Publicly fingering my ex in a bar then fucking her by the pool [MF]

Disclaimer: story takes places a few years back, way before covid. 

This episode takes place during a vacation in Bangkok, just days after I had bumped into an ex of mine (Riley) out of the blue. A lot happened between when we first saw each other and this story, and I’ll link those at the end. I’ve added two indicators below for those who wanna head head to the sexy bits right away, one the bar fingering, and one for the fucking by the pool.

It was a Friday night if memory serves me correct, and both our groups of friends had agreed to meet at dive bar I’d seen in passing the previous day. 

Why a dive bar you ask? There really is no better place to be on a Friday night in Bangkok. What may seem like a hole in the wall to the uninitiated is actually an unpretentious watering hole that promises two things — cheap liquor and a buzzing vibe. This one in particular checked all the boxes. White walls adorned with graffiti, the floor occasional painted with garish hues of blue, red and amber coming from the lights above. The grungy shrieks of Kurt Cobain filled the room as we took our seats along a large rectangular wooden table in the corner. 

Now bare with me as I mundanely explain our seating arrangement, for it will be of grave importance later. Riley took the corner seat on the end against the wall, while I scooted my chair right next to hers. My buddy Wesley took the chair next to mine, rounding off our side. Riley’s bff Melanie sat opposite Riley, with Ellen flanking her followed by Hailey. Baxter took the only remaining seat next to Hailey at the head of the table. 

“What’s the weather like over there”, Baxter joked at me as I sat on the other end. Yeah, I told you the table was large. 

Since I’m treating this as a seperate story, let me reacquaint everyone with the muse of this naughty short, my ex, Riley. Cascading brunette hair fell just below her shoulders. Tonight she wore a black sundress dotted with marigold flowers, short in its length & plunging at the neckline — of course it was. Riley knew her best assets and had no qualms in letting the world see the inner curves of her gorgeous tits. Her eyes, oh her fucking eyes. Siren-like pools of emerald urging you in for a dip, yet drowning anyone would ventured too deep. 

Two hours in and we were struggling to stay afloat with the copious amount of whisky collectively consumed. I see my phone light up for what seemed like the first time that night. A message from Riley. Six simple words. 

*I’m not wearing any underwear.* 

The bar itself was dark, with the neon lights barely helping the eyes. My inhibitions too were wafer thin having been whittled down by my good friend Jack Daniel. My hand found itself restlessly rocking on Riley’s thigh, gradually inching further up until reaching a threshold, the hem of her dress. The size of the table and where we sat made this easier than it ought to have been. 

Riley’s thighs eke open every so slightly, anxious to grant my hands access to what lay between them. My fingers hike higher, only for her thighs to fickly slap shut as the bartender walks by— my hands retreat to the table. 

No bother I think. Wesley raises his glass for a toast, his speech filled with expletives and slurred syllables that made very little sense, still ending with clinking glasses and all of us whooping and hooting. 

Riley replenishes her glass as quickly as it empties, before throwing that back too with a grimace, and then another and another, a total of four in quick succession. 

My brow furrows and I shoot her an amused look. “Liquid courage”, she mouths back, her eyes quickly returning to conversation in front of us, now flowing at a steady pace. 

Scouring our table I see everyone occupied – Wesley trying to woefully pass of a Chris Rock joke as his own, Melanie cackling much too hard at the punchline, Ellen trading boyfriend complaints with Hailey while Baxter pleaded innocence. 

My hand finds itself back on Riley’s thigh and I see her lust fuelled smirk in my periphery. My face idly joins the chat at the table while my palm resumes it’s expedition. 

———————————————————————————————————fingering in the bar 

Riley’s legs shift apart, this time resolute in their decision. My fingers sense the air grow heavy as they finally venture past the edge of her dress, feeling the crease where her thigh ended and her vulva started, then darting to her slit, tracing the wisps of her pubic hair along their journey. 

“Exactly, what **is** happening between you two then eh Tyler?” Wesley suddenly turns to ask as my hand freeze like they’d been caught in the cookie jar. 

“Well, um um”, I stutter thinking the jig was up, leaning forward hoping to obscure his view. 

“Ummmmm”, Wesley mocks me. “Yeah, so are you and Riley like back together or what?”,

 “Oh!”, I seem way too relieved to hear the awkward question. 

While I roll off a generic response of *we’re just friends who fuck* , I feel Riley’s thigh quiver with anticipation. She’s loving how close we are to being found out, how I’m talking to Wesley while my fingers linger on her labia. 

Wesley’s shoulders shrug. “Well good on ya”. As he turns back the other way, my emboldened digit finally breaches past her her pussy lips and into her pussy. 

“You okay Ri?” I ask seeing face pucker holding back a groan. 

“Mhmm”, she nods vindictively. “Like you said, we’re just friends who fuck”. My middle finger curves deeper into her, then back out again until it finds what it’s looking for — her clit. My index finger quickly joins its companion, encircling her delicate bud over and over.  Riley’s thighs clap shut, choking my fingers that drank in her gushing fluids like air. 

Meanwhile, Melanie gives Riley a knowing look, the disparity between her laboured breaths and her lack of conversation far too obvious. 

“You okay Ri?”.

“Yeah Mel, it’s just really fucking warm in here”. In another bar, the excuse would’ve been a dead giveaway. Seated in an enclosed bar, in the heart of a humid tropical country like Thailand ? It made sense.  

“You wannna hit another bar? One that’s like more open?”. Melanie’s face was clear with concern while Riley’s face desperately tried to mask her pleasure, her lips sealing so no one could see her teeth clench. 

“Riley?”, Melanie followed up. 

“Nah”, she managed to still her voice impressively.

Her pussy however could hide nothing, my fingers moving through the damp mess that was brewing between her legs, then back out over her clit. 

Riley’s hands desperately reached for a glass of whisky, attempting to douse her supressed whimpers with it. She drank at a snails pace, slowly sipping and audibly gulping while her clit furiosuly throbbed under my fingers. 

Riley lightly bit down on her glass, anything to take her mind off her impending orgasm.

I turn to see Wesley facing the rest of the group, all of them lost in conversation. Just then, Melanie drags her chair back. “I’m gonna get the bartender to play our fucking jam”, she says to which Riley vacantly nodded. 

“I’m gonna cum “, Riley whispers the very instant Melanie turns her back to us.

“Cum for me Ri. Cum right here”. 

Just like that, Riley’s fingers seize the back of my arm, her nails digging deep while her  pussy closes around my digits, glazing a white layer of cum on them. 

She cleverly glossed over any sounds with a smokescreen of coughs to clear her throat. 

I turn back and grab my glass as a ruse, quickly lifting my fingers for a sniff, then sucking the tip to taste the musky, sweet nectar she left on it. 

I could see her lips arc, a look not of satisfaction but rather one of insatiable hunger. 

She quickly excused herself to the lone bathroom, and I crept in minutes after.Sure, if this was a porno i would’ve hiked her skirt up and pounded away with my iron hot rod for 20 minutes until she came — but the sink was clogged, and the stall was infused with the pungent aroma of urine. This just wouldn’t do. 

We booked an Uber to her’s, and unlike our first encounter, our hands wandered sinfully en route. Her hand was glued to my cock, while mine played with her entrance, our faces melting into each other in the heat of the moment. 

The driver’s eyes snapped back and forth, between the road and our reflection in the rear view mirror, not dissuading us in the slightest. 

His stale expression as thank him at the end of the ride leaving me clueless as to whether he was aroused or disgusted.

I tip him generously for the trouble.

Over the narrow paved pathway we trotted, with villas lined up on either side, Riley’s being the last on the right. Through the gate and to the door, my hands pull her towards the pool. 

“What are you doing?” her laugh heavy with mischief staring at the noise from across. I sit on the padded lounge chair .You see, the only elements seperating us from our neighbours on the opposite side was a narrow pathway and a neck-high wall. The loud Rihanna music, crackles of pork & five heads that emerged over their side wall told me the group were having a barbeque.  

Riley’s tongue played with her upper lip, barely contemplating before straddling me. 

“Grab on that,” I point towards the rattan frame at the head of the chair. She never asked why, her head caught up in the exhibitionism of it all.  

She shuffled her knees forward until her pussy hovered over my face.

“If someone sees us, do you think they’ll realise what were doing ?”.

I bury my face under her dress, pulling her knees so her ass rests on the top of my chest. 

“Why would anyone think that?”, I say with my face no longer visible, my arms wrapped around her thighs, Riley sitting on my face. “Nothing obvious about what we’re doing at all”. 

“Idiot!”, she yanks at my hair.

———————————————————————————— fucking by the pool 

In the darkness under her dress my eyes saw only one thing clearly – her pussy, coaxing me to come closer. I duly obliged, my tongue spreading all around her labia, before darting into her. I tasted her cum of old mix with juices of new, strings of it sticking to my tongue. 

Riley groans loudly, as if her pent up moans from bar had amalgated with the new groans emerging in her mouth before her lips freed them from their shackles. 

My tongue swirls in vain to lap up her drenched pussy, some dribbling into my nose and down my chin. 

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she curses with such rapid pace it sounds like a single vulgarity. Her thighs began to tremble and toiled to stay in place, my arms then anchoring them down so her pussy was at the mercy of my tongue.

“Mnghhh”, she whimpered as my ears softly pick up on the tell tale sloshing of her pussy. “I’m gonna cum Ty”, she groans. I growl hungrily slurping her juices like it was the elixir of life. 

“I’m gonna fucking cum Ty” Riley cries. I first feel a sliver of her climax with her thighs wildly bucking, and then I hear it, a gluttural groan of delight that’s muffled as quickly as it comes out. 

Riley’s ass falls onto me, and I finally see her face for the first time since we started, her palm covering her mouth while her eyes squealed in juvenile embarrassment. 

“Do you think they heard us?”, Riley’s eyes flicker between our noisy neighbors and me. 

“Of course not,” I lie. My deaf aunt could have have heard us, and he lived in Russia. He was also dead. 

She thumps me on the chest seeing right through my sarcasm. She wasn’t done. We weren’t done. 

“Why should you have all the fun?”, her arms reach behind her, feeling my cock well at attention. “It’s my turn now”, she waddles back and pulls my shorts to my knees, immediately stroking my shaft. 

“No you don’t”, I pull Riley by the hips until my cock is at her slit. “I want to fuck you, now” I declare. Her cheeky smile is instantly drowned out by her eyes, now full of lust begging ‘fuck me’.

The lounge chair regrettably wasn’t the most accessible of fixtures to fuck on. Riley and I shifted around each other with the grace of two gazelles with their legs tied together — our arms tangled, she kneed me in the chest, I nearly rip her dress. We burst out in fits of laughter when we accidentally knock heads. 

We check in on our neighbours, none of their heads turned in our direction and  Calvin Harris now playing. 

I try reclining the lounge chair all the way down, but it stubbornly sticks to it’s angled sit up position. I pushed myself all the way back so my neck rests against the cushion while Riley squats above my member, grasping the frame of the chair for support, aided by my hands that propped up her thighs. 

Riley lowers herself onto me, I audibly groan feeling my cock engulfed with her tightness. Her ass slaps into my thighs while her hips moved with incredible fervour, her pussy in no mood to go slow. Her tits nuzzled my face, sweat dripping down her cleavage and rubbing off on me. I wished I could’ve torn her dress off right then and there. I finally motion to begin circling and recircling her clit — “I had to be of some use”, I toy after hearing her moans pick up. I hold Riley’s hand back as she once again attempts stifle her gratification, and match her thrusts, thrusting up as her hips dipped down. 

“They’re not looking “, I say after checking. This only served to turn her on more, her moans growing louder and more deliberate. Riley alternated between thrusting and circling her hips, every motion making the lounge chair creak like an old door being slapped by the wind. 

“Ooh fuck”, she cried, riding my cock like it as a wild bull. A good thing then that my blood was essentially whisky at this point, allowing my cock to last as long as she desired.  

Gentle and sexy words couldn’t do justice to the raw nature of our love making. Riley & I dripping in sweat, or skin slapping against one another. She using the frame of the chair as leverage, forcing her hips to slam down over my cock. I gripping her hips in return to hammer as deep as my cock would go within her. Her juices trickling down her thigh onto mine. 

The sheer aggresion led to Riley’s left boob wrangling free, escaping the confines of her top as her strap surrendered sliding down her shoulder.

“Your boob”, I point out huffing and puffing.

“Fuck it. Let em see”, she replied, fully embracing our risque rendezvous.

Her words stirred my hands into urgent action,  reaching out to pull down the rest of her top, rolling it to her chest . There Riley was, her dress now only covering her midsection. Her perky tits rubbing my face all over.

I cup the underside of her breasts, tracing every inch of their curves inwards until reaching her nipples, where my fingers tugged at them. Riley’s thrusting made their job easier, as my fingers pulled on them whenever she jerked up.

Riley’s thighs were finally giving way, a combination of fatigue and pleasure finally forcing them to buck, dropping down so her knees rested on the cushion of the chair. She sat on me panting. I plant my arms and push foward while Riley’s hands wrap around my head as we resume our rhythm, she moaning repeatedly into my ear with every thrust.  

She had come twice already, and was about to for a third.  

“Mhmmm”, she moaned into me. “Are you close Ty?”. 

“Just cum for me Ri”, I reply feeling my raging erection on the precipice of bursting in her. 

Riley ignores me, stopping her assault on my shaft, slowly moving until only my tip is in her. “I want us to come together”. 

Riley then deliberately slides her pussy down, engulfing my cock in an agonisingly slow stroke. I feel every nerve within my spine crackle with electricity, shooting down my groin and into my balls.

We both groan in harmony as Riley reaches my base and then proceeds to grind. With her moans now bordering on pornographic, Riley was losing all sense of reality. I look into her eyes, and she in mine, like the world around us ceased to exist. 

“Fuck I’m gonna cum Ty”, she grinds harder and I desperately try to keep my fingers on her clit, moans shared between our lips as they met. 

I feel the electricity finally leave my balls, pinging up my tubes and into my cock. “I’m gonna cum”, I tell her.

“Cum in me Ty. Cum in —— mnggghh”, she cries with her chest heaving, involuntarily pulling the head of chair forward and slamming her pussy into my dick one last time. I feel it tighten all around me and I join her in climax, white hot ropes of cum shooting into her. 


As I feel gravity give way, I instinctively wrap my hands around Riley’s head, feeling the reverberations of the lounge chair snapping down to the reclined position in my bones. 

“You okay?”, I ask opening my arms. 

“Guess the chair **does** go all the way down, huh?”, she says. We both laugh, that is until we feel the eerie silence and lack of music.

*The music from the neighbors was gone*. 

Riley quickly got off me and pulled her straps back up , while I raced to get my shorts on.

“Oi, you okay over there mate?”, came a voice tinged with an accent from down under. 

“Yeah man, the chair just broke”, I say laying on my back with a thumbs-up hanging in the air. Riley was fully clothed, as was I. 

“Alright mate, err, if y’all wanna join us over heaar just hop on over”. 

“Thanks man, we just got back so maybe in a little bit”. 

Cheers he says. Cheers I echo back.  

The moment his head retreats from sight we both laugh like teenagers, before Riley and I deeply kiss. 

“You think he knows?”, She asks. 

“I hope he does”. I reply. 

We make out without words for the next few minutes until we finally hear familiar voices as Wesley, Melanie and the rest finally come back. 

“Sorry guys, did we interrupt?”. 

“Haha not at all”. 

If only they knew. If only. (Spoiler alert: they knew. The very next day, both Wesley and Melanie told us as much). 

Below are a few more stories detailing what I got up to on this vacation:

Me bumping into Riley and fucking her raw for the first time : [Read This](

Riley giving me the best blowjob I’ve ever had, with a catch : [Read This](
