Disabled guy here (33m). My friend-with-benefits (24f) said, “During sex you always seem like you’re having so much fun! [MF]

I (33m) am a disabled guy with Cerebral Palsy but I never let anything stop me! I have a sky-high sex drive and no refractory period.

Me and my friend-with-benefits (24f) have slept together a lot but after our latest session she said, “I hope you won’t mind me saying this, but there’s something about you that’s so unlike any other guy I’ve slept with. During sex you always seem like you’re having so much fun! Your enthusiasm is joyous! I’ve seen other guys get excited, of course, but in a different way. It’s hard to explain. It’s like you’re having just the best time ever – like you’re experiencing everything for the first time, every time. It’s really hot and really wholesome at the same time! Are you like that with other girls?”

I admitted to her that yes I am! For me sex is always a celebration.

I will never forget this compliment as long as I live – it’s made me so happy!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhi3bw/disabled_guy_here_33m_my_friendwithbenefits_24f


  1. Yes! Recently became disabled and sex/sexual expression has taken on a whole new meaning.

  2. This is so sweet and wholesome. Glad you’re out there living your best life and enjoying sex! I think a lot of people get so caught up in their expectations of what sex ought to be that they forget to live in the moment and just enjoy it while it’s happening.

  3. You’re one lucky guy to be having constant sex with a sexy young girl whenever you want. Keep it up … pun intended !!!!!!!!

  4. Interesting, my first wife and I lived next door to a young man, (35) that had his legs so badly damaged in a car accident that he used crutches but usually a wheelchair. He had other complications, like one lung and some other concerns.

    My wife was a Masseuse and worked in a spa, (legitimate stuff) and she felt sorry for the guy so she gave him a free massage a couple of times a month. She told me he was very grateful and very nice, well mannered, but he always got enormous erections which she could tell from the way the sheet tented up.

    So I told her to help him out, only half kidding, so she did. He must have been grateful because he passed away in his sleep about three years later, and in his will he left my wife his house!

    We really didn’t expect that. His sister did sue over that but lost in court.

  5. This is so wholesome! I’ve been given the exact same compliment and it really does feel amazing! Sex is fun and should be for everyone!!

  6. If only we had more content like this here.
    Beautiful story, hope you enjoy it like this everyday in life man. ?

  7. you: “no refractory period”
    me: *cries on antidepressants*

    But fr dude, happy for you

  8. As a guy with CP who is 25 and has never gotten laid who is always horny, I’m so jealous of you

  9. I’m so glad you don’t let yourself be held down by life! I hope you have many years of fun to come. Stay safe.

  10. Your username reminds me of that Rick & Morty episode where he gets it on with Unity.

    That said, congratulations on finding your groove. It’s totally evident when someone is in to something. That enthusiasm is a bridge for others to share in the moment.

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