[MF] My Wife’s Best Friend

This next experience happened this past summer. I mentioned in comments for a previous story that I haven’t brushed the lifestyle in a long time. I do not consider this to be in that arena.

It was the summer of Corona and like many my world was upside down. I was working from home with a house full of crazy. Two kids with nothing to do and a wife working as many or more hours than me. Luckily, we were able to do 90% form home.

My wife asked if she could spend an evening with her best friend. They hadn’t seen each other since before quarantine had started and her bestie was in rough shape. I couldn’t really say no, it was her bestie.

I had munchkin duty for her night out. When she got home, she downloaded everything on me. My wife needed my help with the amount of stress and strain her friend was feeling.

The next morning my wife brought it up again. I could tell she was worried about her friend’s wellbeing. We talked off and on all day between kids and work activities.

That evening, again the conversation moved to her friend but this time she mentioned how lonely she was. She also mentioned how horny she was. I know I shouldn’t have done it, but I quipped, “Well do you want me to help her out?”

As expected, I got the standard eye roll and grumble. From there the conversation rolled back to god knows what.

A few days passed and everything went back to normal. Then her bestie showed up and kidnapped her. Again, I know she was hurting so I wasn’t going to say no. She needed the company.

When my wife got back, she was rather quiet and went straight to bed. It was later than her usual night, so I didn’t think much of it. She’d had a long day.

The next morning life went on as usual during the crazy that was last summer. Once the kids were in bed, I asked her how her bestie was.

W: She’s alright just struggling living by herself.

M: Not a lot we can do about that. At least you two can spend time together.

W: That helps but you know it’s not the same.

M: I do. Do we know anyone we could introduce her too?

W: Not that I can think of, or at least that she’d say yes to.

M: Then I guess you’ll have to do.

W: I was thinking about that.

M: What?

W: What you said the other night?

M: What did I say?

W: You are helping her out.

M: Wait, what? No, that was a joke, you know that.

W: Yeah, but I’m really worried about her. She needs something even if it’s a one nighter.

M: I. You know I’d do anything for you, but I don’t know if I can do that.

W: It would be ok. I talked to her about it.

M: Hold up, you talked to her before me?

W: I was worried damnit!

M: I. I’m going to need to think about this.

W: I know. I just, I’m worried about her and you would make her feel good, even if it was just for a night.

I just kind of wandered off at that point. Her bestie was nice and all, but I wasn’t into her. I had just never found her attractive.

There are a LOT of men that would kill for something like this. All I could think about were the repercussions. Not really for my wife and me, we were solid. I was worried about the impact on her best friend.

I drank a lot that night. I couldn’t get my mind to settle. Could I really do this? No, could I be ok with doing this.

The next day was a bit rough, thankfully, it was Saturday so at least no work. My wife let me sleep it off. She had a pretty good idea why I may have over done it

I sat on this for a few days before I talked to her about it. I honestly didn’t know what to do. On one hand I didn’t want to cheat on my wife (consent or not that was how I felt), but on the other I wanted to help her help a friend that was hurting. Once the kids were in bed, I asked her to join me downstairs to talk.

M: I’ve been thinking about what you said,

W: I could tell.

M: I need you to understand the situation you’re putting me in.

W: I understand.

M: I don’t think you do. Would you be ok with sleeping with one of my friends if I said he was depressed and lonely?


M: Look, I get it. I get why you’re worried. Have you two talked anymore about the situation and what this could/will change?

W: Yeah, was have a few more times since that night.

M: And?

W: She said she’d treat it as a one-night stand and just move on.

M: That’s good enough for her?

W: I don’t know. She needs something and when I told her she was as hesitant as you are. But she knows EVERYTHING about our sex life.

M: I worry this will cause unintended harm.

W: I know you do but she doesn’t want to risk Covid because she’s high risk and I know you would take care of her.

M: I. I’ll do it.

W: Are you sure?

M: No, but if this is what you want, I’ll do it.

W: Thank you.

M: Work out the details and I’ll play my part.

The girls worked out the details between themselves and I had a drink. Was I really going to go through with this? I mean, at this point I was committed.

We all agreed to the next weekend, no sleepover, no kissing and protection was a must. Granted, I’m snipped but my wife was adamant on the protection and kissing items. I supported that 100%.

The week leading up to the BIG night had to be one of the longest of my life. My stress levels were through the rough. They were to the point that I wasn’t certain I’d be able to perform. *shock prod DANCE MONKEY*

I arrived at her apartment complex around 6:45pm. I got there early with the intent to psych myself up prior to knocking on her door. *Jesus I’m hyperventilating*

I stilled my mind as best I could before heading up to knock. This was it. Do the job. Take care of her and go home.

When she opened the door, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting but it wasn’t her wearing comfies. She had on a loss fitting t-shirt and sweats.

H: Were you expecting a lazy teddy or something?

M: Uhh..no I honestly didn’t know what to expect.

He showed me in. This was the first time I’d been to her apartment. It reminded me of my early apartments except for the underlying smell of cigarettes.

We rehashed the rules and then it was GO time. Except it wasn’t. Outside of the rules, the two of us hadn’t discussed how any of this was supposed to go down. In my 15-minute psych session I had a thought that might just make this easier on both of us.

I led her to the bathroom. She was confused but followed me. I started the shower, again she was confused.

H: I showered earlier.

M: Just trust me. My job is to take care of you, not be a rent-a-cock.

She snorted at that and relented. We stripped out of her clothes. Again, the first time I’d seen her naked. My wife had shared photos and some videos with her during the past week.

Again, I wasn’t sure what I expected. I’d never been into her, and yet here she was standing naked in front of me. She looked nice.

She was taller, like women I had dated in college. She’d fall into the BBW category, but I like curves. She had large breasts, a full bush and a big round butt.

This apartment shower was going to be tight with the two of us in it, but that’s ok. I wasn’t there for me. I was there for her.

M: W mentioned you typically shaved. Would you like me to shave or groom you in any way?

H: I. No one has ever offered to do that to/for me. Umm…ok.

I started by soaking her with the shower head, after I adjust it from the obliterate crotch setting. Once her hair was nice and wet, I shampooed it. She seemed to like the scalp massage.

Once her hair had a nice lather, I put some body wash on her poof and began slowly and meticulously cleaning every inch of her body.

H: Watch it back there. I’m not into the butt stuff you two are.

M: I know, but W did say you were curios about having your ass eaten.

H: Oh.

Once I was done bathing her, I rinsed her off and washed the shampoo out of her hair. It was time to condition it and trim her up. She wanted her lips and but nice and smooth, but her bush left alone.

Again, I took my time and carefully shaved her lips, taint and ass. By the time I was done her arousal was noticeable. I let her finish up in the shower as I toweled off.

I handed her a towel once she was done for her hair and proceeded to towel her off. She wrapped the towel around her hair and the other her body. I led her to her bedroom.

M: Now lay back and let me do my thing. W mentioned you haven’t had a guy give you oral in quite a while. I’ll remedy that.

She didn’t say anything, just dropped her body towel and laid back on her bed. I adjusted her legs and got in to position. I love freshly shaved lips; they are so soft.

I didn’t tease her like I would my wife or other women I had been with. I already had her stimulated enough. I didn’t want to push her too far.

I began by lightly licking and kissing those soft lips. Her skin broke out in goose flesh. Her back arching ever so slightly.

I sucked her swollen clit in to my mouth. Her moan was loud in response. Her hands finding her breasts and engorged nipples.

I worked her clit for a bit before start to lick and suck on her lips. My tongue finding her soaking wet hole. She continued to moan and play with her breasts and nipples. I wanted to get her off at least once before I started with her ass.

One of her hands found my head and guided me back to her clit. I went back to work sucking and licking it. Her moans growing louder. Her body starting to buck and bend as her pleasure built.

It wasn’t long before her first orgasm hit. She was loud in bed. Her moans became cries of passion. I had to fight to stay on her. But eventually she won, her sensitivity becoming too much.

I let her settle before rolling her legs up a bit. She seemed to know what was coming.

M: Relax. This won’t hurt and if you don’t like it, I’ll stop.

H: Ok, just be gentle.

I readjusted and began by kissing and licking a line from her clit to her asshole. She flinched initial but after a few minutes really started to relax. There’s nothing quite like tonging a relax anus.

I wasn’t long after she relaxed the moans started. Not quite as loud as when I was working her clit. These were much lower, and primal. Her body beginning to move as I worked my tongue in and out of her pucker.

I could visibly see her arousal increasing. Her hole starting to contract and release with each passing moment. And then she came, again, HARD. He cries deep and strong. Her body ripcord tight.

She released and continued to spasm. Her orgasm not seeming to end, just hit her in waves. Her breathing short and quick.

I moved up the bed beside her as she began to come down. Her spasms slowing as she came back to earth. Her body still covered in goose flesh.

M: Are you alright?

H: That. Jesus, how…I.

M: Relax. Take a moment and then I’ll continue.

H: Ok. *still breathing heavy*

M: Do you have any requests?

H: I did, but wow. I was going to ask for doggy. I wanted you to pound me but after that.

M: Lets start simple with Missionary. After that, I’ll follow your position lead and finish how you want me to finish.

H: Ok, but I need a few more minutes before you fuck me.

I let her relax and just held her there for a bit. She let me know she was ready but slowly stroking my cock.

H: Would you like me to suck your cock?

M: If that is what you want?

And with that, she slid down the bed and took my semi-hard cock into her mouth. I knew it had been a long time since she’d fooled around with anyone and the rust showed. But it didn’t take long before what I assume was her A game to come up.

My W said she had an oral fetish and it showed. She attached my cock with her mouth. The passion she showed was astonishing. She really enjoyed having me in her mouth.

I laid back and enjoyed. She was a really talented cock sucker. However, not knowing my body or cock I wasn’t going to cum from just this, but it felt really good as she bottomed out again on me.

She looked up at me and I nodded. Instead of missionary she wanted to ride me. It was her night. She put a condom on me and slid down my shaft.

Guys complain about condoms a LOT. I’ve never held that same opinion. Find the one that fits you right and there isn’t a major difference. Except, I hadn’t had protected sex in several years at this point. There was a difference but that had more to do with the woman than it did the condom.

She slid down to my base without issue. Her muscles tightening around my shaft as her large breasts hovered above my face. I took one of her engorged nipples into my mouth sucking it gently. She moans quietly as she adjusted to my girth.

I began teasing her nipples as her hips began to move. She seemed to like that. Enough so, that she began to really work my shaft. Her hips beginning to pound against me.

She felt really good and I apparently felt good to her too. Her head back, breathing deeply as she continued to fuck me. Again, I took one of her nipples into my mouth. Sucking it in harder this time as I began to tug on her other nipple.

That seemed to be her breaking point. Her moans loud as she came on my cock. My mouth slipping from her breast as she pressed her body against me. Her teeth finding the flesh of my collarbone.

She writhed on me as her orgasm subsided. Leaving teeth marks along my collarbone. As her breathing continued to be heavy.

H: Fuck me from behind. Finish me that way. I need one more. Please!

She slid off me and assumed the position. I readjusted and positioned my tip are her now gaping hole. She was ready for just about anything in that moment.

I pressed my tip into her wet hole. She met my tip with her own pushback against me. She really wanted this. My grip tightening on her hips as I slid to my base.

I gave her the customary ass slap and then started to fuck her hard and deep. She squealed in surprise and then moaned like a whore with each thrust. It didn’t take long before I found a good pace for the two of us. Her moans replaced by pleading for more.

I began to feel my orgasm build. I nearly panicked. She needed to cum too and I was going to give her that. I tried something I wasn’t sure would work but based on her previous response to anal stim I had hope. I slid my right hand back and thumbed her puckering asshole.

The jolt of energy at that increase stimulation nearly knocked me off, of her. Her orgasm was quick and hard sucking mine out of me as her muscles contracted and released. I leaned over her as I felt wave after wave hit me.

It wasn’t until I came and began to move that we both realized my thumb had slipped completely into her ass. She didn’t hate it.

We relaxed for a few minutes, not really saying anything. Once she dozed off, I made sure she was tucked in and grabbed my stuff. I got dressed and left as quietly as possible.

When I got home, I showered and got in to bed.

We haven’t talked about that night since. My wife and her friend haven’t either. Nothing has changed and I’m good with that.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lijoli/mf_my_wifes_best_friend

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