Step Sister Corruption Part 74 – Day 35 Devising (fiction, M/F/F/F/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con, momentary harem, orgy)

Mia obediently and slowly inserted the pussy ball into her obvious tight pussy trying to give me a show. The ball easily slid passed her lips but stopped at her opening. This is where she pushed and showed that it was stretching out her opening as she grunted a few times to get it in due to it was obviously bigger than her opening. After a few pushes some low grunts and silent muttering to herself she was able to slide the ball where it needed to go extracted the ball pushing stem from her lower regions.

She looked up at me after a few pants and huffed, “Happy?”

Did this bitch nearly orgasm by pushing a ball up her? God she must either have a sensitive pussy or a really tight canal.

I smiled knowing both were true. I lightly wondered if Muschi made their pussy balls for the more tightly shallow users like Mia.

I nodded trying to remain focused on the task at hand.

Morgan looked over at Summer and spoke, “What now Mistress?”

Summer walked over to her pet as Mia and Karinna kept a close eye on Summer.

Summer bent down and lightly cupped Morgan’s chin in her hand and gently spoke, “Now my pet all your edging sessions and celibacy will pay off tonight.”

Morgan instantly started to cry and quickly hugged Summer’s legs nearly knocking Summer over, “Oh thank you thank you Mistress. I have waited for this day to come.”

I tried not to laugh at the obvious pun that Morgan was oblivious of using while Mia and Karinna watched in shock.

Karinna spoke, “Did she say celibacy?”

Mia added, “And edging?”

Summer gave both girl’s a wicked smile and simply nodded.

Karinna looked at Morgan, “How long have you been celibate for?”

Morgan shrugged, “About a month or so.”

Mia spoke, “Fuck girl I don’t think I could go celibate for a month I can barely go a day without at least masturbating twice.”

Karinna laughed, “Try three for me. If I don’t I’m a real bitch.”

Mia huffed, “Ain’t that the truth.”

Karinna looked at Mia, “Like you’re any better.”

Mia laughed, “Point.”

Morgan meekly smiled before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “I’ll admit at first it was hard going a day without at least rubbing my clit against something. But with Mistress’s teachings and edging just drove me more mad with lust.”

Karinna laughed, “Yeah I’ve gone without a guy for roughly a year until last night but a year without at least the occasional vibrator I would be a raging bitch and stark raving mad. No offense honey.”

Morgan meekly smiled but looked up at Summer, “What is your command Mistress?”

Summer smiled down at Morgan, “I want you to lay down.”

Morgan immediately laid down without complaint.

Summer smiled, “Karinna, Mia see those straps sitting on the chairs?”

Karinna and Mia looked behind them to where the chairs were seeing the bondage gear. They looked back at Summer and nodded.

Summer smiled, “Good. Grab it and tie down my pet here.”

Both girl’s blinked but got up and got to work. They grabbed the cuffs and cuffed the willing participant otherwise known as Morgan the pet. Then they took the rope and looped the rope through the opening and at the legs of the chair as Summer directed them.

Summer helped them tighten the rope on the chairs so that her pets legs and arms were wide open with her back on the ground.

Mia looked at everything and spoke, “I doubt the chairs will hold Morgan down.”

Summer smiled at Mia and spoke, “That’s where you two will come in. I doubt my pet will struggle but just in case you two will sit in the chairs.”

Mia looked from the chair to the rest of the bondage gear and back, “Wait you’re not going to strap us in the chairs are you?”

Summer smiled, “I’m so glad you’re catching on.”

Mia nearly yelled, “OH HELL NO!!!!! I’m not going to be your next pet.”

Mia got up and Summer quickly stood in her face standing a mere couple of inches taller than the petite short girl.

Mia looked up and spoke, “Get out of my way.”

Summer smiled, “But you’ll miss out on all the fun.”

Mia looked up at Summer and nearly crumbled as Summer lightly trailed her finger along Mia’s breasts and pushed on her nipple.

Mia backed away holding her nipples guarding her current weakness. She hissed out, “I’m not going to become your play thing.”

Summer came up and leaned in. Mia initially backed away from Summer but once she learned Summer was speaking she let Summer lean in and whisper whatever she meant to say to her.

Mia looked from Karinna to Morgan then to me before getting wide eyed.

Summer pulled back, “Now doesn’t that sound fun?”

Mia looked at Karinna who had already moved to the chair and sat down. Then she looked at the spread open Morgan. Then she looked at me….looked at my hard on still slick with her juices.

Mia looked at Summer and growled, “Fine I’ll play your game.” Then she poked her finger into Summer’s chest, “But if you even remotely try dominating me I’m done.”

Summer looked down at the finger poking her chest then looked up at Mia before getting serious, “You do realize I can probably throw you further than you realize right?”

Mia looked down at Summer’s frame more specifically her muscles which into that moment was relaxed.

Summer lightly flexed her arms showing off the definition. Mia quickly gulped and softly spoke, “Sorry.”

She dropped her hand in defeat.

Summer laughed and wrapped her hand around Mia and helped walk the girl to the open chair. Mia meekly followed with a different expression on her face.

She got to the chair and spoke, “Don’t worry Mia. If you feel uncomfortable you’re more than welcome to leave. In fact,” Summer stepped completely away from Mia giving her distance, “You’re more than welcome to leave now. I’m not going to stop you and neither is Gabe.” She looked behind her at Mia and spoke, “We were only trying to invite you into some fun.”

Mia looked at the entire scene and looked at Karinna who just sat there. Then she looked at me, more specifically my cock, before she made her decision. She looked at Summer, “You promise you won’t hurt me?”

Summer laughed, “Hurt hurt no. Maybe some whipping some teasing some sex yes. But hurt you no.”

Mia sighed, “Fine.”

She looked at Summer, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow out your planned fun.”

Summer walked up to Mia and spoke, “Mia you’re the one.” She looked at Karinna, “Both of you asked for help with your own projects.”

She continued, “Then you both asked me via text that your fun last night was so much fun you both asked if we could do it again. Didn’t you?”

Mia head bowed but nodded and spoke, “Yes.”

Summer held out her hands, “Well this is what you asked and I obliged by providing a show.”

Mia blushed and looked up at Summer, “You’re right. I just didn’t want to become your next pet.”

Summer walked up to Mia and ran her finger down. Mia instantly covered her breasts with her hands.

Then without warning Summer wrapped her arms around Mia and kissed her fully on the lips while grabbing her ass and lifting her to Summer’s height showing Mia exactly how light she was in Summer’s grasp.

Mia was completely surprised that Summer actually kissed her let alone grabbed her. She initially pushed Summer off or at least tried. The longer the kiss went on the more Mia gave in to the kiss to where she eventually opened her mouth letting her and Summer’s tongue explore each other’s mouths.

I couldn’t help myself watching everything play out.

I knelt down in front of Morgan and used my dick to lightly tap Morgan’s bare pussy lips which got Morgan to moan in delight having a dick tap her bare pussy as she lightly quivered at the sensation.

Summer hearing Morgan moan stopped kissing Mia and looked at me, “What do you think you’re doing with my pet?”

I looked at her and smiled, “I figured you wouldn’t mind me using your pet like you’re using my new prize.”

Summer dropped Mia who nearly landed on her ass but semi recovered….barely. Mia instantly spoke in two sentences, “Hey? And I’m not your anything.”

I looked over at Mia, “Oh really?”

Mia glared at me but I smiled, “Who’s your daddy?”

Mia blushed but spoke, “You are……” but she got her fire back “ass.” But she said that with a smile on her face.

Summer in turn walked over to me and used her foot to lightly kick me off causing me to fall on my ass and said, “She’s my pet. Not yours.”

Morgan in turn looked at Summer, “Please Mistress it felt so good.”

She looked down at Morgan, “In good time my pet. In good time.”

She looked at me, “Make yourself useful and tie up our guests.”

I walked over to the gear and picked up what I needed then made my way over to Karinna who was lightly playing with her pussy watching everything that was going on.

I smiled at Karinna, “Enjoying the show so far?”

Karinna looked at me with her eyes completely hazy.

*Good the ball, elixir and lotion are beginning to take effect.* I thought to myself.

Karinna blinked and focused on me, “I’m sorry what did you say?”

I held up the stuff and said, “Mind if I tie you up?”

Karinna looked at me confused, “Am I going to have sex?”

I smiled and nodded.

Karinna smiled and nodded.

I spoke, “You’re going to have to put your leg down please.”

Karinna blinked confused and didn’t realize she had her legs propped up nor did she realize she was playing with herself.

She adjusted and put her legs down.

I quickly wrapped her ankles, shins, and knees to the legs of the chair using the trusty bondage tape. Stuff doesn’t stick to anything but itself. I wrapped it enough to where her legs were in place keeping her legs open but not tight enough to cut off circulation.

Then I wrapped her wrists and forearm to the arm rest of the chair.

I looked up at her, “It’s not too tight is it?”

Karinna looked at me confused but looked at her limbs before shaking her head.

I smiled at her, “Mind if I do a sensation test?”

Karinna looked at me and nodded her head as her eyes started to glaze over at the prospect of being played with.

I looked at her and said, “Ok I’m going to touch parts of your body. You tell me how it feels?”

She nodded and softly spoke, “Ok.”

I lightly touched the inside of her thigh and she moaned, “Higher.”

I went up and she begged me to go higher until my hand was so close to her pussy. I looked at it and saw that it was completely wet and hot. She begged me, “Please touch me.”

I spoke back, “Good your ready. Please enjoy the show.”

And I stepped back.

Karinna looked at me like I had just ran over her favorite puppy, “Please come back I need you.”

I looked over and saw that Summer had tied up Mia.

Summer walked up to me and whispered, “Mia needs time for the ball to start affecting her. How’s Karinna?”

I smiled, “She’s ready.”

Summer nodded, “Good let’s get the show started.”




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