Sweet Seduction. (F4F, Teaser Prompt, Vampiress.)

This isn’t how it’s supposed to be.

This isn’t me.

Airy gasps slip past my kiss swollen lips, serenaded and plucked by your dangerous ruby red mouth like fingers on a intricate instrument. I try to squirm desperately, but your shapely legs lock around me in a decisive display of strength I cannot overcome. The heat of your body straddling my lap isn’t lost on me either, and the heat of your thighs tightening over mine only further shred my paper thin resolve…

“I can smell your blush little one…”

I whimper as your voice slithers through my canal, carrying a dangerous tone of threat. It’s true. My face is filled with enough warmth to feed an entire coven of *your kind*, and I’m powerless to it. I’m powerless to the effects of your corruptive touches and nibbles, the power that storms restlessly behind your scarlet gaze, a storm just barely sequestered ready to devour everything around it at any moment.

It locks me into place as if I’m pinned through my entire body, restrained to the silken bed I’d allowed you to seat me upon.

Like I’d allowed you to whisk me away from that noisy bar where I’d been nursing my latest heart fracture, like I’d allowed you to whisper into my ear those sweet unintelligible words that had somehow gotten me into your car. Into your house…with just the smallest fleeting touch to my hands. I still couldn’t comprehend why I’d left with a woman who had made her intentions known from the very beginning…

“Ple….please…..this isn’t…”
Another soft kiss to my collarbone slams my feeble accosts back down my throat. We’ve only just met and yet…you play my body as if you’ve known me a lifetime. Your fingers gently stroke up my thigh, dangerously close. Maddeningly close. Like a pianist fingers his keys….mmhh


This isn’t me.

I have never felt attraction of any sort untowards *any* woman ever. I’ve never craved a silky smooth body like yours before, your soft pillowy lips. I’ve never craved fit feminine abs, or the soft firm curves that adorn your beautiful body. But right now…. I crave all of those things…

I crave you.

“Give in sweet thing, I can feel your resolve cracking. Don’t think, just desire. Desire whatever you want my sweet little girl….”

Soft lips claim mine again, forcing a small exclamation from my parted mouth. Taking advantage, a velvety tongue slides into my mouth as deceptively serpentine as it’s owner.
You taste sweetly inhuman, foreign to me, exceptionally pleasant. Before I realize my body has taken over, my hands clasp your waist as I lean deeper into the kiss…my actions awarding me a soft lilting sigh that fills my mouth.

“That’s *my* girl…”


Lovely little prose I wrote for a RP prompt. Sadly it went nowhere so it’s just been sitting in my notes. That is, until I realized that someone else may enjoy reading it so here we are. Of course I take feedback, as much as possible, and I may just finish it if it’s received well enough. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you think. :)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lil384/sweet_seduction_f4f_teaser_prompt_vampiress

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