Today I, 33 [F], ran errands wearing only a hoodie.

(a picture of what I wore is in my profile)

Today was a daring day. I decided to put on a light hoodie and run a couple errands without putting on anything else. No pants, no bra, no panties. The hoodie was blue and very thin, but honestly my longest one. Even so, when I was standing with my shoulders shrugged up a little bit, you could see my pussy lips from the front. The front of the hoodie was a little longer than the back. The back jusssttt covered the bottom of my ass cheeks. I found that if I put my phone in the little pouch of the hoodie, it held the front down just enough to cover my pussy. With being covered just barely enough, I grabbed my things, and was ready to leave home.

I walked out my door and down the stairs, heading to my car. At first I felt like I had to hold down my hoodie, but as soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I got enough courage to just let go and own my sexiness. It felt freeing. Not like having a dress on without panties. I do that all the time. This was different. If I moved in the wrong way, I would flash anyone around. They could easily be able to see the bottom of my cute little ass cheeks, or even my smoothe pussy. That was an exciting thought.

The first guy I locked eyes with was a maintenance man, watering plants just across the little street of the apartment complex parking lot. He looked me up and down once as I headed to my car. So when I got to my car, I stood with my back toward him for an extra 5 seconds to give him a good look before unlocking the door and getting in. I peaked over my shoulder right before I got in the car, and he was walking away. I have a feeling he saw something he liked, and I can’t imagine the things going through his head.

I got in my car, not thinking too much about keeping covered because I didn’t see anyone else around. I put on my sunglasses and started driving the short trip to my favorite gas station. Driving in the car thinking and knowing what I was about to do was exciting. I was stopped at a stoplight and looked over to see a guy in the car next to me. It made me wish I had a see through car door, so he could see why I was feeling so sexy right now.

I turned into the gas station and was shocked by how crowded it was again (like my story about the anal hook). The good thing is, there were plenty of work trucks, which made my dirty mind think, mmmm plenty of men. This place must get busy near lunchtime often. I parked in the last available non gas pump parking spot. I grabbed $6, my car key, put my phone in the pouch of my hoodie and opened the car door. I stood up and locked the car and felt a gust of wind. Uh oh. Lol. I pulled my hoodie, trying to stretch it downwards and started walking. After 5 steps, I thought to myself, this is what I came for, and let go of my hoodie and headed to the door. The wind didn’t move the hoodie around much and it didn’t take too long for me to get to the door of the gas station. I felt so slutty and dirty, walking into a store with my ass and pussy allllmost hanging out for everyone to see.

I walked through the door and immediately was met with a line of about 6 people, the last two being guys. They’d be able to see me the whole stretch of where I needed to go in order to get my slurpee. I saw them both looking at me and my first feeling was excitement. I wanted their eyes on my ass. I wanted them trying to figure out if I was wearing shorts or not. I wanted them to see the bottom of my ass and realize I had nothing on underneath. I got to the slurpee machine and turned too quickly and dropped my car key on the ground. In my mind I screamed fuck! This would have been epic hot to plan. Drop my key, make noise to get guys to look, bend down to pick up the key, and let them all know for a fact now that I indeed, was not wearing anything to cover my ass and pussy. But this wasn’t planned, I got very flustered, and bent my knees, kept my ass close to the ground, and picked up the key. I’m positive the guys at the end of the line now know I’m not wearing pants, but I’m way too nervous to look back.

I grabbed a cup and filled up a slurpee. I turned around, put my drink on the counter, and put a lid on it. Right at this point, I screamed fuck! in my mind again. I’ve gotten this far and I just realized I left my mask in the car. Now I feel totally on display. Everyone is probably looking at me extra because on top of having no pants on, I have no mask on. This just shows how nervous/excited I was for this dirty mission. Mmmmmm. So I left my drink on the counter by the slurpee machine, walked right past the long line, and headed back outside. I glanced up at the last guy in line and he put his eyes down as soon as I looked at him. I walked to the car and immediately when I got back outside, I felt a sense of cold between my legs. That’s when I realized how wet I was. The cool air was hitting the juices my pussy was leaking. I felt pussy juice not only on my pussy, but on the inside of my thighs. I was very very turned on. I got to my car, grabbed my mask, and headed back inside.

This time when I went inside, the line had moved some and there was a girl at the end of the line. I was very embarrassed from having dropped my key and having to leave you go get my mask and re enter. I feel like I missed my chance to get in line behind some guys and start a conversation with them. I wanted to stall, to get in line behind or in front of a man. For that reason, I went back to my slurpee and there happened to be a lady getting one too So I started a conversation with her. I told her that I got this far and realized I didn’t have a mask on. She told me how she’d done that before too. I told her I was nervous about people looking at me weird, and she quickly said, ahhh just look at them weird right back. This lady was in her 50s and looked like a complete badass. Probably would’ve worn no pants into a store when she was my age too. For some reason, this gave me more confidence, and I wasn’t nervous about anything anymore.

I walked slowly over to the line, seeing a guy on the other side of the store heading toward the line too. I got into line right in front of him. He was probably 50 something too. White, buzz cut, buying an energy drink. I turned to him in line, took a step toward him, and asked him, excuse me, do you know if there’s a McDonald’s around here? Right away his eyes went from my feet, up to my head and responded, oh yeah, there’s one right down _____ St. Pointing me in the direction that I knew the McDonald’s was. I said thanks! And pivoted up on my toes to turn around and stand in position in line again. I had no fear anymore. I only felt extremely sexy. I didn’t mind shrugging my shoulders, moving around. I wanted him to see the bottom of my ass cheeks. I wanted him to think about it for the rest of the day. I wanted him knowing that I started a conversation with him for no other reason than to get his attention on me and to get him to see my body.

I paid and left the gas station. I walked to the car with a strut, the way I should’ve been walking since the beginning of this escapade. I felt my pussy juices running and I wanted all eyes on me. I wasn’t careful when I got into the car. I was hoping others would see me. (Just for the record, there were no kids in site at any time) When I got into the car, I sat for a second and thought about how much I like being a little slut. I touched my pussy to feel how wet I was. I. Was. Soaked. I tapped my finger on the entrance to my pussy over and over, listening to the sound of my juices.

I left the gas station and drove to the McDonald’s that I talked to the man about. I waited in the drive thru thinking about how I could have a conversation with a guy in the drive-thru to make this encounter sexy too. After I ordered, I saw that they have a McDonald’s app and you can get a code to tell the person at the driver thru to earn points. I downloaded the app and got the code. When I pulled up to the first window to pay, I pulled my car up as close as I could to the window so that the worker inside would get the best view of my whole body, looking down at me, and seeing that I wasn’t wearing anything on the bottom half my body.

I was very glad when the window opened and I saw a 18-20 year old guy working. He was white, had dark hair, a pony tail, and one of those mcdonald’s visors on his head. I said hello and asked him if I could still use the code from the app I just downloaded to get points. I angled my body and moved my arm up over my head, so the bottom of my hoodie would stretch up just a bit and be facing more openly toward the worker at the window. He took the code and helped me with the rest of my order. I did see him look down into my car. I really think he saw me with no pants on and I really hope it started making him hard. I want him thinking about me for the rest of the day, maybe tell his friends about me.

I got my food at the next window from a nice young girl and drove away back to my home. I parked and grabbed all my things from my car and walked to my door. I didn’t see anyone on the way back in. But at that point, I really wished there was another maintenance man that would notice me. I was so confident and daring now, I was ready to pull the back on my hoodie up and just flash him my ass without thinking. Too bad. There’s always next time.

(Btw, I know my first story says I’m 34. I posted it and then read it over again and said, fuck! I’m 33 not 34. But I didn’t want to edit lol)



  1. this is absolutely amazing!! I def went into a gas station to get something today sadly it wasn’t the one you were in

  2. Wow I wonder if more girls do this being that i have seen girls, what appears to be just a hoodie? Would you have fucked the maintenance man if he was still there on your way back?

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