A Stranger’s Whore – Part 1

(This is a story my Master wrote for me. I felt I would share it here for all the people who don’t have somebody to have fun with on Valentine’s Day. All you need to know is that Karen is my friend and my master is from France, far far away from me)

**Part 1**

It is late autumn. The trees are colorful, some of them loosing their leaves already. The sun is setting. It is a bit cool in the evening. You are wearing a sweater, jeans, just being casual. Karen invited you for a drink, telling you she had a surprise for you. You have been trying to know what it is for a week now, but to no avail. Of course, it is going to be something kinky. You know it. She knows you know it. But she did not answer any of your questions. She just told you to take the weekend off and that you would not be sleeping at home tonight. And that putting on sexy underwear would be a good idea.

You feel extremely nervous even if you do trust her. You meet her at your usual place. She is already there, sipping something. She tells you she has ordered your favorite cocktail for you, points to a glass in front of an empty chair as she greats you. You sit and take a sip, thanking her. You try to get what is going on out of her, but she does not tell you a thing. From nervous, you become frustrated. She insists on making small talk, on asking about you, on telling you how her life is going great. At one point, you just cannot take it and tell her that if she does not tell you right away, you will leave.

“Shut up slut” she snaps at you. You feel like you have been punched in the stomach. You did not expect her to speak back to you like that. But you cannot help but comply. You remain seated as she gets up and comes next to you, extending her hand. “Come with me” she orders, coldly. As if turned into a robot, you get up and follow her. She pays for your drinks and as you walk out, she continues. “You will either follow me, do exactly as I say and spend probably the best weekend of your life to date. Or I’m taking you home.” You try to ask what is going on but just as your mouth opens, she adds “It’s yes or no slut. That’s it. Yes. Or no.” She stares right into your eyes, as scary as you have ever seen her. You feel terrified but you cannot even control yourself and you stay silent. She keeps staring at you as your mind races. After 10 excruciating seconds, you can feel her gaze pierce right through you and pressured by the time, all you manage to answer is “Yes”, looking down as you do, in submission.

“Finally” is all she adds before grabbing your wrist and pulling you to her car. “We’ll leave yours here for now, don’t worry.” She opens the door for you. You get in and sit. She then goes around and when she gets into the driver’s seat, you can see her holding something dark. She hands it out to you. “Put it on, no questions.” As you grab it, you realize it is a blindfold. “I’ll answer all your interrogations in due time my dear.” She looks at you, waiting for you to put it on before starting the car. You put your seat belt on and then, hesitantly, you put the blindfold on. As soon as you do, the cart starts and you both drive off.

The drive is short. You can feel her park and stop the car. She gets out and opens your door, taking your hand to help you out. You walk for a minute before the air gets warmer and you feel you are entering a building. She floor feels softer as if it were made of carpet. You then feel you are entering what is unmistakably an elevator from the chime and the sensation of going up. You start to get extremely nervous. The smell, the carpet, the noises, the elevator. You are almost certain you are in a hotel. Why is she bringing you to a hotel? You both exit the elevator. She is holding your arm. You walk down a corridor before she unlocks a door and you enter a room. Suddenly everything feels quiet, silent. You calm down a little. You feel her let go of your arm and grab your hand. She pulls you softly into the room. She lets go and walks around you, behind you.

“I am going to undress you Adhana. Do not panic. I’ll explain afterwards.” She whispers. You hold your breath as her hands remove your sweater. As it comes off, your blindfold moves a little but all you can see is darkness in the room. From the few seconds before she put It back on properly, you could only make out a large empty bed, a desk and a chair. She removes your top, your pants, your shoes. You are left in your underwear. The temperature is on point. You feel neither cold nor hot. But you feel very nervous.

“Adhana, I know you fantasize about non-consensual sex. And tonight, you will live this fantasy. Is that ok with you?” she asks. A long silence follows before you whisper “yes”. She hugs you.

“A man has paid to fuck you.” She pauses until you can process this. “Of course, the money will be yours afterwards.” She continues. “He had specific instructions, so I am going to prepare you as he asked. I did put an infrared camera in the room and I will be watching from another one down the hall. I will be having fun with my dom as we keep an eye on you to make sure you’re safe. Is that ok with you?” You feel tears start to form in your eyes. You are scared. You feel trapped and humiliated. But you feel so turned on as well. You realize you can feel your panties are moist. “Do you want to leave? Now is your chance” she finally asks.

You remain silent. She does not push you and waits. After you think about running away, about slapping her for trapping you, you realize you have always dreamed of such a fantasy and never dared go through with it, but here it is. Handed to you on a silver platter. And as your French Master told you, you only live once. The idea of one night of crazy, of living a whore’s life actually starts to turn you on. Another few moments and you realize you want it. You want to be used. You want to be fucked by a stranger. And for money? That now turns you even more. As you start to imagine what the evening could be and you mind wanders, you feel her touch your arm as to ask again, softly. She pulls you out of your dream. You swallow and whisper “I want to stay.”

“Good” she replies. You feel her change of tone. Less worried, more affirmative, reassured. “He has asked that you remain blindfolded. That you be handcuffed. And that you be gagged.” she adds, as you hear her grab something and unzip it open. Probably a bag. You hear her take things out. She guides you to the bed and makes you sit on it. She grabs your right hand and puts a cuff on your wrist. The then grabs your other hand and brings them together behind your back, cuffing your other wrist. The metal is a bit harsh and cold, but it doesn’t hurt. You try to get free but clearly, they are sturdy and locked.

She then grabs your elbow and makes you take a few steps before asking you to kneel. You comply. The carpet feels soft under your knees. It is comfortable. You feel her breath in front of you. She must be kneeling or at least squatting in front of you. She grabs your hair and pulls forward a bit. “I’m starting to wish I had you to myself actually. That you were my whore tonight. You look gorgeous in that white lingerie” she tells you before kissing you deeply but swiftly. Her tongue barely getting to touch yours for a second. As soon as it leaves your mouth, you feel a rubber ball be forced between your teeth. You try to close your mouth but it is too late, you can’t push it out with enough strength to fight her with your tongue and your teeth. You feel her secure it in place.

She then stands up. You hear her walk and the door and slam it shut. And all becomes quiet. You cannot hear a sound. You move around a bit and all you can hear are the sounds of the chain tying the handcuffs together. You try to calm do. As you do, you focus on the silence, on yourself. You try to hear what is going on around you. Outside as well. You feel your panties again, still moist. More even. You are undeniably turned on. You wonder how long you will have to wait. The though of you being fucked as a stranger wants turns you on. The fact that your friend will be watching turns you on even more. You start to feel impatient, but as the seconds pass, nothing happens. It is just darkness and silence.

Once in a while, you hear the elevator chime at the end of the hall. Sometimes, footsteps on the carpet outside, passing by your room. Once, you even hear the sound of a door unlock, from a room close by. But nothing for you. Nobody coming to see you. Is that finally a good thing? Did the client change his mind. How did she find him? Did she put an add up? But why? Who told her to? Is this some kind of ruse by your Master to make you life a fantasy of yours? As you think, you didn’t realize the elevator arrived to your floor, that somebody was walking towards your door. You only stop when you hear the card swipe into the door lock and the door unlock. It is pushed open. Heavy steps come towards you. The doors closes on its own. You hear somebody pass you. You don’t see light through your blindfold. But you didn’t see any in the car or on the way up here either. The blindfold really is of good quality.

You can hear the man – it is definitely a man by the sound of his steps – settle down. You hear him take his jacket off. His shoes off. You can feel him walk around you and stop in front of you. As if he was gauging you. You feel a couple of fingers under your chin, pushing your head up. As your head is up high, facing straight, there is a pause. And then these fingers push you up even more. You start to get up and they accompany you until you are standing up straight. He still hasn’t said a word. You can feel him get behind you. He starts to whisper very slowly, very softly, very coldly, into your ear.

“I have read you had… particular… tastes. I do to. I have also heard you were aware of how to express that things were going too far. The traffic light system, or nodding no distinctively.” As he announces this, you feel shivers down your spine. His voice sounds deep because of the whispering. Time seems to have stopped because of the slow pace at which he speaks. You feel your juices flowing into your soaked panties. And you are struggling not to drool down your chin onto your breasts because of the gag. “is that true, whore?” he finally asks. You slowly nod your head up and down once. “Good, so I’m going to use you all night. And I will then leave so that your friend can bring you your compensation and take you home. You better be worth my time, and my money” he concludes, grabbing your left breast from inside your bra and squeezing your nipple hard as he utters his last words. You squirm and bend down a bit, your knees failing. But he pulls you back up by the nipple, making you moan into the gag, your eyes closing hard under your blindfold because of the pain. He then slaps your face sharply. “Be quiet. I don’t want a sound out of you until I remove that gag.” He whispers again as tears fall out of your eyes under the blindfold.

You try to guess if you know this man. If you ever met him. How does he know you? The whispering makes it almost impossible to recognize his voice. As the though crosses your mind again for a second, he grabs your arm firmly and drags you to the bed as you fall to your knees, totally unprepared to be moved to the side like this. He shoves your upper body on the bed. Your legs fall off the bed and you dare not move by fear of being hit again. You hear him walk around, make some undistinguishable noise with some items before he comes back to you. “Get up” he orders, sharply. No more whispers this time, a clear voice barking an order. You get up in front of the bed, your knees touching it. You feel him put something around your neck. It feels like a leather collar. It feels warm and comfortable. You also feel a metal leash fall against your skin, between your breasts, falling all the way down to your waistline.

He then grabs your right ankle, lightly lifting your foot off the ground. You feel his strength as he does. He spreads your legs a little before putting your foot back down. You then feel rope circle around that foot and you hear him tie it, probably to the bed. He then grabs your left foot and does the same, spreading your legs further apart. When he lets go of your second foot, you try to test your restraints, but your feet can’t move back closer together. The rope is firmly tied, forcing you to keep your legs spread, your inner thighs vulnerable, your lower body unable to move away from whatever is coming. Suddenly, a strong hand pushes you forward and unable to keep your balance, your upper body falls onto the bed. You are bent over, your ass in the air, your breasts and face falling into the bed cover. Your belly only lightly touching the bed.

Suddenly, you feel more rope tossed onto your lower back. He grabs your handcuffs and straightens your arms down your back before picking he rope back up, bringing your elbows together and tying your arms together just above the articulation. Your arms are extended, locked together. You hear him walk away and come back. He grabs your wrists again but this time, he uncuffs them. What is going on? Before you can think about doing anything, and barely having time to wiggle them around once, he grabs one, and the other, brings them back together and they end up bound again, but this time, with rope. Your arms are totally locked together. And once he is done with your wrists, you feel him get off the bed, and raise your arms behind you. As they get higher, your shoulders are pushed down onto the bed, along with your head. Your arms are pulled forward and you realize that he is tying them to the bed head. You try to pull down but it is already too late. You are totally bound, unable to move your legs, your arms, forced down onto the bed. And you feel your ass in the air, exposed, almost offered.

All of sudden, he grabs the leash and pulls your head to the other side. You were facing right but he is pulling you to the right by the neck and you can’t fight back, your head eventually tilting to the left. You feel some tension on your collar and you hear him walk back around the bed. He is now on your side, behind your head. You feel the gag loosen. As he takes it out of your mouth, you moan. You try to relax your jaw. You however dare not say a word. You also feel him remove the blindfold. As you slowly open your eyes, all is dark. The room is not black, there is some light coming from behind the curtains from the city, from under the door probably. Everything is very faint. And you cannot see him. Only the desk, and the chair in front of you, with your clothed neatly placed on the back of it.

You listen and hear him move behind you. You try to look down but all you can see is the leash tied to the side of the bed. You can’t look behind you like this, your elbow is in the way. You hear him unbuckle his belt, slide it off his pants. There is no mistake. And suddenly, you hear the air whistle and a very loud noise just as you feel excruciating pain from your left ass cheek. You can’t help but scream of pain. Just as you close your mouth again, the same excruciating pain comes from your right cheek as the same sounds follow in quick succession. The belt in the air and then smacking your skin. You try to close your mouth, to only moan slightly as he strikes you again and again, to be as discreet as you can be, following the orders Karen gave you to be quiet. But you can’t hold back tears. You feel them slide down your nose from the left eye, and your right cheek from the other one.

You try to count in your head, but its hard. Sometimes the strikes are spaced out, a few seconds in between. Sometimes they fall in volleys. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in very quick succession. This is when you can’t help scream when the last ones hit. When you realize after they stop that your eyes are crying. That your ass feels hot. Hurts. That your desire for spanking and pain is something you regret but you’re in it and you can’t get away. After what must be 40 strikes, you are about to scream “Yellow” when you feel a soft hand caress your upper left thigh. It comes up, massages your ass. It feels cold, meaning your ass is indeed hot. You feel it rub against it before sliding to the other cheek. Both hands are now on your ass. Massaging softly your sking. You feel calm. Your tears dry up. You catch your breath. This feel warm, nice, comfortable. Why did this man hit you? For his own pleasure? Are people that sadist? But then why is he being nice? By the end of your though, the hands are off your ass and you feel another sharp pain across both your cheeks. You can’t help scream again, surprised by the belt being back to hitting your skin so quickly. You were still in your dreams.

This time, it is even worst. You are just being whipped continuously. You do not moan anymore, it is just screams. You start to beg. You beg for mercy. You ask this man why he is hitting you. There are no answers. You beg again, you beg continuously for it to stop. You start to bargain, offering up anything else by pain if he would stop. Soon, “please” is the only word coming out of your mouth in between sobs. You are frustrated, you are hurt. But your ass is still taking it. It is unbearable. You just can’t take it anymore and in one last act of lucidity, with your last breath, you moan “Yellow”. The spanking immediately stops.

You try to calm down. You catch your breath. You still moan. You still beg for mercy even after it has stopped. You feel your tears stop and dry up a little. Your make up must be already ruined you think as you feel them dry on your skin. You feel something cold on your ass. You feel his hands put some kind of lotion on. It feels nice. It starts to feel warmed as he massages your ass with it. You feel better. It still stings, you feel totally beaten, but it is nice to have this oily sensation after such a long and harsh treatment. You continue to calm down and start to enjoy the sensation. The light burn from the liquid penetrating the cuts made by the belt on your ass after so much whipping. After what feels like a long massage, the man gets up and stands on the side of the bed and leans in to get close to your head. He answers your early question with another whisper “I do this because I can. Because you are mine.” The deep voice, the darkness, the firm hand grabbing your hair as the words reach your ears. It all makes you shiver and turn you on intensely.

But it doesn’t stop there and the hand in your hair wasn’t just holding you so you could hear clearly. You feel your hair being tied by more rope. You feel it fall onto your back as he moves back behind you. You feel him remove the leash from your collar before you hear him move behind you, a little to the left and then a strong hand pushed your lower back onto the bed, make you arch your back even more. The other hand grabs your panties by the bottom and you get ready for them to be pulled down, to be exposed. But as the man moans “Mine” loudly, asserting his dominance over you, he doesn’t pull your panties down. He rips them off. You can feel the lace rip and your juices that had soaked the fabric splash onto your thighs and your ass. But what you can’t get your head off of, is his knuckles rubbing against your clit just instants before he ripped your underwear off and the electrifying sensation it sent throughout your body. That split second sensation that made you feel like a women again and not just an object. A women full of lust. A slut. A whore. His whore for the night. That made you feel, and that made you moan like a women in heat. A woman who would again, here, tied up and offered to a stranger, give anything to be granted pleasure, even the slightest, at the hand of such a dominant male.

When you come back to your senses, the room is totally quiet. Nothing is moving. Is he still standing behind you? Where is he? What is he doing? What is going on? The room stays silent. You can feel his presence, but you can’t see him. You can’t hear him. Not even his breathing. After what felt like an eternity, and surely a couple of minutes, you dare utter a “Sir?”. As soon as the words leave your mouth, a very sharp smack lands on your pussy and you moan or shear surprise and pain, trying to hold your teeth together not to scream. You then hear the man move again. He was still where he had been. How had he been so silent? You hear him grab something else and come back behind you.

His right hand grabs your right cheek and spread it open as you feel something cold touch your ass. It touches it as it starts pushing in. You are being penetrated by what feels like a round, very cold object. It forces your anus open, helped by the oil rubbed onto your ass earlier and hopefully a bit of lube. You’ve only been taken up the ass once. You do play with yourself up there, but not like this. Not tied up, not exposed to a stranger, not without asking for it. And the round, metallic object continues to penetrate you, stretching you open until it slides in and you can feel it rest inside you. It is a metal ball. You can feel it move. It has some kind of handle. And suddenly, you realize what it is. You identify it from having seen it in the porn videos you sometime watch. It is an anal hook. A metal anal hook. And that man is tying it to the rope he tied to your hair. You can feel your back arch as your hair is being pulled back and your ass being pulled up and forward. It gets tighter, you feel the rope move and sometimes touch your back. He is tying your ass to your head. He is going to lock you up like this. It scares you and turns you on just as much.

Once he is done, you are totally unable to move. You feet tied to the feet of the bed, your arms tied together, your hands tied together and to the head of the bed. And now your head, the only part that was still free is tied to a piece of metal that is stuck inside your ass. You try to see if you can move but as soon as you put your head down, you feel the hook go deeper into your ass and pull it up.

You also hear the man remove his shirt, and his pants. Is he getting naked? Is he going to fuck you now? Oh if only he did… You want to be fucked, tied up like this, vulnerable, offered. Just a pair of holes to be used by a man who paid for them. But unfortunately, you just head him walk away and close the bathroom door before turning the shower on. You hear him shower for ten long minutes, wondering what will come next, feeling your juices drip down your thighs while your head is pulling on your ass. Your only piece of clothing left is your bra, and that collar he put on you. A collar that feels comfortable. Comforting even.

You are wondering what is going to happen next. Thinking about what happened to you when you fantasized about a moment like this. You never expected it to happen but here you are, and it is happening. You wonder what you want to happen now that it is real. What you want to stay a fantasy because you dare not go through the pain or the humiliation. And suddenly, the sound of the shower stops. You hear him get out and dry himself. Finally, the bathroom door opens and the only thought going through your head is that you want him to fuck you. You want him to ram his cock inside your dripping and gaping pussy that hasn’t felt a live man inside it in over a year. And you pray to god that it happens before he leaves, whatever the cost, whatever you have to endure for it to happen.

**End of Part 1**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ljuuje/a_strangers_whore_part_1