Finding out my sister’s on OnlyFans [MF]

Mum and dad are away. Other than having to fend for ourselves, and ‘cook’ pre-made pizza in the oven, my sister and I are doing ok. I usually don’t see her too much as we go to different colleges, but over the holidays we’re both home. Growing up she was always my reserved younger sister. And nothing seems to have changed. Coming back home for the holidays, I’ve realised she spends a lot of time in her room at night. She’ll say she’s going to bed, and then her light will stay on for hours after. I don’t know what she’s doing, but it’s making me wonder.

The first night, she sticks around for dinner, and then heads into her room. I’m bored, so a little while later I decide to go and knock on her door, and get her to keep me company. Just as I approach the door, I can hear her talking. Her voice is a little different to usual, a bit slower, and she sounds slightly out of breath. There’s a rhythm to her breathing and her words. At first I figure she’s on the phone, so I wont interrupt her, but as I listen a little more it doesn’t sound like a normal conversation. I don’t really know what to make of it, so I decide to just head back to my room.

I head back into my room and try and preoccupy myself with a new show. A couple friends told me Bridgerton is really good, so I decide to check out the first episode. A little while into the first episode, and I start thinking about what I heard. I wrote it off very quickly, but as I think about it again I’m very curious about what she was doing. She’s my innocent little sister, so surely it couldn’t have been anything bad, but I have to know.

After chilling in my room for a bit, I hear the bathroom door close, and the shower turn on. I know she’s my little sister, but I’m very curious to find out what she was doing in her room. She usually takes forever in the shower, so an idea hits me: I can go and check out her room and see if she’s left any clues as to what she was doing.

As I get up, and walk past the bathroom, steam filters through the bottom of the bathroom door. I know how hot she likes her showers, she always spends so long in there. I keep walking to her room, and see she’s left her door closed. Luckily, mum and dad never really believed in having locks on doors. I open the door quietly, and enter, taking a second to look around her room. It’s basically the same as I remember. On first glance it’s just as neat as always. However, as I look more thoroughly, I notice her suitcase is open with a couple things spilling out in the corner of the room and her laptop is closed on her desk. It’s not like her to be so dirty, usually she’s far more organised.

As I look down on to the floor, I’m really shocked. There’s a pair of underwear. It looks like they’re just where she was sitting. How could she not have seen that? And more importantly, what was she doing that distracted her so much? As a good big brother, I decide to help clean her room, and walk forward to pick up her underwear that she so carelessly didn’t realise was on the carpet. As my hands touch the soft fabric, I feel a patch of wetness in the middle. Her panties are a little sticky. Not really thinking, I go to put them down, when I realise what this stickiness may be.

Why are my little sister’s panties wet? And more importantly, what is she doing to make that happen? I’m shocked as her big brother. We’re home alone, and she’s in the shower, and her wet panties are in my hand. I feel my heart start beating faster, as I realise my little sister may have been doing this as I was on the other side of her door. Surely not.

I feel a knot in my stomach, and start feeling flustered. She may come in at any time, and catch me, and what would she think? As fast as I can I place her panties back exactly where they were, and leave her room, closing the door softly behind me. I walk back quickly to my room, not wanting to get caught.

As I get back, I lay down on my bed and think about what’s just happened. I grab my iPhone, and put some music on, hoping that would distract me. As much as I try, my thoughts keep drifting back to my little sister. How could she do this while I’m in the same house as her?

An hour or so passes as I try and figure out what to do. I’m kind of thirsty, so I head out to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I fill up my glass with filtered water, and then head to the bathroom to have a shower and head to bed. Before I open the bathroom door, I see my sister has left her light on in her room. Maybe I can talk to her and see what she’s up to.

Just before I knock on her door, I can hear her. This time it’s different. She’s moaning.

I’m shocked.

I’ve never heard her like this. My innocent little sister shouldn’t sound like that. She does sound like she’s having a great time. Her moans are little whimpers, barely audible on the other side of her door. Her moans are so sensual, I can’t believe this is the same girl I’ve known for her whole life. As I keep listening, I get lost in her moans, and I move closer to the door.

As she moans again, she says how great this feels for her. Suddenly I realise what’s happening. My body is responding to her. I can feel my cock growing in my pants. At first my cheeks turn bright red, I can feel them burning, as guilt and shame ripples through me. Consciously I know this shouldn’t be my reaction, but my body doesn’t care. It just responds, as I feel my cock harden and start pushing against my pants.

I let out a breath, exhaling as much tension as I can. Her moans have picked up a little now, and I realise just how much my body needs this. My hand runs down to touch myself, but just before it does, I snap back into what’s happening; she’s my little sister.

I’m not meant to feel this way about her. I was so lost in the sound of her ecstasy, and that’s what turned me on. I feel slightly guilty and slightly repulsed at myself. I’m her big brother, how could I have felt this way, even momentarily? Embarrassed, I realise I have to be a good big brother to her. She’s only two years younger than me, and will be 20 soon. I should be helping her as her older sibling, not listening to her, even if my cock is throbbing right now.

Summoning all my will power, I head into the bathroom, closing the door quickly and turning on the cold water. I undress as fast as I can, feeling my hard cock getting caught against my pants momentarily, as I try and rip them off. I then jump in the shower, allowing the cold water to rush all over me, as I try and cleanse myself of whatever’s come over me.

The cold water hits me, like shards of ice piercing my skin. I tremble under the rushing current, I almost can’t handle it. As a few moments fly by, I can feel my body start to return to normality, blood rushing away from my previously engorged cock, trying to keep the rest of me warm. I breathe a deep sigh of relief. I’m not as messed up as I thought. It was just a brief blip, my body just naturally responding to what was in front of it. I turn the water a little warmer, and allow myself to just exist in the shower for a little while. That night I head to sleep, trying not to think of much more.

The next morning I wake up. Like most mornings, my cock is hard against my bedsheet. It’s been several days since I’ve cum, and frankly, I could go for a morning wank. I let my hand run down to start stroking my cock, when I’m interrupted by several knocks on my door.

“Wake up sleepy-head, I’ve made pancakes!” It’s my annoying sister.

In the daze of still being half asleep, I grunt out some reply without really thinking.

“Don’t wait too long” she says back. “They’re going to get cold.”

She’s gone to the effort of making a nice breakfast, so I figure the least I could do is come and enjoy it with her. It smells delicious.

I put on some shorts, and a t-shirt I find laying at the foot of my bed. I look in the mirror, and quickly ruffle my unkempt morning hair, making it somewhat presentable. As I look in the mirror, I realise I’m still hard, and wait a little while for my boner to subside.

As I open my door, and walk out to the kitchen, she’s just serving hot pancakes, fresh from her pan. She’s wearing some little black sport shorts and a white crop top. I know it’s one of her favourite tops, but as she turns to see me I see her in a whole new light. Her flat stomach twists toward me, as I notice her boobs bounce lightly. She’s not wearing a bra. I figure it’d be too tight if she wore a bra under that top. Her nipples are pushed against her top, as I realise I can’t take my eyes off of them.

She smiles at me, as she puts the last pancake on my plate. I slowly look up her body, and into her eyes. I’ve always known she was beautiful, but today I realise just how gorgeous she is. I thought I waited long enough to allow my body to calm down this morning, but I can already feel my cock start to grow in my shorts. I rush to sit down, hoping to hide what’s happening from her. She looks at me and smiles again.

“Someone’s hungry” she says as she laughs a little to herself.

“Starving” I reply brashly.

I look down into my plate, grabbing the knife and fork, about to tear into my breakfast. My sister turns around. As she goes to the put the pan in the sink, she drops the spatula. I look up, just as she bends down to pick it up. My eyes immediately run to her tight little sport shorts. As she bends forward, the hug against her body, transfixed on her ass and the gap between her legs. Bending forward more, I can see the material run up against her ass, and I see a feint outline of her little pussy lips etched into her shorts.

I can’t help but think she looks picture perfect. She looks like she belongs on one of those erotic subreddits I spend far too much time browsing. Without thinking, I bite my lip and exhale, feeling my cock rise almost to full mast under the table. The sounds from last night run back into my mind. Those sexy moans definitely belong to the gorgeous young woman in front of me. It’s all over in a second, as she swiftly picks up the spatula and runs it under water in the sink.

I try and regain my composure as she joins me for pancakes. We chat about menial things, keeping it pretty superficial. The pancakes are delicious, and I’m grateful to have a nice sister like her. After a while, she tells me she’s heading out to see a friend, and eventually heads to her room to get ready. I head back into my room, undress, and let my head hit the bed. It doesn’t take long for me to doze off.

I wake up on top of my bed sheets, spread across my bed. As I get up, I assume my sister’s still out, so I don’t bother putting any pants on to head to the bathroom. I splash some water on my face, hoping I’d finally wake up. It feels like it’s early in the afternoon. My stomach rumbles, so I head to the fridge, and I hear a kerfuffle outside. It’s two girls. My sister and her friend, laughing and talking loudly. Looking out the window, I see them by the pool. My sister’s in a bikini, and her friend is fully dressed, holding a camera. My sister is posing for her. They’re quite close and my sister is posing very suggestively.

I just watch for a while, seeing them still laughing and playing around, until my sister covers her chest with one hand and runs her other hand behind her back. She undoes her bikini slowly, allowing it to fall down as her other arm and hand covers her tits. She’s biting her lip and giving the camera her full attention. She brings her hand back in front of her, and lifts up her panties slowly. She’s a natural.

Watching on in awe, things are starting to make more sense for me. My little sister has a body to die for, sounds fucking hot and knows how to pose. A lightbulb clicks in my head. I’m not proud of what happened next.

Knowing they’d be out for a while, I go back into her room. Unlocked as usual. I grab her laptop, and open it up. It only takes me three guesses to get her password and I’m in. She’s so predictable. I look at her open internet tabs, and see what I suspected.

Her body bared for the world to see. Her OnlyFans account for anyone to access, if they’re willing to pay monthly. I click onto her profile and scroll down her posts as my jaw almost hits the floor. Even just looking at her first picture, she’s so fucking sexy. Seeing her up close in clothes didn’t do her justice.

Her natural tits are phenomenal, so nicely juxtaposed with her skinny little body. My cock jumps up to full attention. As I scroll through more, I don’t feel guilty, and grab my cock happily stroking it as I take her in. She wants to be seen, putting herself out there. And god, with a body like that, why would she?

As I furiously stroke my cock, I see her spread and up close, I see her bending forward, her tits on show, and her ass barely hidden in her favourite shorts. My eyes roll back in my head momentarily, as I feel myself about to explode. The memory of hearing her last night pops back into my head, and I know I can’t hold it anymore. It’d be far too much to explain if I just busted all over her laptop keys, so I quickly look around the room, and grab whatever’s closest: her panties still laying on the floor.

I barely pick them up in time, as cum starts spurting out of the tip of my cock. I just manage to get her panties onto my cock, covering the eruption of white cum as I shoot rope after rope into her underwear. I grunt as my legs shake a little. I almost feel like I’m done, when some more cum spurts out of me, I haven’t cum like this in a very long time. I grab her panties again and wipe up everything I couldn’t quite catch. Hopefully she doesn’t notice them missing.

I head into my room and start watching Bridgerton again. I can’t really understand why everyone seems to be obsessed by it, and quickly switch to some show I’ve seen many times before. Shortly after her friend leaves. After losing track of time, I realise I haven’t brushed my teeth today and head into the bathroom sort that out.

As I’m almost done, I hear the bathroom door open, and my sister is standing there.

“You thought this would be funny huh?” she says as she lifts her panties up toward my face. They’re still kinda covered in my cum, a little dripping on her fingers. “These are my favourite panties, how could you do this?” she says more agitated.

I shrug nonchalantly.

She lunges towards me and manages to briefly rub them on my face.

Without thinking I recoil and grab her arms, dropping my toothbrush in the process.

“You think you’re allowed in my room?” I say calmly but authoritatively.

“You’re a big pervert, putting your cum all over my panties.”

“You can talk” I say not really thinking.

Her eyes widen. “What do you mean?”

“You know” I reply.

“My god, I knew my laptop had moved slightly” she said realising what had happened. “You came all over my panties looking at me didn’t you?”

I just smirk. I know there’s no point lying.

“Didn’t you” she says. “Tell me.”

“Yes, I couldn’t help myself” I said honestly. “Once I saw that first photo of you, my cock was so hard. I don’t know if it’s because we’ve been home alone or if I’m just going crazy or what but I just couldn’t stop.”

“Really?” she says, her interest seeming to peak a little.

“Yeah, I mean I saw your friend taking photos of you. And I heard you last night. And I saw you this morning, bending over as you served me breakfast” I said just allowing my thoughts to spill out. “I was able to control myself for so long. But in that moment I just couldn’t help it. Your tits were too perfect, your eyes begged for it too much. I just needed a release.”

“You really think my tits are perfect?” she asked as she blushed.

“That’s what you got from that?” I ask as she nods in reply. “Of course, they were in the photos. I couldn’t really see them when you were taking photos outside. Your hand was in the way.”

“Heh” she smirked to herself. “You really wanted to see them, didn’t you?”

I nod in reply as my eyes close momentarily picturing her.

“Ok, but no touching” she says. “And you can’t tell mum and dad.”

“Of course” I say.

She steps back slightly, presenting herself in front of me. Her hands run down to the bottom of her shirt, running it slowly up her body, and then back down ever so slightly. She’s having a lot of fun teasing me, and her eyes smile as they meet mine. She pulls her shirt tight against her, and starts playing with her boobs above her shirt. I exhale as she starts running her shirt higher up her stomach. Instinctively my hand runs down into my shorts, and as she lifts her shirt up higher, pulling hard against her boobs. They raise up with her shirt, and then fall down, bouncing perfectly in front of me. Her pretty pink nipples hard as I can’t take my eyes off them.

After a couple seconds she quickly covers herself again, hiding her perfect tits from me again. “That’s all you get tonight big brother” she says as she smiles at me. It feels like most of my blood is in my cock, so I can’t really reply, as she walks off triumphantly. I’m too stunned to follow her. I don’t know what this means, or if my relationship with my sister will ever be the same, but I definitely know I need a new toothbrush.


First time writing incest erotica. Let me know what you think/if you’d be interested in another part



  1. Bridgerton? Even though well acted, a bunch of old women fussing about their 1948 English town isn’t my idea of good.

  2. Well written, hoping there is a part two. Maybe a slight over-use of “brother” and “sister”. Otherwise great!

  3. “Why are her panties wet?” Let me tell u women discharge, it’s pretty natural and it’s not always bc of, yknow. But this was a nice piece! I didn’t realize I was reading a story tho I thought it was all real

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