal gorgeous hindquarters. She expunged the vibrant breath of life wind into each vial, and the weenie helper would seal it quickly with the top. They worked on it for a few days. However in the middle of the week, there was the incident in the castle that sparked it all.. The peasant helper sat in a tiny chair, dwarfed by the double barrel shotgun wide bodacious gorgeous derriere.

Without notice a naked peasant field worker, barraged into the bedroom chamber . Queen Gorgeous was fast asleep, with her royal ass set on autopilot, to propel the sacred wind every 12 seconds. The little helper turned with shock, amazed that the guards allowed for such a breach. The infiltrator had a crazed look in his eyes, he was twitching, and throbbing all over. He rushed towards the sleeping beauty. The little weenie peasant helper dropped the bottle and tried to tackle the throbbing naked intruder, but he missed.

The field peasant plummeted his head and nose firmly against the gates of glory and began to deepy strain his nostrils as if it was fresh cookies out of the oven. However little did he know, the 12 second interval was up, and he found himself knocked out like a brick hit him in the head. His throbbing and twitching ceased, and he was as stiff as a wood door. Taking such a high concentrate of grace is not advised as it has been proven to be fatal, among even the most devout of subjects.

The little helper tossed the body out of the window for the garbage peasant to pick up, but when he went to return to his task, he felt light headed. Queen Princess Gorgeous’s rump was still giving the pump. And pump and pump, and pumpitty pump it went. The little helper passed out. He awoke to a slap in the face. “How can you fall asleep on the job? Look at this! This is all your fault Woof Woof!”, she yelled at him. It seemed she stepped in the bottle that the little helper had dropped.

And so the breath of life gave life to the left gorgeous foot and potentially other things, as well, as many breaths flew uncontrolled into the world without a destination. The left foot mostly did its footly duties however as Valentine’s Day approached, insisted on a date with someone with strong hands, and thus the hard working peasant was chosen to satisfy the gorgeous foot’s desire. Afterwards the life seemed to evaporate from the royal foot.

As for the little helper known as Woof Woof. His fate was not a kind one, a sacrificial lamb sent to the slaughter, he bore the blame… with a mouth still full of his Valentine’s.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lobtqs/a_mouth_still_full_of_my_valentines_part_1