Lowest Point In My Life

I started driving to the emergency. Do mind that I can’t sit fully, I sat one sided and there was so much uncomfortable pain in the bottom stomach. I check in. What’s the problem the attendant asks. I blurt out that my poop got stuck. She was visibly confused, writes constipation and asks me to wait. I couldn’t sit but I couldn’t stand straight either. I was holding my stomach with my hands and twisting and turning. I was in pain. I was called in and I was asked to sit. I said I can’t but I sat one sided to check my bp. He gave me a look and I know exactly what that meant. He thinks I stuck something in my ass and I realized this is what everyone thinks now at the hospital about me. I decided I’ll tell the doctor the real reason.

It all started with my stomach medication. Suddenly one morning I couldn’t poop. Not the constipation kind. Poop was so hard it couldn’t pass out the anus but out of my stomach already and now stuck. After trying for an hour with my eyes almost popping out, it was clear, it’s an emergency situation. I took a shower and cleaned up. Then started to hospital.

I was taken to the room. I was asked to undress my bottoms and wear a gown. I googled my situation and I found the name. Fecal impaction. What’s the problem Doctor asks. I said my poop is stuck and can’t come outside. I said when I google I find this name and I showed my phone. He said ugh, let’s see. It could be many other things, infection or I have seen various stuff blocking it. I’ve seen everything he proclaimed. Here we go I thought. Let’s take a look he said. I laid down. He put on his gloves and almost excited to see what I had done. Must be a fun job. He opens my ass cheek. Not even with slight gentleness. Takes a look and says you’re right. Fecal impaction. Credits me for coming to emergency. He then proceeds to explain how he’s going to fix it. Says it’s like golf ball and he’s going break the ball with his fingers. Plural, yes. I’m struggling to process this and ask will there be pain, will he give me something before he does that. He says nope. He’s 6 feet and not lean at all. His fingers are thick. In a moment he did it. Two thick fingers. Inside and out, I give a sigh of relief. Then immediately again the same. I let out a loud noise in pain, telling him to give me sometime to recover. Water in my eyes now. He says he’s done with me and a nurse will come and give enema. I lay there for a while with my ass, uncovered as if it’s on a display. The nurses station is right outside and to keep an eye on me he left the curtain open. Initially I was expecting a nurse to show up immediately but no the exhibition went on for a while nurses and doctors chit chatted. I put my head down in the bed and started resting. I’m beyond embarrassment at this point. I hear a kind male nurse pull the curtain and I continued to rest. A nurse showed up pulling the curtain back and my open ass welcomed her in full view. Should’ve have opened the other side of the curtain, ha. I was in half asleep state. She walked over and touched my shoulders and asked if I’m cold and if I need a blanket. How kind. I said I’m alright, just tired. She probably understood. She was the first person to treat me gently in that hospital. She said she’s going to clean me up. Then walked back and proceeded to gently open my cheek and started wiping. Do mind I cleaned up myself before I went to the hospital and whatever doctor did he collected in a sheet and discarded. So I’d like to think i wasn’t messy and saved her from a disaster. She left after that but thankfully pulled the curtain. Comes back with some items and says she’s going to give me a suppository and then later enema. I ask her what’s suppository. She says it’s a laxative but inserted through anus. Sigh. My luck continues I thought. She gently opens my cheek again and peeks. Honestly I didn’t know what she expected. Then she wears her gloves and proceeds. I turn my head and bites my teeth. She pushed two small rubber kinda things inside. Then she left. I remember I should update my family that I’m ok. But my phone is away from me. And I can not move. Great. I wait. Nurse comes in again and brings the enema setup to the room. I realize I can ask her to get my phone. She was about to leave the room, I call her. She stops, turns and sees me. I look at her. We lock eyes. At this moment I feel something slimy runs down my ass cheek from the anus. I died inside. She’s still looking at me and waiting for my next sentence. Then I somehow courageously tell her I need two things. First I need my phone as I need to text my home. Secondly, I said, I felt something come out in the back, with a straight face. She said oh and said she’ll check and handed my phone first. Such a sweet person I thought. I see that she’s not wearing gloves and notice her red nails. I open my phone and start texting. She goes around the table and lifts one cheek with the thumb in order to look what came down. She says it’s just the waxy suppository and she’ll clean it up. Oh those were not like tablets but waxy I think to myself and say thanks and proceed to text. She takes a tissue and wipes my ass while I text. This is the lowest point in my life. I’m texting when someone else is wiping my ass. But the day wasn’t over yet. She proceeds to prep me for enema. She brings what looks like a mobile toilet with pan. I proudly declare I don’t need it, I can walk. She then asks me if I think I can walk with enema in me. I stutter and ask how far the restroom is. She says it’s down the hall just two rooms after. I stood by what I said but my eyes were doubtful. She said she can keep it here just in case and she could give me a diaper too. I said ok. She proceeds to explain that she will insert a small tube but deep inside and pump liquid. I can say stop if I can’t take it anytime. Here we go. She puts two finger in the crack and spreads open the cheek, adjusts the two fingers so now they are around my anus to make it open. Now I feel a tube going in. I wasn’t sure if was ready for this. Luckily she gives me a heads up and says she is going to start. I brace. I feel some liquid forcefully hitting inside my stomach. As soon as it hits I call stop. She stops. I’m controlling my breathing. She asks are you sure? I nod. She slowly pulls the tube out. Gets an adult diaper and covers my ass, she moves my gown around to open all sides and then nothing is happening, I continue to hold. Based on my diaper changing experience I realize now I need to turn so she could put it over my front side. I look at her, she looks at me. We both lock eyes again and we both now know that the moment had come. I’m going to turn and my dick is going to be out in the open and she’ll cover it. I turn on the side to bring my front side up and we both look down. My flaccid dick that was happily sleeping on my thigh is now disturbed and proceeds to come to the center of my body as I turn. I’m lying fully on my back now, holding my breath, controlling my urge to go – we both see my flaccid dick retreating and shrink further. She pulls the diaper over and says don’t worry we can try again if you can’t go. It all happened in a sec. I ask her where the rest room is. She shows me. I walk fast. I get it done. Take my time. Clean up and walk back to the room. She comes from the nursing station seeing me and asks if I did go. I said yes with a relieved face. She gives me a liquid to drink, little did I know it was to clean my stomach again and I need to be home within 45 mins. She says this after I start drinking. Then leaves to allow me to dress. Both Doctor and nurse come to give the after visit summary. They say it’s not common in people like me. I ask if this could be due to the medicine. He asks me to check with my doctor. Also explains about the pain management and why he didn’t give etc. I say thanks to both and begin to leave. She says take care and asks if I need anything else. I said i’m good but inside i mostly felt sorry she had to see my dick shrink. For some reason it felt like a walk of shame when I crossed the attendant. She must think that they pulled something I inserted. At the end I was glad I was ok. And yes, it was the medicine.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lnl8un/lowest_point_in_my_life