[F4M] A Moment Of Silence [barely legal] [dd/lg] [Daddy] [Babygirl] [Teen] [Consenting Nonconsent] [Sleep sex] [cum on my face] [cum on my tits] [please, daddy]

My names Red and I’ve got maaaaajor senioritis. Nothing bores me more than these stupid lectures but if i don’t graduate, Daddy would be pretty disappointed in me.

He works so hard at the bar just to afford housing and food and on top of that is trying to launch a Shopify webstore so he can quit and work from home.

He works evening shifts and doubles on the weekends and when he’s home, it’s straight to his computer.

My only job is to get good grades and do my homework. I should consider myself lucky.

I wish i repay daddy somehow. I feel bad cuz he spent a lot of money on me last week to make sure my 18th was the best birthday ever. And OMG it was. Everybody came and it was a lot of fun.

…All thanks to daddy…




I jolt up from my desk. And look around the classroom. My face flushes and i can feel the judgemental stares of my peers.

“Looks Red’s name matches her face!”

The rest of the class bursts out laughing at that corny ass joke while the guy that said it smirks like he just invented sliced bread or something.

Even the guy who invented sliced bread, left the mounds in the bag, so don’t get cocky, asshole. Nobody’s perfect.

“Red,” I look over at the teacher. Its impossible to tell if she’s concerned, disappointed, happy, content or has a vibrator in her pussy. She’s either really talented at holding a neutral composure or she’s literally devoid of human emotion.
“Since you wanna fall asleep in my class, I guess that means you know everything i have to teach you huh?”

Well, if you’ll teach me something fucking useful, you week old Halloween pumpkin….. is what i wanted to say.

“Uhm, well.”

“You should all strive to be as gifted in trigonometry as Red. Why don’t you come to the board and solve the problem?”

I’m internally screaming as i walk up the the board.

I’m so nervous just glancing at the door, fantasizing an escape. Maybe if i crack a joke, it’ll ease the tension.

“Hmm. I have a feeling this stuff will really come in handy this trigonometry season. Thanks for teaching us this instead of taxes.”

I very quickly realized that I’m the only one laughing…. Shit. Now that i think about it… thats kind of a bitch thing to say to a Trig teacher…

“What was that, Ms. Akineko?”

“Uhh. A joke?” Crap, a sarcastic inflection. I didn’t mean to.

“Oh, hilarious, Red. Sleeping in my class, making smart remarks. Ya know, i think the principal might like to hear this joke of yours! Why don’t you take it to his office and see if he laughs?”

Well that escalated quickly… Fuck this, I’m out.

I get halfway to the principals office and exit the first side door i see.

“I graduate in two months. What’re they gonna do, expel me? They’d be doing me a favor.” I mutter profanity on the walk home cursing the school and everybody in it.

Walking usually clears my head so it didn’t take me long to get over it.

I walk into the front door of my house and see Daddy on the computer. My whole body goes warm with excitement as i rush over to him.

“Hey Daddy!” I give him a big kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, Princess,” He smiles at me warmly. His eyes light up my whole world. So soft and kind. Hes always stressed out over work and bills but you’d never be able to tell by looking at him. But I can tell. Of course, i can. He’s my daddy.

“You’re home early as hell. What is it? Like noon?”

I drop down on the couch and put my feet up. “Yeah, the teacher was being a bitch and sent me home because she hates me”

“Ah, i see, so she said something you didn’t like, and your smartass response got you sent to the principals office but the rebel in ya sent you home, huh?”

“….. yup”

“That’s my girl.”

“You working tonight?”

“Yeah i got a double shift. I’ll be leaving in about an hour.”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll probably do some cleaning up”

“Okay, babygirl. I’ll be getting a free meal for my double so you don’t have to cook for me, just eat whatever’s in the fridge.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I pass the time with TV and daddy walks over to me and kisses the top of my head “I’m heading to work. Don’t do anything i wouldn’t do,”

“That doesn’t narrow it down by much. Be careful daddy! I love you!”

“Love you too, princess!”

Dad walks out the front door and i stretch out and plop the weight of my limbs on the couch. “Ahhhh, peace.”

I’m just gonna close my eyes for a second before i start cleaning.

I start imagining things about Dad and how he’s been taking care of me and making sure I’m healthy and happy.

I still sleep with that bear you got me, Daddy…. and sometimes…

Mmm. I let out an involuntary sigh and i feel a tingly sensation come over me.

I wonder how else daddy would be able to take care of me..

I force my eyes open and jolt up at the thought i just had. I want to be grossed out with myself, and disgusted and daddies are old and incest is illegal and deformed babies and excuse XYZ, but i am wet as the Nile and my brain’s in denial also.

Fuck my life…

Not like he’d ever think of his daughter that way. I should get to cleaning.


A few hours later and the house is spotless… from my perspective at least. Hopefully that makes up for missing the last class today. Exhausted, i take a quick shower and look for my pajamas. Im ready to relax and check Myspacebook for any notifications.

“Ugh, a button on my shirt is broken!” Easily defeated by the slightest inconvenience, i fall on the bed but as soon as my head hits the pillow, i was out cold.

I remember waking up to the creaking stairs and getting excited that daddy was home.. i don’t remember much after that…

Mmmm. I feel warm like I’m floating almost. And even better, my mouth is on fire. Like something amazing is filling it up. The excitement is more than i can bear, and i can feel my panties flooding with natural lubrication. My pussy is hungry and i nee- hmm?

“….. ats it….incess, take daddy’s cum.”

(Yes, Daddy)

“Mmm” my eyes half open and …holy fuck theres something in my mouth…

Mmm, what is that?

I look up at a version of my father that I’ve never seen before. Nervous, scared, panicking, and very very naked. My eyes roll down his stunning body and make their way to his c-

Ah! A load of cum just sprayed me. The smell is so strong …and it’s sticky and hot.

“Daddy?” Too stunned to know what to do, an even bigger load hits me in my eye. It must’ve been a big one cuz i can taste it too and i feel it drip down my f- ah!

A third cumshot hits my chin and i decide to catch this one. Mmm i want more…

“Daddy…” I looked up and he was gone as fast as he ….. came…

(Sorry… lol)

I’m really happy right now. I got my first facial and it was from my amazing daddy. I’m just gonna lay here and bask in daddy’s cum real quick….

I worry about him, though… it’s sounds like he’s pacing in the next room. He thinks he made a mistake…

I should reassure him but i don’t want to embarrass him either…

I decide to go check on him and pretend to be half asleep and unaware.

I shuffle my feet and make it to daddy’s door. I can hear his muffled panicking..

I knock twice,


It goes quiet… so i open the door and he’s sitting on the bed in just his boxers pretending to look at something important on his phone… pretty sure it was stock market price of Dogecoin… you’re not fooling anyone Dad.

“Is everything okay?” I say in a purposely raspier tone. Points for playing the zombie role.

“Yeah, hunny,” his laugh quivers as his eyes widen a little bit.

“Oh okay, I was just askin. I had a weird dream,”

I get too into the part that i instinctively go to rub my eye…. forgetting that there’s cum in it. Daddy rushes and stops me from touching my face.


“Let me take care of that, babygirl.” He says. “Daddy will get the sleepies out of your eyes”

Right…. “sleepies” I play along, knowing full well what I’m doing.

“The sandman visited me, daddy” I say in a babygirl voice, as he wipes his own cum off my face.

“O-oh yeah?”

“Yeah! He had to blast me in the face with his sand!”

Daddy rinses the washcloth in the sink and returns to finish up

“His sand huh? Well at least now you can get some sleep”

“Yeah, goodnight, daddy.”

“Go on”

“… Can i leave your door open? In case the sandman comes back?”

“Uh- well i don’t know”

“Please, daddy? Pleaseeee?”

“Okay, princess”


I shuffle out of his room and i hear a relieved sigh from behind me.

I brimming from Daddy’s aftercare and i can’t stop smiling.

I stumble over some fabric walking to my desk. It’s just my pajama top. No biggie-

My pajama shirt….?

I look down as my exposed breasts. I was topless that whole time… while daddy cleaned his own cum off my face…

I’m not even worried about how or what happened… i just know i need it again…

I waited a couple hours, toying my kitty the whole time and thinking about what just happened. Mmm, daaaddyyy… i need it.

I check the time… 4:25am

There’s no way he’s still awake… a moment of defeat was overtaken by desire when i slid my thumbs into the waistband of my pajamas, and squatted down as i dropped them the floor and remained on all fours.

Naked as the day i was born, i crawl from my room to the doorway of daddy’s room. It’s really dark in there. And kind of scary.

Or maybe I’m just nervous.

I crawl through his room, hypersensitive to every noise. My fingertips on the carpet is like a thunderstorm to my ears. But Daddy doesn’t move.

i take a peek over his bedside….

Mmm. God, I’m turned on. You make it too easy, daddy.

He was laying on his back in that weird one leg out of the blanket position that people do. It made it super easy to just crawl through the opening in the covers and sit inbetween his legs.

Mmm, you took your boxers off for me, huh, daddy? I think to myself, Were you hoping i would come do this? Do you want this… as much as i do?

I sit there for a minute and salivate over the sight of his unsuspecting cock. Limp and flaccid… huge.

This went in my mouth?

I poke the tip with my finger. I’ve never seen one before except in porn. I always thought those dicks were modified somehow to look bigger… but now I’m fully awake and seeing one for the first time… it’s actually that fucking huge.

I bend down, curiously, my face inches from my father’s cock.

*sniff, sniff… lick*

Ooh, it twitched… is it alive? Hmmm

Remembering what daddy did with it, i wanted to try it myself… i mean, daddy did it while i was asleep, so it’s only fair right?

That’s what you always taught me, right, daddy? I think to myself, trying to justify my perverted, slutty actions.

You always said, What you put out into the universe will come back tenfold, so always try to think from the positive perspective.

My perspective is pretty positive from here, daddy…

I take the tip of your cock in my mouth and my wetness drips down my leg as soon as my soft lips slide over that mushroom tip.

I reach the base… that wasn’t so bad. I can’t stop smiling! Being this close to you makes my heart flutter.

I slide my mouth halfway up your cock gliding my tongue on the underside.


What’s happening?

To my delight, your cock starts to grow in my mouth. I don’t know what it is, or why, but feeling it grow and get harder in my mouth drives me up the fucking wall. I’ve never needed anything more than this right here. I’m so turned on, daddy.

I take it out of my mouth and get a good look at this glorious cock.

Mmm, fuck, no words. I don’t care just-

Mmpf… god I could get addicted to this…

The feeling of my mouth being filled is pure bliss. I keep a steady pace, pumping your cock in and out of my mouth. My mind goes blank and it tastes soooo good, daddy. I’ve never tasted anything like it.

I realize that I’m speeding up and i stop for a second.

I almost forgot where i was…

What am i doing? This is my daddy. Does he want this? What if it was just a one time thing that he wants to forget? Will this ruin things between us? What will people think? And how did daddy’s dick end up back in my mouth? Ah fuck it, whatever. I don’t care. I love this cock. I’ll take responsibility, daddy, I’ll say that i seduced you. How could have even resisted with the way i dress around the house? It’s okay…

I reassured myself while my little hand wraps around your shaft keeping rhythm with my head as i suck the tip, i impulsively go faster, and feel you get harder and harder in my mouth.

Mmmm daddy, i see the way you look at me when you think I’m not paying attention. Yeah, you’ve been looking at your daughter like that for years, you delicious and sexy pervert. Mmm you like when i walk around the house in a tank top and mini skirt. No underwear- mmpf mmpf mmpf – god this taste so fucking good, it so hard but somehow still squishy and something salty is leaking from the tip. -mmm sorry, daddy i got distracted… where were my thoughts going? Oh yeah, no underwear and reaching over the kitchen counter to “clean the other side” just to make sure you get a nice view of-

Just then the covers fly off of me annnnd I’m busted…


“Red?” Daddy turns on the bedside lamp and exposes both of us..

“…uh, Hey, Daddy.”

There’s an awkward moment of silence like we’re paying respects to our fallen innocence.

And just like that… My whole brain went “fuck it.”

I pounced on daddy forcing him back down and pinning him, our faces inches from each other. I lose the little bit of sanity i had left and primal lust sets in.

“Red, what are you doing!?”

“I’m sorry, daddy. I’ll take responsibility!”

I position his cock at my entrance and it slides all the way in my hole until his dick rips through my hymen.

“Ahh! Fuck!” I scream as a jolt of pain shoots up my whole body.

“Red? …. We can’t.”

“I don’t …see you stopping me, daddy” I’m monotoned trying to hold my composure. The pain starts to fade.

“This is wrong, princess, I’m your-“

“Shut up..” I say calmly, trying to focus. I grind my hips and pleasure takes over. My voice becomes breathy the more i lose control..

“Red…” He’s trying to be stern and authoritative but…

“Who decides what’s right or wrong?”

“Get off, Red.”

I’m only 5 feet tall, 110, and grinding faster now… there’s no way you wouldn’t have already pushed me off.

…you just don’t want to.

“Does it feel wrong, daddy?”

“It just is… Now go to your room”

“But…” I stop and rest. Daddy’s cock is still balls deep in my pussy. “…daddyyyy..”

“Pouting isn’t going to work, I’m your father. And this is-“

His voice trails off in my head and i realize that a moment like this isn’t going to happen again… daddy doesn’t … I can feel tears swelling up in my eyes… and something in me snaps.


“What? Red, were you even listen-“

“NO!!” I scream at my daddy as the brat in me comes out. I start aggressively grinding on his cock. I clench as i pump his cock in and out of me, just moving in whichever way feels the best.

“Red.. we can’t! I’m your-“

“So punish me!” …I can take it. This isn’t going to happen again and i need to take advantage, just let me cum, please daddy…


“If it’s so wrong, punish me!”

“Go to your room!” He starts trusting upward like he’s trying to get me off of him.

“…Make me…” I’ve never said that to my dad before and i would never but I’m not passing this up.

“….excuse me?” His cock just got harder. He’s trying to act like a parent but ..oh, daddy, your body is exposing you for the liar that you are…. you love this..

“I said make me, daddy!” I pick up the pace and he squirms beneath me.

Just surrender, i wanted to tell him to just give in this Virgin pussy tightly wrapped around the cock that made it but… holy fuuuuck, i couldn’t find the words.

We just get lost in the moment and i cock my head back and really enjoy the ride.


“Mmm, yes, daddy?”

“You should really get off now”


“Red… babygirl, fuck”

“Hmm?” Daddy pushes me off of him and i fall onto the bed. “Daddy?”

He jumps to his knees beside me, startling me a little bit.. but the sight of him jacking off over top of me is majestic. “Oh my god, Daddy…”

“Ohhhh fuck!” He skips a breath and something hot hits my chest. His moaning drives me crazy. I push my tits together to give him a target. Moaning through every shot, his cum covers my chest.

A look of horror washes over his face as he looks at his whore of a daughter covered in his own cum. He gets off the bed and leaves me there.

I close my eyes and enjoy this piece of heaven while i got it.

Sorry, I’m such a fuck up, daddy… I’ll be a good girl from now on…


The first part of the story is on my page. Give me a follow while you’re there and check out some of my pictures. <3 Love you, guys!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/li04f1/f4m_a_moment_of_silence_barely_legal_ddlg_daddy