[M]y one and only success[F]ul Tinder match

*I have long loved reading the stories on this subreddit and figured it was time to contribute. Compared to other’s posts my sexual exploits are tame, but nonetheless I thought the following experience was worth sharing. Be warned, it’s a long one, ~4k words. I tried to make it a wonderful read, not just a retelling, so let me know what you think in the comments. Finally, Heather is a fictional name, but everything else is true… deliciously true.*


Years ago, having recently come out the other side of a long and complicated breakup, I was ready to get back on the proverbial horse. I entered said relationship before Tinder was a thing, but boy was it in full swing by the time I was ready to date again. I was in my late 20s and not trying to find true love,. I wanted to date but I was also not the type of guy that was just looking to match then smash for an evening. I created my profile as such and had minimal early success in matches that I wanted to actually meet in person. Over the next month or so I had a few dates that were awkward and it was painfully clear there was no sexual chemistry. That was until I matched with Heather.

Upon opening the app after receiving the “You have a Match!” notification, I was immediately excited to meet Heather in person. I remembered swiping right on her profile. She was in her early 20s, Filipina, and very petite. I’m tall, 6’1”, slender but with strong broad shoulders, brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m from the Midwest and always dated Midwest women, that is to say tall, blond, white women. I had always fantasized about fucking an Asian women (honestly I fantasized about fucking all races and ethnicities. Still do). I was dying for Heather to be that women as soon as I swiped right.

The gods be good she responded quickly to my initial text. We had an easy-going, flirty text exchange over the next couple days before she agreed to meet me for a drink that Friday night. I wasn’t getting my hopes up too much as I had had flirty text exchanges with previous matches only to have major disappoints come face-to-face dates. But during that week I did allow myself to mentally go through the play-by-play of fucking her in a way I hadn’t with any of my other matches. Needless to say, come Friday night I was praying the night went well and I had to keep telling myself *temper your expectations*.

I made sure to arrive at the bar early so I could find a good corner booth so we could be intimate. Not intimate in like give each other handjobs under the table kind of way, but I sure as hell didn’t want to eliminate that possibility. I got a beer from the bar, some heavy IPA. I hate IPAs but I was nervous and wanted to trick myself into thinking I was adept at this Tinder thing. I found a quiet booth in the corner and focused my thoughts away from the fantasy play-by-play fucking I did all week. Heather strode in through the entrance and we locked eyes immediately. She gave me a nice smile with her eyes and lips, and blood immediately rushed to my dick. *Keep it together you fucking idiot*, I told myself with the full understanding that it had been months since I’d fucked anyone. She walked over to the booth as I got up, not knowing if I should hold out my hand or go for a hug. Thankfully, she opened her arms and we embraced tightly. She wasn’t stiff or awkward and she pressed herself up against my chest. *OK, good sign*, I thought, then asked what she was drinking.

“Whatever your having works for me,” she said through her smile. I went to the bar to get her beer and took a few deep breaths. *Temper your expectations.* When she walked in I was so enamored by her beautiful smile and straight black shoulder-length hair (that was just the right kind of messy) that I didn’t even look at her body. Walking back from the bar she was standing, taking off her jacket, and I admired how petite she was in her worn tee-shirt with a black bra visible through the white cotton, and tight-fitting jeans that hugged her small perky ass just right. She wasn’t wearing any makeup except black eyeliner which accentuated her coal-black irises. To me the outfit and eyeliner was saying, *I know I’m hot, but you gotta play it right to see how hot I really am*. *Another good sign, but don’t fuck this up. You need to see how hot she really is*, I reprimanded myself. So, I did just that, played it cool that is. I was confident, inquisitive, laughed at her jokes. She played with her hair, and gave me the *I wanna fuck* eyes. By the time we each finished our second drink I allowed myself to think with my dick and said, “You wanna get outta here?”

To my chagrin, she said those dreaded words, “I have to work early.”

*Oh you fucking idiot! You played it cool, thought you read all the signs right, then you let the blood rush to your cock. You blew it!* was racing through my head.

When I thought all hope was lost she said, “I’m free tomorrow night though” with a smirk on her face. We left the bar, made plans to have dinner the next night, then she gave me a tight embrace and a kiss on the cheek, and we went our respective ways.

Needless to say, after a long sex drought and meeting Heather in person, I had to relieve myself once I got home. Post-ejaculation clarity hit me though, and I was questioning if I had read the situation wrong. *Was she really attracted to me, or just enjoyed the conversation over beers? Why didn’t she wanna kiss goodnight? Was she looking for a relationship? Is that why she was playing it slow?* She definitely could be relationship material. She was smart, quick-witted, funny, and gorgeous. But I was not looking for, nor ready for anything serious, hence my reluctance to initiate a goodnight kiss. *Fucking idiot!*

The following day, over texts we agreed to have dinner. I was excited, yet cautiously pessimistic, and the day inched along. The hour was soon approaching when she texted. All my confusion from the night before was quickly erased when I read, “How about we skip dinner and I just come to your place?”

“Fuck yes, that sounds perfect!” I replied.

She quickly answered with, “Yes! See you in an hour.” *One hour, shit my place is a mess.* Before dates that had the possibility of sex I usually rub one out in an attempt to last longer if the date went well. No time for that though as I had to clean up my disgusting bachelor pad that hadn’t seen a good cleaning since before the breakup.

Apartment clean (enough), I answered the door and she was wearing a loose-fitting tee-shirt and sweatpants. *Hmm, interesting*, I thought, but I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had small breasts and her nipples were hard, making little dots poking through the shirt. It was a brisk evening, but I was hoping it wasn’t only the cold that excited her.

She noticed me ogling her, and said, “Sorry for the clothes, I’m a nanny, my work clothes were covered in kid germs, and this was the only change I had in my car.”

*Here’s your chance to clarify exactly where this evening is gonna go*. Making the split second decision I said, “I wasn’t looking at the clothes,” then moved my eyes to her pointy nipples.

She looked down and understood, lifted her head and stone-faced said, “Where’s your bedroom?”

We rushed to my bed and she climbed on top of me while we ferociously made out. Tongues circling, lips biting, and heat building. I pulled away to breath, but more so to kiss her neck. She gave a soft little moan, then said, “Is this what you wanted to see,” as she pulled her shirt over her head.

“All week,” I exclaimed as I gazed at her plump, A-cup tits with nickel-sized dark nipples. She giggled and I didn’t hesitate to take one in each hand, going back and forth sucking on each nipple. They were perfect in every way, especially how different they were from my ex’s big tits with large skin-colored nipples. My cock was fully hard as she was grinding on top of me. Even through my pants and her sweatpants I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy. I couldn’t wait any longer, so I flipped her over, stood next to the bed as she rubbed her tits, and I took off her sweatpants. Expecting to find panties underneath, there were none.

She had this look on her face, part seductive but also sheepish. She gave a giggle and admitted, “I lied, I put on these clothes so there was no wasted time.”

I smiled from ear to ear, said “Mission accomplished,” then took in the full beauty of her as she spread her legs. She was shaved everywhere except a small triangle of closely cropped black hair above her clit. As she spread her legs her labia opened to reveal gorgeous little pink pussy lips with a hint of dark coloring along the rims. Just another ways she was perfectly different from all my other lovers.

I must have been drinking it all in a little too long, cuz she said, “Well?”

Without delay I buried my face in-between her legs. She was already wet, more wet than how much I was salivating to taste her. She laid back quickly after realizing how serious my cunnilingus skills are. I drank up her pussy, licking long strokes up and down, making small quick circle over her clit, sticking my tongue as deep inside her as it would go. As I did I pushed her thighs back so I could open her up as much as possible. I then inserted my middle finger into her dripping wet pussy, slowing going in and out. Then added a second finger, hooked my fingers and vigorously massaged her g-spot. All the while sucking and nibbling her clit. *Maybe she didn’t rub one out either* because it didn’t take long for her to moan continuously, firmly grasp my hair, and begin shaking all over. Her legs locked my head as she came hard, pussy juice dripping down my fingers onto the bed.

From between her thighs I looked up at her. With an orgasm glaze over her eyes she mumbled, “No one has ever made me cum like that.”

At that point I stood up, still fully dressed while she was completely naked on the bed, flushed red, legs spread wide with pussy juice dripping down between her ass cheeks. Clarity coming back into her eyes she said, “Take off your fucking clothes.”

Within a second I stripped. I was still rock hard; giving her oral pleasure did nothing to weaken my throbbing hard on. She knelt on the bed and pulled me onto it, and with no hesitation began sucking me from tip to balls. I was so fucking revved up and with no premeditated wank session I was ready to cum within 30 seconds. I wanted more than anything to fuck her tight pussy, so without saying anything I gently pulled her head up and began kissing her. I said I had a condom and she said yes with a heavy breath while her eyes exclaimed, *Fuck yes!*

As I sat on the edge of the bed putting on the condom she lay beside me watching while rubbing her clit. I climbed on top and teased the tip of my cock up and down her pussy from clit to hole. She wasn’t having much of that and grabbed my ass, pulling me forward and into her. All my fantasizing about how tight her little pussy must be exploded in actuality as I slowly sank my entire cock inside her with one smooth motion. She pushed her head back, eyes tightly closed in ecstasy as I continued long strokes; fully in to where our hipbones were touching, to almost fully out with just my cockhead inside.

At this point I wish I could say I successfully repressed my orgasm and made her cum several more times while doing numerous positions, but this is not a porno. I am only human. It was only a minute of slow in-out, before I pumped her harder and faster. It had taken all my focus to last this long and I groaned those wonderful words, “I’m gonna cum.”

Next came those supremely better words, “Cum inside me.”

I didn’t wait for further instructions as I gave one more powerful thrust and exhaled in triumph.

Spent, I relaxed my body on top of hers. Sweaty, breathing heavy in unison, I pleasured in the feeling of her small tits, nipples still hard, pressed against my chest. We laid like that for a few magical minutes before she quietly repeated, “No one has ever made me cum like that.” I lifted my head, looked into her dark eyes, and just smiled.

We cleaned ourselves and crawled beneath the sheets as the brisk night air was seeping into my drafty apartment. Laying in the bed with her head on my chest I said, “Sorry I didn’t last long. You had me edging since the moment I opened the door.”

She laughed and said “After you made me cum all I wanted was for you to fuck me hard and fast.” *Thank god for that* I thought.

We drifted off to sleep, but I woke abruptly before the sun was up. Heather was gone. I wasn’t hoping to have a “couples” Sunday or anything, but I was hoping for some sultry morning sex. I went out to my stoop and smoked a cigarette in the cool air and tried to not dwell on being left alone in bed. The feeling was fleeting though as I began applauding myself for getting out from under the weight of heartbreak and delighted in those words… *No one has ever made me cum like that.*

Later that morning Heather texted me saying she had to be at work at six, was sorry to leave without saying goodbye, and that she wanted to do it again. I responded with one word, “Absofuckinglutely.”

The week came and went as I daydreamed at work about the tasty little pussy I devoured. I texted Heather asking if she wanted to take me up on the dinner rain-check.

She responded with, “Let’s skip dinner again and repeat last weekend.”

Giddy, I texted back, “No problem with me. I was hoping to order the same thing I had last Saturday. Best tasting meal I’ve ever had!”

She responded with, “Yum, I enjoyed what I tasted too. Hoping for a lot more tonight.” With that, I went for a run, jacked off in the shower, making sure to go slow while visualizing her body in detail because tonight I was going to give her a lot more.

This time when I answered the door she was wearing black yoga pants and a tight white workout top. I laughed and asked, “Are these easy access too?”

She giggled and blushed, “No lie this time, these are really the only other clothes in my car.”

I ushered her inside, taking my time to check out her tight little ass. I could tell she was wearing underwear this time, but once she got inside in the light I saw she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her dark nipples were showing through the skin tight white top, and again they were hard and deliciously pointy. By the time my eyes moved up from her tits to meet her eyes she had a naughty smile across her face.

Unlike the last time, we chatted a bit while drinking cocktails on the couch. I couldn’t help myself though as I stroked her legs, mentally drooling over the sweet nectar waiting in-between. She began getting flushed as she ran her hands through my hair and I slowly inched my hand around her legs and grasped her ass. God was her ass amazing. It was bubbly, yet firm and I could tell her workout clothes were put to good use inside a gym. When I moved my hand from her ass and pressed it down across her pussy, she immediately got up and walked into my bedroom.

We lay on the bed making out and dry humping for a while. Both of us enjoying the process moving at a slower pace this time around, allowing our hands to explore each others bodies. Her gym clothes were so tight though I couldn’t reach under them and feel her soft skin, so I took off my shirt and helped her get her top off. Those beautiful perky tits popped out as she lifted her arms and I barely finished taking her top the rest of the way off before my mouth was sucking on one of her hard nipples. She gently moaned while moving her hand over my crotch, rubbing me hard through my pants. I leaned her back onto the bed, stood up and took my pants off, releasing my cock to those adoring black eyes. I leaned forward and grabbed the waistline of her yoga pants ready to pull them off and once again glimpse her mouthwatering mound, but she grabbed my hands and looked me in the eye with an embarrassed expression. It caught me by surprise considering how comfortable she was last weekend, so I stopped and asked if everything was okay. She turned her gaze away from me and said she got her period earlier that day.

“Oh,” I said, “don’t worry we don’t have to have sex if you don’t want. But I really don’t mind fucking a woman on her period.”

She turned back to me, relieved and said, “Thank you, but I don’t like having sex on my period. I just didn’t want to ruin our night.”

She reversed positions on the bed, laying on her belly with her head towards me, grabbed my cock and put in in her mouth. While slowly sucking on just the head, her eyes drifted up to mine. Removed my cock from around her lips with a satisfying *pop* sound, she said, “Is this okay?”

“Oh god yes!” I said, and she replied, “OK, cuz last time you didn’t really let me suck your cock at all. I wasn’t sure if you liked it.”

The memory sprang back into my mind, and now it was my turn to be embarrassed. I looked down at her, my cock in her hand with her tongue flicking inches away from it, and said, “Last time you made me so hot I was about to cum in your mouth after 30 seconds, so I moved you up to kiss you.”

Giggling, she said “Thank god cuz I love sucking dick,” then licked the precum off the tip and started blowing it with enthusiasm. She continued as I held her hair back and marveled in the sight of my cock getting sloppy wet. Knowing sex was off the table I allowed the pressure to build, my cock beginning to throb. I was just about to ask if she wanted me to cum in her mouth, when she must have felt my cum coming and stopped abruptly.

She looked up at me with such an innocent look and said, “Don’t cum yet. Do you like fucking girls in the ass?”

I swear it took all I had in me to suppress exploding right then and there all over her face. I focused, clinched the muscle in-between my balls and asshole to stop the cum fountain from erupting, and ecstatically said “Yes!”

She gave a sly little grin and rolled over on her back, lifted her legs and took off her pants and panties. She lingered there with her legs in the air letting me get a glimpse of her asshole, her tampon string hanging out of her tight pussy lips. She dropped both her legs to one side, knees up to her chest, allowing her ass to spread.

Turning to look over her shoulder, she said, “You’ll have to warm me up before sticking your cock in there, my asshole is tight.” With absolute delight, kneeling on the ground next to the bed, I wet a finger and started to rub her asshole. She gently sighed with pleasure and said “Lick it. Get it wet.” Gladly, I spit right on her tight puckered asshole, flattened my tongue and worked it all over. I moved my head back, wet my finger again and gently inserted it, all the while stroking my cock. Her asshole slowly relaxed and I started to work my finger back and forth. Looking up at her, her face strained, she made a combination of noises, ranging from grunts to moans to little squeaks. I asked if she liked it and she said, “I just want your cock to fuck my ass.”

“Yes please,” I replied as she got on her elbows and knees.

“This position will open up my asshole better,” she said as I was already putting on a condom and grabbing lube.

With her ass up, her back arched, me on my knees behind her, looking down on her remarkable tight ass with her ever so enticing asshole waiting to get split open, I took just a second to thank my lucky stars. That second is forever imprinted on my memory. All these years later, all I have to do is close my eyes to see that sight again.

I squirted some lube on my fingertip, rubbed in on my dick, then massaged some around and in her asshole. Already warmed up and now loose in doggystyle position, her asshole quickly ate up my cockhead. I worked it in and out slowly, steadily picking up the pace and going deeper until all seven inches were in. I was grunting with pleasure at how tight she was, and how the wonderfully different feeling an asshole feels compared to a pussy. This was not my first time anal fucking, but it is a treat every time. I honestly couldn’t tell which was tighter around my cock, her asshole or her pussy. Let’s just say that is a very good problem to have.

She continued her various noises, only louder, and her head was tilted all the way back in a position of both pleasure and pain. I was really pounding it, our bodies slapping against each other, when she yelled, “Fuck me harder!”

I thought to myself, *Goddamn, I’m already fucking you hard.* I slapped her ass, she gave a yelp, and I moved myself into a squatting position, feet planted next to her knees, hands gripping her hipbones. I then really gave it to her, thrusting as hard and fast as I could. She was yelling repeatedly, “Fuck! Yes!”

That only lasted a few minutes before my thighs were aching from squat thrusting and I began to slow. She turned her head and said, “Let me finish you with my mouth.”

As heavenly as fucking her asshole was, I was honestly relieved to relax and let her finish the job. I pulled my cock from her asshole, which was gorgeously spread open wide, slapped her ass again, and lay down on my back. She gingerly crawled off the bed, sweaty and red faced, and walked around to kneel on the ground. Snapping the condom off she proceeded to gobble up my whole dick eagerly. After fucking her ass so vigorously I wasn’t sure if a blowjob would get me off, but she changed tactics on me. Removing my cock from her mouth, she spat on it (which is always hot), grasped it and using her thumb began rubbing the backside right where the shaft meets the head.

“Oh fuck that feels good,” I told her with my head back, arms behind my head in pure ecstasy.

Then, she put the cherry on top of the whole experience as she began firmly licking in-between my asshole and balls. This was a new sensation for me, and it was unbelievable.

I said those wonderful words to her again, “I’m gonna cum.”

She didn’t remove her tongue from my taint, just moaned a “Mmmhmm.”

My cock swelled, she increased the speed of both her thumb and tongue, and I shot a huge load all over my stomach. I shuttered as she stroked all the cum out of me, then slowly rose, making sure to slide her hard nipples up my thighs, and with eyes locked onto mine, began licking up my cum.

Now it was my turn to say, “No one has ever made me cum like that.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lmy6xm/my_one_and_only_successful_tinder_match


  1. This was really great :) um it felt genuine in a really intimate way, thanks for sharing

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