My best friend touched me and I secretly liked it.

(Her POV)

So we joined reddit a while back. My first post. I wrote this about 2 years ago on another confessions social media platform, but decided to share it here as I’m more active on this social platform now. This account is run by both my boyfriend and I. He does most of the posting. Just thought I’d start things off.

So, just a quick background. I’m Jamie, 19 years old (at the time, 21 now), just fresh out of high school, in my first year of university. I met my best friend Candice in the first day of high school. We just hit it off from the get go. Ever since then we would chill out every break and then chill at my place after school to cool down. We always went to my house after school because Candy lives a lil further from my place, but you need to pass my house to get to hers, so we basically go to my home after school and either my mom dropped her off or her mom picks her up. Just a lil about us. I consider myself pretty much plain Jane, not very social, nothing fun happening in my life y’know. Just basic y’know. Okay I’m just a really shy person. Candy on the other hand is totally opposite. She’s basically the wild adventurous one.

Sorry this is gonna be long but I appreciate your patience. I just know I’m gonna get heavily judged for these experiences.

Heart of the matter

During the third year of high school I had this huge crush on this boy, but obviously I didn’t act on it. Because I’m shy. On afternoon we got to my house after school n did our homework, and then we started speaking about boys, ours crushing, and then sex came up as the topic. It didn’t last long but we ended up talking king about kissing. Now neither of us had kissed a boy before so this one was important as it was bound to happen. I mean one day you’re gonna stand face to face with your crush and kiss him or her. So we planned to prepare for it. She insisted that we put some makeup on, put on lipstick and kiss ourselves on the mirror. And I disputed that thinking how’s that gonna help, how would we know if we’re doing correctly. But we did it anyway. Ended up making a hella mess but it was fun to do. Then, I don’t think that Candy heard or registered the sarcasm in my voice, but I later jokingly said that that wasn’t working out and maybe we should kiss each other. I mean I even laughed n did that lil chuckle. But, she took it actually quite seriously, and strongly agreed with me. By then I obviously explained I was kidding but she was kinda persistent and very, very convincing. She always is and I hate myself for falling for it everytime. But yeah, eventually I gave in, and we ended up kissing. That was both our very first kiss. It wasn’t good but it wasn’t bad either. It was my first kiss at the time so I really had nothing to compare it to. After the kiss, we broke it off and spoke about it, and I requested that we never speak about it to anyone, and that it was a one time thing. She on the other hand, being the extrovert she is, agreed to stay silent, however asked me if we could continue kissing at least once a day after school. Practice makes perfect right. Her darn exact words, and yup, you guessed right, I fell for her cute puppy eyes. So, we made a tradition of it. Everyday after school, before we did our homework, we would sit on my bed and kiss, n try different styles and ways. Eventually after that, it led to us kissing when we got to my place after school, and when it was time for her to leave. FYI, we talked it over and agreed with each other is just for practice. We’re not gay at all.

Fast forward to a few months after that in our midyear school holidays, she spent most of her days sleeping over at mine. By now she’s super comfortable and basically part of the house. One night she was in the shower n had shouted down the hall to me to bring her towel as she had forgotten it. I jumped up n ran to her to just have caught her climbing out of the shower. For the first time in my life I had seen her fully naked. From head to toe, I could see every part of her skin. She was/is very hot without clothes on. I remember I stood there in shock as to her just stepping out without covering herself, but I understood that she’s always very comfortable and spontaneous. Before I gave her the towel, I was gawking in awe of her naked beauty and her confidence to be seen naked. I mean we’ve only been friends for 2 and a half years and yes we may make out from time to time, but I’d probably die of embarrassment if anyone had been me naked. I continued to stare down her body and focus on her big boobs and freshly cut “place”. (I’m not really sure if I can say the word so let’s leave it at place). Eventually she had to snap me out of it and asked if I enjoyed what I was looking at. Obviously fishing for the compliment. I just said yes, gave the towel and ran to my room red in the face. During this holiday time, we’d still practice kissing through a schedule we made. But one afternoon when we were alone at home and my parents we gonna be out all day. Candy approached me from behind in the kitchen, and just layed her lips on mine. No warning, no request, she just kissed me. I could feel her body rest on mine against the counter, and her tongue exploring mine. I later asked her why she did that, and she explained that she kissed me, not because we always kiss, but because she wanted to kiss me and feel my lips. Later in the years, that just became a natural thing. We’d skip the schedule and just kiss at any random moment when one of us felt like it. Now at this point, we spoke about it going over board, and no, we’re still not gay.

We move on to my final year in high school, we were seniors now. We both had boyfriends at this time so we slowed down with the kissing. By then I was more comfortable with myself around her where I would actually undress fully in front of her and catch her watching me as well as me catching her naked and not make a big fuss about it. I was more mature now so I got over being shy a lil. One Friday night we were at her place and decided to have a movie night. We selected the movie, made the popcorn, set the cushions and blankets on the floor in front of the TV in the living room. I can’t remember what movie it was now tho, I think it was a RomCom, well I’m assuming, it was a cheesy romantic but I found it a lil funny as well. Something about ways to die in the west about a dude that owns a sheep farm in the old American west. Actually loved that movie. Anyway, so before the movie, we put on our pj’s to get comfy. Her house is smaller than mine so the space in the living room was limited. I rather sat in between her legs and relaxed on her arms. Mid way through the movie the popcorn was finished, n it started getting a lil chilly. We cuddled up some more, me still in her arms, when suddenly, I could feel her hand sliding down my night shirt, and then underneath it. Before I could get a word in, I felt her hand grabbing and cupping my boob. Scared out of my mind, I asked her what the hell she was doing. She simply explain, that we have been making out with each other for about 2 years now. She’s seen me naked many time already, so grabbing my boob and playing around with it shouldn’t be a problem. This was the very first time someone was touched my body in any erotic way. And at that time, I didn’t understand the sensations I was feeling right through my body as she massaged the whole of my boob and pinched my nipple. The thrills I was feeling in my body was to much, that all I managed to get out for a response was, “good point” it was just a wonderful feeling. Still we’re not gay, and yes, we were in high school still so please don’t judge. We’re best friends and best friends do these things at our age right.

The next part is when a lot has changed, and my whole perception of my sexuality and mindset changed forever. Even till this day. We had spend now less time with each other after school as we had to keep up with our relationships respectively. I loved my boyfriend back then. He was a super nerd, well maybe a dork tho, but who cares, so was I. We hit it off pretty good tho for 2 really shy people. But our love-hate relationship revolving Marvel vs DC kept the flame alive. He was a huge DC fan and me a Marvel. Candy and her boyfriend. He was a dick in my eyes. All I remember about their relationship is them constantly fighting then making out. Like really getting frisky tho. One day during the midyear holidays, we hung out at friends place with our boyfriends. We haven’t seen much of each other so they knew that we’d spend the entire time together and most probably not get much attention from us as we missed each other. We sat around in our friends jacuzzi, and had some beers, and ciders and some liquor I think. I don’t know, I wasn’t very good at alcohol at all at the time. However the liquor we had was green, and it tasted like really Sharp. Eventually my boyfriend went home as he wasn’t having a good time. (We spoke this out afterwards but that’s for another time). At the jacuzzi, Candy and I caught up like usual, however I could tell she was getting a lil drunk. I stopped drinking when I could feel myself getting really warm on the inside. Although I was a lil tipsy. But Candy was really tipsy, because she then became a lil too touchy in the tub. She even tried cupping my boob when no one was looking. I then mentioned it was best if we got her home. We Ubered to my place where we were just both exhausted and needed sleep. It was just too hot so I suggested that we sleep just in our baggy sweaters and panties. NOW THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGED. In the process of undressing me, I could sense that something was up. I wasn’t hearing any movement from Candy, and I wondered if she maybe passed out behind me. I turned around pulling the sweater over my head to find her undressing herself slowly while she looked at me. She took all her clothes off only leaving her in her bra and panties. The next moment I blinked once, and she jumped on me, on the bed and sat on top of me, and kissed me deep. This was no strange thing to me as we always kissed. It was normal. However, this time she kept caressing my body and reaching under my sweater, touching my skin. I then lifted myself from the bed and had her still sit in my lap, and continued to kiss her. She then presumed to undo her bra and threw it one side. She was now naked on top of me from the waist up. This was the most sexual thing I’ve done in my whole life at that point. I was a lil two-minded on whether I should’ve continued or not, but in the spree of the moment she pulled away from my face and just blasted her big melons in my face. Honestly guys, that actually felt really nice. I felt awkward as well in that moment, but I went with it as I wanted to be this close with her. Maybe it was the alcohol, but we kept kissing, and kissing, and kissing. Till finally, she reached under my sweater and squeezed on both my boobs. This heightened my hormones to a level I have not reached. Annnnnnd then, out of nowhere, I felt her hand slither down from my boob. It went all downer, and downer, further down, till she reached the fabric of my panties, and the tips of her fingers was now resting on my special place down there over my panties. She then began to rub her fingers in circles which made my body spasm a lil bit. I have NEVER BEEN TOUCHED DOWN THERE BEFORE. I wanted to stop her, I felt like that was wrong. We set boundaries for a reason. But I couldn’t stop myself. We kept kissing, more intense this time and I kept cutting her off to catch my breath due to the damage she’s causing down below. I’m not sure where that came from that day. Maybe it was the alcohol and maybe missed her boyfriend. Maybe it just triggered because we usually kissed and touched each other’s bodies. I didn’t know what to make of it. But eventually we kissed more and then she, she inserted her hands inside my panties and started rubbing more faster. I stopped kissing her at this point as I tried to be as quiet as I could be fearing that someone would hear us. She continued to rub me hard and fast. I looked down at her seeing her expressions. It almost seemed like she had no control over her actions. It all boiled up in me when I felt like I had a sudden strong urge to pee. I begged her to stop as I was scared to shit about that unknown feeling. However, she did not stop, and I felt this massive gush of, I don’t know how to explain it. My legs were just numb. Like I could literally not feel them. I actually had to cover my mouth with my pillow just to conceal my screams that came with that. I later on found out recently that that had been my first orgasm. Another first with Candy. You guys maybe see a pattern here lol. Anyway, we kissed our way back into bed and she basically fell asleep on top of me topless. The next morning, we recalled exactly what we had done and for the first time actually she was the one that was shy and embarrassed. Maybe because she was the instagator. But we spoke about it, and I explained what I felt and how Devine it was. I can honestly say I fully enjoyed that experience. We once again spoke about us, and she confirmed that she’s happy with her boyfriend and she’s happy with how open we are with each other and that we’re just having fun. I fully agreed with her as I didn’t wanna make anything awkward between us. However since that day, I knew something had changed in me. I began to see Candy maybe more than just my best friend. I started looking forward to seeing her more than my boyfriend and craving to kiss her and touch her body. I then realized I might’ve started crushing on her. Which was bad because it was one of the boundaries we promised we’d never cross. So I tried to get over it n not think anything of it n hopeful just forget about those feelings. It wasn’t easy tho. Imagine having your next friend over everyday after school whom you now has a major crush on and kissed and caressed each other now and then. (it didn’t happened all the time tho hey. We just like kissed now n then and we almost never did anything sexual like she touching my boobs. Those where only special occasions like those above or maybe when she slept over. We’re not a bunch of horny teenagers. We’re just best friends, doing weird things girls do. We’re still not gay. However since that day, I secretly self confessed to being bisexual. Nobody knows, not even Candice as I’m afraid it might scare her off seeing that she’s the one that caused it. And losing her is one thing I wouldn’t be able to handle).

So that’s my story. Her boyfriend and her broke up not long after that night. And I lost my virginity after prom night to my boyfriend. He had a really huge Penis for a dork tho. It wasn’t as sensational as that time Candy gave me an orgasm, but the big did not disappoint. Ladies side note, do not discourage those dorky nobody guys. They are packing and put more effort into sex. Eventually he broke up with me as he became suspicious about Candy and I. Well I came clean to him as I trusted him and it just didn’t sit well with him. Said it bothered him that Candy got to kiss me whenever she felt like or touch me when I’m naked. I could understand why tho. Candy and I actually see each other more often now, we go to different universities but we still managed to she each other and have our moments. She just doesn’t realize how much I enjoy her touch. Call me crazy, but I want her to undress me so badly, and just caress every patch of skin on my body. And maybe, just maybe we might go a step further. I’m still a shy person tho so I’m not gonna go up and ask or request it, even tho that worked for the first time when we kissed. But Ima let nature take its cause and start teasing her.

Thanks for letting me share, and once again. Sorry for the long detailed essay.

Please feel free to leave feedback if you want.



  1. Sexy story. Liked how you told your story. It made me almost cum.. I had to hold back. Thanks for the fantastic feeling and great story.?❤️????

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