48 hours of submission – part 3: a walk in the park. [MF] [BDSM] [public sex]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMerotica/comments/lfmg2y/48_hours_of_submission_part_1_the_first_morning/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/BDSMerotica/comments/lgyfg9/48_hours_of_submission_part_2_getting_ready_ds_mf/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

As I walked with my Master around the park, I felt hyper aware of everything that was going on around us. Every person who passed us, and with every gust of wind I tried to look as inconspicuous as ever, which probably had the opposite effect as it usually does. What certainly didn’t help is that with every movement I made I could feel the anal hook repositioning itself deep inside me, and the nipple clamps tugging on my sensitive breasts. Every step I took, I thought I was walking funny, I couldn’t shrug my shoulders without pushing the hook in deeper, I couldn’t twist or turn without rubbing the heavy hoodie material on the tight clamps on my nipples. All of those sensations made me so wet, more than before if that was even possible. My panties were still soaked with Master’s cum and soon enough I could feel the wetness slowly dripping down my thighs underneath my skirt. It felt cool and chilly every time there was a slight breeze, giving me goosebumps all over my body.

And Master would **just not stop** reminding me of all of this with his sweet, soft voice in my ear.

“How are you enjoying being my little slut with all those strangers around you?” He held my hand as we walked. Every time we passed someone who smiled or said ‘Good day’ to us, he squeezed my hand urging me to reply in a shaky voice. When we got the ice-cream, he made me order and reach for it, knowing how it pulled on all my toys he put in me or on me.

“It’s actually pretty exciting, Master” I said, not even trying to conceal my embarrassment. “And if it makes you happy, I’d want to do it all the time for you.”

“It makes me so happy princess. I love how all those people can see you, but only I know what a kinky freak you really are.” He had his amazing Dom smile on his face; a kind of smirk, with his dark eyes twinkling dangerously, and his cute dimples bringing the whole look together, turning him into a sexy little devil. It was my favourite thing to see, and to get that smile out of him, I would literally do just about anything. Including walk around a park with a harness, anal hook and nipple clamps.

He pulled me in and put his hand around my waist to give me a side hug as an elderly couple walked past us. The sudden movement of my body, and every toy in and around my body made me squeal quietly, and I suddenly felt a little more vulnerable. He kissed my forehead.

“Remember when we were so young and in love?” the elderly woman commented to her husband. I giggled. *Oh if she only knew*. They wished us all the best, and I sweetly thanked them. We walked past a play ground with kids laughing and playing, then a group of teenagers, then a young family with kids. Every time I wondered if anyone can see my slight discomfort or my embarrassment, and every time my Master pulled and pushed and tugged on my little hooked and clamped body to get a small reaction out of me. I tried my best to keep a straight face.

And it was so fucking sexy! I don’t know if I’d ever been more turned on before, I had the cliché butterflies in my stomach and my pussy was throbbing the entire time. I wondered if it was the taboo aspect of being Master’s little sex slave out in public, or the fact that it’s been half a day of him teasing me and not allowing me to orgasm once… Or a combination of the two, which is the more likely option.

After being out for over an hour we decided to head back, but being adults with responsibilities we stopped by our local shop to grab some groceries. Master carried the shopping basket, and got me reaching up for things, or bending down to the shelves. My skirt was short enough that every time I bent forward he could see my ass peeking out, still red and bruised from the spanking I received in the morning. Our local shop only had 4 aisles, and when no one was around he got me bending over for him, and spanked or squeezed my bum. By the time it was our turn to pay, he deliberately went to the human cashier instead of self checkout, and made me interact with him, knowing how flushed I was from my movements and the toys, and from his touch and sweet whispers.

Being in a supermarket reminded me of how hungry I was. All I had to eat today was ice cream, and a big load of cum in the morning, and I much as I enjoyed both, it wasn’t enough to meet my nutritional needs.

“Master, I’m really hungry.” I told him as we exited the shop. I was going suggest a takeaway once we get home because I was in no mood for cooking. Instead, he looked across the street to a small diner.

“How about we go and fix the economy some more?” He suggested. It was autumn of 2020, and the pandemic burned and crashed through the UK, but our area was doing okay, and restaurants and pubs were still open.

In a split second I went from wholeheartedly agreeing with Master, to realising I will have to **sit down** in there. **On a chair**. Those who have had an anal hook in their ass will know, that sitting upright on a chair with a long piece of metal up your anus is really not the most comfortable thing.

“I… Master I don’t know…” I started. I tried to gracefully explain my predicament. “Sitting down with the anal hook will be really uncomfortable Master.” I said embarrassed, twiddling my thumbs, looking up at him with big eyes.

“Oh princess” he started, that dark twinkle in his eyes appearing again, and I already knew he’d made his mind up. He pulled me in closer and gave me a small peck on the lips. “We’re gonna go in there and eat, and you’ll sit down, and if I tell you to, you’ll even rock your ass on that chair.” He whispered in my ear, and then bit my earlobe, a little harder than I’d expected to be bitted in the middle of a busy street. I’d let out an involuntary moan.

“Yes Master.” I replied with a deep breath. He took my hand and we headed to the diner.

“You know Lottie, I like it when you tell me you find something uncomfortable, or annoying, or if you don’t really want to do something” he said with amusement in his voice. “Because then I can order you to do those things just to annoy you and toy with you, and it’s great.”

“I… That’s mean!” I said defensively, instead of doing what I wanted to, and calling him an asshole. I instantly became a little frustrated, and also turned on, just by this whole mentality he has, that he can get me to do anything… Anything he says, goes. And I knew that he was right about that.

“And you do them for me anyway” he carried on speaking, ignoring my short remark “because you’re obviously such a good girl, such an obedient little princess. And it makes me go proud of you.” He stopped just by the door to the diner, and bent his head down to kiss the tip of my nose. I just stared at him with my mouth agape, and my previous frustration all but disappeared. We both donned our face masks to get inside the diner, and he opened the door for me and let me through like a real gentleman. “And you make the cutest little face when you’re annoyed.” He added quietly, and I rolled my eyes at him, as we were being greeted by a waiter who explained the new covid rules to us.

As we walked to the upstairs seating area, I was a little speechless. I still don’t understand how this man can make me feel so many different feelings all at once, and how after nearly 6 years he can still catch me off guard like this. He lead the way and I followed, thinking about how lucky I am to have him in my life.

And then we got to our seats, in the far left corner of the room, behind a half-wall which made it cosy and quite secluded. There was a soft sofa-like seat along the wall, and a wooden chair with a cushion opposite. He was kind and let me take the seat by the wall. As soon as my bottom rested on the seat, I could feel the hook being pushed in deeper into my asshole. I tried to keep a poker face, but judging by his amused expression I wasn’t doing well.

“What is it baby, are you not comfortable?” he asked in that condescending, sarcastic tone of his which on normal days drives me mad, and today it drives me absolutely fucking insane.

“No… Master.” I gritted my teeth, trying to find a less sensitive spot to sit down. “I’m perfectly fine.” I wasn’t. The anal hook was hitting my fucking colon, stretching me out deeper than it has been before, and every time I tried to move, it moved with me. If not for the fact we were in a diner and a waiter was just around the corner I would be moaning and crying out from pleasure while I essentially fucked my own ass with the toy. But alas, the waiter will be coming round soon to take our drinks order. I tried to relax my body and just ignore the tugging sensation in my ass.

“You look so fucking hot right now.” Master commented. I knew I was red in the face with both lust and embarrassment, struggling to keep a straight face. He reached over the table to cradle my chin and brushed his thumb on my lip. I instinctively stuck my tongue out to lick him and put the tip his thumb in my mouth. “Fuck! I can’t wait to reward you for how well you’ve behaved on our walk princess.” He said with mad intent, and then sat back in his chair. He had to adjust his trousers, and I could only guess why.

“I’m glad that I can make you proud. I really try my best to do that.” I said, and then, to make him even happier, I added “Is there anything else Master would like me to do for him?”, in my sweetest, most innocent voice I could. I bit my lip as I looked at him.

“For now, just choose your drinks and food.”

“I’ll have a banana milkshake, Master.” I said happily.

“Okay princess.”

By the time the waiter came to take our order we had also chose what to eat, so I placed the order while Master looked at me lustfully. I was able to keep my composure while the waiter was with us, but as soon as he left I had to let out a frustrated moan and closed my eyes tightly. The hook was continuously caressing my asshole, nice and gentle, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to stop, or if I wanted more. Suddenly I also became more aware of my the nipple clamps squeezing me a little harder than I like, sending shivers down my spine.

“You’re doing so well princess.” He complemented me, and then he grabbed both of my hands tightly. “I want you to rock on that seat.” He said, and I looked at him with a little bit of fear mixed with excitement. “Ride that hook for me, and when he comes back with the food, I want you to slow down but not stop. I want you to carry on fucking your ass while you politely thank him for getting our order.”

“Oh god. This isn’t gonna end well.” I mused, but regardless I started to gently rock back and forth in my seat. Every time I moved forward the hook shot up deeper into my ass, and relaxed down when I moved back, only to be shoved in again a second later.

“Good girl.” He said, as he watched my face change from ‘okay I can do this’ poker face, to ‘oh my fucking god, what am I doing’. I rode an anal toy in broad daylight, in the middle of a family diner, and I loved every single second of it. The sensation inside me was incredible and it rippled through my abdomen in waves of pleasure. I have never came anally before without also stimulating my clit, and I didn’t think I would this time either, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t moaning quietly as I fucked myself. Master never let go of my hands, and I squeezed them tight. He continued to complement me, “You look incredible, you’re so obedient, thank you princess, you’re earning yourself a big reward.”

“How will you reward me, Master?” I asked between heavy breaths.

“We can play with all your favourite toys princess.” He started saying, I continued to fuck my ass, and I closed my eyes again as I moaned. “Open your eyes, look at your Master.”

“Mhmm! Sorry… Master…” I managed, and opened my eyes to look at him.

“I will make you cum until you’re begging for me to stop, and then I’ll continue for a bit longer, until your screams become so loud that I’ll have to gag you, and then I still won’t stop princess. You’ll be needing the next day to recover, but I won’t let you, because tomorrow you are still mine. My little fucktoy, to use as I wish. The waiter is coming with the food princess.” I could feel myself catching my breath as he spoke, until he said the last sentence, and I suddenly panicked. I couldn’t control my moans, and my heart was racing, and I was feeling hot and turned on. I stopped moving in my chair, and quickly managed to stabilise my breathing, but Master whispered “Carry on” just before the waiter reached out table.

I started rocking in my seat again, much more slowly, trying to control the gasps escaping my lips. I smiled sweetly at the waiter, and continued to shuffle and wiggle in my chair, pretending to reposition myself go get ready to eat.

“… And the banana milkshake?”

“That’s me, thank you!” I said and moved my body forward again to make some space on the table.

“Would you like any sauces?”

I looked at Master and he shook his head. “No thank you” I said and shook my head also, moving my body side to side at the same time. And then he finally left. I looked at Master, and just burst out laughing. I was so nervous and anxious, and I could finally relax a little. I laughed but I didn’t stop riding the hook in my ass, and I didn’t even realise until Master allowed me to stop.

“I bet it feels comfortable enough to *just* sit down now that you’re not shoving it deep into yourself every second.” He said.

“It does actually! Thank you Master.”

“See. Everything I do, I have your well-being in mind.”

I giggled. We talked as we ate, the food was great as it always is, and it felt like I was just on a normal dinner date with my boyfriend. Except that every now and then he’d give me that dark glance and a smirk, reminding me that I belong to him. He made sure I finished all my food, because I have a tendency to not eat enough.

“Come on, I own you. Eat your food.”

“Humph, I didn’t agree to a force-feeding kink.” I rolled my eyes, making him laugh, and begrudgingly took another mouthful.

“No, but as your Master I can at least use my powers for good for once.”

I ate slowly and without even realising I was rocking back and forth gently in my seat again. It just happened like a reflex. He had finished his food, so he decided to come and sit next to me and cuddle up to me, and encouraged me to ride the toy in my chair. His body hid mine from view of other customers in the diner. When I finally finished eating, I was really going for it on the anal hook, and I even put a hand on my boob to squeeze and gently pull on the clamps which felt incredible.

The waiter collected our plates, and we paid for the food. I suddenly felt Masters hand on my thigh, and my eyes shot open. I turned to look at him.

“Master?” I said anxiously.

“Shh princess” he kissed my forehead and slowly ran his fingers higher up my leg to touch my bare skin. That entire area was continuously wet, and he easily slid his hand between my legs. “Spread.” He ordered. I couldn’t not do it. He ran his finger along my wet panties, and suddenly I realised that I forgot to breathe, so I exhaled deeply. I continued to ride the hook and touch my clamped nipples as he stroked my pussy through my panties. I tried to keep my eyes open, and focus on the conversation that he was trying to have with me; some small talk, but all I could keep my attention in was the amazing sensation spreading through my entire body. I was so anxious about getting caught, but it just felt so fucking good. And then he stopped. He removed his hand from in between my legs and said “Stay still”.

I stared at him with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I knew I was getting a little to loud for comfort, and he knows my issues with keeping the volume down when I climax. On the other hand… Fuck sake this is the fifth time he’s done this to me today! I just want to come now!

“Master, please…” I said exacerbated.

“Go into the bathroom Lott.” He said. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and I didn’t move for a while. This was too risky. “I’ll meet you in there in a few minutes.”

The bathroom in this Diner was upstairs, where we were, but on the other side of the room. You had to turn left twice to get to the door, the walls made a little maze. There was only one bathroom and it was unisex. So it was hidden well, and there wasn’t a possibility of someone walking in while we fuck in a stall, as the entire room was behind the door. But someone could still hear us. They could see us coming in and going out together. What if someone needs to use the bathroom?

“Wait… I don’t think this is a good idea.” I said. I used my ‘slow down’ safeword again, and we discussed it properly, but his hand returned to my thighs, and my pussy, making some very valid points.

“Liammmm” I whined, wanting him to stop, but his name quickly turned into a stifled moan, when his thumb brushed against my clit. “Fuck… I’m being serious.” I definitely didn’t sound very serious. But still, public sex is a criminal offence, and I have a highly reputable professional job in healthcare and if we were caught my career would be on the line.

“Lottie… Princess.” He whispered into my ear as he bit them lightly and his fingers continued to work their magic between my legs. “I just need to feel your beautiful warm pussy on my dick. Or your mouth. Or… Arghhh fuck it, any part of you.” He growled, he sounded so fucking sexy. His fingers found their way inside my panties, and his mouth left warm kisses on my neck. I looked around; the people who were sitting by us before were gone, I never even noticed them leave. I peeked my head up over the half wall. There was no other customers in the upstairs area, but our waiter was standing by the stairs, wiping cutlery. I revelled in the feeling of his rough fingers torturing my pussy, and the smooth metal inside my ass. His fingers circled around the clit, edging me more and more. Finally my carnal instincts took over, and my common sense and logic was out the window. I needed this man right now, and he’s teased me for too long today to not take this opportunity.

“Oh fuck! Master…” I said, signalling to him that he’s won. He wants to fuck me in the toilets of a small diner, fuck it, he gets to do that! He gets everything he wants after all. I could feel him smiling as he kissed my neck, and then he bit into my skin a little as he ran his thumb on my clit which made me inhale sharply.

“Go to the bathroom and wait for your Master.” He ordered. This time I followed. I stood up, and walked the length of the room, slipping past the wall to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and I pretty much collapsed on the floor. *What the fuck are we doing.* I reached my hand in under my skirt. Fuck, it was like a tsunami in there. I started masturbating on the bathroom floor, but I quickly stopped; I know I could rub my clit and come within seconds now, but I couldn’t do that without Master’s permission. I got up onto my knees and unlocked the door, and waited for him.

It’s not too long before I heard a knock on the door. I cleared my throat and called out “Uh, busy… Sorry!”.

“Mmm princess” I heard him hum from behind the door “open up for your Master.” I caught my breath, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

“It’s unlocked Master.” I made my voice as sweet and seductive as I could. He pushed the door open, and looked at me sitting on my knees on the floor, with my hands behind my back, pushing my chest out. There was a faint outline of my nipple clamps against my hoodie. My skirt was scrunched up just barely covering my underwear, and my high socks were digging into my thighs.

“Fuck!” that’s all he said. I could see the frenzy in his eyes, he might as well be drooling at this point. The look on his face when he saw me, drove me over the edge. I felt so sexy and so desirable, and also extremely happy that I could make my man lose his mind like that. I saw a movement by his crotch and glanced down there for the first time since we left the house. He was unzipping his trousers, finally letting his cock free as it has been straining underneath the material for a while now. “Stand up, and bend over the sink princess.” He ordered. I followed his order, and bent over the sink, looking at myself in the mirror. I lifted my skirt up for him.

“I’m ready for you Master” I said, pushing my ass higher up. I felt him come up behind me, and he put his hand on my ass and stroked it lightly. “Please use me as you choose Master, I’m all yours, anywhere.”

Without another word, he enters me in one smooth stroke, filling me up quickly, and pushing the anal hook deeper into my ass. I nearly screamed, and he groaned as my warm, wet pussy enveloped his cock.

“You can’t make a noise princess” he reminded me. “As soon as you make any sort of noise, we’re gonna have to stop.”

“Yes Master” I nodded.

“You will need to make me come though, so if you’re loud, I’ll just use your mouth.” He said that in a very matter-of-fact way, showing me his disregard for my orgasm. I was there to please him, and that’s it. He was using me to come. If I also come it’s a bonus, but not a necessity.

“Yes Master.” I replied again. I was fine with that. I was still riding that emotional high, that he was so turned on by me, he just had to have me right here, right now, even though it’s so wrong and dangerous. I made him do that. I was so good for him and so sexy that he couldn’t resist me.

I raised my head and met his gaze in the mirror, as he started to slowly and gently fuck me from behind. I loved being penetrated in both holes, completely filled up with his cock in my pussy, and the metal rod with a bulb on the end of it in my ass. The intense feeling made me moan involuntarily, but I tried to keep all the noise down to a minimum. He quickly picked up the pace, and dug his fingers into my hips, thrusting into me with more force, pulling my ass back into him. My breathing was very shallow and I struggled to not gasp loudly as he thrust his dick into my wet cunt, and pushed the hook deeper into my asshole. His gaze was focused on my ass, he was licking his lips and smirking mischievously. Fuck, he looked so sexy while he fucked me doggy. He moved his hand, and put it under my hoodie, on my back. I then felt him pull on the rope that was attached to the anal hook and my collar. Holy… Fuck… Good thing that I choked on the collar a bit, because otherwise I would have screamed out, as I threw my head back. I gripped the sink tighter, and bit my lip harder. He took one of my hands, and brought it up to my mouth, shoved my own sleeve into my mouth and held his hand over it to keep me quiet. I watched myself in the mirror as I was being completely destroyed and ruined in a public toilet. A big fat dick slamming my pussy, anal hook in my ass, nipple clamps tightly squeezing my nipples, choked with a collar around my neck, gagging on my own hoodie sleeve held there by his hand to keep me quiet.

It wasn’t long before I was coming hard, and what a fucking relief that was! I felt the orgasm ripple through my entire body, my knees started to buckle, and I felt hot and tingly all over. He had to move his hand from my back and stop pulling the rope, to hold onto my hips and stop me from collapsing, as all my muscles were starting to spasm. He kept his hand on my mouth and I bit down on my sleeve as hard as I could, letting out muffled moans. He fucked me until he met his own orgasm, and dropped every last bit of spunk inside my pussy. When he finished, he pulled out of me, and spanked my ass lightly. I continued to breathe heavy, feeling and looking flushed, I stabilised myself on the sink. I looked a mess; my hair was all over the place, make up smudged, red in the face. I felt the second load of his cum dripping out of me, down my thigh, and soaking into the hem of my cotton socks.

He grabbed my feeble spent body and spun me around to meet me in a tight embrace. I melted right into him, and sighed blissfully.

“Hey hey, don’t get too comfortable. You need to leave first princess, wait by the toilet entrance for me.” He said very methodically. I knew I had to go, but I didn’t want to let go of him, and I still haven’t caught my breath. After a couple of seconds though, I let go and nodded.

“Thank you Master.” I said as I left the bathroom. And not a second too soon, because as I turned to go back into the diner, I passed another person who was going into the bathroom. I let out a big sigh of relief when I waited by the toilet entrance, and checked my phone. Turns out we were only in the bathroom for less than 5 minutes, even though it felt so much longer than that. A moment later, Master emerged, looking as ordinary as ever, while I was still trying to process what the hell just happened.

We left the diner together, and graciously thanked the waiter on our way out, and we headed home.

“We’re never doing that again… Master.” I said intently.

“Yup. Until next time princess.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/liwll4/48_hours_of_submission_part_3_a_walk_in_the_park