Clementina, Part IV [erotic horror, monster, violence, gore, mild incest-m/s, MF]


I highlight this because there was a post on this sub recently saying there was too much content that the poster felt was objectionable. So before you read any further, please be sure to look at the tags and warnings above. If this is not your thing, please stay away.

I want my stories to be fun for those who are so inclined. The idea of folks being upset or traumatized because they didn’t read or understand the tags upsets me.

On the other hand, if it is your thing, enjoy!

I may not have the time to reply, but I do read every comment and appreciate your feedback.

And thanks for reading.


Part IV

My mother and I lay on the bed, basking in the afterglow. She had her head and breasts on my chest, and my arms were around her shoulders.

“Wow,” she whispered, not for the first time.

“Yeah, wow,” I replied, also not for the first time.

My mom giggled. “So, how’d that compare with Clementina?” she asked.

“Clementina can’t touch you,” I said. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, then got up and pulled on her thong and the tank top she had been wearing.

“I don’t know about you,” she said. “But I’m starving. Thai delivery okay?”

“Works for me.”

She padded out of the room and down the stairs in her tank and thong. I pulled on a pair of shorts and followed her down, bringing the wine. We ordered the food, then sat in the kitchen sipping more of the wine. I was mulling over all the odd things that had happened around Clementina in the past few days.

“There’s something strange about that woman,” I said and filled my mother in on all the little, niggling points that had been collecting in the past 48 hours. The shape in the tub, the wriggling feeling of something in Clementina’s body, her breast milk, the key in the nightstand, and the odd sounds I heard in the corner of her basement.

“Individually, they are all minor points with logical explanations,” I concluded. “But after awhile, there are just so many points of oddity that it starts to look like a pattern, though I’m fucked if I can figure out what it means.”

I showed her the photos of the key I had found. My mom was intrigued.

“How long would it take for you to make an imitation?” she asked.

“If I skip the fancy carving and scrollwork, which I think is just decoration, I could turn something out in probably an hour or less. It’s pretty simple.”

“Maybe you should make one and take it with you whenever you go over there, just in case you find whatever it is that key fits. And maybe next time you are over there, you could dig under that rock pile and see what’s down there.”

“I’ll be in that chamber when I fix this new leak. I just need to get her out of the house while I’m working.”

Our food arrived and we continued our conversation a few minutes later as we sat on the couch eating Thai out of cardboard containers..

“I have an idea how to get her out of the house,” my mother said, covering a mouthful of Thai with her hand. “When she was here yesterday morning, I felt her out a little. I wondered if I might be able to share your load.” She winked.

“Share my load?” I asked. “You mean have sex with her? I didn’t know you swung that way. I thought you were pretty much straight.”

“I dabbled in bisexuality in college. My dorm mate and I had a fling for awhile, and even after we fell out of love we were occasional fuck buddies until we graduated. But I pretty much went straight once I fell in love with your father.”

“Did Clementina come on to you?”

“Not in so many words, but she definitely dropped some hints. I think she wants to lure me in slowly, sort of the same way she did with you and the hole in the bathroom wall. Once she has me interested, she’ll lower the boom. I dropped my own hints to keep her interested, but didn’t totally buy what she was selling.”

I lowered my eyes and shook my head.

“I, on the other hand, went in hook, line and sinker,” I added, ruefully.

My mother wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “Don’t feel bad, you’re young and you got taken advantage of by an older, wiser lady. If I was your age and had an opportunity to watch a woman that looked like her masturbate in the tub, I might have been up there in the crawlspace rubbing myself madly too. Heck, even today I might have gotten sucked in if I hadn’t known what she did to you.”

She kissed me on the cheek, then picked up her phone and typed a message to Clementina.

“Hey there. Thinking of you. If I can get Russel out of the house tomorrow maybe you can come over for awhile? Maybe pick up that conversation where we left off?” This was followed by a heart emoji.

“Where we left off?” I asked, reading over her shoulder.

“Just a little light flirting,” my mother said, as a reply came back from Clementina.

“Thinking of you too. Love the idea. How about if I text Russel and see if he can come by tomorrow and finish the pipes?” Clementina wrote.

“You are devious,” I said as my mother typed.

“Awesome! Perfect! I can’t wait!” my mother texted back. Then she went out into the kitchen and splashed water on the front of her tank top, turning it translucent. She shot a photo and texted it to Clementina, adding “I can’t be trusted washing the dishes. Oops!”

“That ought to get her wet,” she said, returning to the food as my own phone beeped with the text from Clementina asking me if I could come by tomorrow to finish the work.

I confirmed I would be over around mid-day.

After eating, I went down to the workshop and made a facsimile of the key. I dropped it in my toolbox.

My mother and I watched a movie on Netflix, had a nightcap quickie on the couch, then headed to bed.

The next morning we both slept in, finally crawling out of bed around 9:00. I lounged around and played video games for awhile while my mom made herself pretty for the visit from Clementina. Shortly before 11:00 I shot Clementina a text letting her know I was running to the hardware store for supplies but would be by in a bit.

My mom came down right before I left for the store. She wore a cotton jumper that threatened to pop open at the slightest breeze, and had done up her makeup just enough to look good but not enough to look like she had spent any time on it. In other words, she looked totally like she was just hanging around the house on a lazy afternoon feeling horny. I gave her a kiss.

“I am jealous of Clementina,” I said.

She gave my cock a quick stroke through my shorts. “So am I,” she said, and returned my kiss.

“Have fun,” I added, and headed out the door.

As I pulled out of the driveway, I glanced up towards Clementina’s house. I could see her standing in an upstairs window, probably waiting until she saw me leave for the store before she came down for her rendezvous with my mom.

I picked up a couple of supplies, and made my way to Clementina’s place. She wasn’t home when I got there, but the door was unlocked, and I carried my supplies down to the basement.

The problem plumbing was in the chamber where the rock pile was. I drained the damaged pipe, prepared for the replacement, then while it dried I turned my attention to the rocks. The desiccated snake-like thing was still under the rock when I rolled it out. I walked back and forth across the pile, shining a light into the cracks and crevices, looking for anything hidden or concealed in among the stones. I didn’t see anything amiss, nor did I see any more of those gray snake-like things.

The area under the rocky crawlspace was framed by a series of support posts that stood along the edge of the area. The posts looked like just normal 8×8 wooden columns. I reached into the crawlspace and picked up a rock. Most of them were about the size of a bowling ball and the one I selected weighed about what you would expect. I reached for another, the same thing.

Leaning further into the crawlspace, I reached for another rock from an odd-looking stack to the left – they were a slightly different color and shape than the others. I gave it a tug and tried to lift it, but no luck. Was it cemented in? I climbed into the space and tried again to lift the rock, to no avail.

Curious. I moved back to the right, and the rocks there were normal, I was able to shift them around. I suddenly wondered if the rocks in the left-hand section were even rocks. I used my fingernail to scrape the surface of one, and a thin layer of material came away. Fake. I shined my flashlight around the crawlspace again. Then I saw it.

On the back of one of the 8×8 columns, facing the crawlspace, not the outside, there was a keyhole that looked suspiciously like it might fit that key I had found.

I dug my facsimile key from my tool bag. It fit perfectly. I slid it in, and gave it a turn.

Deep within the left-side “rock” pile, something clicked and whirred and a five foot section slid forward into the chamber, revealing a small door, about three feet tall. It, too, had a keyhole that the key fit. I pulled the door open. Beyond was a crawlspace leading back into the hillside.

I took a picture with my camera, then I shined a flashlight into the crawlspace. A couple feet down the tunnel was a switch. I threw it, revealing a long, downward-slanted tunnel. A dozen or so feet down it widened to a passage wide enough to stand it. The bulbs, spaced about every ten feet, threw a dim, shadowy, light down the passageway. I froze, waiting to see if anyone appeared but there was nothing, no sound came to me.

With a furtive glance back into Clementina’s basement, I started down the passageway.

Fifty feet or so down the tunnel, it took a hard left then opened into a large chamber, probably forty or fifty feet across. It looked old, very old. The weight of centuries, possibly millennia, hung I the air. In the center, lit by floodlights, was a scene that made me catch my breath. A pool roughly ten feet across was fed by a clear spring that flowed from the wall and trickled through a groove in the chamber floor into the pool. On either side of the pool, forming almost an arch over it, were two statues – a woman and a man. Both were nude and were leaning in towards each other in a state of erotic passion. The woman had ridiculously immense – almost cartoonish – breasts that hung out over the pool, and wide child-bearing hips around exaggerated carved labia. One of her hands was around the back of the neck of the man as she leaned towards him, while her other was wrapped around his cock. The man had a comically huge erection, probably long enough to reach almost to his neck. One hand was around his partner’s back, while the other was reaching towards the space between her legs. The tip of his cock hung directly over the pool and was carved as in mid-orgasm, with a large droplet of semen quivering on the tip, as if about to drop into the water below. The woman’s breasts similarly hung over the center of the pool, with carved milk rivulets from the wide, erect nipples poised to drip into the water.

I took a couple more pictures then let my gaze wander down to the pool underneath the statue. Something moved within the pond. I slowly approached. The pool was deep. A light hung from the top of the chamber pointing directly on the pool, but even with that I couldn’t see the bottom. But I could see something light-colored – several of them – wriggling about in the water.

One slipped upward and broke the surface. It was a snake-like thing – somewhat similar to the dead one I had seen out in Clementina’s basement and her tub – but instead of being grayish-black, the ones in the pool were creamy white and had beautiful sky blue eyes that were now regarding me. I smiled and the creature seemed to understand I had no bad intentions, because it swam towards me and perched at the edge of the pool near my feet.

I crouched down. The thing made a sound that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a purr and crawled onto my hand. It’s touch was soft and wet, and there was something calming. I knew somehow that I had nothing to fear.

The thing slithered up my arm to my shoulder, where it perched for a moment and nuzzled my ear. To my surprise, it reached around and kissed me on the lips.

I smiled and when I opened my mouth, it pressed it’s head inside, bumping against my teeth. I pulled my head back, and whispered “no”, scolding it gently. I kept my lips closed as it bumped them once, twice, three times in little kisses, before giving up and seeming to be content to perch on my shoulder for the time being.

I noticed that a couple more had emerged from the pool and were now at my feet, mewing up at me. The sense of calm and peace I had felt a moment ago, only became stronger. And underneath it, a feeling of desire.

I gently stepped away from the pool being careful not to step on any of my new friends. The combination of the erotic statue and the sensations invoked by these creatures was causing me to feel slightly aroused, and the first stirrings of an erection threatened. I cast around the room, which was mostly empty except for a small stone dais or altar on the opposite side of the pool.

Then I spotted it. Against the wall stood a small chest. With my new friend perched on my shoulder I wandered over, trailed by three of his little buddies squirming across the floor.

The chest was an antique, I guessed it belonged to someone in Clementina’s ancestry. I pulled it open. Inside there was a blanket, underneath of which were what looked like old scientific instruments – a burner, some beakers and tubes, pipettes, and a journal. I picked up the journal and made a perfunctory skim through it. Some of the text looked like a personal journal, while other texts looked like lab notes. I stopped at a drawing of two creatures.

They both were like the little snake creatures I had been seeing. One was creamy white with bright blue eyes, like my little crew that were now following me around the chamber like puppies. But the other was black, and its eyes practically glowed red off the pages menacingly.

Sensitive of the time – I still had to get back to the plumbing before my mom finished with Clementina – I set the journal out and closed the chest. I would take it with me and read it later. I walked around the chamber to the altar. On the side of the altar was a switch, I pressed it.

Behind me another small door to a crawlspace popped open.

As soon as the door opened, my little entourage squeaked in alarm and retreated back to the pool. The one who had been on my shoulder made an impressive arc through the air and landed with a splash in the center of the pond. The group of them clustered at the surface of the water, watching me intently.

Whatever it was beyond that door, my new friends didn’t like it.

I bent down and peered down the new tunnel. There was no light switch, but a pale glow came from a chamber about ten feet down the crawlspace. A soft, damp odor wafted out – steamy, musky, thick. I wriggled my way down the tunnel and emerged into another large chamber.

This chamber was lit by a faint glow from a diffuse light source that came from a strange, pulsating tunnel or crawlspace at the far end of the chamber. It was narrow, only a couple feet across, and instead of being made of rock, stone, or masonry, it looked almost organic, and was a grayish pink color. It oozed grayish slime, coating the floor a couple of inches deep. I sniffed the substance and realized it was the same goop I had seen in the bottom of Clementina’s tub during my snooping expedition the other day.

The walls of the chamber were in shadow but I could make out cubbies or alcoves along the walls in several places. A half dozen dark shapes broke the surface of the slime.

Something brushed through the ooze next to my foot, I looked down but it had disappeared. Then another shape moved. It was another one of the snake things – except it was of the gray-black variety. They moved about in the slime. Unlike their creamy cousins, I didn’t get the sense of calm and serenity from them. If anything, I was left with a vague unease – but like the creamy snake creatures, I felt aroused. This arousal, however, was more urgent, and tinged with selfish need, not love.

I took a step towards the tunnel on the opposite side – the source of the ooze. But then I came up short. My eyes were adjusting slowly to the darkness. One of the dark shapes in the slime moved and I realized it was a person, a woman. She stood up and I caught my breath.

She was nude. Her reddish hair was plastered to her body with the clear slime. She was curvy in a way very similar to Clementina – large breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, meaty lobes. Also similar to Clementina, a thin stream of milk trickled from her nipples, dripping off the tip and slipping into the slime below. The slime coated her entire body.

She whispered a single word to me. “Seed.”

As if that word was an invocation, the other shapes I had seem in the slime slowly rose to their feet. There were five other women, all nude, all curvy, all covered in the same clear, earthy slime. One appeared to be in an advanced stage of pregnancy – her belly stood out, distended from the rest of her body. She moaned and crawled on top of a stone.

The red-haired woman who had emerged first stepped towards me, repeating the word “seed” again. I stepped backwards, unsure of what she was doing. Several of the black, slimy snake creatures swirled in the slime at my feet. I took another step back towards the door.

Seeing I was retreating, the woman stopped. The other women, except the pregnant one, had taken up the call of “seed” and were slipping towards the little coves in the walls of the chambers. As my eyes had adjusted I could see that there was something inside some of the alcoves, something that moved. What the hell was that? More cries of “seed” went up. The pregnant woman on the stone dais moaned again, laying on her arched back, rubbing the huge mound of a stomach that now stood above her.

I looked back at the woman in front of me. Suddenly a moment of recognition dawned on me. I knew this woman from somewhere. I couldn’t pull it up, but I knew her.

The woman in front of me whispered “seed” again. She ran her hands down her breasts, cupping the mixture of slime and milk at the tip and bringing it to her lips, taking some in her mouth but smearing more across her face and neck. Slime trickled from her lips. She slowly ran her hands down her stomach to the space between her legs. She gestured to me to approach her, whispering.

“Seed, please.”

The way she touched herself, the way she whispered, the earthy sent in the chamber, the sensations evoked by the snake creatures, I couldn’t help myself. I found myself developing an erection. One of the black snake creatures wrapped around my ankle, and I felt a surge of testosterone course through me. My cock was stiffening in my shorts. But the feelings were different from the feelings caused by the light-colored creatures. This desire was strong, demanding, insistent.

A part of me didn’t care anymore. It needed to fuck. What I felt wasn’t love. It wasn’t desire. It was animal, carnal, and basic. It was lust at its purest. And it was overwhelming. The black shapes slithering in the slime rubbed my legs, pushing me to take this woman and do with her as I wish.

I leapt forward and siezed her. I grabbed her breasts and began sucking hard, squeezing them, devouring the creamy milk that came out. Though it was mixed with the earthy slime that coated everything in this chamber, it was just like the liquid that flowed from Clementina’s nipples – sweet, delicious, calming. But the calming effect did nothing to squelch the animal need that was overwhelming me. I squeezed her tits and drank greedily while she reached down and undid my shorts, pulling my cock free, stroking it, coating it and my balls with the slime that covered everything in the chamber. The ooze was filled with whatever chemical the gray snake creatures gave off, because my cock pulsated insistently, begging me to give it release.

After several minutes the flow from her breasts slackened. She took my hand and led me to one of the alcoves along the wall. The sides of the cove were covered in the same slimy goop that stuck to everything in the chamber. She pushed me hard against the wall and sank down on her knees in front of me, grabbing my cock, rubbing more slime across it, and stroking it.

Several of the small, black snake creatures were swirling around my feet, around the legs of my paramour, but she seemed to take no notice. One had even slithered up her back, crawled over her shoulders, and attached to one of her nipples. Several more of the creatures were probing her body, poking at her sensitive spots and testing her orifices. She made a soft moan as two of the creatures disappeared up her ass.

I thought of Clementina, and the feeling that something was moving inside of her. I tried to reason it out, but there was something in the slime, in the chemicals that the black snakes extruded, that was clouding my mind. I couldn’t think straight. The only thoughts I could clearly organize were how badly I wanted to fuck this woman who was on her knees in the slime in front of me.

She had stopped stroking my cock with her hands but had switched to using her lips. She picked up another handful of the slime from the floor of the chamber and smeared it around my cock, then roughly slammed her throat all the way down the shaft until her chin knocked against my balls. She pulled back, then again slammed her face down my cock. Again, again and again, she repeated this performance.

My cock was pulsating with my heartbeat. I probably was dribbling pre-come, but there was no way of knowing with everything being coated with the slime. The ooze dribbled from the woman’s mouth, down her neck and across her breasts.

Finally her head-rocking motions slowed and she stood. I couldn’t wait any longer. I spun her around and pressed her face-first against the wall. As I slipped into her waiting, dripping cunt, a stream of warm goop backwashed out of her slit around my cock, running down my balls and the inside of my legs. Inside her I felt the black things slither around my member, rubbing against it through the walls of her vagina, teasing me, stroking me, urging me towards a climax.

I was horrified and aroused all at once. The aroused won out. After all, I had apparently fucked Clementina with some of these things inside her. So why stop now?

I went to work, slipping slickly in and out of my slime-covered paramour. The lust I felt was driving me forward. It was powerful, overwhelming. My cock throbbed, my hips rocked, my stomach slapped wetly against her ass cheeks. The only feeling I knew at that moment was how badly I wanted to unload my juice into this woman’s body. My come. My jizz. My…seed.

That word again echoed through the chamber, both from the woman I was frantically pistoning from behind, and from the other occupied alcoves as well.


Somewhere in the haze, the thought occurred to me – were there other guys in this chamber who were being fucked? I hadn’t seen any, but it was so dark, I hadn’t really seen anything clearly in the other alcoves. I did see something move, however. Was that another guy? Was Clementina running some kind of a slime fetish party underground? There were sounds consistent with fucking coming from the other alcoves.

My attempt at rationally analyzing the situation was, again, overwhelmed by my lust. I was intoxicated by the moment as I worked my slime-covered cock in and out of this woman’s snatch. Our slick bodies slid against each other with every stroke, lubricating our skin and our organs as we pounded towards nirvana.

My balls tightened. I groaned. I poured my seed out into her waiting slit. I moaned again and closed my eyes, the only sensation I was aware of was the pulsating of my cock, the rhythmic contractions of my balls, the warm, slimy slit was I unloading into, and the steady stream of thick ejaculate that was coursing out of me.

As my semen poured into the body of my paramour, the pregnant woman who was laying on the stone dais moaned again. My eyes had adjusted enough to the faint pinkish-gray glow that I could see her clearly. Her mounded stomach shook, quivered. Her moans seemed to go from sounds of pleasure to sounds of pain.

“No,” she said, trailing off from a moan to a whisper.

What happened next happened all at once. The pregnant woman moaned once more, and then her stomach exploded sending gore and bits of bone everywhere about the chamber. From the center of the well that had once been her abdomen, a dozen of the small, black snake-like creatures emerged, slithering into the murky slime that covered the floor.

I gasped in horror. At the same moment, the woman I had been fucking pushed me off her, spun me around and pressed my back against the wall of the alcove. She grasped my wrists in her hands and pushed them against the wall, then hovered her face next to mine.

“Seed,” she whispered.

Her mouth hovered inches from mine, I felt her hot moist breath on my face, smelling the earthy fragrance of the slime. Slowly her mouth opened – wide, wider, impossibly wide. From inside a tiny black head emerged, red menacing eyes peered at me. The slime snake dove straight for my own open mouth.

At the same moment, something closed around my left wrist, holding it to the wall. A similar manacle slammed shut just a nanosecond after I had pulled my right hand free I grabbed at the snake creature that now had it’s head in my mouth and was forcing its way down my throat. I gagged and felt my gorge become buoyant in my stomach. I kicked the woman away from me, sending her sprawling in the slime in the chamber beyond as I fought to free my left hand while struggling to prevent this slick, slimy monster from sliding down my throat with my right.

The manacle holding my left hand wasn’t metal – it was some kind of organic material – and it hadn’t closed quite properly, so it finally popped open and I was able to bring my left hand to bear in the fight against the slime creature. I seized it with both hands even as it forced its way even further down my esophagus. My stomach wretched and I gagged as I fought the creature.

The muscle contractions from my heaving finally loosened the monster enough that I was able to pull it free from my mouth, smashing its head against a rock.

I stepped back into the main chamber. The other women had come out from the alcoves and were arrayed against me. My previous paramour lashed out and struck across the face, knocking me backwards into another alcove. I came up short. This alcove had a person in it – a man. He was nude and was manacled to the slimy wall. His body seemed to be in the process of decomposing into the swall behind him, but he was still alive. Particularly, his cock and balls were still in the right place and a stream of semen was slowly squirting from his erection. When I entered the cubby he opened his eyes and whispered two words.

“Kill me.”

I jumped back in horror, emerging into the chamber only to have two of the women jump at me, knocking me into yet another cubby. In this one, the man was dead. He was about 80% on the way to being completely decomposed and absorbed into the slimey walls of the alcove. I spotted something shiny glinting next to the manacle where a hand once would have been.

I knew what it was. I prayed I was wrong, but I knew I was right.

I snatched the round object and felt a surge of rage. When I leapt back into the main chamber I ran straight for the exit, punching and slashing at anything that got in my way. The women were grabbing at my feet as I slithered up the crawlspace towards the door at the end – and the safety of the chamber beyond. I emerged into the hall with the two statues and the pool, slamming the door behind me and leaning against it as I caught my breath.

I looked at my closed fist, holding that object I had taken from the cubby. I knew what it was. I prayed I was wrong, but I knew I was right.

I slowly opened my fingers to reveal my father’s wedding ring.



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