Hey, so this is a story about my ex, er dated for about 2 years, and where friends some time before we startes dating. At the time when this story takes place i was 26 and she was 25. Im skinny, fit and arrogant, earn good money and have a nice apartment. My ex gf was a blonde, blue eyed bimbo bbw. Great big ass, and a plump/thick body.
So life was great, we had a fun time living togheter, it was love, but a dead bedroom. I think we had sex 3 times all togheter that year she was living with me. So not all sunshine and rainbows i guess. One day we dere getting ready for a party at our place, she was slow on getting ready, just walking around in her thong, so small that her ass just ate her thong.
I were so horny when the party was about to start, she always did this. After some time guests started coming and filling up The apartment quick, the party factor were of the roof. I started hitting it off with a girl from my gf’s job, her name was sophia, we sat and flirted a bit and the tension were building. I could see my gf watching jealously. I liked it. Time went on as i kept talking with her and my gf were nowhere to be seen, did not see her for hours.
Suddenly my gf came in speeding from the side, grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear “im so horny” yes finally went through my mind. We went in to our bedroom, she pushed me down on the bed and her big ass sat down on my face. She was soaking wet, tasting very differently. It was cum. My gf laughed and said “yes that is tim’s cum, and he was way bigger!” She laughed on as i kept licking her. After a few minutes she stood up and said “we are so over, and dont you dare talking to Sophie, im telling her what just happend”
Night got weirder, and the next morning was weird.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lhgcpf/27_m_the_soaked_ending_of_a_relationship