Cherry on Top, Chapter 6 [Mf] [Incest] [Father/Daughter]

[Chapter 5](


I walked along the paved path through the grass, keeping an eye out for her. It was a rare thing to have this many people around and yet have things be so quiet. People as far as the eye could see, and yet not a word was being spoken. I think most found it unnerving, but I quite liked it. It gave us a chance to talk, to stay in the moment. I spotted her and smiled, walking right up to her and taking her in. It suddenly hit me that this was going to be more difficult than I thought. But I would weather it; anything for my girl.

“Happy anniversary, Rose,” I murmured, setting the flowers down on the grass. Despite her name, she liked daffodils, and the yellow blooms were the one spot of color on such a dreary day. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets, bowing my head. My lip quivered a bit, but I took a deep breath to calm myself before looking up at the overcast sky. “…I miss you so much.”

She never said anything. She only listened, and she was good at it. I chuckled humorlessly.

“I, uh… didn’t bring Cherish again this year. And I know what you’re gonna say. ‘Just tell her, Leon. She can take it.’” I shook my head. “Well she made that all too clear a few days ago, actually. Pretty sure I messed up on that front. Heh. Who’d have thought, right?”

With a sigh, I looked off into the distance, seeing one or two other people visiting their loved ones.

“We were supposed to do this together,” I croaked, voice thick with emotion. “Parenting’s hard, but not because it takes a lot of skill or anything. It’s just most of us don’t know what we’re doing. And it’s just easier when you can… brainstorm with somebody. Get a different take, have somebody to balance you out or stop you before a huge mistake. I really wish you were here.

“Y’know, most people, after eighteen years? They forget what their loved ones sound like. What they act like. Without photographs, sometimes even what they look like. And yet here I am, cursed with never forgetting.” I bowed my head again, looking at the rock that marked where the love of my life was buried. “I wish you could see her. She’s so much like you, it’s like you gave yourself back to me, except from the very beginning, weird as that is. But I’m a bad father. She’s so much like you that… I’m having thoughts a father shouldn’t.” I frowned at myself in shame. “And these past few days, more and more, I’m getting the sense that she has those thoughts too. I know I promised you. I promised I’d make sure she was a happy girl. But what if what makes her happy is something I can’t give her? Something that would betray your memory?”

I groaned to myself. Just the thought of what I was going to do tonight made my heart ache. I didn’t know what Rose would say or think anymore. I still couldn’t really wrap my head around how things had played out.

“There’s something I need to do now, Rose. A friend of mine says I need to protect our daughter, and… I don’t know how to choose between keeping her safe and making her happy. So… whatever happens… please don’t think less of me.”

I kissed the top of her headstone before straightening and giving her one last smile. A gentle breeze blew through my hair, and I looked up in time to see rays of warm sunlight break through the grey clouds. I chuckled. Nature was so cliché.

“I love you, Rose,” I said, promising that the next time I came, Cherish would finally meet her mother.

I arrived home just as Cherish seemed to be on her way out. Her hair was in a double dutch braided bun, which could only mean she had a lot on her mind.

“Going skating?” I asked. She nodded, hefting the duffel bag on her shoulder, not meeting my eyes. “Mind if I come watch?” Her gaze flicked up to meet mine briefly before darting away to the side. Another nod. “Then I can drive you there,” I finished with a smile.

The drive to the ice rink was quiet. Cherish kept to herself, staring out the window at the passing buildings. I didn’t know what to say to her. Inside, I was dying to ask her about Monday. We still hadn’t talked about it. She’d been calling my name as she touched herself, sitting in my chair and using my pen. And she was… envious of her mother. Was it just for my attention as a father, or something else? I knew both she and Drew had been upset when Colette and I had gone on our date months ago. Or maybe they just didn’t like the prospect of being step-siblings. I chuckled to myself. Yeah, that was totally it.

We arrived, and Cherish headed off to the changing room while I headed to the spectator stands. Surprisingly, nobody was on the ice today. Typically there would be a skating class going on, and Cherish would have to come at night to get any time alone. She was on good terms with the rink staff, and they let her in after hours.

She came out in her favorite outfit, a glittery deep green dress with a slanted skirt. The small rhinestones made her look like a dancing emerald, and the clever use of materials gave the effect of being an off-shoulder dress. I couldn’t remember if I’d ever told her, but it was my favorite too.

She began skating, and it really did seem like she was born for it. She looked so elegant, so light on her feet and carefree. I’d encouraged her to pursue competitive figure skating, but she hadn’t wanted the pressure of facing off against other skaters, preferring instead to work on moves that looked beautiful rather than what earned points. Yet she refused to go the other way and do show skating, complaining that it was too pompous and fantastic for her tastes. No, she was doing what she wanted, which was just fine by me.

And indeed she looked absolutely dazzling. She talked about the moves enough that I knew them by name as well. Instead of practicing the more standard spins like axels and toe loops, she opted for learning flying camels and hydroblading. Every now and then her skirt would lift, and I’d get a tantalizing peek at the thin material covering her sex. I could feel my member stiffening, pushing its way down one leg of my trousers.

I chastised myself, focusing on her routine. Her flaming red hair contrasted with the verdant dress, movements flowing with such grace and ease as she skated. Her hair had to be done up due to the length, and it was a clear indication that she intended to skate. And she skated whenever she was in deep thought. I could only wonder where her mind was as she glided across the ice, leaning back until her body was parallel with the ground. A perfect cantilever.

As she sailed past me in this position, I gulped when I saw her pussy pointed right at me, almost as if she was putting it on display for my eyes only. Aside from a lone member of the cleaning staff, we were utterly alone. I tried to resist the urge, but coaxing from Colette, Bill, and Lexi all built up and I indulged myself, feasting my eyes on her proffered groin. It was over all too soon as she straightened up and continued, innocently going through her moves while her father cast lecherous gazes at her.

I lost myself in her performance and her body. She was so petite, and it made her movements look swifter. Sometimes I’d see boys her age coming to practice their routines as well, but with their height and long limbs they looked gangly, whereas my Cherish was the very embodiment of my impression of figure skating. Like a little doll, with a thin waist and pert breasts–

*Stop it, Leon.*

I swallowed and forced myself to tear my eyes away and check the time. Dinner time, and I had a date afterwards. I stood and approached the ice, gesturing for Cherish to come over. She glided to a stop in front of me, looking at me with wide green eyes. I gulped, remembering all the times I’d fallen victim to those eyes when she was growing up. I could never deny her when she looked at me like that.

“I need to meet up with a friend for dinner,” I explained. “Are you gonna be okay by yourself?”

“Sure.” She looked at me strangely, then broke eye contact. “I’ll get one of my friends to pick me up.” She nodded to herself.

“Will you be coming home, or are you sleeping over?”

She hesitated. “I’ll let you know. Is that okay?”

“Sure. Yeah, sure.” An awkward air hung between us, and I patted my hands on my pockets to break the tension. “Well. I better get going. Stay safe, alright princess?”

I kissed her on the forehead and made my way out. I did notice the only other car in the lot was a white Mercedes. Must be a popular model. I needed a quick bite before I met up with Lexi, nothing heavy in case things escalated past what was agreed upon. Settling on having a sandwich, I ate quickly before driving to the hotel. This was unlike a traditional rendezvous, a couple slipping into a motel for an hour of fun. Lexi had picked a nice hotel, arguably the nicest in town. She had expensive tastes, it seemed, and I worried if she was looking for a sugar daddy. I’d have to make some stipulations when we spoke.

But there’d be none of that tonight, I thought as I pulled up and entered the lobby. We would not be trading words tonight. She’d set up some ground rules for our meeting, one of which was to not speak to each other. The other was that there was to be no penetration of any sort tonight. At least she had the decency to not go all out on the first encounter, though it made me wonder what she had in mind for the night.

I walked up to concierge and asked for Lexi R, and was given a key card. Making my way to the corresponding room, I hesitated outside. I was really doing this. She was Cherish’s classmate. I grumbled to myself, insisting that I’d already started down this path. The least I could do was see it through. Once was enough to decide if I should continue this relationship, right?

I stepped into the room. Living in this city, I’d never been in a hotel room here before. The decor was nice, and I’d even venture tasteful. There was soft cello music playing just quiet enough to be unnoticeable if one wasn’t paying attention. An interesting choice. What sort of mood was Lexi trying to evoke here? Piano music was too mild for sexual encounters, and saxophone seemed like the wrong impression, at least to me. Cello… Hm. Inoffensive, neutral, but with potential for something more. Intriguing.

I found a note on the bed, along with a black blindfold. The note read “Strip down bare and put this on.” I could hear sounds coming from the bathroom. She was already here, getting ready. I did as instructed, leaving my folded clothes on the nearby chaise longue. I put the blindfold on and lay down, finally feeling a sense of anticipation for what was to come. A moment later, the bathroom door opened, and she stepped into the room.

As agreed, neither of us spoke. I could hear her breathing though, shallow and quick. She was excited too, and perhaps a bit nervous. Nervous in a way that said she hadn’t done this before. That aroused me even more, and I realized I was already erect. I couldn’t remember the last time I was blindfolded, and I had to admit that cutting off one of my senses did in fact enhance the others. I could hear her panting with need. I could smell the aroma of soap coming from the bathroom. I could feel her climbing onto the bed with me, swinging one leg over me so she was astride my abdomen.

When she set herself down on me I felt a wet spot on my pelvis. She wasn’t wearing anything down there, I realized. She leaned down toward me, and I could feel her breath on my face. I reached out for her, but she pushed my wrists back down to the mattress, holding them in place for a moment to indicate I wasn’t to touch her. All I could do was wait, spellbound, trying to anticipate her next move.

Her breathing hiked, and she took one final deep breath before kissing me. Just a touch of the lips, enough for me to know hers were delicately soft. A more fervent follow-up gave me a better sense of their shape. Thinner than I remembered from our dinner at Colette’s, yet still supple. The kiss deepened, and she cupped my face in her hands. She whimpered, and I frowned. Was that…? It must have been my imagination.

After a while she broke off and began running her hands all over my body. I tried to stay in shape, but at my age, with a job that left me sitting at a desk for most of the day, there was only so much I could do. Of course I worked out, and Bill helped me stay on a regimen. I just hoped Lexi wasn’t comparing me to the young men at school. She didn’t seem to have any complaints though, as she continued to roam all over, gingerly touching everything with light fingertips. She planted kisses here and there, gentle pecks that left me wanting her back on my mouth.

When she was done, Lexi had me sit up and take the blindfold off. I opened my eyes to a Venetian mask that covered the upper half of her face, elegant white and gold that accentuated the hue of her green eyes. That green… Her coppery hair was flowing freely over her shoulders, but before I could have a better look at her, she bent over my knee, arching her back to push her pert rear up into the air. So that’s how it was going to be.

I raised my hand, hesitating for a moment before bringing it down on her behind with a sharp crack. She hissed in a breath but did not complain, and I repeated the action, striking her other cheek. She didn’t stop me, and I began spanking her to a slow rhythm, massaging her reddening ass after each stroke. She began crying out when I spanked her, but every time I stopped, she’d wiggle her ass for me to continue. My cock was pressed into her waist, and I realized this really was turning me on. But something was bothering me. I wasn’t mistaken. Or was I? I’d only met Lexi once, and I was drunk for most of it. What did her voice sound like?

By the time she backed herself off my lap for me to stop spanking her, I’d lost count of how many strokes I’d given her. She was gasping for breath, and she got to her feet and straightened. Her small hand wiping the edge of her mouth drew my attention back to her face. She pulled me to my feet, and finally I could see our height difference. I could’ve sworn she was taller. No, I was sure now. As horrible as it was, I was sure.

Cherish adjusted the mask on her face before getting down on her knees before me. I stood there petrified, heart seizing in my chest like somebody had clutched it in their fist and was threatening to rip it out. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t let this go on, she was my daughter. But I couldn’t call her out either. If I embarrassed her here, in this kind of situation, would she ever be able to look me in the eye again?

She reached to take hold of my member, but I gestured for her to stop. Best to just leave things here for today, then end this over ComeDaddy by citing that this wasn’t for me. Then she looked up at me with those eyes, those hurt, pleading eyes. In that moment, I knew I was lost. I thought a quick prayer for the both of us, then dropped my hands back to my sides.

Taking a deep breath, she took me in her hands, eyes wide in wonder as she examined it up close. With how small her hands were, and my decent length, she could almost wrap both hands around my cock. She started stroking me, and I had to hold back a moan as her fingers worked. Gathering the precum leaking out of my tip, she slathered it along my shaft and jacked me off harder. I groaned and reached for her face, and she shied away at first before hesitantly letting me cup her cheek. I couldn’t believe any of this was happening. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t putting a stop to this. How did we end up here?

I could feel her breath on my tip, and her soft hands on me pushed me to the edge. Seed splattered all over her face and modest chest, and she gasped as it showered on her. Licking droplets of cum off her lips, her fingers likewise rubbed the ejaculate into her pale nipples. It was all too much for me to take in. I sat down on the bed, panting hard and resting my head in my hands. She stood and went back to the bathroom, and I heard her wash herself off.

I lay back down, mind reeling. I’d been had. It wasn’t Lexi at all on ComeDaddy. And yet I’d met just such a person in reality. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. The bathroom door opened again, and Cherish walked out fully dressed, the mask cleaned off and still on her face. Without a word, she left the hotel room. I took a moment longer to reflect, then got dressed and headed home.

“Hi dad,” Cherish said, looking up at me from her bed. She was lying on her front, legs slowly kicking while she read something on her phone. Her poker face was good. Impressive, even.

“Hey princess.” I stood in the doorway, studying her. Her physique was far too different from Lexi’s. I was surprised she even tried to pull it off. Her breasts were much smaller, nothing a push up bra could salvage into Lexi’s level of endowment. The nudes I’d been sent were Cherish. My cock throbbed at the thought. “You’ve definitely been here all night, right?”

She nodded. “Since dinner, yeah.”

I nodded as well. “Of course.”

“Anything else?” Her face was blank, but I caught her gulping as I watched her.

“No, that’s all. Goodnight, princess.”

“Goodnight, dad.”

I closed her door and walked back to my bedroom, whipping out my phone and opening our conversation on ComeDaddy. A new message came in, and I swallowed. She was right in the next room. She’d touched my cock. She’d had my cum on her face. I was a horrible father. And I intended to continue as such, it seemed.

**Lexi:** You free tomorrow too? ;)



  1. Sorry for the late post! This is probably the latest I’ve been, but I had family stuff to take care of. Nothing serious, just time consuming. Hopefully the spiciness of this chapter makes up for it!

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