helping out a friend

I was asked to help out a female friend to install some curtain rods. She is single and could use a bit of help.  It’s not a problem. I would rather help her out then her hire someone and it gets me out of the house for a bit. I enjoy little odd jobs as long as i feel organised. 

We have known each other for a very long time. Long enough for some fun banter. Good for some laughs. 
Jacqueline is very nice. She has a full-time job somewhere and she also works out of her house. She does some energy work. Reiki, Chording, massage it’s very calming in her home. the scent of lavender is always present.  
There were three curtain rods to install, nothing complicated, I had all the tools i needed. Small step ladder, drill and her curtains all had kits with all the parts needed,  should not take long at all. 
I started with the easiest one in the bathroom. The window was only about three feet long and had a frosted glass. I got that done in about 5 mins. everything fit just right. Jacqueline was very pleased.  She rubbed my shoulder a bit, “looks amazing”. she said.    
J kept going on about being at ease in her house, being free and able to unwind where she wanted to.   It was a nice late winter afternoon, the outside air was cold but the sunlight had the springtime feel to it.  
I did notice that J either was bra-less of had a light bralette on. There was an energy kind of feeling in the house.  I have felt the calm and peaceful feeling since I walked in the door. 
Next one was in the kitchen; this one was a bit more difficult.  I had to climb up on the counter and find all the centre points and make sure it was level. When you walk in her front door, you can see right into the kitchen, and this particular setup was a bit of a showpiece.  It had to be right. The way they hung off the rod had to be just right. This one took a bit more fiddling around, there was almost one oopsie but we got it in time before I actually drilled into the window frame and would have been a bit of a mess.  Measure twice…sometimes three times.  Got it right. again, all going along well. 
The last window is the most challenging to be sure.  It’s quite high and wide, I would say about 6′ x 6′ I will need my step ladder. This one is a little more intricate and more parts involved.  By this time of day, the sun is starting to shine right through the window.  It’s late winter and it’s the time of year when the air is cool but the sunlight is starting to get stronger. Jacqueline is getting a bit antsy and is wanting to get done before long.  I kind of wondered what was going on, but this was a good project for J to get done and I am sure she wanted her privacy back.  I laid out the parts on the floor to get an idea what I was up against. It took a few minutes to sort out what went where and the height of the rod and hangers to be placed, I was on my way to get it done.  About 20 or so mins later, I kind of did a grand reveal for J like a “Ta-Da!!!”.. She laughed a bit and I could tell she was just thrilled. 
J hugged me and I could see she wanted to say something and was working up the courage. She closed her eyes and said, “I have something I want to do. Ever since I moved to this house, there is this spot here that I have felt the most connected to.   I have wanted to lay here on so many occasions and let the sun just absorb onto my skin.  Before you put up the blinds, I was never able to be at that much ease on my home, and now I can be.  Thank you so, so much.   Please can you sit right here for a few minutes?”  J pointed to a nice chair just off to the side, I had no idea what she was going on about at first. She hugged me again smiled a bit put her finger over my lips.  ..   “Shhhhh.  okay?  I have been waiting for so long to do something like this.  Please sit. I feel so good right now.  I am sitting here as Jacqueline walks to her room.  As a male, my mind is racing, Things we dream about and hope for.  But no,  what am I thinking… This is not,  she has gone to get some cash to pay me.  I was not going to accept any money;  I am happy to help out people when I can.   
J came out of her room in a robe, now I am really wondering. 
There was some amazing sunlight coming though the big window, J walked over to it and dropped her robe off, there she was standing there, naked right in front me. The way the sun was shining, the silhouette of her body was almost glowing from the sides. J took a few more steps forward, basking right in the glow of the winter sun, now that the blinds are up, there is no way anyone can see inside.  She took a deep breath and absorbed the light and energy in the room. 
J laid down on the carpet on the floor and you could almost feel the joy she felt exposing herself to Sol.   If I was a younger man, I would be all over this. But i knew this was her moment, her time to feel something like this. I was there to witness and be a supportive part of what will happen. 
She laid there for a few minutes, hand to her sides, taking some deep to the belly breaths, Getting into the warmth of the sunlight. I caught myself just looking at her face. There was a deep relaxing smile, a look of peacefulness. I think she had put herself in a state where she felt like she was on a beach somewhere, with this lockdown,  it would not take much to get there really.  I looked down her body, she has lovely skin, nice breasts, nipples like erasers from a pencil.  The thing is, even though the sun was fairly warm, the air in the house was a bit cool,  she almost had goose pimples, looked my way down, her bush was slightly trimmed. there are so many styles now, from all grown in to bare. . I know she goes for daily walks, and her legs are well defined.  
She slowly brought her hands to her tummy kind of tickling her skin a bit as she drew to the centre. her fingers spread way apart. another big deep breath. and her thumbs brushed her nipples. Kind of flicked them a bit. I saw a little smile happen.  This was going to be amazing. A little closer to her nipples… her thumbs and fingers tracing her areolas. More and more her nipples were rising.. J had spread open her legs a bit, and bent her knees.. letting the sun touch areas that are usually quite covered. Her breathing had deepened a bit now and she was tweaking the ends of her breasts rolling the nipples between her thumbs and 2 fingers. J was getting into the grove now. The warm sun through the window, the cool air on her skin, her body was reacting nicely. She spread her legs open a bit more, her knees almost touching the floor at the widest point. She took her hands and brought them up to her neck and hair, almost massaging herself, letting her skin react to all the sensations. 
The term fly on the wall is exactly what I am at this time.  I am getting turned on, but with respect, J had asked for me only to observe, and enjoy.   She slid her hands slowly back down to her tits, playing again, her left hand staying there, her right tracing the way down further. There is that soft skin spot just below the belly-button, an erogenous zone of some kind i am sure and when she tickled it a bit, she gave herself a bit of “frisson”. a French term for body shiver. Swirled her fingers around and around give herself little quivers,  even i know that’s a good thing.  Then it was time, her right hand, a little further down to the hair line, her fingers just moving gently right along the top from one side to the other. A little further, her fingers kneading closer and closer to her sweet spot.  She inched a bit lower and i heard a little gasp… There it was, the magic button. her middle finger I could see was making little circles.  I scanned her body upwards; I could see a little devious smile start. J was on her way for some real pleasure. We know the feeling when something is good. She reached down just a bit further, and her finger disappeared inside.  A big sigh J had been waiting so long for this to happen.  I am sure she had forgotten I was there for the time being. She was lost in self pleasure. This is so amazing to watch. Her fingers are going faster now. she drops her other hand down under the other to rub her clit. Little circles again.  Slides a 2nd finger inside. The G spot is in there, she is looking for it. J has curled her fingers right up inside. and brought her knees up. She knows where to find it. slow strokes over the spongy spot inside. Took her finger off her clit for now and back up to her nipple. A moan escaped her mouth.  She is getting close.  Her toes are spreading out a bit. So lost in feelings. Absolute pleasure. Another moan,  and her tummy tightened.  J is on her way to orgasm now, her knees are tightening up,.  another moan, she is really pinching her nipple hard now.  “ah, ah…   Toes curl.. she tenses, holds it.   Slight contractions.. one, two, three.    
Oh my god,   she just came right in front of me.  full orgasm. 
I am stunned. I was a part of this, but not. This is amazing. Very special. Peaceful almost.  Her body is relaxing now, in the glow of the sun, she takes her hands over her sides, over her tits, and down again. A big deep breath. Cleansing. She is at peace.  She opens her eyes, and looks over at me. I get a little wink. She let out a satisfying sigh.  ” This was amazing.  I have wanted to do this for so, so long. And I am glad you were a part of it. ” “I have no words for this.” I spoke. “This is probably one of the most erotic things i have ever seen.  You were so at peace with yourself, your surroundings. Everything. Something really magical happened here, there was an energy in this room sexual energy, but in a way I have not experienced before. A sensual energy more like it. Truly amazing.”
J covered herself with her robe, and stood up. We both were smiling knowing that what had happened was a once in a lifetime experience for both of us.   What do I say to this? How do I react?  She walked over to me and held my head in her hands, “This was so amazing,  I felt so free, so at ease. I feel so good.” She hugged me so tightly.  We sat for a few minutes and chatted. I don’t even remember what it was about, I was still in a bit of a daze from it all. I gathered my things and headed home.
I walked in the door at my home, made a solid martini, and just absorbed my afternoon.   

my note… I thought I’d try something a little different. hope you enjoyed.


1 comment

  1. Story was great, try breaking it up into a few paragraphs. Need some spacing to read easier.

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