[M]y [F]arewell party

Apologies for the delayed next chapter to my undergrad years with a certain group of friends. Thanks to those who sent supportive DMs and comments. I appreciate your patience. Links if you’re new to my deal.

[Chapter one: Customer Service](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kn0xub/customer_service_rep_takes_very_good_care_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Chapter two: Customer Service Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kojh2r/customer_service_rep_takes_very_good_care_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Chapter three: Friends share](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kx47s8/friends_intro_me_to_sharing_and_more/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Chapter four: Friends share more](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/l2axeo/friends_intro_me_into_sharing_and_more_mfm_mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

It’s early summer and I’m tying things off as I prepare to make the move up to NorCal for my post graduate work. Lauren throws a little going away bash at one of my favorite bars in Manhattan Beach. The invitees are limited to Lauren’s friend group that I was adopted into. The outside/upper deck of the cantina is a bit small plus I figured she wanted to get together that night. No sense creating a competitive playing field with my other friends dropping by. I’d done enough graduation bar crawls so this worked well for me even if there wasn’t to be any hookups that night.

The night is underway. Drinks are served and we’re having fun. As a reminder, this crew is well into career and some family building in their late 20s while I’m a few years behind. The little brother vibe continues with the girls while their BFs/husbands talk shit or live vicariously through me. All good fun.

Lauren hints here and there about the surprise she has for me later. Chris is smirking so I’m fairly certain we are “on” for tonight. I take it slow on the alcohol. Anyways, it’s loud and we’re enjoying the night when I notice a few of the girls looking up behind me. Two arms snake around my neck and chest. Hot breath and sound waves from a familiar voice enters my ear. “Is it too late to congratulate wonder boy?” Not a fan of that nickname and exactly one person would tease me by calling me that.


I’m pretty cool under fire and I didn’t break down or anything but my brain seized for a moment. The girls burst into laughter and hollering when her mouth closes onto my ear then licks/bites my earlobe.

Jess and I decided to go no contact after I visited her back East. I knew she needed to focus on her career and I was slammed with school. We also knew we’d find new people to be with. We were like that from the start so no sense in doing anything different. Lauren would fill me in on her life as much as she did the same for her BFF. So, this was our first time connecting in forever.

Once the crew settled down with her triumphant return, she visits with each of the girls while we share glances throughout the rest of the night. I’m enjoying the crew with drinks and laughs — playing it cool with Jess because I don’t really know what to think. She could be in a committed relationship. Plus, I might still bed Lauren as we got into a really good groove. However, if given a chance to reconnect with Jess, I’d do it in a heartbeat. We were an unmatched pair in bed. Our trip to Hawaii was straight hedonism for a full week. But, I played it cool like I always did with her. She’s a volatile one who sometimes needs taming. Proceed with confidence and caution.

Jess makes her way over to me and never leaves my side from this point on. I’m certain the girl crew was buzzing at us having another shot at a long-term monogamous thing between us. The festivities come to an end and couples start peeling off. Lauren and Chris are last to leave. She plops into my lap and informs me that Jess is staying in our fuck room (I didn’t feel right about kicking Chris out of his bed when I came over so the guest room is where we played and slept. They even bought a bigger bed.).

“Our fuck room”……so the nature of our evolving friendship is now semi-public knowledge. Great. Jess laughs at my glare at Lauren and leans into my ear asking if I really didn’t think she knew by the following morning? Of course she did.

Lauren plants a deep kiss on my lips then invites me over. Clearly this was discussed. I inquire about Chris as he’s hanging far enough away to not be part of the conversation. While they weren’t very clear, it was just positioned as a go-with-the-flow type thing if I wanted. No commitment nor requirement. I very dryly suggested that Lauren can cuck Jess and stick her in the other corner of the room (remember me? button-pusher, bear-poker). Lauren squealed, hopped off my lap and left laughing. I could feel the radiant heat on my left side with very acute pain from the pinch on my hip.

I grab her hand and we walk the strand then eventually toward the water and find a spot to sit. We talked for a good while. We hadn’t spoken in ages so it was a nice catch up on our lives and our current relationship statuses (which is to say: status quo). Well, there was a guy but she kept it casual. No different from me with a casual friend or two. Like I said, status quo. I was eventually on my back with her head on my chest. She seemed pensive but I didn’t inquire.

We stayed this way for a bit just listening to the surf crash. I feel her hand rubbing my side and stomach. I’m stroking her hair. She turns her head to face me. It’s dark but I know her face. Her face is etched in my memory from the first time I met her. That kiss she left on my hand. The first smirk she gave me an hour later. So, I didn’t need to see her face just then. I pull her up a little and I taste her lips for the first time in over a year. She whispers that she’s missed me. Now, Jess is a force of nature. There’s little subtlety in what she does so when you get little things like this from her, well it’s gold.

She leans in again and we begin to reacquaint ourselves. I’m a little lost in the moment. I wasn’t expecting her at all. We’re on a beach at night. She’s being careful and slow. Her unusual meekness is such a turn on for me. I’m thanking myself for moderate drinking. Now, I love the beach and the ambiance but I’m not a fan of sand everywhere. So, I bring this to an end and sit up. We need to go. More to the point, we need a bed. Like, now.

After sanding off as best as possible, we make our way back to my car with stops every 1-2 blocks to make out. Finally in my car, she pulls my face into her chest and I’m nuzzling and nipping at her tits through her clothes. We are not going to make it to Lauren’s. My place is a mess of boxes and still a bit of a drive. I get the car in gear and start roaming the area. She’s losing control as I’m trying to find a place to stay. I’ve seen Jess like this a handful of times…moments like Hawaii. There will be a wake of destruction tonight and sitting on the freeway is not a viable option. Fortunately this is a beach area with lodging up and down Sepulveda/PCH so we’re good.

Actually no we’re not. First place is full. I remember a big box hotel closer to the freeway. We streak into the lobby. Yeah, zero shame or dignity here. Front desk staff knows I’ll be balls deep in less than 5. Sorry Marriott night shift for any calls from nearby rooms. Jess is cackling as we speed walk to the elevators.

Once in our room, Jess begs me off for a quick shower. She strips for me – slapping my hands away when I reach for her. Her bombshell curves are a little tighter. She’s been hard at work and wants me to acknowledge it. She slinks off to the shower while I’m sitting on the bed stunned and fully clothed. She calls from the shower wondering what’s taking me so long.

I strip and join her. We get reacquainted with each other’s bodies. My hands stroke her skin – avoiding the obvious erogenous zones. She lathers us up. I love her hands on me. She always took special attention to my shoulders and back and tonight was no exception. Her breasts press into me as she reaches around to wash my cock. We’re laughing as much as we’re moaning. After we rinse off I reach for a towel and drop it on the shower floor for her to kneel on. She takes me in her mouth immediately. My fingers comb her wet hair back before i grip a thick handful in my fist.

I fucked her mouth a few strokes then she’d pull free to rub her face on my cock and balls. She knew I loved this and I knew she’d only do it aggressively in the shower. While she sucks me, I see a smirk and she asks if Lauren gives better head. I croak out a no as I’m really close. She continues to service me. The visual is too much. She takes me deep and I lean over to admire her backside and her curled toes. This sent me over the edge, I pulled free and covered her heaving chest. After a quick rinse, we dry off with the intent of making it to bed.

Instead, I position us in front of the large bathroom mirror. Her soft skin pressed into me as I kissed her shoulders and neck from behind. I ran my hand down her tummy til I was cupping her pussy. We watched each other as I massaged her clit and her ample tits with my other hand. She came on my hand while I whispered words of encouragement in her ear.

Now it’s my turn to admit I missed her. She spins around to face me. I’ll never forget this moment ever. She held my face and looked me in the eyes. Jess asked me to make love to her. This made me pause. We’ve never really done that. I mean, we had sensual sex but she wanted something new. Something more with me. She led me by the hand, laid in bed and pulled me on top of her.

We kissed deeply – rolling around with our legs entwined. I recall us gasping for air. I’m sure the hot shower played a part but we both felt flushed. I don’t quite remember when I entered her. Everything about this moment was slow and deliberate. She thrusted herself onto me as much as I pushed myself deep into her. When I would pick up the pace she would grab and hold me as if to calm me down until it was time to resume. I felt her tighten around my cock and her legs twitch which prompted my mind to melt and balls to empty. After a pause to come down, we held each other quietly, kissed a bit then crashed hard.

When we caught up with Lauren and Chris the following day, the girls took off to catch up. I solicited Chris’ help back at my place. We reconnected for dinner. Something subtly changed. There was an invisible divide. I kept up appearances. Frankly, we all did but inside I felt a pit in my stomach. Our dinner ended and I excused myself by feigning illness. It was a face-saving move as I didn’t want all of us to awkwardly stretch this night out any further. Chris tried to coax me with a quick stop at a neighborhood bar. I declined and left after hugs and cheek kisses.

I didn’t sleep much and just didn’t feel like packing. It was a lonely night of contemplation. Sunday was quiet as I went about my business of getting my shit squared away. Got a check-in text from Lauren which was thoughtful but this confirmed things were off. I was leaving in less than a week.

I needed to refocus so I went home for Sunday dinner with my parents. It was a good move tbh. It helped clear my head. I crashed in my old room that night. I thought about relationships or rather my lack of any. I had purposely stayed away from catching feels for anyone. Then there’s Jess and our reconnection that farewell night. We flew too close to the sun again. With us in the early stages of new chapters in life, this old one was closing. It’s time to move on. I was excited for the change and new challenges ahead of me.

Except, Jess went to my place hoping to find me. I had drifted asleep and missed her texts. I later learned it wasn’t a booty call visit. She gathered up her resolve to talk about her feelings for me. We had run out of time. She flew back to her life the next morning. I split the remaining few days in town between my parents place to help with odds and ends around the house and Chris/Lauren’s to work on her odds and ends.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lkhsi6/my_farewell_party

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