Cuckolding My Husband

Time to cuckold my husband. When I met my husband, he came off very dominant, something I found to be pretty attractive. To be honest, it was one of the reasons I liked him most. It stayed like that for the two years we dated and the first year of our marriage. That was until he came to me and told me he was not happy sexually. I was shocked and confused, trying to think and figure out how he could possibly feel this way.

He confessed to me that he was actually submissive, that having a woman dominate him was one of the hottest things he could think of. I, for one, had never been dominant. At least I never thought of myself that way. However, I wanted to make my husband feel as satisfied as I was in our marriage and in our bedroom.

I started to take the role of being more dominant, more controlling, doing a lot of the things he said he liked. We bought a bunch of new toys, such as vibrators (for each of us), whips, floggers, crops, candles, clamps, cock rings, cock cages, everything you could desire. I even bought a leash, which I really like using on him. It was and is sexy to walk around naked, with him crawling behind me, wanting to touch, but knowing he can’t. I found it to be extremely hot. The more we did it, the more I was getting into it. I was having better orgasms and a lot more fun sexually as well! Who knew? It improved our marriage, sex, and overall view of our relationship altogether.

A year later, with me being more dominant, I wanted to explore even further. My husband has always told me how sexy it would be to see me being fucked by someone else. This is something he expressed, even back when we were just dating. Now that we’ve found ourselves comfortably with me being his dominant, we’ve decided to take it a step further. He knows when to expect something juicy and new when I’m wearing my dark nylons and pink knickers. Whenever I dress in the morning, I make sure he notices what I’m wearing.

I haven’t told him what is going to happen, wanting it to be a surprise. I’ve randomly done things like this before, things he has always enjoyed. I once bought him a butt plug, making him wear it to work, as I sent naughty photos of myself to him. He wasn’t allowed to come the entire day, by the time he got home, he was a slobbering, whimpering mess. It was a lot of fun!

This time though, it is different. He is finally going to get to see me in action with someone else. It is a mutual friend of ours, someone who has always flirted with me. I knew right away he’d take the chance to fuck me when I asked him. I think he was a little shocked, but he, as I knew he would, agreed. He had never heard of cuckolding, but was completely game, as long as he wasn’t the one being cuckold. I reassured him he was not.

Waking up first this morning, I quickly jump into the shower, wanting to make sure my husband watches me get dressed. When I get out of the shower, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel, I come back into the bedroom seeing Dale, my husband, on his phone. He, as he always does, is checking the news before starting his day.“Good morning honey, sleep well?” I ask casually, dropping my towel on the end of the bed. My nipples harden instantly, caused by the overhead fan being left from the night before.“Mmm, yes. Like a rock. I always sleep well when you make meatloaf the night before,” he smirks, looking up at me, admiring my naked body.“I’ll keep that in mind. You know I’d cook more often, if I didn’t work so late, dear,” I sigh, wishing I did indeed have more time.“No one is stopping you. Quit your job, become a housewife, I don’t mind at all,” he repeats himself. A topic we’ve had many times since we’ve gotten married.He makes more than enough to take care of us, but I was raised to work for what I want.“Don’t start, Dale, please,” I sigh, heading towards the closet. I look through my wardrobe, searching for my knee-length, pencil skirt. “Besides, if I did that, I’d have to start fucking the milkman, or the paperboy,” I giggle.“Hey, no issues by me, as long as I can watch,” he laughs with me. I know how serious he is. However, he has no idea what is in store for him later in the evening.“No, I guess you wouldn’t, smart arse,” I tell him, coming back into the room.

I liemy clothes down before going to mydresser to pull out my favourite pinkknickers. The ones that Dale knows are fullof surprises. I look at him, who has hisnose shoved back into his phone.“Takes one to know one, my love,” hegrins, still not looking up.I slip my knickers on, picking a pale pinkbra to match. When I sit to put on mynylons, I wait to see how long it takes himto notice. However, he doesn’t, not at first.Whatever he is reading really has his gaze.I can’t help but smile, for when he doesnotice, he is going to be a mess. With mynylons on, I get up, and circling aroundthe bed, I go towards him.Leaning into him, I place a single kiss onhis ear lobe, my hand sliding down underthe covers, gripping his cock. “Damnstraight I’m a smart arse, I’ve learned fromthe best, haven’t I?” I purr into his ear. Itsthen he finally looks up, noticing what Ihave on. He lets out a slight groaningshiver, where I instantly feel his cockgrowing harder. I grip it tighter in myembrace, stroking him lightly through thethin fabric of his boxers.“Oh, please tell me this time. What do youhave in store for me, baby?” He sighs awhimper, quivering to my grip. My fingerscaressing over his cock, feeling him growthicker.“Not a chance, have I ever? Do you thinkI’m going to start now? You know howmuch you love the suspense. You’ll be agood boy, no touching today. Get up andget dressed. Time for work. You don’twant to be late,” I grin, kissing on his earlobe once more.I turn, going back to finish gettingdressed.

Dale sits there for a moment,watching me, before throwing the coversoff of him, his cock poking through the slitof his boxers, begging to be touchedmore. I only smile at him, pointingtowards the shower. He goes without aword. I feel my own excitement starting togrow.Leaving for work before Dale even comesdownstairs, I call John.“Hey John, good morning, how are you?” Iask causally, turning the engine on.“Well good morning beautiful. I’mfantastic, ready for tonight, that’s for sure!How are you?” His voice is gruff, but fusedwith sensuality. I can hear his lusty needthrough his words.“Couldn’t be any better. Dale is well awaresomething is going to happen at somepoint today, but has no idea what. I planto leave work early to get things set up. Icouldn’t do it whilst he is home, youknow? Anyway, make sure you’re here bysix. Got it?”“Will do, Tiffany. Can’t wait to see you later,speak soon,” he says, with a growl.I can’t help but smile, “you know it, John.Cheers.”“Cheers.”Hanging up the phone, I turn the radio up.One of my favourite songs is on and I signalong to it. The day has just started and itis already a great one. When I do get towork, I keep myself fairly busy, but makesure to send Dale naughty texts. I likekeeping him on edge. It gets prettyheated, turning more into a cyber-textchat. He whines, begging to go use therestroom, so he can release somepressure. I deny him, of course. It is likethat for the better part of the day. I evenhave to slow down a bit, causing myself tobecome overly aroused.At three, I call it a day. I don’t linger, notwanting to have the “what’s yourweekend plans” conversation with my co-workers. I just want to get home. By thetime I get home, I run upstairs and stripout of my clothes, leaving on just mynylons, knickers and heels. I grab mydressing gown and tie the draws looselyin a knot. It barely covers my arse,showing off the bottoms of my buttcheeks. My breasts, which are still coveredby my bra, are on show.Going back downstairs, I grab one of thedining room table chairs, before goingback up into the bedroom. I think tomyself that I might need to invest on agood proper chair for the upstairs. I findthe best angle in the bedroom beforeplacing it in the far right corner. Just inview of the bed. I draw the shades close,closing out the sun, which is shiningbrightly into the room. I flick on thebedside table lights, which are soft, givinga great lighting to the room.When I’m happy with the room, taking outwhat needs to be used, I head backdownstairs. I fix up a light dinner, leavingit easy, because it is the last thing on mymind. Around five, Dale gets home andcomes finding me right away. He pulls meinto his arms and kisses me deeply. I canfeel his erection press against my lowerstomach, causing me to groan out.“Hey, slow down. Don’t make me spankyou,” I tease. “Dinner is ready, come on,” Itake his hand, leading him into the diningroom.“Dinner is the last thing on my mind, Tiff,”he whines.“It is a light dinner. You’ll need it, promiseyou that,” I giggle.We sit down, after I serve him and myself.Sitting across him, I ask him how his daywent, him giving me a glare, clearly statingit was hot and bothered. I am highlyamused, telling him mine was just asmuch as his. All the while, I slip off my heeland begin to caress his leg. My toesmoving along his inner thigh, pressingslightly on his cock. A huge grin on myface as he begins to stir, pressing himselfa little more into me. The greedy bastard!When we finish by five thirty, I ask him,“you trust me, don’t you, darling?” I grin.“More than anyone, of course, my love,” hestates, with no hesitation.“Pleased to hear,” I say, going towards theliving room, “come with me, dear.”He follows me, and as I open the closet, Ipull out a long silk scarf. I smile up at him,all six feet four of him. I look at his strong,handsome features. His dark hair croppedshort, his blue eyes twinkling withanticipation, his strong jaw line set tight.It makes me want to lick along it, uptowards his ear and suckle on it. Hisbreathing is a bit heavy, trying to keepcontrol of his excitement.Compared to my five feet, six inch stance,we’re vastly different height wise. It wasone of the first things that I noticed abouthim when we met. Though, I, like him,have dark hair, but grey eyes. I’m in prettygood shape, not as well as he is, but he ismore into working out than I am. I havealways felt we fit well, though.“I’m going to put this on you. You’re justgoing to have to trust me,” I grin. “Turnaround for me?” I ask, with a purr.“Anything for you, and I do trust you. Youknow I do,” he tells me again.He turns around, and I reach up the best Ican, tying the scarf around his eyes. I takehis sight, making him mine all the more.The scarf fits fairly well, not being too big,but not having a blindfold, havingforgotten to get one, I decide it does thejob.“All right, we’re going to go upstairs now.Come, take my hand, follow me,” I say,tugging on his hand. I lead him uptowards the bedroom. Once we’re in ourroom, I take him to the chair I hadbrought up earlier. “I’m just going toundress you now, baby. Don’t mind me.”“As if I would mind you undressing me,love,” he smiles.He stands there and I begin to undresshim. I purposely grope him in all the rightareas. His cock, which, from as far as I cantell, hasn’t gone down once since he hasbeen home, still stands tall. Once he iscompletely undressed, I inform him I’mgoing to put his plug in. He nods, tellingme he’d like that. I lube the toy and hisarse, sliding the toy in slowly, teasingly. Hegroans with each passing moment, until itis fit snug in him.I move around to his front, and pressagainst his chest. He sits without question,before I take his cock in my hand, strokinghim lightly. I do so, until I hear thedoorbell chime.“Looks like we have company, baby. Doyou mind sitting here and waiting?” I askhim, standing up.“Wait, whoa, you can’t answer the door asyou are. Put some clothes on!” Hestumbles, suddenly confused.“Oh honey, it isn’t a problem. I’m surewhoever it is, will appreciate a good viewof what I have to show off,” I giggle. “I’llbe right back. Don’t go anywhere,” I teasehim.I dash downstairs, answering the door,knowing that it is John. He stands therewith a smile from ear to ear that onlyseems to grow wider seeing me in whatlittle I have on.“Damn girl, I wish more woman answeredtheir doors dressed like that. Bloody hell!”“Cheeky cow!” I grin. “Dale is upstairsready. All worked up. He still has no ideawhat is going on. You sure you’re downfor this?”“How the hell am I supposed to say no,seeing you like this?” His eyes roam overmy body. His eyes stop at my chest, wheremy breasts are peaking out a little toomuch.I smile up at him, admiring him as well.John isn’t as tall as Dale is, but still standsabout six feet tall. His build is a tad bitrounder than Dale, but with thick, broadshoulders. He reminds me of a footballplayer. His blonde hair strikingly beautiful,with brilliant blue eyes. The kind thatremind you of the sky, you could get lostin them if you wanted.“Good point, let’s go. I’m ready. I’ve beenso horny all day,” I whine and moan,followed by a giggle.“I’m pretty sure that makes three of us,doll,” John smiles.“You’re probably right. So, let’s go! I’mready for your cock!” I grin.We head upstairs, with John behind me.His hands groping my arse, my buttcheeks showing perfectly from myknickers.“Hey baby, it is just your surprise. Sorry ittook so long. Now, just stay sitting whereyou are. No moving and no peaking! Youhear me?” I ask, using my more dominantvoice, letting him know how serious I am.“Yes Miss, I won’t peak. Can’t I have a clue,though, please?” He asks, looking towardsthe direction of my voice.“No, no clues. You only have your hearingto use right now,” I lick my lips. I go overto him, placing a single kiss on his lips.“Now, be a good boy and let me play.”“Yes Ma’am. As you wish.”I give him another quick kiss, beforemoving to the bed. John has alreadystarted to get undressed quietly, by thecloset. When he finishes, he comes over tothe bed, where I pull him on top of me. Ilet out a light giggle, kissing him, followedby a soft moan. His lips are gentle, soft andinviting. His hands slide up to my breasts,cupping them through my bra. Hesqueezes gently, making me moan a littlemore.It’s then that John starts to take charge,kissing along my neck, biting gently on myear lobe. I moan out, watching Dale’sreactions. I don’t think he has noticedsomeone else in the room or not. I let mymind focus back on what John is doing tome. He pulls one of my breasts free frommy bra cup, sucking on my nipple, hard! Iyelp out, shaking and arching my hipstowards him.That is when Dale notices something, orsomeone, for that matter is here. “Baby,who is with you? What the hell?”“Mmm, just enjoy baby. I’m giving youwhat you’ve always wanted,” I moan out,feeling John sucking on my nipple just ashard.“You’re serious? Someone is here? You’refinally doing this and I can’t see?!” Hewhines, shifting in his seat. I can see hiscock thicken all the more and a tiny drip ofpre-cum slipping down along his shaft.“You just behave yourself, unless youwant me to spank you in front of ourguest. Is that what you want?”“No Ma’am, I’m sorry. Please enjoy,” heshifts again.“That’s what I thought. Don’t you darethink of getting up,” I moan through thesensation of John sucking on my nipple,pressing his cock against my knickers.“I won’t get up, not until you say,” he saysin his most submissive voice.John’s hands move behind me, unclaspingmy bra, before removing it all together. Hismouth devours my breasts, biting intothem, sucking on my nipples. I begin towrithe and moan under him, shaking witha heady, lustful need. His large hands allover me, touching me everywhere Iwanted him to for weeks now.When his mouth moves south, kissingalong my stomach, he dips his tongue intomy belly button. I whimper, opening mylegs for him. He takes my knickers andbegins to pull them upwards, pressinghard against my swollen clit. When he ishappy with tightness, he leans in and licksthrough my knickers. His tongue lappingat my clit, through the thin fabric. I buckmy hips towards him, wanting to feel histongue directly on my clit.“Oh fuck, please. Stop the teasing, please,just please take them off! Please, I begyou,” I whine out.This causes Dale to moan out, hearing mebeg and plead with someone else toplease me, his cock stiff as a steel rod.John releases my knickers for a moment,only to yank them hard back up, pressingharshly against my clit. I yelp out,shuddering. It makes him smile, but helets up. He hooks his thumbs on the elasticband before tugging them down mythighs and over my legs. He hands them tome, where I take them and fling themtowards Dale. They land perfectly on histhrobbing member. I can’t help but smilewhen Dale groans. I’m assuming heknows exactly what they are.John props my legs open, guiding himselfbetween my thighs, bathing my thighs inkisses. He doesn’t make me wait too long,before his tongue finds my clit. Openingmy lips with his fingertips, his tongue ishot and erotic against my swollen clit,which is aching for him. Swirling, darting,lapping at my clit and pussy, he sucklesdelightfully at my soaking snatch. He dineson me, like he has not had pussy in awhile. Of course, I have no idea if he hasor not. I surely didn’t ask him. It sure isn’thindering his ability to please me.My first orgasm is strong, I grip the sheetsso hard my knuckles turn white. I quiver,sending myself into outer space, thrustingmy hips upwards, as John holds themdown, to continue eating my pussy. Hedoes this three or four more times, to behonest, I lose count. His fingers find theirway inside me, fucking me without mercy.Dale, all the while, is shifting so much inhis seat, I think he is going to erupt at anymoment.Finally, I have John stop and I go over toDale. “How are you doing, my sweet littlepet?” I croon, stroking his cock, moving tomy knees.“I – I, mmm, couldn’t be better. Though, I’dlove to see what is going on, but justhearing it is fucking hot,” he whimpers,just as I take my knickers and hang themoff his head. He can smell my scent, withhow wet I was, they’re soaked. He inhales,breathing deeply as I take his hard prickinto my mouth. The salty taste of his pre-cum fills my mouth. I begin to suck onhim, pulling him deeper into my mouth.“Fuck, please, baby, you’re going to makeme come. I’m not ready, please, don’t.” Hewhimpers, but I don’t let him. He knowswhat I want. I want to edge him, to feelhim hold back his orgasm as his cock isdeep in my throat.Sucking him further, my teeth graze alonghis flesh. I sink my teeth a bit furtherdown, which is what sends him over theedge. He begins to writhe, twistingslightly, holding back his need to orgasm.He is breathing heavily, moaning with fearof coming. He doesn’t though, he is able tohold it back. I suck him out of my mouthwith a sharp pop. I lick the tip of his slitbefore standing, then I kiss him deeply.“That’s a good boy. I knew you could doit,” I purr against his lips.“May I see now? Please, I want to, please,”he begs me.“No, I don’t think so. I’m rather enjoyingthe mystery of you not knowing who isabout to be deep inside me.”“As you wish,” he says, knowing he willonly be punished if he tries to push thematter.I go back to the bed, where John has beenwatching, stroking his cock. His cock isthick and has lots of visible veins. I crawlbetween his legs, dropping my hot mouthdown onto him, just like I had just beendoing to Dale. He moans out, thrusting hiships upwards. He helps me fuck his cockwith my mouth. I suck deeply, gripping mylips tightly around him, his fingers tangledin my hair, rolling deeply in my throat witheach thrust.It doesn’t last long, though. He pulls hiscock from my mouth, saliva dripping offmy chin. He pulls me into the bed, facingaway from him. He lifts my arse up high,kneeling behind me. He smacks my arsehard, once, twice, thrice times. I tremble,leaning back into it, wanting thetreatment. He does it again, once, twice,thrice more times. Again he does it, but onthe other cheek, once, twice, thrice.Repeating it once more, for an equalamount on either side. My arse throbsstrong from the heated smacks.John’s fingers move up to my hips,gripping me tightly. I feel the head of hishard prick pushing against my pussy. Ihaven’t had another man’s cock inside mein over five years, the excitement is such aturn on, I want to rush, but also not. Heslowly begins to rock his hips, letting thehead press and probe me gently. I softlywhimper, feeling myself becoming all themore turned on. My clit swollen hardagain, I reach under and toy with it. Ighostly dance my fingers over it, as heteases me so.He quietly, softly moans as well, until hecan’t take it any longer. With a skilful, slowmotion, he enters me. He fills me withevery last bit of his member. Stretching mewide, to fit his width and size. Deeply, hegrinds, moving forward, until every lastinch of him is deeply embedded inside ofme. With his cock greased with my fluids,he begins to thrust inside me, quickly. Myfingers ghosting at the same pace as hedrives inside me.It isn’t long after, I begin to orgasm. Itighten around him, like a vice, squeezingtightly. I moan out tangled moans, fightingthe urge to use John’s name, not wantingto give it away. Dale is grinding againstthe chair, leaking so much pre-cum, itlooks like he had his own orgasm.However, I know better. I shudder, leaninginto John as he keeps fucking me, notslowing down, even as my orgasm passes.Without slowing down much, he helps meturn, and feeling his cock slide inside me, Ilie flat on my back. He lifts a single leg,throwing it over his shoulder. He leansdown, applying pressure, and grins at me.He takes a nipple into his mouth, suckinghard, as he grinds himself deeply inside. Ican feel him throb, surely he can feel mepulsate around him.It is then, I feel Dale should stroke himself.I want to watch him masturbate as Johnfucks me. “Baby, stroke your cock. Youhave my permission,” I tell him, just asJohn thrusts himself hard into me,banging deep into my core, causing me tomoan.“Oh fuck, baby! I am so close to coming,without even having to touch myself. Idon’t know how much control I will have,”Dale whimpers.I can’t help but smile, “you know very wellyou shouldn’t have told me this,” I tell him.“Now you have to, because I love seeingyou struggle with holding back. Just don’torgasm until I say. Now go on, jerk yourcock for me. Unless you don’t want tocome for a week!” I groan, feeling Johnthrust into me again. I look up at him, heis smiling, teasing me.“No, no, no, I do, ma’am. I’ll stroke myself, Iwon’t come, I promise,” Dale whines.‘That’s my man, good boy,” I coo at him.John starts fucking me faster at this point.I have a feeling he likes the scene that iscreated between Dale and me. Or, simplyloves being a part of it. I’m not sure. Eitherway, it makes me happy. His mouth on mynipple, he sucks hard, thrusting into mehard and without care. He fucks meharder, each passing moment, my moansgrow. His and Dale’s join in. We’re allmoaning, shivering with need, so close toimpending orgasms.Dale is stroking his cock quickly,surprisingly. I’m shocked he dares to jerkso fast, being afraid of coming. It makesme proud of him all the more. His tipglistens in the light, pre-cum runningdown his shaft. I lick my lips, wanting totaste him in my mouth suddenly. I beginto orgasm at the thought, digging mynails into John’s back, who suddenlygrowls out. It must be a weak spot forhim, because he begins to pour his seedinside me. He bites harder on my breast,leaving his teeth mark in my flesh.Spurt after hard spurt, he fills me witheverything he has. Until he is utterlyempty, even then, I roll my hips, milkinghim dry.“Fuck, baby, please can I come now?” Dalesays, slowly his strokes down. The look ofagony on his face is evident.“Mmm, yes, come for me,” I say, watchinghim jerking his cock. John still inside me,we’re moving lightly. He nurses on mynipples as I stroke on his back.“Thank you, Miss, thank you!” Dale says,jerking his cock faster again.I start to moan, watching him and withwhat John is doing to me. I encourageDale to come, wanting to see how muchseed he has built up from all theexcitement. He starts to come, stiffenshard, before shooting such a big load. Itsprays up, some landing up on his chest,most of it, however, landing on the floorby his feet. He strokes it until he knows heis empty. By this point, John has slid off ofme.Moving to Dale, I take his cock into mymouth. I suck on him gently, milking himdry, making sure his balls are as empty asJohn’s. When I’m satisfied they are, I suckhim out of my mouth.“Mmm, feel better, babe?” I ask him.“God yes, fuck!” He says, laughing a little.“Do I get to find out who our mysteryguest is now?” He asks, almost about toremove the scarf.“Hmm, no. I don’t think so. At least, notthis time,” I grin at John, who smiles atme, winking in agreement.“This time? So we’re going to do thisagain?” Dale asks, a hopeful tone in hisvoice.“If you want to, if you’ve liked it as muchas you thought you would,” I state.“Even without my vision, it was betterthan I thought it would ever be. I do wantto do it again, many times to come,” Dalesays.“Now, now, remember who makes therules,” I say, swatting playfully at his nowlimp prick.“Yes Ma’am, you make the rules. I haven’tforgotten,” he smiles.“That’s my man. Now, let me escort ourcompany out and when we’re downstairs,you can take the blindfold off and meetme in bed. Don’t leave the room,understand?”“Understood, baby.”I move to stand up, just as John finishesdressing. He is smiling still from ear to ear.We move out of the bedroom, I close thedoor and we head downstairs.“What did you think?” I ask casually, as if itwasn’t something so taboo.“Huh, well, it was fucking fantastic. Youknow me, I’ve been wanting to tap thatarse for years now,” John says, smackingmy arse at the bottom of the stairs, by thedoor.“Glad to be of service. I’m guessing you’regame to do this again sometime?”“Damn right you’re correct. Hope it issoon. Just let me know. Just remember,don’t tell my wife. She’d freak out,” Johnlaughs, as he hugs me.“Your secret is safe with me, John. Youtake care, see you this weekend. We’reBBQ’ing at your place.”“Ah, yes, Stacey told me about that thismorning. See you then, babe.”I let John out, before heading backupstairs. Dale has done as I asked, but Ican’t help but laugh. He still has myknickers on his head.“Nice look, dearest,” I grin.“I thought so. New fashion look, smellsgreat too. God damn!”I giggle, slipping onto the bed with him. Isnuggle into his chest, kissing on his lips.He kisses me deeply, sucking my tongueinto his mouth. It soon turns into roundtwo for the both of us. I ride his cock hardand fast, not wanting anything romanticor sweet. It is primal lust, need and desirefor one another.When we’re finished, Dale cleans medeeply. He loves knowing that not just hisseed is buried deep inside me whilst hedoes it. He sends me into a few moreorgasms, until I have to beg him to stop. Ifeel utterly spent, unable to keep going. Hecomes up, holding me close again, kissingme with his soaked face. I taste me, Johnand Dale on his lips, moaning into ourkiss.I think I could get used to playing like this.Who would have thought I had any formof dominating features, that my husbandwas so submissive and I’d be cuckoldinghim? I’m not sure this marriage could getany better, but we can always try! Whoknows what else we can get ourselvesinto!
