[F]32. My inner slut takes over ??

After my work conference adventures the high of cheating got the best of me. My coworker Josh and I started sneaking around and fucking again and I started fucking another guy from work. My boyfriend was amazing in bed and hot but the thrill of cheating was really exhilarating and I couldn’t stop doing it. All of it was hot, naughty, kind of taboo and super fun but I got sloppy.

I was keeping my personal life and my slutty life separate, being that I only fucked guys in my work life but both of those weren’t regular. A few times a month maybe, and then a hot guy from our gym was really catching my eye. He was younger, like 24, I was 22 and the only young guy around my age I’d remotely considered. I have always and still have a thing for older men. But He was hot. With an amazing big cock. He fucked good and hard but I didn’t connect with him. He was truly just a fuck toy for me. I was cock blind at the time and his was amazing. He was immature for me, but typical for his age. He didn’t do much for me but I loved his cock and the hard fucking we’d share. But my sloppiness in choosing him as a fuck buddy caught up to me. Even though he knew I needed and wanted discretion he bragged about me to all his friends and eventually it got to my boyfriend.

We had a huge fight. He didn’t know about my work affairs but he now knew about the gym guy. He didn’t want to break up but he wanted to assure his control over me and I was having none of that.

I was changing. My attitude was changing. My maturity changing and so was my sexuality. I was not ready to stop fucking around. And him wanting to control me just made me want to keep doing it. I told him At the end of the day I still come home to you. We still get to have amazing sex. But I wanted my cake and to eat to. I knew this was selfish. But I was young and my sexual exploration was growing and it was consuming me, and I loved it. I understood if he wanted to split. I even told him I was ok if he wanted to do the same.

He thought about it a few days and he eventually came around to it. I just think it bothered him to not know what I was doing for those few days. So we kept dating and I kept fucking other guys. He seemed surprisingly ok with it which I never expected because he was somewhat possessive.

But for almost 3 months it was wonderful for me. And he was getting laid a lot more than before. Our sex was always wild and amazing. I was sex hungry and I really couldn’t get enough. I was fucking the two guys from work but not often enough for me because of how seldom they were in town. Younger guys were growing less and less appealing to me and it’s their behaviour and performance that pushed me and so many other young women I’ve met more and more to older men. So I would hook up with random online guys for fun. Always around 30-40 years old. I was still 22. Nothing overly memorable enough to mention. Other than I was having a ridiculous amount of sex.
Daily was the norm. Rarely a few days without it. But often more than once a day, and usually that was with different guys. This was what was making me the horniest and I loved the most. I’d fuck my boyfriend before leaving for work. Then fuck a new fuck buddy mid afternoon during a lunch break, or after my workout after work. At night I’d reminisce of my slutty daily performance and rub my pussy to orgasms while taking a relaxing bath. The sex was great. But it’s how it was making me feel that was creating the euphoria. This was all sort of spiritual and therapeutic for me. No matter what was going on in life that was stressful or may have caused me anxiety, all this sex was taking that and flushing it away with every orgasm.

Right around this time I got an opportunity to take a position with our Européen group and the offer was too good to not take a
Chance. Just like in other parts of my life, exploration, adventure, new challenges and taking risks were what I craved and what was helping me become a woman I loved being. So I took the next leap, split with boyfriend, packed up and headed to Denmark to start a new chapter. My sexual evolution would just have to wait I thought. Boy was I wrong…….. ????????????

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lixmdk/f32_my_inner_slut_takes_over


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