True Story of a workplace adventure (Part3)

Part 2 is here – this part gets a bit more graphic


I sat in the hotel room for about 10 minutes before I heard the buzz of the electronic lock and the clunk of the lock itself opening. She walked in, and quietly closed the door behind her. She stood with her back against it, in the nearly black room, lit only from the bit of moonlight that could penetrate the sheer curtains. I went to her and leaned in, so that my lips were nearly touching hers. I asked “Did you enjoy the gift?”

“Yes.” she said

“And what do you say when I give you a gift? I asked back

“Thank you for my gift.”

“Good. But why are you still wearing them?”

She pulled both of the hip bands down, inverting them as they got lowered, the nub escaping last… until they hit the floor.

“It’s not polite to leave a gift I picked out just for you on the floor, is it?”

She squatted down and picked them up, murmuring “no it’s not, I’m sorry” along the way.

“Tell me” I whispered, practically into her mouth “how wet are you?”

“Very wet” she said, leaning her head back, hoping for just a hint of contact between our lips.

I took the underwear from her hand and held that nub up between our mouths and told her to taste it with me. We both used our tongues on either side of it, the taste of the black plastic coated in her juices was something I will never forget.

I pulled it away from her tongue and put it on mouth to suck it dry. All at once, I once threw it to the floor, grabbed the back of her head and kissed her, hard and deep. I pressed my body against hers, which pushed her back against the door. My tongue in her mouth, hers in mine, exploring… I gave pulled my head back a touch, and caught the tip of her tongue between my front teeth, just barely hard enough to keep it still. She stepped forward into me more, feeling my body against hers. I put my right hand around her throat and pinned her to the door.

I stepped back just a bit and asked her “what do you want me to do”

She said “anything you want”

I made my way to the chair by the window, removed my jacket and loosened my tie. She followed me over and waited for my next request.

I told her to get her clothes off and kneel on the arms of the chair. She unbuttoned her blouse and threw it on the bed, never looking into my eyes. She took off her bra and slid her skirt off. “The shoes stay on” I told her.

She climbed up on the arms of the chair, fully naked with heels on, her clean, shaved pussy right in front of me, soaking wet, throbbing and aching…nipples were hard and pointed… I slid down, lowering myself and started to eat her, alternating between her clit and inserting my tongue into her. She was instantly pulling at the back of my head grinding her hips. I held onto her ass to help with her balance. My face was soaked already and she was moaning so hard I’m sure other people heard it. I move my hands to her back and stood up, lifting her onto my shoulders, facing me…she braced her self by putting her hands on the ceiling while we continued. I moved her to the bed and slid her down my body, licking her nipples as the passed my mouth.

I sat her on the bed and pulled off my tie and had her put her hands behind her back. She was red and her hair was a mess, and she was sweating and shaking, covered in goosebumps. I tied her hands and told her to kneel on the floor.

I asked again “what do you want me to do”

Between her breaths she again said “anything you want”

I unzipped my pants and took my cock out…she opened her mouth and I told her to close her eyes.

I stroked it, just past her reach so that she could hear it, feel the air coming off my hand…but not have it.

I sat back down in the chair, and told her to stand and walk to me backwards. She did…and was then straddling me, facing away from me with her hands behind her back. “Lower” I said. She lowered herself until the head of my cock was just inside her pussy but not really penetrating it. I grabbed the base with one hand and stroked it a little, with my head just inside…then pushed it forward and pulled back against her clit. She moaned again and started to lower herself more, but I put a hand on her back so she would stop. I rubbed her with my head like this until she was about to cum, and when she took that tell tale deep inhale and held it, I knew she was about to, so I pulled her down so I would be deep inside her…I could feel her getting tighter around me in waves as she did…grinding her hips again, leaning forward a bit and bouncing on me,until she let out a scream and dug her nails into her palms. Her body went limp, she fell back against my chest and just panted for a few moments.

“You did well” I told her.



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