A night of sleeplessness with Geena [MF]

Fair warning: there is no sex in this post. That said, this recounts an evening that was far sexier than some which involved hours of meaningless sex at which I don’t look back with as much fondness.

In college, my roommate Brad was a member of a coed student organization focused on volunteerism. Brad had transferred to my school from another larger school in state and had been a member of that school’s chapter. At his prior school, it was a fairly large and serious group; at our school, it was a small, ragtag group of quirky personalities. And, while coed, our school’s chapter was predominantly young, attractive women.

Soon after joining, Brad served a semester as president, and his term was fairly successful, growing the group from ten to nearly thirty members. He was unable to attract more male students, however, so the organization became even more predominantly female. It was a somewhat stressful position, so I helped him out with a lot of the operational things, such as driving people around and hosting gatherings at our apartment. Occasionally, the group traveled to conferences and volunteer events, and I, being a grad student, would manage some of the logistics, booking hotel rooms for students without credit cards and driving those in the organization who didn’t have cars on campus.

Brad was preceded as president by a sophomore named Geena. She was a fairly serious, Type-A personality. Despite the organization being somewhat informal, Geena always wore business suits to organizational meetings, even after serving as president. As a member of the university’s flag corp, she was almost militant in her seriousness, befitting of the uniform. And she was the youngest student manager at a small dining hall on campus, running the weekday morning shift.

Because Geena and Brad spent so much time together keeping the organization running, I got to see sides of Geena that most people didn’t. She wanted to maintain her image to most other people, but she felt comfortable unwinding around us. Despite her outward appearance of seriousness, she could be silly and playful. Geena also suffered from insomnia, so she was often over at our apartment late into the night. Because my mom also had insomnia, Geena found me always sympathetic to her plight, and we spent many nights hanging out, long after everyone else had gone home or to bed. These were somewhat intimate moments, yet sex never entered the equation. We weren’t attracted to one another, yet our souls fluently spoke the same language.

When I needed a part-time job with flexible afternoon hours in the Spring, Geena hired me to work at her dining hall, even though I wouldn’t work any of her shifts. The dining hall was run like a coffee house, and many of the employees were in the organization with Geena and Brad, so I was already friendly with most of my co-workers. My shifts started just as Geena’s ended, so I saw her every school day that semester. She usually looked pretty serious until she clocked out, at which point she loosened up and became the Geena to which I had grown accustomed.

The following summer, I got a second shift job which would accommodate some classes I wanted to take. Geena also remained on campus that summer, and she became a regular at my apartment after my shift ended, largely due to her insomnia. Many nights, she and I would watch movies and talk until 3 or 4 in the morning. Occasionally she would crash at our apartment for a few hours on the couch. By the end of summer, she was a regular companion in my bed, though always clothed in whatever we were wearing the night before. I felt bad having her sleep on an old couch, and my bed could accommodate two sleeping adults, albeit tightly. I will admit there was some handsiness on both of our parts, but always over clothes and in the throes of sleep.

The following fall, the organization sent about a dozen people to a three-day, two-night event a couple hours from our campus. Several members were going to commute for the full-day Saturday event, and Brad and I booked two rooms for the seven of us who were staying all weekend, three women and four guys. Brad suggested we split room assignments by gender, to which Geena countered by moving one guy, me, into her room with the other two girls, roommates Amy and Jessica. She argued that my name was on the room and if anything went awry, I would be best to manage it. The other two girls didn’t mind, since Geena noted she and I would share a bed, leaving the roommates to the other.

Friday’s festivities involved the long drive and a volunteer event until late, so we grabbed some dinner at a local restaurant afterwards and went back to turn in at the hotel. Brad asked if I wanted to play some cards in his room with the other guys. We played until one, so by the time I got to my room, the three girls were already in bed.

After the Saturday event, the host chapter hosted a banquet, and those of us in attendance dressed up for the occasion. The three other guys and I wore dress shirts, khakis, and ties. Amy and Jessica wore dresses, and Geena, per form, wore a pantsuit. The banquet was followed by a social,, then a party, and another, and another. Amy and Jessica decided they were going to stay out and follow the group, but Geena and I decided to head back to the hotel after the social.

We arrived back in the room and started to get ready for bed. As Geena changed in the bathroom, I changed into my pajamas in the room. Geena exited the restroom and walked to the closet near the entryway to hang up her pantsuit. She was wearing a cotton tank and matching pajama pants, and I remember thinking this was the first time I had seen Geena in pajamas. I was struck by how shapely Geena was. Her waist was slimmer than I had realized, and her legs were strong and toned from her years in the flag corp. It was not Geena’s nature to be sexy and seductive, but she was definitely capable.

After she finished hanging up her pantsuit, she turned towards me and turned off the room light from the switch near the door. I was immediately glad the lights were off. It may have been a split-second, but I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra, and my jaw had dropped. Her breasts were much bigger than I had thought, and her nipples and areolas were prominently showing through the fabric of her tank top.

Geena walked to the bed, pulled back the sheets, and slid under them. Usually we slept in my twin bed and spooned to both fit in the bed. This was a double bed and provided enough room for us to sleep without needing to spoon. I laid back and stretched out, and I felt Geena continue to slide towards me. The image of Geena at the door was still processing, and I was becoming more and more aroused. As Geena slid towards me, I turned onto my left side, facing away from her. I was mortified of the thought she would discover my condition, thinking it would harm our friendship. I favored that side when I slept, so Geena didn’t think anything of it, pulling herself next to me.

Geena writhed in place for about 30 more seconds, trying to get comfortable. At this point, we had spooned in this position at least a dozen times, but this time was discernably different. Instead of feeling a blunt pressure of her bra-covered chest against my back, I felt the tight pressure of her nipples, which circled around my back as she breathed. She had stretched her left arm under my neck and rested her right arm across my waist, a position we had often found ourselves. But I hadn’t before been concerned that her fingertips would glance across the tip of my erect penis, or, worse, vice versa. And I never had noticed her breath on my neck before, which was making everything seem so much hotter, and my predicament more and more difficult to conceal.

“Good night, Matt.” Geena purred. “Good night, Geena,” was all I could muster. As per usual, Geena was asleep within a few minutes. I tried to sleep but was still awake when Amy and Jessica returned an hour later. It was probably an hour after they had changed and gone to bed before I finally drifted off.

The following morning, I awoke to an empty room. The three girls had already awoken, dressed, and had gone to get some donuts for everyone. When I saw Geena again, she was fully dressed in a sweater and jeans, her breasts back hidden by her bra once more.

The tenor of our friendship remained for the rest of our time in college, but I never saw Geena in her pajamas again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lk27ng/a_night_of_sleeplessness_with_geena_mf