Tinder Match Fun [MF]

I finally graduated university and got my first adult job working a temp position in finance in the city along with an apartment in an up-and-coming area of town. With the move to a new area, I needed a way to build a social circle, so I started performing at stand up comedy open mics. It was a great confidence-booster and an amazing way to meet interesting people with morbid senses of humor; something the day job and gym routine lacked. In appearance, I’d describe myself as lean and fit, with a face friends tell me look like that new Han Solo, Alden Ehrenreich. In college, I would describe my self as a bit shy, but as I get older a confidence in life begins to settle in and I have noticed it has changed the way women perceive me…

One day, I was doing my usual browsing on Tinder to no success when I matched with a 20 year old who went to the nearby college. She looked like a young Kate Hudson, shy, yet bubbly, dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and a gorgeous body. You know how when you can tell some girls don’t workout, but they still look amazing? This was that girl. Her name was Clare. My opening line is usually a joke that gets no response, but she did, and we chatted and I asked her to accompany me to see me perform stand up at an open mic and she agreed.

I picked her up outside her dorm on a chilly and dark Friday night, and she got into the passenger’s seat with a smile and smelled like marijuana. As I drove to the bar we talked about life and our favorite TV shows, and it did not take long to discover we both had weird, quirky senses of humor. When we got to the venue, I began to feel a little nervous, I’m impressing a girl by doing comedy in front of her in front of strangers in a bar where most patrons just want to have a beer and keep to themselves. Either I kill and look like a stud, or I bomb and I ruin the mood and am surely not getting any tonight.

I go on stage… and I kill it. I see the audience and Clare laughing, and I knew my gamble paid off. We hang out with the comedians a little bit after the set, and I drive Clare back to my apartment. It’s a typical bachelor pad after college. Lot of IKEA furniture, beige and dull in appearance, but it does the trick. I get some Miller Lites from the fridge and we watch an old Sopranos re-run on HBO.

As we drink our beers, our inhibitions begin to dissipate as we move closer to each other, and I put my arm around her with my right, and slowly sip beer out of my left. Our conservation dwindles as we drink our beer and focus more on the show, and there is a sex scene. At that moment, Clare moves her left thigh on top of my right and pushes herself closer to me. I can feel my heart rate increase with excitement, and my cock is hard and definitely releasing pre-cum.

I ask her, “what are you thinking” she giggles and looks up at me to say “nothing”.

“Are you sure?”


At this moment she’s looking right at me, and I put my hand on her cheek and start kissing her. She’s the best kisser I’ve been with. She had a different gear with her mouth that other women I’ve been with hadn’t. Aggressive, rhythmic, and hypnotizing. She wanted to please. We make out on the couch for a few minutes when I’m on top of her and she’s on top of me, and I finally ask,


“mhmm” with an excited nod.

Then I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. We’re on the bed, I take my hoodie and shirt off, she takes her sweat and jeans off and we’re still kissing, passionately. I make my way from her mouth, down the nape of her neck, down her back, and up again on her chest down to her stomach and back to her mouth and she moans with excitement. I slip my jeans off, she gets up, I take off her bra and lightly kiss and suck each nipple as she lets out a light moan. My arms are wrapped around her, feeling her soft and smooth body from her back to her ass, legs, stomach, and warming pussy.

We cuddle for a bit, and continue making out, until I notice her hand going down from my chest and rubbing the underwear around my hard cock…she starts to move down there until…..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lkp6ah/tinder_match_fun_mf