[MF] Summer with a Friend Part 1

I’ve submitted five (5) stories now and four (4) have been college related. The next tale also happened in college and out of everything I have posted before, is the only one I regret and still feel bad about to this day. Let’s see if this exorcises that demon.

The summer after my second year in college I convinced my parents to let me go to summer school. I found a job locally to help pay for my expenses. An older friend of mine needed a summer roommate as his was going to be gone until the fall.

The timing couldn’t have been better. The rent was cheap, I only had to cover half of his normal roommate’s portion. The room came furnished, being as the other roommate was only gone a few months it didn’t make sense for him to take everything with him.

This was the end unit I mentioned in, Missed it by that much. Once the sun went down, we had the pool to ourselves. Matter of fact, the pool was our patio. That could be annoying during the day, but at night, it was great.

Early in our first semester, my best friend met his future bride to be. She and I did not, hit it off at all. We were like fire and ice up until the end of the year. My buddy his best to keep us apart to minimize any fireworks.

Right around spring break she was in a wreck and needed some help getting her car fixed. Her dad sourced the parts and I provided the labor. She was stunned. She truly thought I hated her.

I was not her biggest fan. However, my buddy was in love and she was good for him. So, I did my best to help. Once the parts arrived, I spent from the end of spring break to the end of the semester working on her car. Priority number one was getting it running and road worthy.

During this time, we spent a lot of time together. There wasn’t anything sexy or naughty going on. Mostly me working, and her and my buddy canoodling. Hooray for canoodling!

I was also her ride from school to home. She had family that lived close to where I grew up. I’d drop her there and then pick her up before heading north. It wasn’t a short trip either, close to six hours depending on traffic.

We were spending a ton of time together. Most of which was alone. We were no longer bickering jerks. Now we’d joke and poke fun without the other person getting their feelings hurt. We had become friends.

The town where I school was became a ghost town during the summers. It wasn’t overly populated to begin with, and the student body nearly doubled it. When I wasn’t in class or working, I mostly lounged in the pool, slept or played games.

I hadn’t realized it, but she was going to summer school as well. It was the second week of classes and the doorbell rang. I had assumed my roomie had a package missing or forgot to unlock the gate to the pool again.

I was wrong. She was standing there in a bikini top and sarong.

S: Hey, so I heard you have a pool.

M: Hello to you too.

S: Hi.

M: Yes, we have a pool. It’s for renters only though.

S: Oh, well can renters have guests.

M: Sure, but what does that have to do with you?

S: STOP IT! I meant to tell you I’d be around this summer and the last few weeks of school were hectic.

M: I get that. Come in. Need anything to drink?

S: No, I have my water. Is it ok it I sunbathe by the pool?

M: Sure. I’ll come join you in a bit. I need to finish up an assignment.

S: Ok.

This became the norm. Everyday once her classes were over, she’d come by to layout, swim and chat. The town was dead, and socialization was hard to find. We were stuck with one another.

We were both there for the two summer sessions. Hanging out together made it livable. Except for several issues. She was attractive; I hadn’t gotten laid in well over a year and she was my best friends’ girl.

She was 5’4”, brown hair, perfect breasts (I’m not guess) and a cute butt. When we met, I couldn’t stand being in her presence. Now, I could see in her what my buddy did. She was an amazing woman all the way through.

Back to the pool.

The first few weeks of the summer session were spent by the pool soaking up sun. It wasn’t anything special just hanging out and cooking in the heat of the sun. Followed by swimming and then her heading back to her place.

Week four that changed a bit. She started staying for dinner and then we’d go swimming once we had the pool to ourselves. Nothing seemed to change between the two of us, expect the time and contact.

Initially, she took care of her tanning oil. Now I was helping her with it. We’d started knocking one another into the pool. She’d stay and watch movies in the evening with me. Some evenings snuggling and even falling asleep on the couch together.

Nothing happened between us during the first summer sessions. Once classes wrapped up, I got prepped to head home.

*phone call*

S: Hey, I’m having car issues again. Could I ride home with you?

M: Sure. Do you want me to stay and look at it?

S: No. It’ll be here when we get back.

M: Alright, I’ll pick you up in an hour. I wasn’t planning on getting home too late.

S: I’ll be ready. I’m not bringing much.

When the call was over, I finished cleaning the apartment and threw the rest of my stuff in the back of the truck. I headed over to her place and got her loaded up. She wasn’t joking, she had clothes and her computer.

After our first trip together during the previous semester, she’d taken to reading out loud to me as I drove. Once we were past civilization, she’d rest her back against my passenger door, put her feet across the bench seat with her knees up and read. I know, not the safest idea, but it worked and made the drive less boring.

This trip was no different, about thirty minutes in, she pulled out a book and assumed the position. I couldn’t tell you what it was about. I remember enjoying listening to her and then getting very distracted.

It was a very hot summer day. She was wearing tank top, cutoffs and sandals. She’d let the sandals on the floor but that wasn’t what caught my eye. When her leg/knees moved her bunched up cutoffs revealed she wasn’t wearing underwear.

I nearly swerved off the road. She dropped the book and I had to reset my brain.

S: Holy shit! What happened?

M: Sorry about that. I got distracted and thought I saw something in the road.

S: Don’t do that!

M: Sorry. Hey, mind if we stop at the gas station coming up. I need to use the restroom and maybe grab a snack.

S: Great idea. I could really use stretching my legs.

I stopped and filled up my truck. I’ve never been one to waste a stop. Might as well fill up instead of having to stop again later. I grabbed a drink, some munchies and hit the restroom.

We got back on the road and again she assumed the position. We weren’t more than an hour in at this point. It was going to be a longer trip than usual if I kept catching glimpses of her smooth lips. So, I tried to focus on her words and not the movement of her legs.

I was successful for all of twenty minutes. I tried. I really did. Her legs kept moving with the road and I kept catching glimpses. I just, it was a struggle I had decided not to fight.

I began stealing glances when I could. I tried to be as sneaky as I could and hoped that her reading would keep her to busy to catch me. That probably would’ve worked flawlessly if I hadn’t had to concentrate on driving and being sneaky.

At some point she had apparently stopped reading. I hadn’t noticed.

S: See something you like?

M: *I froze*

S: Well?

M: I. I don’t know what to say except I’m sorry.

S: Why are you sorry?

M: Because I’ve been stealing glimpses of your pussy.

S: How long?

M: What do you mean how long?

S: How long have you been looking?

M: Since before we stopped earlier.

S: Is that what caused the tent in your pants?

M: *I had become a new shade of red no known to this world*

S: Did you like what you saw?

M: Yes but, I shou-

S: I can’t believe it took you that long to notice.

M: What?

S: I can’t believe it took you that long.

M: I’m confused.

S: I have been flashing you since I readjusted.

M: You were doing that on purpose?

S: How many times have we made this trip?

M: Several.

S: Have I ever gone commando before?

M: Not that I remember.

S: Exactly. Did you notice anything else?

M: No, I was too busy trying not to wreck or get caught.

She had set the book aside while we were talking. She unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off, dropping them by her sandals.

S: All this teasing has me drenched.

I had to pullover. I couldn’t stare at this sight and drive. Her beautiful, aroused pussy was in full sight. Her fingers starting to tease and play with herself.

S: Drive.

I started back to driving but it was hard to concentrate with a half-naked beauty playing with herself next to me.

S: No watching. Since you didn’t get to listen to my reading maybe you’ll listen to this.

It was absolute torture. She as right next to me, pleasuring herself but all I could do was listen. I could only assume she was putting on a show as her moans and dirty talk filled the cab. I constantly had to readjust my pants. I didn’t need to drool a wet spot through them.

She tortured me for what felt like hours, but, was only about thirty minutes. She teased her first orgasm, edging herself over and over again. It was maddening. Until finally, she came, loud and what appeared to be hard.

Her breathing heavy, body still spasming as she began to audibly lick her fingers clean. I could see movement out of the corner of my eye but couldn’t tell exactly what she was doing. It wasn’t until her head nudged my arm up, that I figured out what she was doing.

She had readjusted herself to lay across the bench seat in my truck. Her head nudging my arm up as I felt her hands being work my zipper.

S: Relax a bit, I can’t get this thing out unless you do.

Look, I’m not packing some monster here, but if you’ve ever tried to work a throbbing erection out of your pants while doing anything but fooling around, it’s a pain. I adjust as best I could for her. After some wrangling, she finally got my cock out.

S: So, this is what keeps jabbing me on the couch.

I didn’t know how to respond to that other that turn a brighter shade of red than my truck. That didn’t last very long though. Before I could crawl away, I felt her soft lips on my tip.

I did my best to maintain control of the vehicle. It had been a while since the last time I’d gotten a blow job and even longer since the last time I’d gotten a roadie. Her mouth felt amazing.

She sucked me as best she could from the angle. She was doing a magnificent job. I also had to make sure I didn’t swerve stealing glimpses of her cute bare ass giggling as we drove down the road.

It didn’t take very long before I felt that familiar feeling. I pulled off to the side of the road.

S: Why’d you stop?

M: Going to cum soon and didn’t want to crash.

S: Oh. Thanks for the heads up.

I got far enough over I didn’t need to worry about the random truck clipping us on the two-lane highway we were currently on. I undid my seatbelt and relaxed as best I could. She took me back in to her wonderful mouth.

Between stopping and the chat my clock had been reset. That feeling had left. I wasn’t going to complain but her jaw most certainly would be. I slid a hand down her back as she took me in to her throat and squeezed her cheeks.

She wiggled a bit and adjusted her hips up. I took that as an invitation to explore further. As my fingers slid down her crack the tip of my middle finger found the heat and wetness of her soaking wet pussy.

I gently glided my finger along her soaking wet lips. She purred with my cock in her mouth. She had begun to work me more with her hand, as she hovered my tip. It felt amazing.

My climax began to build with each passing moment. She felt me begin to tense up and my fingers slow as I neared eruption. She increased her intensity and then everything went white.

I came hard into her mouth. It felt like I shook the car with my spasms. Was it rope after rope or was it nothing? I have no clue, just the immense amount of pleasure I felt in that moment. Once my sensitivity levels subsided again, I felt her lips and tongue cleaning the cum from my cock. She milked me dry.

M: Wow…

S: I take it that was good?

M: Yeah, it’s been a while.

S: I know.

M: Can I return the favor?

S: Maybe another time. Let’s get back on the road. I have more reading to do.

She spent the rest of the trip bottomless while reading to me. I listened to every word. She didn’t miss a chance to tease me or tease my cock with her feet.

That’s it for this part of the trip and summer. There is more to come though. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Part 2 will be coming soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ll6hvc/mf_summer_with_a_friend_part_1

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