Cheating with my Girlfriend’s Best Friend [FM]

Christmas Night Fun [M24/F24]

I [M24] have been going over this multiple times before posting it. I understand the moral concerns that come with the story but please refrain from discussing your opinions with me regarding the matter.

Despite not being raised Christian, Christmas is usually a very big deal for me. Not only is it my favourite holiday, but also I love the festivities that come along with it. The decorations, the tree, exchanging presents and most importantly sharing a meal with family. Since COVID had claimed everyone’s Christmas plans, it was sad to see that I would be missing out on the usual festivities this year (2020). So I decided to invite my girlfriend (Sam) and her best friend (Mandy) over to my place and try to make lemonade out of the situation.

The meal was sumptuous. I was pleasantly surprised how much cooking I’d picked up watching my family on Christmas day. As we ate, we put on the TV (weird trivia about myself, but I cannot eat without any background noise), and turned on the Office. Sam [F23] wasn’t a huge fan so she concentrated on her food, but Mandy [F24] and I were able to bond over the show. Just like myself, it was her favourite sitcom. Sam didn’t seem to mind and she often encouraged me to be close to her friends. It had not been the easiest few month’s for us, but even through the rocky roads, we somehow made it through.

Afterwards, all of us rounded around the good ol’ bong, taking a few hits. Well-fed and nicely buzzed, the atmosphere was definitely nice throughout the apartment. Being a musician part-time, I offered to play a song on my keyboard. I’ve been often told that I am a good singer, so I deliberately chose a rather difficult song to play and sing at the same time, but I knew that my girlfriend enjoyed it (Gotta Be You by Isiah Firebrace).
As I was singing, I could see Mandy eyeing me, and this was the first time it felt different. I had never really checked her out before. She had a pretty face, and a curvy body. But the best part was her nice, round butt. From previous conversations, I knew she was sexually deviant. In comparison, my girl and I barely had sex at the time. She saw that I caught her looking at me, and just gave me a smile. I thought I was imagining it, and told myself to cut it out.

We decided to go to the balcony and pass a joint around while gazing upon the sceneries of Midtown Toronto, before retiring to the bedroom to watch TV there (Mandy’s idea). At the time, it seemed innocent as the bedroom TV was larger and the bed was comfier than the couch. Everyone changed into my t-shirts before lying down as we just wanted to relax after the wholesome meal. My girlfriend sat in the middle as we continued watching the office. Within a half-hour, I dozed off.

I woke up to see Sam getting up and going outside to the bathroom. I felt uncomfortable at the thought of being alone with Mandy but I was too lazy to get up. Instead I turned towards the wall, and tried to go back to sleep. I felt a hand touch my back and I just assumed it was my girlfriend.

[Sexy Part starts here]

Another hour later, I woke up feeling extremely hot. I felt a tug on my arm so I turned around and saw Mandy in the middle, with her back towards me. Sam lay in the corner, snoring lightly. I asked Mandy, “what’s up?”, and she shushed me. She was holding my hand and she guided it to wrap around her waist. I turned and rested my arm on her waist and realized she was slowly backing into me, as quietly as possible. At this moment, the hormones started taking over. I realized where this was headed, and it seemed like so did my penis. She started grinding her ass onto my dick and I went along with it.

She reached back and slid her hands inside my waistband and started rubbing my dick. I was on cloud 9. 6 months of not having sex definitely took a toll on me. I was hornier beyond my known ability. My hands wandered and unclasped her bra as I started playing with her nipples. She slowly brought down her trousers, and rubbing my penis along her pussy. This went on for 5-7 minutes before I started putting it inside her. She was so tight, yet so wet at the same time. And her pussy felt so good. I slowly thrusted inside her for about 15-20 minutes, intermittently checking to see if my girlfriend was sleeping. Thank god she was a deep sleeper for she didnt have a clue.

I said, “I’m gonna cum” and I heard “cum inside me”, in the softest of moans. As I was cumming, the guilt started creeping in. I had done something that I never thought I would do.

Even though I had the hottest experiences in my life, I was deeply ashamed of myself. Mandy seemed to realize what was going on in my head so she turned to me and said, “dont worry, you won’t feel guilty after what I’ll tell you”.

This was a start of a beautiful friendship between Mandy and myself along with many adventures in the last two months. If you like this one, I’ll be happy to share more.

[tl/dr: fucked my girlfriend’s best friend after christmas dinner]



  1. Need to find out what she had to tell you. If there’s more to the story we will need the rest of it.

  2. Being in a sexless relationship is awful. Especially at your age.

    Take it from a guy who wasted six years in a relationship that was completely unfulfilling: GTFO now.

  3. Very hot with the sneaky fuck and her encouragement to cum inside her! The best sex of my life involved sleeping with a friend right before i got married. The guilt also hit me before my orgasm stopped.

    Gonna read part 2 now :)

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