My vanilla husband is slightly clueless [MF]

Today I learned that my husband didn’t know I’ve been wearing buttplugs out in public for the past 18 years. It’s not something I hide. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it.

He knows I love it when he plays with my ass. Hell, I love it when I play with my own ass. There is legit something in my ass at some point almost every single day. He knows this as well. Or so I thought.

He came home from work and we were talking about our days. I sat down on one of our kitchen barstools and my plug clunked on the wood surface. He kinda smirked and said, “Oh, you’re wearing your buttplug again?”. I nodded and we continued our conversation.

He finished getting dinner prepped. I was about to head out to pick the kids up from their extracurriculars. He looked up from the stove and asked if I was going out plugged. My response, “Well, duh?”. He looked genuinely shocked. He asked if I ever wore my buttplug around the kids. My response? “All the fucking time.”

He was legit dumbfounded, as was I. How the fuck could this man who I’ve been married to for 20 years not know?!?! It’s completely unfathomable to me. He thought I just popped it in for sexy time. Mind blown.

In retrospect, I can see how he may have missed it. He left for work much earlier than I did so he wasn’t around to see my morning ritual. And there were many periods of our time together where I didn’t plug all day.

I guess my takeaway from this is to not make assumptions?



  1. That’s so sexy. Knowing I could run into anyone in public and ur wearing it is amazing

  2. I don’t know if I would have included the word “slightly” in the title!!

    It is unfathomable, based on your description, that he did not realize this. It’s also odd that it never piqued his curiosity about you to ask before this???

  3. It just shows how out of touch he is with you and the things that you desire or his lack of enthusiasm for you that would thrill the hell out of me I’ll be jumping that but all the time

  4. Great story! I know exactly how you feel! My wife knows that at any given moment, I’m probably wearing my njoy 2.0. But I’m never one to bring up that I am directly, usually only in response to an indirect comment. For example, after we’d eaten some of our favorite take-out, I said “I’m stuffed!” in reference to being full from eating. But the first thing she though of was to say something like “Oh because of your buttplug?”

    Unless she ‘love pats’ my butt randomly and happens to feel it through my clothes, she’s never directly asks if I’m wearing it. And since I don’t wear form-fitting clothes, there’s never any obvious bulge. Though from time to time, I’ll “clunk” on hard surfaces when sitting down, just like you.

    Either she’s so used to it and doesn’t acknowledge it, or just isn’t thinking about it. Sorta like you, since our morning routines don’t overlap anymore, she doesn’t see me dressing and undressing as much as before WFH.

    So again, either my wife is oblivious to the 1.3 lb hunk of metal I have in my ass on a daily bases, or she’s just so used to it, she almost never feels the need to comment. I’m happy whichever one it may be. :)

  5. Omg this is amazing!!! ? Having a little secret is cool and erotic, and you didn’t know that he didn’t know! ?
    I’m genuinely curious about your morning ritual and everything else. I want to try it and I don’t even know where to start… Like, is there a brand that you recommend? Should I be aware of being extra sensitive when wearing one? Should I have an extra pair of panties when I try this? Lol. So many questions!

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