The Tribe of Kundala: The Wedding ritual. (Incest) (Father-daughter) (Tribal) (Gangbang)

(All characters are 18+)

Weddings in Kundala differ from weddings in the west and other cultures quite starkly. While a wedding in the west may represent the unity of two souls. A wedding in Kundala is symbolic ritual that shows a father passing on the ownership of his daughter to a man he trusts. Of course, whether the father wants to pass on his daughter or not is a choice that is entirely his. He can keep her as his sole breeding vessel for the rest of his life if he wishes.

However, if he chooses to marry her off, this doesnt mean the fathers rights do not still apply to her. If a father visits his daughters home it is considered disrespectful not to greet the man who raised you with your mouth around his member and eventually your womanhood as well. As long as he is there his authority outweighs her husbands authority and the daughter must oblige to anything he says. The Kundali have great respect for their elders within their culture so this is seen as only right.

When a Kundali girl is first taken by her father she is given a collar embraided with jewels that she will keep round her neck for the rest of her life. this collar has slots built in for the purpose of putting gems within them. the first gem given to her is by her father. it is engraved with his name and is fitted in as a sign of the man who owns her first and foremost.

When a wedding is arranged and the ritual begins. The girl is bathed by her mother in holy water before being taken to the marriage alter. This alter is a stone bed carved out in front of a place where the tribes people gather around. One distinct difference between kundali weddings and western weddings is their atmosphere. Western weddings are joyful events where people celebrate the binding of the couple.

Kundali weddings on the other hand are considered sacred, ritualistic events that involve passing the reign of the daughter from her father to the man he entrusts her with. The tribes people gather around in a circle in prayer as fires are lit around the alter. The girl is brought out and her body is tied to the alter with her legs spread open as her bare body lays for all to see.

the father of the girl and her husband to be then come up, standing at both her sides. The main event of the ritual is about to start as the father of the girl steps forward. He dips his hand in a mixture of a deep red liquid that works as a temporary dye. He then places his palm upon the girls belly, imprinting his hand mark firmly in the center.

Ones this happens, the crowd begins a slow ritualistic chanting. The father then takes his manhood and begins rubbing it upon her entrance, preparing her for whats to come. As the girls body reacts to her fathers touch and her entrance is ready for his manhood. He pushes himself all the way inside her as the crowds chants grow louder and louder.

The brides husband to be then comes to where her mouth is. He presses his manhood against her lips and she graciously accepts. The two men pound her body for as long as they need to. thrusting their manhood back and forth in a harmonic union. The length of these rituals depends all on when the father decides to spill his seed inside her womb. As the father is ready to pump his seed into that which came from his loins the crowds chants now go from a low rumble to a loud symphony. With one final thrust the father buries himself all the way inside of her and empties his seed. Load upon load into her womb.

The crowd returns to a low rumble as the first part of the ritual is finished. The husband and the father rotate positions and now the husband prepares himself to enter his bride to be. He dips his hand into the red liquid just as her father did and places it upon her belly. The two handprints on top of each other symbolizing their pact. The husband then places his manhood on his brides entrance. already ready to accept him after her fathers ravaging of it. the crowds chants begin to grow as he pushes himself all the way inside her. The girl sucks her fathers member dutifully as her husband pumps into her body again and again.

As the husband nears climax the chants grow to a roar as with his final powerful thrusts he pushes himself all the way into her and unloads his seed within her womb. the seed of her father and her now husband mixing together within her womb as a show of the two families coming together.

The crowd finishes their chant with a low cheer of the final verse “Be in Unity.” as the father and husband of the bride embrace each other. At this point the daughter is exhausted. her body has been put through hell and back by the two men of her life. However the final step still remains.

The husband takes the gem that he got for his bride and places it around her neck. signifying a passing on of ownership. At this point the ceremony is complete. The husband can choose to bring his bride home with him at this point. However some husbands, as a sign of his loyalty to the tribe and as a show of their honor, choose to leave their bride at the alter for the rest of the day and let the tribes people take part in “leaving their blessings”. As the husband and father go off to celebrate together.

The girl is left at the alter as her wedding day is filled with tribesman after tribesman coming up to the alter and pumping their manhood within her body. The seed of many different men accumulating inside her as she graciously accepts. By the end of the day when the father and husband come to collect her the girl is a mess. Seed is leaking out of every orifice as the half conscious girl is collected by her father and husband.

Despite the extremely stark differences between kundali weddings and western weddings. The one thing they share in common is how they bring everyone together. weddings build a further sense of unity within the tribe and the strong will to protect it with their lives.



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