By Eros~69 ?

☆ non-fiction

She woke from her dream sitting upright swiftly. Her hand coming up to brush the sweat across her brow, as she took a deep breath in.

She was drenched everywhere, and I do mean everywhere. She squirmed in her bed feeling the friction between her legs growing, she groaned/moaned, Completely frustrated.

This was starting to become a habit for her. To be woken in the middle of the night… With dreams that made her blood boil. And it was really starting to get to her. Was affecting her sleep, therefore, her work as well. She didn’t know what more she could do. Ignoring them hadn’t worked. All that led to was misery with tons of edging, followed by days of constant thoughts of finding THAT man, and all that THAT implies…

With thoughts of him consuming her, she just couldn’t stop herself from masterbating as often as possible lately… The edging had just driven her absolutely insane!! Sooo that was definitely out. lol

She sighs and looks at the clock. 330am. Uugh. Sigh
“Welp, she thinks to herself. Might as well get up!” ?‍♀️

Her name is Paige.
She’s a 45 year old 5′ 1 cop that went into the army at 18, and has just been offered two positions.

From Captain of her unit to Commander, or a position with the FBI. This didn’t help with her sleepless nights either. Trying to make a life altering decision with no sleep wasn’t the best idea.

She got dressed in jeans and an off the shoulder sweatshirt and put her hair up in a ponytail. She barely wore make-up and today she definitely wasn’t in the mood to deal with it. Comfy was it till she had to get ready to go.

Her friends had invited her to go to the beach that afternoon. It had been forever since she’d seen them so she was very excited.

She decided to eat then take a nap so she wouldn’t be tired that afternoon since she wasn’t sleeping well.
She drank a tall glass of milk as she made some eggs over easy and a piece of toast..

Her mind wandered as she mindlessly flipped the eggs.
She pictured HIM walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling up to both her cheeks. ? Kissing her neck while His dick stiffened
even more at contact and her body started to react as well.

She became moist immediately and felt her nipples harden beneath the soft fabric of her sweatshirt.
She moved her hips, pressing her legs together while touching herself.

She groaned again and shook her head. Pushing the images away she ate her eggs with toast and went to nap.

She woke with a start to her alarm going off. Her hand unconsciously went up to rest on her chest, mind and body still feeling the affects of meeting up with HIM yet again.

The dream felt sooo real. GD she had it bad! She laughed at the thought of it cynically. Having the hots this bad for a figment of your imagination… Ohh brother! Wake up Paige!! Wake up!!

She arrived at the beach early as usual. Found a spot from above and started to grab all her stuff to lug alll the way down the stairs and down across the sand.. but she was determined to get that particular spot. It was perfect. Close enough to the water yet far enough away from the crowd… Yess! coming early had definitely paid off!

She turned to start walking when she bumped smack dab into someone tall and muscular. Someone who must have been made outta bricks! Screaming while half her stuff crashed to the ground, she automatically pushed her arms out to stop from falling, hands landing on a hard chest.

Feeling as if she was hit by a truck, she realized someone was talking to her, while waving their hands in front of her face.
She shook her head trying to clear it then tried to focus on the voice.

Almost as if in slow motion, she glanced up just as his words started to register.

“Heeyy! Yooouu hooo! You ok!? Sorry I didn’t see you. I really hit you hard there since I was running.
You ok!?” As he stared at me with a concerned look on his face.

She couldn’t speak even if she knew what to say. There before her, stood THE man himself! Her DREAM man!!

Her first thought was, “OMG I’m hallucinating now!!”
Till He reached over and touched her cheek lightly with the back of his fingers.
Again asking if she was ok.

She quickly said yes and pulled away. She was still unsteady and not sure if she should trust her eyes… but that touch… it was like a jolt of lightening!! She couldn’t make her mind work just yet.

He tentatively smiled down at her while putting an arm out saying… “Well, I’m here if you need me.”

At her hesitation, he paused looking down at her.
” Well… Um… Is there anything I can help you with?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Perhaps I can help you carry your stuff down to the water?”

After a slight hesitation, she simply stated “Why yes, Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.”

He grabbed her stuff from her, even grabbing the straps on what bags she had on her shoulders still and she quickly said “Oohh I can get some! You don’t have to take them all!” laughing out loud nervously. ”

“I wouldn’t DREAM of letting you take any of them yourself!” He kinda sing songed.
“A beautiful lady such as yourself deserves to be treated special.”

He started to turn and walk away, but hesitated, turning his gorgeous head to look at me inquisitively, stating

“Btw, have we met? You seem very familiar… from a DREAM..”

Part two coming eventually lol
