True story of a a workplace adventure

She was a bit of a submissive, nothing humiliating or violent, but being told what to do in a stern voice – or a close whisper – turned her on. I learned this about her before I knew much else about her.

We were both low level managers in the same department sitting together in a staff meeting when one of our peers – a large man with 10 more years experience than I – was giving me a hard time about a decision I had made. When he got a bit loud and leaned over the table to make whatever his point was I sat back in my chair and said very softly “you’re going to back up and soften your tone or you and I are going to have a serious problem.” Our eyes were locked and stayed that way until he glanced down at the table, loosened his posture and backed off. At that moment I could see from the corner of my eye, her head fall back just a bit, a quick bite on her lip, and her knees press together while she shifted her weight in her chair.

I had seen other glimpses of it here and there and liked to experiment with it. It was a fun and playful way to get through some rough days. I would call her into my office for some random conversation about a budget or headcount, and when she came in, I would have her close the door and sit in the chair across from my desk, but I wouldn’t speak for a few seconds just to see if she’d react. Sometimes I’d get that little squirm, sometimes half a smile, sometimes both.

Over the next couple of weeks, I gradually stepped up the playfulness. I would go to her office and stand behind her to point something out on her monitor, getting a little too close, speaking a little too softly, letting her feel my breath on her ear or neck. Then I’d just leave. And wait. Sometimes she’d stand near me in the cafeteria line, or in the elevator and pretend to reach for something so that her chest would graze the back of my arm. No matter what the situation was, I always made sure to either hold the eye contact or completely ignore her – sometimes I’d give her a fleeting half smile, and sometimes a disappointed glare. She never knew what she was going to get, if anything, and it made her a little anxious, a little nervous, and a little aroused.

By the luck of the drawl, our teams were merged and I was asked to manage both groups but had to move 3 headcount to another team or terminate them. We found out at an 8 AM meeting, and at 3 PM I rang her line and said that we should get together and figure out what the new team would look like. She was at my door in no time flat. Her long brown hair was down, pulled to the side over one shoulder, glasses on top of her head. She had light brown eyes and tan skin, and was wearing a black jacket, a thin cream colored blouse, pleated black knee length skirt and short black boots. As usual, she had a manila folder tucked under her arm and a leather binder with a pen clipped to the spine.

“Come in, let’s talk about this” I said.

She was leaning against the door-frame and replied back to me “I thought you would call sooner.”

I didn’t respond in any way for a few seconds.

The awkward silence caused her to adjust her body and stand up straight, dead center of the doorway.

“Close the door and sit”

She did.

Over the course of the next 45 minutes we talked about the people on the team and how we were going to handle it. Once we got through that I walked to her chair and stood next to it. “You did well, thank you” I gave her shoulder a fairly firm squeeze and told her she was free to go.

“That’s it? You don’t need anything else?” she asked

“No” I told her and guided her to her feet.

As she rose I rolled the dice and asked “were you expecting me to tell you that you suck at your job and would need to work on some special projects to keep it?”

She looked somewhere between the floor and my hips and said, very softly “I don’t know what to expect or what you want, so maybe?”

I motioned to the door and she headed towards it. I stopped her just before she touched the handle. I approached her from behind and she froze.

“Pull your hair to one side”

She did, still facing the door.

I put my lips just next to her ear. “Lock it”

She reached up and locked the door…I could see the goosebumps on her neck.

“You have 6 minutes to impress me.”

Without turning around she reached backwards to grab my crotch, but I caught her wrist before she made contact.


She was clearly confused, and I could feel her breathing getting shallower.

In another soft whisper I asked “are you turned on right now?

She murmured “m hm”

“Do better” I insisted.

“I’m wet?” she whispered back, seeking my approval. She recognized the inadequacy of her tone and corrected herself “Sorry, I mean I’m wet.” Another pause “For you.”

“Show me, give me a taste, right now.”

She reached her right hand into the front of her skirt and slid them down the front of her panties. I knew the instant she penetrated herself because she inhaled deeply and held her breath.

“Keep going, I told her.”

She continued to finger herself, with her back to me and my hands on her shoulders, until I told her to stop.

She lifted her hand over her shoulder and offered it to me.

“I can’t taste it from there” I told her.

She reached further back and put her wet finger into my mouth and she exhaled hard as we made contact.

“That was better but I need more, right now.”

She started to put her hand back into her panties, but I told her “not with your hand, with mine.” I walked back to the chair she had been sitting in, and sat down.

She followed me over and just before she reached me, she pulled her panties down and kicked them under my desk. She straddled my extended hand, holding my arm with one hand and putting her other hand under mine.

She pushed her middle finger up against mine and together our fingers entered her. She was so warm and wet, her eyes rolled back into her head and her back arched…she moved her hips in a small circular motion until she was so close she couldn’t breathe.

Then I pulled my hand away and said “that was your 6 minutes. I may let you try again tomorrow.” I stood up, stepped around here, pulled her panties from the floor and put them on the chair and went back to my desk.

“I said, I may let you try again tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do better.”



  1. i liked this a lot. i liked the whole six minutes to show yourself scenario, might have to borrow that. but i really liked it a lot. i most definitely came back to read part 2.

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