You following me?

You following me?
This is terrible. I never got the brother’s name. All I knew was I had to get his ass. I remember seeing him at the bank I work at. He was making a withdrawal and I was getting off a very long First of the Month shift. My day was full of “Why is my account overdrawn?!!”
Me in my head”Because Bitch! You overdrew your account $40 fucking to by a sac of loud.” Bitch had the front of the bank reeking! ” Can’t count how many customers came in, I pull their account, and when I tell them of the purchase or withdrawal that caused them to overdraft;9 times out of 10 it’s some bullshit to that nature. I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of there!
I was clocking out at the same time he was leaving the bank. I work in the inner city downtown area which is a hard and ruff area. Anyway for whatever reason instead of getting in my car and going home, I followed this brother to a near by basketball court.
This would become routine. I’d clock off work, walk over to the court, and watch him and his boys ball. One day, I followed him from the court to a near by project complex. He must’ve known I was following him. I stayed3 to 5 steps behind him the entire time in silence. Finally, while 3 steps ahead of me not even turning around he asked”Why you following me?” Before I could stop he stopped and I bumped right into him. “You are following me right?”
Normally one to be shy and timid at times, I oddly blurted out “Yes.”
Me”Because I want you. I’m curious to know if you are as aggressive with sex as you are playing ball.”
Him”Come find out.”


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