[FM] The time I pulled a train at a party of strangers.

**TLDR: A guy at a party leaves me unsatisfied, so I find my satisfaction elsewhere**

***Cross posted from sexconfessions, somebody suggested you guys might like it?***

So, after my last post, ***go look it up if you want, seriously, validate my slutty behaviour, I thrive on attention,*** several people have asked me to tell the story of how I pulled a train at a party. Well sit back dear readers, and prepare for acts of depravity you’ve never heard the like of before!

It started in my first year of university. I was a fresh faced little 19 year old baby slut, enjoying my first taste of freedom and promiscuity. Unfortunately, my best friend who I’d known since I was three didn’t go to my university. She went to one across the county, the bitch! ***Ash, if you’re reading this, firstly, how did you find this account, secondly, I love you really and you know I do.***

Anyway, since we weren’t used to being apart, we arranged to visit each other regularly, usually twice a month, on the weekend, alternating who would visit who. This weekend it was my turn to visit her. I catch the train to her, ready for a weekend of chilling with my best friend. She didn’t tell me until I got there that she, and therefore I, had been invited to a house party. Fortunately for me, me and her share the same build and share clothes all the time, otherwise I’d have been attending the party in a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie.

We get there after midnight, pre drinking heavily with her flatmates, and that’s a story for a different time. The party is already going, music loud, and hallways cramped. The house was a decent size, but unlike now, social distancing was not a consideration, ***fuck you Covid, you really put a cramp on my slutty ways.***

When we started dancing, I swear we were touching at least 3 people at a time, you know the crowded sort of atmosphere. It doesn’t take long before I’m find myself getting grinded on. Looking around, I see a relatively attractive guy, nothing special, but through my beer goggles, he’d do. I start grinding back and we have a great time.

Turns out that he’s one of the guys that lives in the house, and he wants me to come upstairs, “to get some air”. Nice excuse, but we both know what’s happening when you get me upstairs. I’m down, let’s go!

We get upstairs and he’s all over me before the door is even closed. Kissing my neck, nibbling my ear lobe, and abra kadabra, your sluttly little narrator of this sordid tale is wetter than Niagra Falls after a monsoon. I’m on my knees without him even asking.

From what I remember, his cock wasn’t anything to write home about, but it would get the job done, I’m talking maybe 6 inches and a decent girth? Whatever, easier to deepthroat, so it’s all good to me. I go to town on him, showing off all my skills, ***honestly by this point, my skills were amateurish at best, but enthusiasm counts, am I right guys?***

Unfortunately for me, I may have been a little too enthusiastic, because by the time we got to the main event, he didn’t exactly last as long as I’d like. Maybe three minutes of heavy pounding in doggy style with him being **very** loud, before he’s filling the condom up ***sorry guys, this little slut takes protection seriously.***

Fortunately for me however, him being loud may have attracted some attention, as when he went to the bathroom to wash up, and I’m left there feeling hard done by, someone else pokes their head into the room. It was dark, so forgive me for not remembering much about him, but I remember he was tall, and, well, sue me, I’ve got a weakness for the tall ones.

One thing leads to another and I’ve got another notch on my belt for the night. This one was better, and I actually got to cum this time! I think that guy number one got a little pissed off at me screwing another guy in his bed, because he sent a couple of guys up to wait outside the room. More fool him, because he underestimated this little slut, and he clearly thought a lot of himself because he had a big box of condoms just waiting to be used, not by him though.

I only take one at a time, and I find out from Ash later that there was actually a queue outside the room. She actually sent one or two guys my way, according to her, but I’m not too sure if that’s true.

All in all, I remember at least seven guys that visited me that night, though there may have been more. The occupational hazards of being an unrepentant slut I guess.

Anyway, that’s my story guys, please let me know if you liked it, comments and PMs/chats are welcome. If I put too much detail or build up in, let me know and I’ll cut it down for the next one, and there will be a next one, I enjoyed writing this too much to stop now!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhunvc/fm_the_time_i_pulled_a_train_at_a_party_of


  1. So when you say you have a soft spot for tall guys does 6’6″ meet the mark or are we talking NBA tall?

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