[MF] 19 Me time turns into the neighbor next store in my mutual masturbation milf

Me time caught the eye of a neighbor. Today she knocked on the door and joined me

Im a young guy (19 m) and I am loving my new small one story house, especially the neighbors around me. I started renting this place about 3 month ago with no intention to stay longer than the end of the year. Because of this I didn’t really find it necessary to buy curtains for my side windows but I do have one for the front. Anyways I have this chair next to one of my side windows in my room where I also have a lamp right next to me. Usually at night , around 8 I make it a daily routine to masturbate …more of a habit at this point. Sometimes I do it facing out the window not really for sexual reasons , more so because the heater is blowing right against me if it face this way and it feels real nice . Again let me remind you I don’t pay attention to my neighbors until now. So I go about my routine and I notice mid way that the neighbor right next to me ( still a good space away due to the yards) has the blinds peeking down staring at me . I was in all honesty kinda embarrassed but I exit the room continued onwards. The next day I more cautiously start again here , though this time I see the blinds bent down as soon as I started. Strange I thought. By the next week this became a regular occurrence until Saturday where I heard a knock on my door at about the same time. It was this youngish woman , id say about 30 who was at my door. She initially attempted to explain how she thought she heard something and wanted to check if I was “alright”. But she was dressed in a night gown – think like a robe and was kinda smiling. I was honestly worried she was going to say something about my behavior pattern or that something worse would happen. I told her everything was fine but if she would like something to eat real quick I’d offer tea or some food for her to take home. Anyways she tells me she wants something else to eat and looks straight at my cock. This is where it gets crazy. So essentially she explained she was lonely and looked forward to seeing me masturbate every night when she got home from work. She asked if she could watch me do it right in front of her- I couldn’t decline. So I went at it , it became a mural masturbation type deal and she asked if we could do it every other day. I’m so physched about this and what else is to cum.

Edit: I do have her Facebook if anyone is interested or pics of her she so kindly sent me while I’m away. I will do on the subreddit if i can get at least 20 upvotes and do another story detailing more about her personal life along with links to her stuff

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/li0ijq/mf_19_me_time_turns_into_the_neighbor_next_store


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