Listening to My Dad Fuck (Solo)

This one made me feel grimey, I hope you enjoy.

Like most marriages, the one between my parents started when they were too young and ended with an ugly divorce. I was just a boy, maybe ten years old at that time, so naturally I became used as a bargaining chip throughout the whole separation process. When the dust settled, my mother was awarded the house and custody of me and I’d see my father on weekends at the apartment he was renting at the other end of town. For a few years things went along just fine like this, or as fine as it could be. They both started dating other people, but my father couldn’t find a woman to stick around. Some women lasted for a year or so, but never much longer than that. My father’s living situation would change with almost every woman he got serious with. Sometimes they would move in with him, but usually he’d go to live with them.

It never seemed like it at the time, but as I got older I realized that he was just barely getting by. I found out that he had cheated and was paying a lot in child support, which left him struggling financially, but he always made it work, somehow.

*More* time passes. I’m still crashing with him on weekends, wherever he may be, but all of a sudden he’s running low on women to date and places to live. He moved into a one bedroom apartment and he’d tell me he wasn’t buying furniture because he wasn’t planning on staying, but I knew it was because he couldn’t afford to. The only TV he had was in his bedroom along with his bed and a futon, which was really just a bed for me. These were all his possessions aside from some kitchenware and a few other essentials.

One weekend he says he’s wants to go out and hit the bars, urging me to come with him. I had to remind him I wasn’t old enough to drink yet; I think he was more eager for me to turn twenty one than I was. He gets dressed up, sprays on some cologne, throws some cash on the counter and takes off, “don’t wait up,” he said with a wink as he left.

Back then the internet was a scarce resource, but my dad always had *all* the primo channels on TV. After eating, I jerked it to the porn channel and fell asleep on my futon. As a kid, I had gotten caught with porn on a few occasions and let’s just say that whole experience made me especially careful about covering my tracks. With that in mind, try to imagine what’s going through my head when I woke up in the middle of the night to a woman’s moan.

My eyes snapped open and all I could feel was my heart thudding in a panic. I blinked hard to restore focus to my vision, but there was still some blur. I had to rein in my breathing to keep silent, but my heart rate kept climbing higher. Laying on my side, I soon realized my back was to my father’s bed. The room was pitch black and even with my eyes now adjusted to the dark, I couldn’t see much. I stayed perfectly still while listening to a sexy female voice continue to pant in restrained, shallow breaths close by. I heard my father exhaling hard through his nose, something he’s done before under different circumstances, and very softly he’d let out the occasional grunt. My body never felt more uncomfortably turned on, I knew this should be more gross to me, but it wasn’t. I felt the slow, torturous growth of my cock becoming harder by the second and blamed myself for my own perversions, but there wasn’t a thing I could do about it in the moment.

My arms were tucked in front of me, gripping my covers tight enough to feel my heart beat course through my fingers and rap on my ear drums. I focused on my breathing, trying to reduce the burning hot sensations in my face that left me in a pool of my own sweat. A bead of it trickled down my forehead as their stifled moans overtook the dead air. Hoping for a sudden wakeup from a bad dream I shut my eyes tight, but no such thing happen.

Then this woman started to whine and gasp in the most alluring of ways, making my cock twitch involuntarily. Part of me was jealous the old man was getting some action, part of me wanted to join, but I did nothing. Already at full mast, precum began to trickle from my tip despite the fact I haven’t touched myself at all. While my member stretched my boxers I closed my eyes again, trying to focus more on my breathing and hopefully reduce the throbbing in my shorts, although that seemed unlikely.

Then there was relative silence. A little rustling around, but no more sexual noises and the rigid tension in my body began to give way, just a little. Crashing through the silence I hear an unmistakable *sluuuuuurrrrp* that was as hot as it was loud. This really tickled my pervertedness and I began imagining what’s going on right next to me. I could hear all the small details with my eyes shut, like her “umph” through her nose when it hit the back of her throat or the gurgle of her working his shaft and an “mmmm” with a full mouth. I heard her lips smack and a sharp inhale when she came up for air. Each noise had begun to put me under a tantalizing spell, I yearned to be the one causing such pleasure.

I never made the conscious decision to, but I had started playing with myself and didn’t realize it until I felt the precum on my hand. Quick strokes were ideal for the situation, just enough to roll against the frenulum and keep my movements to the absolute minimum. I once read “guys are the masters of jerking off discreetly,” and here I thought I was the only one jerking off in secret.

Another loud slurp came from behind me, but all other noises weren’t anywhere near as pronounced now. The bed squeaked a bit from their bodyweight shifting around, but not much else. My father’s gruff voice let out a low groan and it sent another disgusting shiver down my back that I tried to not focus on. Then the woman’s voice began to wail, much higher and sharper than before, but it sounded like her mouth remained closed in some failing attempt to mute herself.

Then the vaguely familiar sound of skin slapping began, light and intermittent, starting and stopping at random. The imagery of my father’s nuts swinging into this woman’s clit was something I couldn’t get rid of, but also found hot in a crude way. The woman got more vocal and a few times I heard “yes” escape her lips in a breathy cry. The slaps began getting much louder and consistent, mixing together my horniness and shame. My hand is working my cock just as fast to keep pace with the slapping, forgetting all about the underlying situation and relishing in the sounds and the odors of sex.

The bed’s squeaking was unavoidable with their quicker pace of fucking. I heard my father grunt and exhale even more loudly as the slapping somehow went faster. Soon it sounded like more of a squishy, wet slap like when you mix in the liquid gold to the velveeta. In my brain I saw a beautiful woman’s pussy dripping in fluids and eager to cum. More sweat trickled down my face as I held my breath to control my own nervousness and I knew my orgasm was imminent.

The mystery woman let’s go a high pitched “YESS..YES.. OH FUCKKK,” while the bed rocked and squeaked it’s loudest. I pictured her writhing from the pleasures of cumming, unable to remove her body from my cock. I snapped out of it a bit when I heard my father’s groan rumble louder than before, but it didn’t disgust me like it had not long ago. The sounds of sex were finally slowing down and as quickly and discreetly as I ever had, I tugged and spurted my own cum everywhere. I mean it was all over my hand, my underwear, the futon, everything in the area had been glazed with my happy juice and, once again, I couldn’t do a thing about it.

There was a lot of breath catching and I heard the bed squeak a little more before the bathroom door shut. I had to go to the bathroom by now too, but I knew it may be a while before I could do that comfortably. I lied there for a *long* time pretending to be asleep. Eventually I heard her say goodbye and was so relieved it wasn’t a voice I recognized. I heard my dad climb into bed and I felt a huge calming relief that this sexy nightmare was coming to a close. It took me maybe another 45 minutes of lying there motionless before I gained the courage to finally pretend I was waking up and needed the bathroom.

My father and I never had the best of relationships and this incident made me much more wary of spending the night as his place. Neither of us ever mentioned it and I know he thought he got away with it. Never found out who the mystery woman was either, but her moan is still etched in my memory.
