Minotaurs get the Royal Treatment Part 1 (Elves, Minotaurs, Gangbang, Musk, Excessive cum, Oversized cocks, Smegma, Watersports, Corruption)

A Commissioned Work.

Mia Lewdloss’s poor cock broken mind had left the building. But a bit of her was still there, seeing through barely aware foggy eyes, and hearing through the one ear that wasn’t submerged in a pool of sticky cum. Most of which had spilled from her own violated holes.

“You want me to… what?” Said a gruff voice she’d grown recently used too. She shuddered at the sound of it.

“Oh… Well… alright then! Heh, I knew you high elves were just a bunch of randy sluts!” The voice kept talking, and it was confusing. She heard loud wet slurpings. Meaty smacks of flesh on flesh.

And then a female voice that was painfully familiar screaming out. “HARDER! Put it all in you wild beast! Yes! Yes!! YESS!!” Mia fully drifted off.

When next her lovely eyes began to drift open she knew she was in her bed. The comfortable blanket settling down on her soft curves was lovely. The room smelled… nice. Which should have pleased her, but left her with a strange feeling, a sense of ill content. “Oh! My dear, you’re awake!” Her eyes blinked a few more times and she turned her head.

Her father, the King, moved into her field of view. He had been sitting nearby, and she smiled at the sight of him. The King himself beamed at his lovely daughter. “Father…? What’s the matter?”

The man reached up to rub at his eyes for a moment, a glint of wetness showing. “Oh my sweet shine star, you’ve been asleep for a week!” Her eyebrows went high as her breath caught for a moment. “Some sort of coma, I was dreadfully worried… Your mother as well, but she’s been so busy attending to our new mercenary force she hasn’t had the time to be here herself. She’s working so hard for our new alliance.” He smiled fondly and looked away, thinking about how hard working his dear wife was.

The daughter blinked. “Mercenaries…?” She murmured, and the king blinked. Soon it would become clear. The poor princess had lost her memory. She did not remember the last few hours before her mysterious sleep. She was not sure why she had been found in the bathes. She certainly didn’t remember the events that had taken place, or how her mother had seen her there, but left the girl comatose on the ground while seeing to her own needs.

“They are quite a sight to see!” Said the king a while later. “They have set up a camp just outside the castle grounds, a number of heavy tents, and a large field to practice their combat arts. We elves traditionally train in closed places of contemplation and meditation, but these minotaurs build their strength and endurance in competition against each other. Sweating and bleeding now so as to do so less later I’ve been told.” The king nodded, even though the concept was a bit foreign the the pampered being.

“And mother is… there? In the camp now?” She asked it with a look of obvious confusion and more than a bit disdain. Oh to be surrounded by those hairy smelly beasts. It would be… dreadful? Yes? Would it be that bad though?

Her father paid no attention to her contempt, or her own inner confusion. The king was a bit clueless by most standards. The better for his wifes indulgences. “Oh yes! She’s there most days, her and a number of other noble ladies she’s recruited to build up our relations. She aids them in their camp, and even spends most nights frenzied to make sure they’re read to defend our home and our lives!” The king actually closed his eyes for a moment, as if in deference to his Lady Wifes great and noble sacrifice.

Mia was just confused. “Oh! But now that you’re awake, you can join her! She told me that she was sure you’d be excited for the chance! She said that she saw you meeting with a few of the fellows yes? Already building strong diplomatic ties no doubt, that’s my girl!” He chuckled, but the princess was absolutely baffled! Why would she ever spend any time with those nasty things? And why in all the god’s names would her mother think she wanted to spend time doing, what for all concerned sounded like menial labor?! It was madness!

But it was indeed to be. Word was sent to her mother and the queen came for her. Not immediately, the High Lady of the elves was quite busy during her daughter’s awakening. Her tongue, ass, and both hands are especially busy. But the next morning the Princess was woken by a knocking on her door followed by the entrance of the most beautiful of all the elves. The most elegant, gentle, noble, and beloved of elves… and beloved by minotaurs too.

Queen Melirae Lewdloss was Mia’s idol. A majestic woman who stood a full head taller than her daughter, helped by the stiletto heels she eternally sported. Human’s complained of such things, but the queen was an expert in using elvish magic to reinforce her body in the name of beauty… and it also let her take a hell of a pounding. Those heels made her plump bottom seem to nearly explode out from under the sheer silver dress she wore. It wasn’t too different from the one her daughter casually used, but where her daughter tried to cover her massive breasts, her mother confidently exposed her own.

And hers were much larger… Her eyes were the same grey color as her daughters, and her hair was an even more glossy platinum. It ran straight down her back rather than the waves of her daughters own locks. And where her daughter typically wore a golden chain about her brow as a signifier of her royalty, her mother’s was a platinum and diamond one that sparkled with a light of its own.

“Mother… you really want me to help with those beasts?” She asked, struggling to hide her whining tone. Her mother raised one eyebrow, what she’d heard was true.

“Mia, your father told me you had no memory of what led up to your deep sleep?” The girl shook her head, anxiety clearly visible across her face. “I see… Well, believe me when I say that soon you will find a greater appreciation for our guests than you might think.” Mia looked disgusted and dejected. She really was to be some attendant to a bunch of disgusting beast men. What was going wrong with the world that royal elven women would serve these creatures? And why in the world did the idea of performing service make her mouth water and her heart speed up?

They left the castle and just outside the doors were two of the minotaurs, each had a massive axe in one hand. She looked at them, and frowned. One of them had reddish fur and a mohawk. When he saw her his nostrils flared. And stranger still, her heart began to race. The princess was determined to ignore this wayward feeling and moved on stiff legs past him.

And as she did the vile monster reached out and grabbed her ass! The princess froze, her eyes wide and a yelp leaving her throat. He didn’t just smack it, he gripped it, hard! His thick knobby fingers gripped her ass, and Mia gasped. Her face went red, a sprinkling of freckles appearing. He wiggled his fingers and one pushed in between her cheeks. Her soft dress was between him and bare skin, but nonetheless she could feel the pressure on her asshole! Oh god it was terrible, a violation!

He finally let go, and gave her ass one good slap before resuming his stance. She looked back at him, her mouth open and panting. He had the hand he’d ground against her ass up, sniffing the fingers while maintaining eye contact.

“Mia?” She looked forward again and her mother was a few paces again, waiting. The queen had a raised eyebrow, and despite her outrage and disgust, Mia said nothing. She felt overwhelming shame, but she said nothing. Just nodded and rushed to catch up.

‘Why?’ She thought to herself furiously. ‘That beast dared lay his hands on me! In such a despicable way! But I just… let him.’ She should have told her mother at least, but the idea of the immaculate queen, the woman she looked up to more than any other in the world knowing about that strange and terrible event terrified her. Her blush stayed on her for quite a while as they approached the camp.

She could smell the camp almost before she saw it. The musky tang of dozens of minotaur warriors training and working. The great beasts all towered over the elves, and seem to take quite a bit of joy in looking down on them. “First we’ll be working on some laundry.” Said her mother casually.

“What? We are the royal’s mother, not laundresses!” it was preposterous, but her mother gave her the same patronizing smile she remembered from being a foolish child. That look alone made the agitated young woman wilt.

“Oh cheer up dear, there’s quite a bit of enjoyment to be had in aiding these hard working creatures. They keep us safe, have won us many battles, and I for one value them quite a great deal…” Said the woman to her downcast daughter. The young girl missed how as they walked past another minotaur, the queen reached out to fondle the brute’s groin, her expert hand going under his loincloth to caress the fat balls under. “And they give back so much more.” The minotaur snorted heavily, and the princess flinched on instinct.

Her head looked up, but her mothers hand was clear. But she saw the minotaur staring at her lovely mothers backside, and worse! His massive cock had extended form its sheath and hung past the limits of his loincloth in clear view! Mia’s mouth hung open in shock, and when she tore her gaze up to the minotaurs face, the beast… winked at her! Her head snapped around, her face on fire. Her mother just didn’t seem to realize how vile these creatures truly were!

Her mother led her to an area on the edge of the camp, by a smooth running river. “Here we are… Alright my dear, are you ready?” Her daughter’s face had gone a bit green. The river was pure and clean, and yet something here smelled so unbelievably rancid it was overpowering it. Namely several sacks of soiled loincloths.

“M-mother… are we truly… w-wash them? With our,” She swallowed, and almost gagged on her own spit. “With our hands…?” The absolute terror in her voice was very clear. The queen mother smiled at her with an almost unearthly serenity.

“Unless you can find a better way… but I’ll leave that up to you my dear. Now.. disrobe. We shall enter the stream and take to our task immediately.” Her words were followed by doing as she instructed, the queen was quickly nude. She ignored her daughters’ protests, for they were very much in view of the main body of the camp! And even now several minotaur onlookers were gathering!

Queen Melirae’s body was many a man’s wet fantasy come true with pendulous breasts and a truly luscious bottom. Her stomach was taught and firm, and her breast showed just a hint of sag. As if emphasizing her mature ripened quality without diminishing them in any way. They just seemed full, and perfect. Hoots and hollers were heard, Mia’s head snapped back and forth from her mother, now dressed in only her heels and her platinum chained tiara. The queen smiled serenely at the minotaurs, her gaze rooted firmly on the bulged pushing their loincloths aside. She raised one hand, fingers together and wrist rotating in a regal wave for the onlookers.

“Yeah! Clean em good Melly!” Called one minotaur in a deep voice his own chuckle one among many. “I left a bit extra in there for ya Melly! A snack for ya’s!” Said another, and this time the chuckles were outfight laughter. A third monster fully had his cock in his hand. “How bout a little shake for me Melly! You know I can’t get enough of those milkers!” And feeling like she was in a daze the princess turned to look at her mother. She was shocked that they used such a common and shamefully familiar version of her mothers name! But the queen’s reaction was something she never imagined.

The queen smiled, raised both hands up behind her head, and shook her shoulders. Her massive breasts wiggled and bounced tantalizingly. The crowd cheered, and the one jerking off gave a grunt, and several massive gouts of minotaur cum exploded out. The queen opened her mouth, running her tongue along her lips, just the slightest hint of red on her cheeks. She could smell that fresh cum from here.

“Such eager boys…” Said the queen, just loud enough that they could hear her. “I have chores now gentlemen, but thank you for your lovely compliments.” She turned back to her daughter, the queen’s face was back to normal, and only the slightly faster rise of her still exposed bust revealed the rush that had gone through her.

“M-mother.. What are you… and they just.. And it put out that vile…” The princess was having something of a melt down. Her mother gave her that chiding look again, and while it still had an effect, it was dampened by the incident, and that her mother was still nude! And that they were STILL being watching!

“Be calm Mia, and disrobe. We have much to do.” She turned to the water, and walked in, pulling a sack of laundry with her. Mia froze up, but just for a moment more before her hands began to work. She undid her gown, and followed her mothers example. Her face bright red, the hue going down to her bubble butt. The minotaurs nearly went into another frenzy. And she heard something that made her go rigid.

“That’s the little ‘un! I heard she gave Berrick’s ass the best licking he ever had! That freak wouldn’t shut up about it!” The group laughed. Was he talking about her? No! That was utter insanity! “Yeah, she looks like a prissy little thing that would just love to clean off eeeevvery spot…” Said another, and she could just imagine the speaker jerking off his cock, massive flared head spewing out thick vile precum, the end of it full of gooey smegma that just filled her mouth like- Her eyes popped open, and in a act of desperation she gripped a sack of laundry and strode into the cold water.

The chill was sharp, making her body protest and giving her mind something else to think of for a few blessed moments. Her nipples became almost painfully hard, and she gasped. Looking up she aimed to follow her mothers example. The queen had her bag in ankle deep water, while she herself stood in faster flowing thigh high. She pulled out a loincloth, dark rough cloth, and badly stained. The queen bent over at the waist. Her royal heart shaped bottom spreading out to show off the lips of her pussy and then hinting at her perfect puckered ass. Mia gasped slightly, but the minotaurs behind them cheered with approval, and at least one grunt gave way to more cum littering the nearby grass.

The queen was holding the loincloth to the water, but Mia didn’t hear any splashing… “M-mother?” The woman’s head perked up, she stood and turned.

“Yes dear?” Mia stared at her mothers face. Her mother had been wearing a faint bit of lipstick, usually not even noticed. But the way it was smeared now, just a bit, not to mention the thick curly hairs stuck to her face revealed the truth. Her mouth had been rubbing the loincloth on her face. Sniffing it… licking it. Devouring remains of semen and even faint traces of piss out of the cloth. The queen was enjoying her breakfast immensely as she smiled at her daughter.

“N-n-nothing mother… “ The queen nodded, and bent back down. She clearly shoved the loincloth against her face one more time… and then, only after having tasted it thoroughly did she plunge the cloth into the clean water to take away anything left.

Mia knew she was losing her mind. She was determined not to be like her… mother? That she idolized? What was happening?! The princess snatched up a loincloth from the bag. And shoved it into the water angrily. She didn’t realize that she too was bent over giving the brutes a show, she ignored their cheers for her own sanity. She aimed to clean off the clothes and be done!

This worked for a while. Shoving them into the stream, and at times even using her fingers to yank out impacted bits of goo. Her fingers got stickier, and stickier, and somehow it resisted the water just enough to keep a film of what felt like grease on them. And she resisted the strange terrible urge to lick them… or rub it on her breasts and body… God what a nasty, disgusting thought!

She found one that had a wet stain on it, and looked around. The minotaurs were watching, but her own wavy hair put up a curtain between them and her. And her mother was facing away. She pulled it up and took a sniff. She almost gagged, but her mouth watered. It was piss… with an absolutely massive intake of musk that seemed to short circuit her brain. She brought it back up and took a deep smell, the fabric just touching her delicate nose. “Hnnng…” The princess moaned slightly. Her eyes went wide and she shoved the cloth into the water, feeling her eyes tear up a bit.

She really was going mad. She only had a few left, her mother, despite taking her time with each and every one… was also somehow much faster and was working through her second sack! So thankfully she only had a few left in this one and she’d be done!

But there was a problem. The next particular loincloth had a very large, sticky gob in it… It was yellowish white, and stuck to the cloth.

The water got on it, but only loosened it up slightly, but didn’t have a chance of pulling it off! She stared at it, glistening, her body quivering. Finally she reached down and peeled it up, a sticky glob of minotaur cock fluids. And then, acting on a disgusting instinct, she shoved it into her mouth. “Mmmm…” She licked her finger tip off, chewed a moment, then swallowed.

“Oh, that was a big one…” Her eyes popped open wide and she looked at her mother. The woman was giving her a serene smile. “Good job honey, but try to be a bit quicker now. We have to finish this then get to the

“Y-yes mother…” Said Mia in a very small voice. She was losing her mind. And her mother had long since lost hers. It was the only answer.

When they finished, the queen’s last step was to wash her face off, let out a small sigh that sounded more like disappointment than relief.. And magically reapply her makeup. As she looked up the princess noticed it looked.. .heavier now. Normally the queen’s only bit of makeup with a slight color to her lips, if even that was noticed. But now? The queens face appeared powered with red blushing cheeks, rouged quite expertly. Her full lips seemed even more so a dark red on them seemed to scream out sin. Her eyes had a shadow to them that almost made the elegant high elf queen seem villainish… but with the rest and her lack of dress, just came off whorish.

She smiled at her daughter, and led her out of the water. Their clothes were where they left them… only both dresses were covered in minotaur cum. Mia whimpered and felt that she might cry. The queen picked her dress up, and raised an eyebrow. “Those naughty boys…” Her tongue stuck out and she was tempted to taste some…. But they had things to do. She dropped the dress. “It’s no matter Mia, I have other clothes for us now.”

She seemed to produce, literally from magic, a pair of outfits folded up. She started to dress in hers and her daughter slowly followed.

“Mother! I can’t wear this?” Even though she’d already gotten dressed. It was a barmaid outfit. A tight laced up center held up by straps over frilly sleeves that didn’t quite cover the shoulders and didn’t make it to the elbow. But it didn’t cover the breasts in the least, in fact the outfits shoulder straps framed them to make them seem even larger! The bottoms weren’t any better, the skirts were stiff and stood almost completely out, leaving the area below completely on display!

The queen smirked at her. “You’d turn down your mother’s designed uniform? Oh, you wound me child… Now come, these are our uniforms for our next task. Follow me.” She walked off, ignoring any other complaints, and all the princess could do was struggle to chase after her. She attempted to hide her breasts, but could do little. Crass comments and wandering eyes followed them on their way.

“Oh you’re a damn sight Milly! Get anything tasty by the river?” It was common knowledge of just how thoroughly the queen cleaned the laundry. This comment was followed by an easy smack to the high queens bare ass. The woman’s stride didn’t even slow, and her gentle smile never left. Her daughter’s horrified gaze was glued to her mother, but did turn down to notice the red hand print clear across the woman’s plump cheeks.

Soon they came to one of the largest tents. This one was becoming semi permanent, they had installed wood flooring, and were eventually going to put up walls and a roof to form it into a great hall. Inside were rows of minotaur sized tables. It wasn’t completely full, but far from empty. And a round of cheers came up at the sight of the nude elves.

They marched through a gauntlet of horny bull men. Hands reaching out to slap, grope, and fondle their bodies. The Queen smiled at one and all, even while a minotaur managed to get a finger into her ass for a moment. Mia was in shock, and tears didn’t just well but began to fall at the corners of her eyes. She did her best to cover her breasts, but wandering hands constantly interfered. She was just a toy for them!

At the end of the room they found… another elf. This one had a smile on her perpetually reddened face, that matched her shoulder length copper red hair. Wearing almost the exact same outfit. Topless as well, but from the chest of it poured out her set of truly ludicrous mounds. Her breasts were even larger than the queens, they should have sagged horribly, but in a display of elven magic were impossibly perky. And dripping… thick white milk. It budded up from the swollen nipples, and ran down the smooth curve of her bust.

She smiled at them relieved. “Oh good, you’re here! The cohorts are coming in soon for lunch, and I’ll need more maids!” The queen nodded as if of course they were here to be… topless maids? Lunacy!

“Maids? Dressed like this? What are you talking about?” Asked Mia, still trying to cover her massive bust. The queen looked away, as if just a bit embarrassed about her dimwitted child.

“Aye, milk maids!” Said the still gratefully smiling Viola. She held up two items. A pair of collars, with golden bells hanging from them. Mia noticed she had a similar bell on her own. It wasn’t a round cat bell, it was narrow at the top, open at the bottom. A cow bell. Of course…

“I.. am not putting that on.” but her mother was already taking her own.

“Don’t be silly Mia, you have a job to do! A royal obligation!” She cinched the belt at the back of it, and then ran a finger over the bell. It rang once, and the magic began. The queens already immense endowment began to swell, and grow.

“By god’s mother, what have you done…?!” Mia asked in a hushed moan of shock. And as she stared, her mothers breast swelled up. Somehow… they still weren’t quite as big as Viola’s! But they were enormous! The queen sucked in air through her teeth, and grunted.

“Always so.. Tight.” She ran her fingers over her breasts, her eyes glazing over for a moment as she brushed her own nipples. Then she firmly gripped the ends of her breasts, that had both taken on almost torpedo like quality at the end, and squeezed. “Ahhhnnn…” She moaned low, and milk began to dribble out before the astonished princess’s eyes. She looked to Viola and realized the woman was gone.

“What?” Then the collar looped over her head, and was tied in place. “Ah! No! Viola, don’t!” The woman was behind her, and only now did Mia realize she could feel her fat tits against her back. Viola ignored her cries and flicked the bell around her friends neck. “Agh!” Mia cried out and felt the magic take hold

Her breasts grew. They swelled, expanded, and filled. “Oh gods, oh gods… what did you do to me?!” She moaned out. Her face screwed up and she felt the tightness her mother had mentioned. “MMmmmng! M-Mother! I don’t like this, they feel wrong…”

“Oh, anything but sweetheart. Breasts like ours were made for this work… Here, let mommy help.” The queen glanced at Viola and the two woman each took one massive breast. And with hands that were scarily well practiced they began to squeeze milk out. It was slow, then speeding up. And all wasted. Viola couldn’t stand it, lifted one fat udder up and latched on to drink.

“Mmmm!” Her eyes lit up around the nipple as she took a long draw. “Oh Princess, that is quality! It’s almost as good as the queens.” The High lady looked rather pleased by this news. But a moment later a great stomping and rustling distracted the three elven milk maids as more minotaurs began to fill the room. “Oh! We’re on Lady’s!” Viola grabbed the shaken princess and pulled her along.

She showed her the collection of tankards. “Fill these, then take them out! And be ready for calls of refills, these are thirsty boys!” She began to hand express herself into six separate tankards, all set with handles facing in. Some milk spilled out, or missed, all together. It was spraying from both tits and multiple flowing squirting milk ducts, but there was so much, impossibly, magically so! And she filled them all shockingly fast, then gripped up the tankards, three in each hand and went on her rounds. “Coming boy’s!” She called to loud rounds of cheers.

The queen began to squeeze milk as well, moving to the other side of the counter so everyone could watch her fat tits fill the cups. She enjoyed looking up, making eye contact with watching horny beast men, and letting her milk spray wildly. She was putting on a show and providing a service. What a queen!

Mia whimpered, but began to follow suit. Her milk flow was slow at first, she was nervous and scared. But it was also a bit painful being so full, so as she emptied them out the pleasure mounted. She knew was being watched. That even turned away her massive fat tits were visible from behind! And worse, bent over as she was her pathetically small skirt rose up to reveal her bare ass and pussy to all! OH god, her pussy was feeling wet! The smell of the room, the pleasure of milking herself, it felt good… and all those eyes on her.

Before she knew it, her tankards were full and she moved out. It started easily enough, she dropped them off to obviously grateful minotaurs. The men would take them and knock them back. Chugging down her bounty of milk. She actually found herself watching as one did. The white liquid spilling out around his lips to dribble down his muscular chest. She was red faced, and panting, just taking in the sight.

“I’m thirsty over here elf, get me a drink!” She jumped and ran back, chuckles trailing her. It took several minutes for the three milk maids to have a full tankard in every massive paw… And then the calls for refills started.

The queen responded to the closest. She sauntered over, and had her hands on her hips.”Thirsty boys?” The minotaur before her was one of the younger ones. He nodded rapidly, tongue lolling out as he stared at her pale tit flesh with hunger. But he held his tankard up for her. She started to squeeze. “Oh.. such hard work. Soldier, would you be willing to help squeeeeze it out for your queen?” She asked. The bulls nostrils flared and he actually dropped the tankard to grab both her tits and squeeze them ruthlessly. The queen moaned, and smiled. The mean nearby cheered the lad on. He opened his mouth to collect some of the milk. He was on the verge of latching on when another call for refill came. The queen somehow got free of his grip and went to continue her service. The poor bull realized his tankard was empty, more laughter was heard.

Viola was bent over, filling two mugs between a pair of minotaurs. She smiled back and forth to them, and knew her bare ass was exposed behind her. And they knew it too, as both of them reached over, the right slightly faster, and started to paw at her ass. Fingertips brushed her hole, and neared her pussy. She let out a moan, and the milk flow sped up! She stood up when it was done. “There you are boys! Enjoy!” And off went the happy elven cowgirl.

Mia had a rougher time with her first one. It was the same one who’d demanded his glass, and even with both her tits pointed at it she couldn’t squeeze out the milk fast enough! “Hurry up! Slowest cow I’ve ever seen! Maybe you’d enjoy it more if I planted you on my lap… see if I can’t squeeze it out myself…” She watched him stick his tongue out and she felt horror! Followed by the sensation of a large hand gripping her ass.

“Heh! I think she likes that idea!” She whipped her head around, and the minotaur fondling her ass pulled his hand back. But there was a glistening on some fingers. “Her cunt’s nice and wet!” And then he sucked the fingers. “Sweet as her milk!” She fled, and they laughed.

“Just keep working Mia! You’re here for a-a job.” She was miserable, tears starting to well up in her eyes. And the beasts got worse! They fondled her in passing, and some started to get their cocks out! She watched one take his just refilled tankard of her milk… and dump it on his hard cock and start to stroke it! She stared in horror, and he began to grunt. “Agh!” She turned her head, and cum launched out! It flew over here, eliciting a shout of outrage and laughter from elsewhere but much of it landed on her back and in her hair. She sobbed as she filled her next mug.

Across the way she heard a cheer, and looked over to see Viola with the mean bull from earlier. And she was taking his suggestion! The elf was standing on either side of the bench he was on, and squatting down! Mia watched in unbridled shock a woman she’d known her entire life took a massive minotaur cock into her pussy! The woman moan and squeezed her tits. Then the bull brushed her hands aside to do it himself! She moaned again! Wait.. no… it wasn’t a moan.

Viola panted, her hips and knees working as she rode the bulls cock. Her mouth opened up. “Mooo!” She cried out like the cow she was! Minotaurs roared their approval. She gasped out “Moo! Moo! MOOOO!” And as she came her milk gushed out, nearly a dozen tankards were extended to catch it! They all knew as sweet as these elf cows milk as, it was better when it came from a climaxing slutty one! A true delicacy of the elven kingdoms these slutty cows!

“Aaahnnnn, you’re thirsty too cow? Oh hell yes!” Mia’s head turned and she saw something impossible. Her mother. The high lady and queen of the elves. Was squatting down, and sucking on a minotaurs fat cock. Her oversized tits dribbled milk, which she squeezed out with one hand to spray onto his cock and balls. And then licked it all off with her tongue!

“M-Mother?!” But she was distracted by a bullman yanking her over.

“Fill my cup bitch!” and she struggled to do so with red tear filled eyes. The princess was breaking down. And even as she squeezed one of her tits, the waves of pleasure from the act filling her, she felt her ‘customer’ fondle her soft bubble butt and whimpered. “Not having fun? Heh, you elves are all just a bunch of little sluts, don’t try to hide it! You love getting used by real men…” He leered at her and snatched up his tankard, half full. Chugging it down even as it spilled the excess down his chest.

She swallowed hard, and wanted to just run away, but the milk kept dribbling down. His muscular chest and stomach, till it hit his crotch. And there, the semi hard cock of the vile bullman. She was panting, breathing hard through her bared teeth. Trying to control her emotions, and failing. In the distance she heard the moan of Viola orgasming, a cheer from the minotaurs that had crowded around her as her milk seemed to explode out even stronger.

They were both enjoying themselves. Her mother seemed to love the attention of these monsters. And had dragged along poor Viola and who knew how many other noble ladies to be play toys! But the play toy in question was gasping and panting in ecstasy as her insides were filled. The woman had only recently given birth to one of the few rare elven children. It was her natural lactation that had given the queen the idea to put her to work, and to even join in from time to time. Now her womb was reserved for nasty minotaur cock only… and that thought sent a nasty jolt through Mia’s brain.

She was panting, she realized. Standing there with her arms at her sides. Milk spilled from the tankard in her left hand, and dripped freely from her swollen tits. The noise of the thirsty rowdy monsters, and the two elven sluts servicing them was all she could hear. And all she could see, was the massive flared cock before her.

“Oh? Ready to get a treat of your own little cow? Heh, good! Go on ‘Princess’ get yourself a taste.” The minotaur who’d been speaking to her rose to his hooves, his fat cock looming over her, and bringing the flared tip of his cock nearly level with her face. Not thinking, her hands moved up. Fingers wrapping around the throbbing shaft.

Her fingers moved with an odd sense of familiarity as she squeezed, and started to stroke. Her head tilted back and the beast, tall among his kind, the head of his cock was higher than her head. She stroked, squeezed, and with a grunt dragged her stiff fingers up it. The beast let out a grunt, and she smelled it first. The nasty musky scent oozing from the wet hole in the middle of its cock head increased. And then she saw it, gooey precum and other fluids beginning to well up at the tip. Pushed up by her working hands, as it came into sight the princess whimpered like the hungry bitch she was. And then the glob of cum pushed out and began to dribble down towards her open mouth.

She caught it. The nasty thick sludge pushed up from the monsters fat balls fell into her waiting maw. “MMMmmmm!” She closed her lips, not caring as the tail end of the globb dribbled onto her full lips. She tasted the thick goo. It was like this morning at the river, but so much warmer… Fresher. She swallowed, and opened her mouth for more. The monster decided to help there. He pushed his cock down, and she opened her mouth.

He was on the verge of mocking her about probably not being able to fit it in her mouth when the princess surprised him by eagerly wrapping her lips around the wide tip and began to suck and lick. The minotaur groaned, and cheers we’re heard. She sucked and slurped and felt hands groping at her tits. Her milk squirted out onto the minotaurs balls and legs, it just made her want to follow her mothers example. She pulled off his cock head and dived into his hanging sack.

“MMmmph! MMMPHH!” She lapped and licked at his sack, her face covered in minotaur musk as the princess slurped and sucked at his disgusting testicles. The minotaur was too turned on, and surprised himself again, with his lack of control. It was too damn hot! He was stroking as she licked his balls and with a groan he began to cum. It spurted out and up before falling onto her, soaking her hair. She shuddered at the feeling, and the suddenly sharp rancid smell of fresh minotaur cum. Not thinking about it, the princess cocked her head back, and as the cum rained down it splashed onto her face, and directly into her open mouth. Hot, thick, stinky minotaur cum for the discombobulated princess. It was nauseating, a stinking mess piled onto her face and hair.

The princess stood there in a daze for several moments. Not caring as one beast squeezed her ass, and the one that had enjoyed her mouth sat back down to be replaced. She opened her eyes and only saw one more fat cock. “You… sicken me, you horrid abominations.” She said the words in a daze, but the member was inches from her face, and her hands were already moving to start stroking it. The minotaur chuckled, enjoying her defiant tone and how it conflicted with her action. Another cock was pushed close, and she used both hands to struggle to stroke the two cocks.

“Repulsive brutes!” She growled before her head darted over to lick at one flared cock head. The other minotaur grunted and thrust his hips, his cock sliding wetly between her fingers. She pulled away from the first. “Rude creature! Can’t wait your turn!” But she gave in and put her lips around it, just like her mother. Then a third minotaur came from behind, and its cock was pushed between her legs. Her eyes were wide, and fear pulsed through her for a moment. But the minotaur didn’t try to put it in, instead it used her thick thighs as a source of pleasure rather than trying to find her sopping wet pussy. The princess grunted as the thick shaft ground between her thighs, and her pussy glazed it coming and going. The first minotaur grunted, and she began to lick and suck at the head, and in moments he came. She turned her face with a gasp, and jellied bull cum covered the left side of her face, soaked her hair, and ran down to her milky tits.

The second beast just reached out and grabbed her head, unwilling to wait. Her eyes were wild as she tried to fight back. “What are you doing! Let go you disgustin-GURK!” Her mouth was filled with cock, and all she could do was struggle to breath as one beast came hard between her thighs, jizm splashing on the floor, and moments later so did the one in her mouth.

She moaned around the cock as it pumped bull goo down her throat, filling her belly. She had the most frightening feeling, that this was not her first time in such an experience. But that was impossible? Wasn’t it? As it pulled back, just the head in her mouth, the last thick spurt of bull cum filled her mouth. It was the worst. Coming from an incredibly verile creature that had been working hard, just a bit dehydrated before. Its cum was more like a jam than a jelly with condensed chunks that she could actually chew on. It made her feel so lightheaded, and with great effort she swallowed. Afterwards the princess’s mouth hung open panting, jizz and drool running down her chin.

The two beasts pulled away after giving it to her good, another couple came closer, but a voice stopped them. “Stand down gentleman, my dear daughter needs a small break… “ There was the queen. Her milk maid outfit had been soaked in cum and… other fluids. It was a disgusting mess, and her face and fat tits glistened with cum. She seemed not to mind in the least. “Come dear…” The woman wasn’t as patient as she normally was, knowing her daughter had been close, but had finally broken in the desired way.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/lh7uiu/minotaurs_get_the_royal_treatment_part_1_elves

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